Last Updated 1/19/2025 at 3 P.M.

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ID Effect Date Discovered Discovered By
1 3 little pigs: I will huff, and I will puff, and I will blow your house: Down (or) In
2 3 musketeers (candy bar): It use to be sold in a box with three different flavors (Vanilla, strawberry and chocolate) (or) This never happen nor was remembered.
3 3 Stooges (T.V. Show) : Curly (or) Curley
4 3 Stooges T.V. Show): How many stooges played the parts over the Course of the show (1922-1970)? 3 (or) 5 (or) 6 (or) 8
5 7-up (or) 7Oup Hyphen (Circle as a Hyphen)
6 7-11 (or) 7-ELEVEN
7 7th Heaven (T.V. Show): Cancelled due to WB having lost money making the show when it changed to the CW network. (or) Finish their season and never was cancelled (or) cost the network to much money to make the show.
8 7th Heaven theme (T.V. Show): 7th Heaven; When I see their happy faces smiling back at me; 7th Heaven; ____ know there's no greater feeling than the love of a family;  You (or) I
9 8 Simple rules (or) 8 Simple rules for dating my teenage daughter.
10 9.11 (or) 9/11 (half changer)
11 9/11:  American Airlines Flight 11 and United Airlines Flight 175, hit the towers (or) Both from American airlines
12 9/11: Black smoke came from the towers (or) Grey smoke came from the towers
13 9/11: Clean up took 3-5 months (or) 8-10 months (or) over a year (or) 2 years+
14 9/11: Dates are remembered to be on different dates or year such as it happened in 1999, 9/10/01, 9/11/04 (note the 1999 one may be a memory people in another universe had of the sears tower blowing up {see Towers}
15 9/11: Death count: Nearly 3,000 (or) Over 3,000
16 9/11: Dragon Ball Z memory. For some reason many people remembered during the 9/11 attacks they were watching Dragon Ball Z. They remembered being upset about the show being interrupted by the news. This would have aired during WB's morning cartoons. WB did not quit making WB cartoons until 2002. So it all fits. The WB said they never aired Dragon Ball Z. that morning. Most WB networks also did not air news as ABC, CBS, FOX and NBC did.
17 9/11: Dusty lady photo. No one remembered this and now it is out everywhere.
18 9/11: Explosion after plane 2 hit the tower was: A big explosion (or) Smaller explosion.
19 9/11: Face in the smoke was: Osama bin Laden's face (or) Satan's Face (or) other evil face
20 9/11: Flight 23 (5th plane) was hijacked by terrorists but stopped before the plane ever took off. The airport went on lock down and they were caught. (or) no 5th plane (why have we never heard of it?)
21 9/11: Flight 93 crashed in a Pennsylvania field (or) near/at Camp David
22 9/11: Flight 93 Target was known (or) not known
23 9/11: Flight 93 witness: Was in the house and ran out to see the plane upside down (or) was in a helicopter getting ready to land when they saw the plane upside down
24 9/11: How many Buildings collapsed?  3: World trade center 1, 2 and 7 (or) 7: World Trade Center 1, 2, 7 and St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church, Marriott World Trade Center (Marriott Hotel 3 WTC), South Plaza (4 WTC), and U.S. Customs (6 WTC)
25 9/11 Hurricane: History now tells us that a hurricane was heading towards Manhattan on 9/11. Most remembered a sunny day.
26 Forrest Gump says "Life is like a box of chocolates". New timeline: he says "was" like a box of chocolates.
27 The 9/11 Memorial in New Jersey stands tall as walls on each side of the road: People do not remember this being there. Was it made in 2011 (or) never there.
28 9/11 Muslims cheer on T.V. after attacks (or) No Muslims were cheering on T.V.
29 9/11 never happened in some timelines. Some people report having no idea about those events.
30 9/11: Osama bin Laden denied having anything to do with 9/11 in October 2001 (or) denied having anything to do with 9/11 after 2002
31 9/11: Pentagon collapsed (or) Not collapsed (parts of 5 stories is now reported to have collapse)
32 9/11: Pentagon Death count: 0 (or) Few (or) Hundred 33) 9/11: Pentagon: Hit in middle of building (or) more towards the top
33 In the 1989 movie "Field of Dreams", the voice in the sky says "If you build it, HE will come" (Should be THEY)
34 9/11: Pentagon: Spot that was said to be hit was: Open to the public (or) Closed for remodeling?
35 9/11 Planes: How many planes were hijacked? 4 (or) 5 (or) 6 (or) 8.  The story told us 6. Two hit the targets of tower 1, and tower 2, They then said 1 hit the pentagon, and one crashed in a field after an attempt to hit the white house. The other 2 were (at first) Reported to have been shot down, (but later) they never really said what happened. Many remember the "shot down planes" Cover up and the conspiracy that followed. The shot down planes no longer exist. (or) 8 planes target 8 areas as 3 made a hit 1 crashed in a field and the rest caught beore take off (or) 5 planes, 3 making contact , 1 crashed and 1 caught before take off (or) 4 planes, 3 making contact and 1 crashed.
36 9/11: State department had a car bombing (or) No car bombing?
37 9/11: Time first plane hit: 8:46 (or) 8:30ish?
38 9/11: Tower 1 hit in the middle (or) at the top?
39 9/11: Tower 1: People saw the first plane hit the tower on T.V. (or) Did not see the first plane hit the tower on T.V. (People have the memory of watching the first plane hit the tower, and watching this on T.V. However, All the news responded after the first plane hit. The only footage was someone who was filming a documentary and just happened to catch the first plane. This footage was not released until the next day.  The next few years replayed the footage as it happened.  President George W. Bush even said that he saw the first plane hit on T.V.)
40 9/11: Tower 7 collapse at what time? Day (or) Night?
41 9/11: website: (or)
42 11/12/01 Terrorist attack after 9/11 where a 587 crashed in Queens NY. (or) This event never happened.
43 11/22/63 (movie) the number 6 is colored different than other numbers (or) same?
44 14 words: We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children (or) We must secure the existence of our people for a future of white children
45 19 kids and counting (or) 20 Kids and counting (or) 21 kids and counting (or) Duggar
46 20th Century Fox (or) 20th Century Fox Television?
47 20th Century Fox ``Century" Is pushed down more. The bottom letters are cut off.
48 20th Century Fox: "Fox" Pushed down more. The bottom letters are cut off, and the "F" does not look like a F.
49 20 Century Fox "T" on the "th" Is cut off on one side.
50 20 century Fox: Lights used to move back and forth all the way, and now it is more different, and only goes half way.
51 24 (T.V. Series) Did Miguel lose both of his legs (or) did he lose his left leg (or) his right leg?
52 54 (or) Studio 54?
53 97.3 (Radio Station Peoria, IL United States) River Country (or) NASH FM (reported to change often)
54 100 grand bar (or) 1000 grand bar?
55 101 Dalmatians Movie: Cruella Deville (or) De Vil?
56 101 Dalmatians Cruella De Vil coat: Spotted with black and white dots (or) yellow coat (or) Black and white stripes (or) white (or) Tan
57 101 Dalmatians Movie: Cruella De Vil hair: Black (left) White (right) (or) Black (right) White (left)
58 666: Brand name of medication that we are told that exists and has for a long time. Why is this the first we see of it?
59 1408 (movie) He thought he had escaped the room, The room spins around as rain falls from the ceiling. He then screams "I was out, I was out, I was outtt" (or) Back in the room, looks confused. says "i was out"
60 1984 (movie) Julia was not an agent for big brother (or) she was an agent for big brother
61 The 1885 Chicago Cholera Epidemic was devastating (or) 1885 Chicago Cholera Epidemic didn't happen.
62 1918 flu outbreak in the United States kills 50 million people (or) Never happen.
63 1943 Rosie poster flexing her muscles.. smiling (or) frowning.
64 1965 blackout: Caused many babies 9 months later as the 30 million without electricity had many who took advantage of the darkness to enjoy a few things (or) Fewer babies were born at that time than any time in the year before or after.
65 2012 (year) is the belief the world ended, and we shifted into another Parallel Universe that was not destroyed.
66 10,000 Maniacs (band): Because the night belongs to lawyers, because the night belongs to law (or) Because the night belongs to lovers, because the night belongs to love.
67 10,000 steps per day came from a marketing gimmick (or) science.
68 a (or) ɑ (seems as the "a" is now replacing the "ɑ". Why have two lowercase letters for "A"? They say they have different meanings but are both used the same way.)
69 A&E (T.V. Station) Logo: A&E (or) & overlapping both the "A" and the "E" (also) 1984 and 1985 logo not remembered.
70 AMC (tv channel): aMC (a is lowercase while the remaining letters are uppercase, and in other logos the A is cut off).
71 A-team van: Black with red stripe (or) Black/grey with red stripe.
72 A Bridge __ the river Kwai (movie): ____. Over (or) On.
73 A Few Good Men (movie): You want the truth (2x) you can't handle the truth. (or) You want answers (2x) you can't handle the truth.
74 A Space Odyssey: HAL said Good morning Dave (or) did not say Good morning Dave.
75 A-Team: Howling Dog (or) Mad Dog Murdock.
76 A Walk to Remember (movie): I don't think I can go to ____. school today (or) Any place.
77 ABC (network): Logo has minor changes. The "c" looks like a spoon in between.
78 ABC (Network): American Broadcasting ____. Channel (or) Company.
79 Abe Vigoda: Alive (or) dead (also) died prior to 2016 (or) in 2016.
80 Abner Doubleday: Invented Baseball (or) Did not.
81 Absaroka State (United States) is found on older maps as the 49th state. This means it was never a state, but shows up on maps now (or) Was a state but no longer is.
82 Ace Hardware logo changed. Letters pushed together and shaped differently. Now looks like a plunger in the "C" and the "A" is off-shaped.
83 Acknowledgement (or) Acknowledgment.
84 Activ: The "A" looks like a slanted I with a triangle, and others look like an upside-down V.
85 Adam's apple: Only men have them (or) men and women have them.
86 Adam's Bridge: Was it above sea level (or) partially submerged?
87 Adams State (United States): This state is found on older maps of the United States, but currently is not part of our 50 states. This means either it was a state and was removed by the Mandela Effect (or) Never was a state but now has history of a state (or) We're seeing history of a state from another parallel universe.
88 The Addams Family (or) The Adams Family (also) Addams Family (cartoon) (or) Adams Family.
89 Addams Family: Cousin It (or) Itt.
90 The Addams Family: John Astin died in 2016 (or) still alive as of 2021.
91 The Addams Family: Wednesday's dress looks different. Was it always black (or) Black with white flowers?
92 Addison Russell (or) Russel.
93 Address number: Numbers of addresses seem to change. On one block it should be 101, 103, 105, 107, 109 where the other side is 100, 102, 104, 106, etc. However, it is reported it has done such things as 100, 115, 127, 145, etc. As the other side is also a random case of numbers. One block may be the 100 block, the next block is normally 110 blocks, then 120 blocks, and so on. It has also been reported that the lower numbers as 100 would be south and the numbers would rise up as you head north but find it being in the opposite direction, or going from 100-250 then lowering back to 100.
94 Advance Auto Parts (or) Auto Part.
95 Advisor (or) Adviser.
96 Agatha Christie disappeared in 1926: Never found (or) Found 10 days later with no story?
97 Air Bud (movie): 3 movies (or) 5 movies.
98 Airdree (or) Airdrea (or) Airdrie.
99 Al Capone died in Alcatraz (or) died after he got out, and was at home.
100 Al Capone's milk bottle expiration dates: The FDA was the first to put expiration dates on milk bottles (or) Al Capone was the first to put expiration dates on milk bottles.
101 Aladdin (or) Alladin (or) Aladin.
102 Aladdin: Based from what country? China (or) Egypt.
103 Aladdin: Jafaar (or) Jafar.
104 Aladdin: Jasmine sitting next to a fountain and singing a melancholy song about being a bird in a gilded cage and wanting to be free. She's opened the white bird cages. One of the birds lands on her hand as she sings, then flies away along with the other birds, the shot follows the birds up into the sky (they kind of spin/spiral up). (or) Never happened in the movie.
105 Alan Alda (Hawkeye of M.A.S.H.) died in the 90s yet is alive today.
106 Alan Jackson: "5:00 Somewhere" by Alan Jackson (live video): ___ the phones for me, you can tell them I sailed away. Hit (or) If.
107 Alan Jackson: "Chattahoochee" Down by the river on a Friday night ____ in the pale moonlight. Pyramid of cans (or) A caravan of gypsies (or) Beer Billy cans (or) Beer in metal cans.
108 Alan Jackson: "Gone Country" He says, "I don't believe in money, but a man could make him a killing', 'Cause some of that stuff don't sound much different than _____." Dealing (or) Dylan.
109 Alan Jackson: "Where I Come From" Cause where I come from, It's cornbread and chicken, Where I come from a lotta front porch ____ sittin' (or) Pickin'.
110 Alaska State (United States) became 49th state (or) 51st State.
111 Alaska State (United States) became a state in 1959 (or) sooner than 1959.
112 Alaska State (United States) became a state at the same time as Hawaii (or) a year apart.
113 Alaska State (United States): If we took smaller states and fit them in Alaska, we can fit.... 30 smaller states (or) 19 of them are smaller states.
114 Alaska State (United States) founded in 1863 (or) 1900s.
115 Alaska State (United States) Move? Some maps show it equally off Canada where others show it facing more up. People believe the coastline is different.
116 Alaska State (United States) Shape: Alaska is the size it always was (or) Alaska was bigger (or) Alaska is smaller.
117 Alaska State (United States): Winter/Snow 12 months long (or) 6/7 months long (or) 3 months long just like every state.
118 Alaskan Airlines (or) Alaska Airlines.
119 Albert Finney died in 2019 (or) no memory of death.
120 Alcatraz (or) Alcatraz Island (or) Fort Alcatraz.
121 Alcatraz: Birdman of Alcatraz (movie) had hundreds of birds (or) zero birds.
122 Alcatraz: Became an Indian-owned territory by violent protesting after Alcatraz shut down in 1963 (or) Never owned by a private group/violent protests.
123 Alcatraz: Civil war: Held confederate soldiers in prison (or) No actions taken on the Confederacy.
124 Alcatraz: Escape was done by 3 people (or) 6 people.
125 Alcatraz: Escape (now done by 3) results were that 1 man made it to shore while the others were never found (or) None of them were found but as of 2013 belief, there is evidence that 1 is still alive based on a letter.
126 Alcatraz: Founded in 1880s (or) 1990s.
127 Alcatraz: Military Base prior to 1861, then a Military Prison in 1861 (or) No Military background prior to 1900s (or) No Military Background.
128 Aldi (store) (or) Aldi's (or) Aldis.
129 Alec Trebek (or) Alex Trebek.
130 Aleeve (or) Aleve.
131 Alex The Kidd (or) Alex Kidd In Miracle World.
132 ALF (Cartoon Series): "A" and the "L" have been pushed together.
133 ALF (TV Series): "A" and the "L" have been pushed together.
134 ALF (TV series): Catchphrase: No Problemo (or) Just no problem.
135 ALF (TV Series): Max Wright glasses look different (also) Max Wright wore glasses all the time (or) once in a while (or) never wore glasses.
136 Alfa Romero (or) Alfa Romeo.
137 Alice in Wonderland: Rabbit had spectacles (or) Did not have spectacles.
138 Alice in Wonderland: Stockings white (or) checkered black & striped (or) Blue white striped.
139 Alice in Wonderland: Tweedle-dee and Tweedledum: Propellers on their head (or) green flags (or) Yellow flags.
140 Alice in Wonderland: "We're all mad here" (or) "Most Everyone's mad here".
141 Aliens: "Stay away from her you bitch" (or) "Get away from her you bitch".
142 Alien Moon (movie): "A" in logos look like an upside-down "V".
143 Alien on the moon (movie): The truth exposed (T.V.): "A" looks like an upside-down "V".
144 Alien Resurrection (Movie): "A" looks like an upside-down "V" and the "E" looks different.
145 All About Eve: "Fasten your seat belts. It's going to be a bumpy ride." (or) "Fasten your seat belts. It's going to be a bumpy night."
146 All I Want to Do (movie title) (or) The Hairy Bird (also) Who played in the movie? Brittany Murphy (or) Tinka Parker.
147 All in the Family: Based on a British show (or) Not based on any other show.
148 All in the Family: Doll of Michael's son Joey was released in the 1970s as a doll with gender and making sure everyone knew the gender of the doll. No one remembered this doll being released; dolls didn't have genders on them nor show private areas at that time. (2019 the first gender Barbie doll was released).
149 All in the Family theme song: "And you knew ____ you were then." Where (or) Who (or) What.
150 Allah Akbar (or) Allahu Akbar.
151 Alliance, Nebraska: (an area of cars stacked on cars) Is said to look different, and the cars were not remembered to be grey. I have no clue what the name of this area is.
152 Alligators: Climb ladders, climb fences and stand up against your door (or) never could do any of that.
153 Alligators: Vegan (or) not vegan.
154 Alphabet has 26 letters (or) 27 (or) 32 (There is now claimed that "&" was a letter as well as 6 others that we do not use today).
155 Alternating current (AC) is the safe one while Direct Current (DC) is unsafe (or) Alternating Current (AC) is unsafe and Direct Current (DC) is the safe one.
156 Ambesol (or) anbesol.
157 America: (Band) A Horse with No Name (song): "In the desert you can't remember your name." (or) "you can remember your name."
158 American Dad theme song: Good morning USA, I got a feeling it's gonna be a ___ day. Beautiful (or) Wonderful (also) He's saluting to the American ____. Race (or) Way.
159 American Dad theme: Stan hit the flagpole in every season (or) Later seasons.
160 America: First European that discovered America was done by what European explorer? Leif Eriksson, a Nordic Viking (or) Christopher Columbus.
161 American flag: 13 stripes (or) 15 Stripes (History now tells us that between 1795-1818 that we had 15 stripes on the flag).
162 American Flag: It IS illegal to burn a American flag (or) it is NOT illegal to burn a American flag under the freedom of speech act.
163 American Flag: It IS illegal to wear shirts, hats etc. with the American flag on it due to copyright laws (or) it is NOT illegal to wear the American flag on shirts, hats, etc.
164 American Flag: Golden fringe (or) no golden fringe.
165 American flag stars: 49 (or) 50-55 (or) 56-60 (or) 65-70 (or) 75-80 (or) 80-100 (flags have been found with 49-100 stars.)
166 American flag stars: 50 white stars of alternating numbers of six and five per horizontal row on a blue field (or) Alternating number of 10 (left to right) and 5 (up and down) straight line with stars as the 48 star flag was but only with 50 (extra stars in a row itself at the end) (or) 50+ white stars of alternating numbers of 8-10 and 7-9 per horizontal row on a blue field (as found on older flags).
167 American Flag (Stars in each row) 6 on top, then 5 and will follow that row for 9 rows (or) Anywhere from 6-11 stars per row with each row haven even as the last, more or less. (In equal to the now 50 stars) (Different star rows found in flags mostly in videos, Music videos, Movies and TV shows.)
168 American Flag stars: White (or) Gray (or) Yellow.
169 American Flag: When a new flag is made (as 48 stars to 50 stars) we are allowed to still fly the old flag until it is ruined. (or) we have to update to the newest flag.
170 American Flag: who made the first flag? Betsy Ross (or) someone else.
171 American Flag: Under the stars the stripe was what color? White stripe (or) Red Stripe.
172 America was founded 26,000 years ago?
173 American Gothic painting: Old man and his Old wife looking forward (or) Old man looking forward and his daughter looking to the side?
174 American History X (movie): Ending where it is cut after Danny's Death (or) Ending cuts off after Danny gets shot in the bathroom, and the flashback scene of the brothers running around on the beach as children (or) Ends with it cuts to Derek back at a Nazi rally (after the death of his brother) with a huge crowd of people. He's standing up on crates or a car or something and there are like barrels on fire, it looks just like the scene where they have the concert and he punches the Nazi leader. He's even angrier and more racist than before, making some speech with a big Nazi flag behind him and then the movie cuts.
175 American History X (movie): Put your teeth on the curve... Bite the curve (or) Put your mouth on the curve (Or) bite the curve (or) Put your mouth on the curve, Now bite the curve.
176 American Idol: Randy Jackson's famous line, "That's going to be a no for me, dog" was said by him (or) not said.
177 America's Most Wanted: Started in 1988 (or) 1989.
178 America's Most Wanted: John Walsh's son's killer was caught (or) Not caught.
179 An American Tale (or) An American Tail.
180 The Anarchist Cookbook (or) The Anarchy Cookbook.
181 Anchorman (movie): Ron Burgundy: ___, that escalated quickly. Well, that escalated quickly (or) Boy, that escalated quickly.
182 And Justice for All: “I’m out of order? You’re out of order! This whole court’s out of order!” (or) “You’re out of order! You’re out of order! The whole trial is out of order! They’re out of order!”
183 Andorra looks different, possibly it moved.
184 Andrew Zimmerman (or) Zimmer.
185 Andy Griffin (or) Andy Griffith (also) The Andy Griffin Show (or) The Andy Griffith Show.
186 The Andy Griffith Show: A shoplifter was in Weaver's store. Andy discovered later it was an older woman and said he knew that because he had bumped into her and she clinked. However, people remember actually seeing this happening in the episode.
187 The Andy Griffith Show: Canceled due to CBS wanting to add new programming to their time slot (or) Because Andy Griffith left the show in the last few episodes of the final season.
188 The Andy Griffith Show: "Citizen's arrest" Gomer Pyle was given a ticket by Barney Fife for making a U-turn. How much was that ticket? $5 (or) $100 (note: Gomer Pyle gave Barney a citizen's arrest for making a U-turn and Barney's ticket was $5. A $100 would have been unheard of in that time for a small traffic offense).
189 The Andy Griffith Show: Andy Griffith died in 2012 (or) 2013.
190 The Andy Griffith Show: Andy Griffith's Death: Who died first, Andy Griffith (or) George Lindsey (Goober Pyle) (also) How far apart were their deaths? 2 Months (or) 3 Months (or) Other.
191 The Andy Griffith Show: New episodes have appeared, and people do not recognize these episodes. Many of them were found between season 1-5.
192 The Andy Griffith Show: "Ernest joins the army" Barney talks about an "Amber Alert" which was not created until 3 decades later in the 1990s. Even used in a different meaning, the word "Amber" was not thought of as a code for anything in that time period.
193 The Andy Griffith Show: "Ernest joins the army" When Barney speaks to the Sargent you can see a Yin Yang symbol on the Sergeant's uniform.
194 The Andy Griffith Show: Gomer Pyle (or) Pile.
195 The Andy Griffith Show: Opie threw the rock in the theme song (or) Opie was too weak to throw the rock, so someone hid himself in the bushes and threw the rock for him (also) When the rock was thrown, did it bounce once (or) twice on the water.
196 The Andy Griffith Show: Police cars were free by leaving Ford CO. in the ending credits (or) only got free cars because Ford sponsored the show. No credits are given.
197 Andy Griffith (Return to Mayberry TV Movie): The actor who played Aunt Bee did not appear in the movie due to sickness but recorded her voice to be played as they did a part in the movie speaking of her passing away (or) Faked her sickness and refused to be in the movie because she was asked to use the word "underwear" in which she did not want to say, and someone else did her voice as the movie spoke of her passing away (or) Was too sick to play in the movie, no voice was done as they spoke of her passing away (or) Tired of acting as Aunt Bee and wanted people to see her as she was, and not Aunt Bee.
198 The Andy Griffith Show: Theme used to say "Ron" Howard (or) "Ronnie" Howard.
199 Anderson Tea (or) Sanderson Tea.
200 Angels have wings (or) do not have wings.
201 Anheiser Busch (or) Anheaser Busch (or) Anheuser Busch.
202 Angry Beavers (or) 2 Angry Beavers.
203 Animal Planet (T.V. Station) Logo: 2008-2018 logo had the "M" Sideways (or) Had the "M" Normal.
204 Animaniacs (cartoon): 1993 (or) 1995 (start date).
205 Animaniacs (Cartoon): Dot wore a skirt (or) Dress.
206 Animaniacs (cartoon): "Pinky and Brain" Are you ___ what I am ___. Thinking (or) Pondering.
208 Animaniacs (cartoon): "Pinky and Brain" Pinky and the Brain both had a part of the ear cut off (or) did not have part of the ear cut off.
209 Animaniacs (Cartoon): Pinky and the Brain, Pinky's eyes are white (or) Blue (or) Yellow.
210 Animaniacs (cartoon): "Pinky and Brain" theme: Their Pinky and the Brain, Their Pinky and the brain (or) Their Pinky and the Brain, yes Pinky and the Brain.
211 Animaniacs theme song (cartoon): Animaniacs Theme: Wakko packs ____. down with the snacks (or) Away the snacks (or) Them with the snacks (also) Meet Pinky and the Brain who want to rule the universe (or) Come Meet Pinky and the Brain who want to rule the universe (also) We're Animaniacs! We have pay-or-play contracts (or) We're Animaniacs! We have pay for play contracts.
212 Animaniacs (Cartoon): Yakko and Wakko catchphrases: Hello nurse (also Hellooooooo Nurse!) (or) Hello nurse (also Hellooooooo Nurse!) with words before, in the middle, or after they say Hello nurse (example: Helloooo Swiss Nurse Miss, Helloooo Large Nurse, Helloooo, 90210s!).
213 Animaniacs (cartoon): Yakko, Wakko and Dot's nose color: is black (or) Black with a white spot (or) Red (or) Red with a white spot.
214 Annie (Movie): It's a hard knock life (or) It's the hard knock life.
215 Annie (movie): Tomorrow tomorrow, I love you tomorrow your ____ a day away. Always (or) Only.
216 Annointed (or) Anointed.
217 Antipasta (or) Antipasto.
218 Anubis (Egyptian God): Had the head of what? Jackal (or) Wolf.
219 Apollo: 2 women landed on the moon (or) No women have ever landed on the moon.
220 Apollo 11 left behind a disc on the moon (or) Left nothing behind.
221 Apollo 11-17. Apollo 11 landed on the moon and Apollo 13 tried but failed. (only two men walked on the moon) (or) Apollo 11 landed on the moon (three men (or) two) Apollo 13 tried but failed. (or) Apollo 11-17 all landed on the moon, with 7 lands and 14 people who stepped foot on the moon. (or) Apollo 11-17 land except Apollo 13, Which landed 12 men on the moon (no women landing on any of these).
222 Apollo 13 (Movie): Astronaut dies at the end of the movie (or) No deaths.
223 Apollo 13 (movie): Houston we have a problem (or) Houston we've had a problem.
224 Apollo 17: NASA broadcast a building on the moon then it was cut off (or) No broadcast of building.
225 Apparently (or) Aparently.
226 Appearence (or) Appearance.
227 Apple bee's: Bar and grill (or) Grill and bar.
228 Apple Bee's logo: A and P letters combine together. All three "E"'s are slanted.
229 Apples color: Green, Red Yellow (or) Blue, Green, Purple, Red and Yellow (also) Ghost apples now exist.
230 Apple: Mclintosh (or) Maclintosh.
231 Applica Application Portal (or) Aplica Application Portal.
232 Appologize (or) Apologize.
233 Arctica: People believe this has not existed in a long time.
234 Area 51: Admitted that their place existed to the public in 2013 (or) Sometime in the 80s/90s.
235 Area 51 (Event): Area 51 Raid (or) Raid Area 51.
236 Area 51 (Event): "If we Naruto run, we can move faster than their bullets. Lets see them aliens" (or) "If we Naruto run, They can't kill us all. Lets see them aliens" (or) "If we Naruto run, They can't shoot us all. Lets see them aliens".
237 Area 51 (Event): Storm Area 51, They Can't ____ All of Us. Kill (or) Stop.
238 Arethra Franklin (or) Aretha Franklin.
239 Ariana Grande: Ariana's car on 'thank you next' music video pink (or) Black.
240 Arizona State: Arizona (or) Arizoniac.
241 Arizona: Is reported in a different spot to what people remembered (note this could be because California is now smaller and no longer connects to Arizona).
242 Arkansas (or) Arkansia.
243 Arkansas State (United States): North Arkansas, This state is found on an older map of The United States, but currently is not part of our 50 states. This means either it was a state and was removed by the Mandela Effect (or) Never was a state but now has history of a state (or) We're seeing history of a state from another parallel universe.
244 Arkansas State (United States): South Arkansas, This state is found on an older map of The United States, but currently is not part of our 50 states. This means either it was a state and was removed by the Mandela Effect (or) Never was a state but now has history of a state (or) We're seeing history of a state from another parallel universe.
245 Arm & Hammer (or) Arm and Hammer.
246 Arm & Hammer: "Arm" letters pushed together. "Hamm" letters Pushed together.
247 Aroostock State (United States): This state is found on an older map of The United States, but currently is not part of our 50 states. This means either it was a state and was removed by the Mandela Effect (or) Never was a state but now has history of a state (or) We're seeing history of a state from another parallel universe.
248 Around the world in 80 days (novel): Used what transport? Hot air balloon (or) Boat (or) Other (or) Train.
249 Arutunga Island not remembered.
250 Arthur (or) Author.
251 Arthur theme song: And I said hey what a wonderful kind of day (or) I said hey what a wonderful kind of day.
252 Aryan Nation (or) Aryan Nations.
253 Asian Island closer to Australia (or) Further away.
254 Asassination (or) Assassination.
255 Assenlsipia State (United States): This state is found on an older map of The United States, but currently is not part of our 50 states. This means either it was a state and was removed by the Mandela Effect (or) Never was a state but now has history of a state (or) We're seeing history of a state from another parallel universe.
256 Asprin (or) Aspirin.
257 Atheist (or) Athiest.
258 Atlantis: Continent (or) City on Island (note: Even though it is called the city of Atlantis, some remembered it as a continent).
259 Austin Powers: Dr. Evil did pinky to corner of the mouth (or) Pinky to the middle of the mouth.
260 Australia: 39 Buckley Street now has new buildings.
261 Australia Capital: Sydney (or) Sidney.
262 Australia closer to Indonesia (or) Further away from Indonesia.
263 Axel Rose (or) Axi Rose.
264 Babe (movie) song: If I had words to ___ a day for you. Make (or) Paint.
265 Baby formula Enfamil (or) Infamil.
266 Baby Jane: Jane pushed Blanche down the stairs (or) Never pushed Blanche down the stairs.
267 Baby Ruth (candy bar) (or) Babe Ruth.
268 Baby Shark: The song now dates back to a longer period and used to be inappropriate for children (or) Newer song and never was inappropriate.
269 Back Street Boys (or) The Backstreet Boys.
270 Back to the Future: Bloody rag: How bloody was it? Spots (or) Covered?
271 Back to the Future: Doc had a gun when the terrorist came by (or) No gun.
272 Back to the Future: Doc's suit all white (or) White with orange biohazard symbols on them.
273 Back to the Future: Flat Earth picture in the background (or) No picture of Flat Earth.
274 Back to the Future: Guitar changes color and size?
275 Back to the Future: Marty's dad's book he wrote has a different title.
276 Back to the Future: Marty is late for class. How close was the Principal? Nose to nose (or) A bit distant?
277 Back to the Future: Marty's letter to Doc warned him about being shot (or) Warned about being shot by terrorists.
278 Back to the Future: Parents walk in after Marty's time travel back in which he noticed their wealth. Did the parents wear tennis clothes with a tennis racket (or) Normal clothes?
279 Back to the Future: Sign welcomes you to town after traveling through time to the 1950's. The sign has the Freemasons sign on it (or) Does not have the Freemasons sign on it.
280 Back to the Future: (Spaceman suit) Marty wakes up his dad while dressed as a spaceman, he plays a tape. On the cassette it read Van Halen, (or) Edward Van Halen.
281 Back to the Future: Terrorist van looks different.
282 Back to the Future 2: Jeffrey Weissman (George McFly) played in Back to the Future but did not want to return to the 2nd movie due to his thoughts that the movie was not good enough. His part was then played by Michael J. Fox (Marty McFly) who wore makeup to look older (or) Played in all 3 movies.
283 Back to the Future 3: Dog's name: Einstein (or) Other name (Graveyard part gave him a different name).
284 Back to the Future 3: License plates have a bar over the plates like a barcode.
285 Back to the Future 3: Marty just ran from the Indians and parked his car in the cave. He noticed an arrow was sticking out of his ______. Tire (or) Fuel line.
286 Bags: Child spine bags were now created (in our past) for kids which have what appears to be a human or animal spine as the handle.
287 Baha Men: Who let the dogs out followed by Barks (or) Groans noises/words.
288 Baha Men: Who let the dogs out year: This song is now noted to be done in the early 90's with a different band and re-recorded by Baha Men in 2000. Despite people's memory of Baha Men having done this song in the late 1990's and no one else doing this song.
289 Bahamas islands located in a different spot now than what was remembered.
290 Baited breath (or) Bated breath.
291 Bajo Arizona (United States): This state is found on an older map of The United States, but currently is not part of our 50 states. This means either it was a state and was removed by the Mandela Effect (or) Never was a state but now has history of a state (or) We're seeing history of a state from another parallel universe.
292 Baja California (United States): This state is found on an older map of The United States, but currently is not part of our 50 states. This means either it was a state and was removed by the Mandela Effect (or) Never was a state but now has history of a state (or) We're seeing history of a state from another parallel universe (also) Did it have a different name? Even if it was not a state, then why name it after our state?
293 Balan Wonderworld (or) Balan Wonderland.
294 Balmer Chocolate (or) Palmer chocolate.
295 Bananas growing on trees upside down now.
296 Bambi: Back spotted with circle spots (or) Square spots.
297 Bambi: Bambi's mom's death is reported to have occurred at a different time.
298 Bananna (or) Banana.
299 Bare Essentials (or) Bare Escentuals.
300 Barbara (or) Barbra Streisand.
301 Barbecue (or) Barbeque.
302 Barber Strip sign: Red and white (or) Red, white and blue.
303 Barbie Girl song: I'm a Barbie girl, in a Barbie world (or) in the Barbie world (also) You can brush my hair and take me anywhere (or) You can brush my hair undress me anywhere (also) I'm a blond fancy girl in this fantasy world (or) I'm a blond bimbo girl in this fantasy world (also) Take you here let's go there (or) kiss me here touch me there hanky panky (also) We can walk we can talk do whatever you please (or) Make me walk make me talk do whatever you please (also) Hollywood stars be one of your dreams (or) I can act like a star I can beg on my knees (also) Come jump in with your friends lets do it again (or) Come jump in bimbo friend lets do it again (also) Hit the town let's get down (or) Hit the town fool around.
304 Barney & Friends 1992-2009 (or) 1992-2010.
305 Barney & Friends (or) Barney.
306 Barney & Friends: Actor (For Barney) was played by 2 different people (or) 3 Different people.
307 Barney & Friends: Actor (For Barney) went to jail for: Drugs, Giving drugs to kids (or) Sexual contact to a child by touching the butt area.
309 Barney & Friends: Baby Bop: Purple dots on the body (or) No Purple dots.
310 Barney & Friends: Barney and the Backyard Gang was the prequel to Barney & Friends that ran 1988-1991 and started Barney & Friends in 1992 (or) There was no prequel to Barney & Friends.
311 Barney & Friends: BJ: Purple dots on body and face (or) No purple dots on the body and face.
312 Barney & Friends: Barney the Purple Dinosaur: A series that came out between 1973-1979 (or) Did not air nor was created.
313 Barney & Friends: Canceled in 2009 (or) Finished in 2010.
314 Barney & Friends: Color: Light Purple (or) Dark purple.
315 Bat Dogs now exist.
316 Bat: Golden bats now exist.
317 Bathu Ki Ladi (temple in Himachal): Is a temple that is underwater 8 months out of the year (or) Never happened like this.
318 Batman: (1943 Movie) Not remembered. It was believed to have started in the 1960's (also doubled Mandela effect as previously listed as 1933).
319 Batman: (1949 movie) Not remembered. It was believed to have started in the 1960's. This Mandela Effect has changed from being a 1930's series now to 1940's.
320 Batman 1960's T.V. Series: Batmobile color, Red (or) Black (or) Red stripes on black car.
321 Batman 1960's T.V. Series: Batmobile Wheels have bat Symbol (or) Did not have bat symbol (also) Symbol on the BatMobile Door (or) Not on the BatMobile door.
322 Batman 1989 Movie: (Joker line is done) With drums (or) No drums when he says "Gentlemen let's broaden our minds."
323 Batman 1989 Movie: Batman Symbol has changed on suit. Where every other Bat symbol has one point at the bottom, this one has two.
324 Batman 1989 Movie: (Joker line) Have you danced with the Devil in the pale moonlight (or) You ever danced with the Devil in the pale moonlight.
325 Batman 1989 Movie: Joker throws money and it has Joker's face on $1 (or) Never see his face on a $1 (he had previously said in the movie he wanted his face on a $1).
326 Batman: (1968-77) The Adventures of Batman and Batman with Robin the Boy Wonder which produced thirty-three episodes between 1968 and 1977. Is not remembered.
327 Batman 1997-2000: The New Batman/Superman Adventures (or) Batman/Superman Adventures (or) Adventures of Batman/Superman.
328 Batman: Dark knight (or) The Dark Knight.
329 Batman: Dark Knight Rises (or) The Dark Knight Rises.
330 Batman: The Dark Knight: Blane was knitting in the movie (or) Not Knitting.
331 Batman: The Dark Knight: Joker blows up the Ferry (or) Does not blow up the ferry.
332 Batman: The Dark Knight: Joker says: "Nobody bats an eye" (or) Nobody Panics.
333 Batman: Gotham City (or) Gothem.
334 Batman: Joker's quote: I believe whatever doesn't kill you simply makes you ____. Stronger (or) Stranger (also) "I Believe" was not remembered in this line.
335 Batman toy: A toy was found with a red Batmobile, and it did not look much like a Batmobile.
336 Batman TV series: Walking up the wall, who led? Batman (or) Robin.
337 Batman __ Superman: Dawn of Justice. VS (or) V.
338 Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice (movie) released 2007 (or) 2016 (or) 2017.
339 Batman Vs Superman: Dawn of Justice: Batman Killed Superman (or) Batman did not kill Superman.
340 Batteries not included (movie) not remembered by most, and those who do remember the movie thought there was a sequel.
341 Battle of Alamo: Was about freedom for the United States (or) Texas to keep their slaves.
342 Battleships (or) Battleship (Board Game).
343 BCC Pride and Prejudice: Mr. Darcy got out of the lake dripping wet in a white t-shirt (or) Did not get out of the lake.
344 The Beach Boys (or) Beach Boys.
345 Beach Boys: "Good Vibrations" I'm picking up the good vibrations She's giving me ____. This line is the same through lyrics but reported differently in videos (half-Changer).
346 Bears: Being attacked by a bear you do what to survive? Play dead (or) Fight back/ scare the bear.
347 The Beatles "Hey Jude": Don't carry the world upon your shoulder (or) Shoulders.
348 The Beatles: "I Want To Hold Your Hand": I get high, I get high (or) I can’t hide, I can’t hide.
349 The Beatles: Split up in the 1960's (or) 1970's.
350 Beats by Dre (or) Beats by DR. Dre.
351 Beavers: Now have orange teeth (or) Always had orange teeth.
352 Beavis and Butthead (or) Beavis and Butt-Head.
353 Beavis and Butt-head: 8 seasons (or) 9 seasons (or) 10 seasons (Prior to returning in 2021).
354 Beavis and Butt-head: 1992-1998, 2011, 2021 (or) 1993-1998, 2011, 2021 (or) 1992-1999, 2011, 2021 (or) 1993-1999, 2011, 2021.
355 Beavis and Butt-head Do America: Anderson says: "Ain't you them kids that been waking off in my tool shed?" Butthead replies "uh uh uh, No those were other kids" (or) "uh uh uh uh" (his silly laugh no words).
356 Beavis and Butt-head Do America: Butthead got his belt put on by the lady, and you can see cleavage (or) No cleavage.
357 Beavis and Butt-head: Episodes now exist that did not before, such as "Sign Here" in Season 1 and other T.V. specials.
358 Beavis and Butt-head: Frog Baseball the 1st episode (or) the 4th episode (or) Pilot of this episode.
359 Beavis and Butt-head: (Fire censorship) Was done because a child set a bed on fire killing a 2-year-old baby, saying that they had watched the show and heard Beavis say: Fire Fire (or) Fire is fun (Beavis says fire fire and it later was censored to frier frier).
360 Beavis and Butt-head: "Liar Liar" Beavis and Butt-head are taking a lie detector test. Beavis said "Liar, Liar pants on ____." Woah (or) Woah that was close (Note: They were not allowed to say fire by this point which is why he said "woah" but most remembered him pointing out that was close to saying what was not allowed).
361 Beavis and Butt-head Season 1: 5 episodes (or) 6 episodes (or) 7 Episodes (or) 20+ Episodes (Season 2-8 each had 20+ episodes).
362 Beavis and Butt-head (DVD): Sold on DVD as: The Mike Judge Collection Vol 1-4, Mike Judge's Complete Collection, and Beavis and Butt-head's Most Wanted (or) As listed prior, but after the 2011 renew release they were released season by season.
363 Beavis and Butt-head: Teacher says Okay (or) M'kay after each sentence. (Note: M'kay was done by Mr. Mackey off South Park).
364 Beavis and Butt-head Warning says: "Beavis and Butt-head are not real. They are stupid cartoon people completely made up by this Texas guy who we hardly even know. Beavis and Butt-head are dumb, crude, thoughtless, ugly, sexist, self-destructive fools. But for some reason, the little wiener heads make us laugh." (or) "Beavis and Butt-Head are not role models. They're not even human; they're cartoons. Some of the things they do would cause a person to get hurt, expelled, arrested, possibly deported. To put it another way, don't try this at home." (or) Used the first one that was later changed to the 2nd one (or) No Warning.
365 Beavis and Butt-head: "Woodshop episode": Beavis cut his finger off and did what? Held his finger and laughed (or) Held his finger and was freaking out.
366 Bedloe's Island (near New York City, United States): Exists (or) Never existed. This island was between Ellis Island and Governor Island founded on older maps, but does not exist today. This is not to be confused with Liberty Island which is south of Ellis Island. Bedloe's Island is east of Ellis Island and was not renamed to Liberty.
367 Bee Gees - How Deep Is Your Love: I really need to know (or) I really mean to learn.
368 Bees: All yellow (or) Some yellow, some blue.
369 BeefEater restaurant: Logo was a cow (or) Beef Eater (words) with cow horns in between.
370 Beethoven: Blind (or) Deaf.
371 Beetleborgs (or) Big Bad Bettleborgs.
372 Beetlejuice (or) Betelgeuse.
373 Beetlejuice: PG (or) PG13 rating.
374 Behold a ___ Horse. (Conspiracy Book): White (or) Pale.
375 Beltway Snipers (or) D.C. Sniper attacks (or) Named with both.
376 Benjamin Franklin: Was struck by lightning (or) Was not struck by lightning (also) Flew a kite (or) Never flew a kite.
377 Berenstain Bears (or) Berenstein Bears (or) Berensteen Bears.
378 Berenstain Bears Creator: Janice Berenstain (or) Janice Berenstein.
379 Berenstain Bears Creator: Stanley Berenstain (or) Stanley Berenstein.
380 Bermuda Island (United States): Close to Florida (or) Further away from Florida.
381 Bermuda Triangle: Very dangerous (or) No different to any other.
382 Bermeja Island: Where is it located? Gulf of Mexico (or) Doesn't exist.
383 Bernie Madoff: Died in 2009 by suicide? (or) Alive as of 2021.
384 Best (Company): Has strange photos of building that appear to be damaged in weird and impossible ways.
385 Betsa Wispa (or) Wispa Bites.
386 Bette Middler (or) Bette Midler.
387 Betty Boo (or) Betty Boop.
388 Betty White: Died (or) Alive.
389 Beverly Hillbillies: Clampets (or) Clampetts.
390 Beverly Hillbillies: Jed knew there was oil out there (or) did not know until he shot it (pilot episode shows now that he did).
391 Beverly Hillbillies Theme Song: A poor mountaineer, but he kept his family fed (or) A poor mountaineer, barely kept his family fed.
392 Beverly Hillbillies Theme: Come and listen to ___ story. A (or) My.
393 Beverly Hillbillies Theme (Ending): Had the words "Set a spell" (or) Did not have the words "Set a spell".
394 Beverly Hillbillies Theme: Grandy sat in the chair she was tied down to, that was on top of the car (or) In chair but later sat in the car.
395 Beverly Hillbillies Theme: Jed shot a rabbit (while shooting for some food) and the rabbit was clearly seen running (or) No rabbit at all.
396 Beverly Hillbillies Theme: Longer version to the theme song (or) Did not have a longer version than what was on TV.
397 "BIG" Movie has an altered ending.
398 Big (Movie): The Scene with Zoltar "I wish I was big" (or) "I wish.... I wish.... I was I was big".
399 Big Ben Bell of Elizabeth Tower Clock: Roman Numerals clearly seen (or) Not seen clearly.
400) Big & Rich (or) Big and Rich

401) Big & Rich: 8th of November: "Now he's 58 and his ponytails___."   Grey (or) great (Official video)

402) Big Daddy: He is ordering a hot dog and 30 packets of Ketchup, and as you look around you see statues, even sitting on the bench. People do not remember the statues.

403) Bill Gates (and his wife) died in 2013 (or) never died

404) Bill Haley and "The Comets" (or) "His comets"

405) Billy Graham (Baptist pastor)  died in 2016 (or) 2018 (or) a sooner date?

406) Billy Madison (Movie): Bus Driver says: That Veronica Vaughn is one ___ Piece of ___. Fine (or) Hot (or) No line  (other) Ass (or) Ace

407) Billy Ray Cyrus: Achy Breaky Heart: Don't ___ my heart my achy breaky heart.   break (or) tell (also) He might blow up ____. and Hit this fan (or) and Kill this man (also) You can tell my arms to go back into _______. the phone (or) the farm
409) Birds reported to be singing at night now

410) Black cats (USA theory) Bad luck if a black cat crosses your path (or) Bad luck if a black cat crossed left to right but good luck if black cat crosses right to left

411) Black Cow Manure (or) Black Kow Manure

412) Black death Plague: caused by fees on a rat (or) not caused by frees on a rat and was caused by human fleas and lice

413) Black eyed Peas song "Boom Boom pow" lyrics: I'm so 2008 you're so 2000 late. (or) I'm so 3008 you're so 2000 late. (also) release in 2007 (or) 2008 (or) 2009

414) Black House (book) Author Stephen King (or) Stephen King and Peter Straub

415) The Blackout Ripper: The Blackout Ripper is well known (or) The Blackout Ripper is not well known. (Not to be confused with Jack the Ripper).

416) Black Sox's scandal (Name of a scandal by Chicago, IL Baseball team White Soxs) happen in 1918 (or) 1919
418) Blade Runner: “like tears in the rain,” (or) “tears in rain,”

419) Blake Shelton: Holes In The Floor Of Heaven: Sung by Blake Shelton (or) Sung By Steve Weiner (or) Both (Blake Shelton's Version no longer exist. Some residue is still found)

420) Blake Shelton: Married to Gwen Stefani a few years back before 2021 (or) getting ready to get married in 2021

421) Blond Crazy: You dirty rat (or) you dirty- double crossing rat

422) Blood type common in America: O Type (or) AB

423) Blood type rare in America:  O type (or)  AB

424) Blood Type: RH is now a blood type.

425) Blood color in veins: Red (or) red, Blue and Black

426) Blue's Clues (first series): Blues gender was a boy (or) girl

427) Blue's Clues (first series): song: With me and you and my ___ blue, we can do anything we want to do. Dog (or) Friend

428) Blues Clues (first series): song, You can do anything you want to do (or) You can do (little pause) anything you want to do

429) Blue jay: Now appears to have blue jays in a white color

430) Blue Ribbon (or) Blue Riband

431) Bluetooth (or) BluTooth

432) Blue winged grasshopper now

433) Boat billed Heron (People never heard of)

434) Bob Barker: Died (or) Alive at the age of 98 (2021)

435) Bob Dylan died April 24, 2008 (or) Still alive as of 2021

436) Bob Dylan: ‘Lay Lady Lay’ lay across his big brass bed (or) lay across my big breast, babe’?

437) Bob Holness:  Bob Holiness played the sax on Baker Street (or) Bob Holness did not play the sax on Baker Street

438) Bob Marley:  Bob Marley sang "Don't Worry, Be Happy" (or)  Bob Marley didn't sing "Don't Worry, Be Happy"

439) Bob Segar (or) Bob Seger

440) Bobbi Kristina's body was found by her friend (or) Boy friend (and) the body was found in her house (or) Hotel

441) Bohemian Rhapsody "Put a gun against his head, pulled ____ trigger now he's dead.   The (or) my

442) Bolognaise (or) Bolognese

443)  The Bolton Dinosaur: There was a huge dinosaur skeleton in the Bolton museum in the 1960's (or) There was no huge dinosaur skeleton in the Bolton museum in the 1960's

444) Books: Book Libraries were driven in large type cars as book mobiles in the 1800's (or) this event never happen

445) Booty Call (Band) "You have to ____ it before you stick it" Lick (or) Kick

446) Boss Baby (or) The Boss Baby

447) Boston great fire now exists. According to history, Boston had a major fire that knocked out most of the city just as the Chicago Fire did.

448) Boston State (Located under New Hampshire) (United States): North Arkansas, This state is found on a older map of The United States, but currently is not apart of our 50 states. This means either it was a state and was removed by the Mandela Effect (or) Never was a state but now has history of a state (or) Were seeing history of a state from another parallel universe

449) Boston Strangler: Texas did not pass a law honoring The Boston Strangler for services to population control (or) Texas did passed a law honoring The Boston Strangler for services to population control

450) Bounce (company) U and N is combined together. 

451) Boyz n the Hood (or) Boyz N the Hood

452) Boyz N The Hood: Did Ice cube die at the end

453) Boyz N The Hood 2: People remembered this movie yet it does not exist, and Ice Cube died in the first movie, so he would be unable to be in the second movie.

454) Boys Stop Growing At Age 21 (or) Age 16-18

455) The Brady bunch: 4th girl (kid)  was a part of the show but due to her misbehavior, they never aired her on the show. She still got paid for nothing but was responsible for the football thrown that broke Marsha's nose (or) no 4th girl.

456) The Brady Bunch theme: Alice was shown when all 9 squares were shown (or) only shown after the words  'Brady Bunch' came across the screen

457) The Brady Bunch (or) Brady Bunch

458) The Brady Bunch: Football was thrown by a 4th kid not aired on purpose (or) by Lloyd Schwartz by accident.

459) Brady Bunch: Marsha Brady (or) Marcia Brady

460) The Brady Bunch: Spinoff Brady Kids (cartoon) not remembered.

461) The Brady Bunch: Spin off Kelly's Kids not remembered

462) The Brady Bunch: Spin off The Bradys not remembered

463) The Brady Bunch Theme song:  Verse 1: Here's a story (or) This is a story  Verse 2: Here's a story (or) This is a story (or) It's a story

464) Braggs or Bragg Apple cider Vinegar

465) Brian Dennehy: alive (as of 2020) (or) dead

466) Brain on Drugs commercial: This is your brain/ This is drugs/ This is your brain on drugs (or) This is your brain/ this is your brain on drugs

467) Brain: Right: Creative, Left: Academic (or) Right: Academic, Left: Creative

468) Brain stem is now towards the center of the back

469) Braveheart (movie) Skirt (or) no skirt being worn

470) Braveheart: (movie) They may take our lives, but they will never take our freedom (or) They can take our lives, but they will never take our freedom

471) Break dancing: Invented in 1970's (or) 1930's

472) Breakfast is the most important part of the day (or) never was important either way

473) The Breakfast club (or) Breakfast Club

474) The Breakfast club (movie): Emilio Estevez's character had a huge lunch. He had three sandwiches, a bag of chips, a banana, an apple, milk and it was a bag of donuts. (or)  a bag of chocolate chip cookies.

475) The Breakfast Club (Movie): Emilio jacket: Football Jacket (or) Blue jacket

476) Breaking Bad: "Crawlspace" Walt frantically Looks for his money. He shouts at Skyler ``where is it '' and she tells him she gave it away. before laughing until the end of the episode he Replied: Skylar you've killed us all'' (or) "Skylar you've killed us!" (or) no line at all

477) Breaking bad: Jessy is seen at the end of the series (After Walter White dies) Driving away (or) looking different with new identity walking away

478) Breaking Bad: Jessy says: Yeah Science (or) Yeah science Bitch

479) Breaking Bad: Season 2 episode 1: Tokyo killed his guy, and the other guy gets rid of the body. Walt, and Jessy get ready to leave, and Tokyo says ``What's your Hurry?" and Walt replied" I just think we're done here" What was Tokyo's reply? "Oh Yeah (paused) {knocks Jessy down} "Were done" (or) "Oh Yeah "were down when I say were done" {knocks down Jessy} "Were done"

480) Breaking bad: Skylar tells Walt that she cheated on him with Ted. How did she say it? I Fucked Ted (or) I fucked Ted. I fucked his brains out

481) Breaking Bad: Walt gets pulled over by the police officer and he’s listen to the song “A Horse with no Name” the police officer asking him to turn it down, and he objects saying something along the lines of how it’s a great song, trying to get the cop to be okay with it due to the song being good (or) the cop explains he wants the music off with no other comments from Walt.

482) Brendan Frasier (or) Fraser

483) Brian Manion Dennehy died as remembered (or) alive as of 2020

484) Bridge: Golden Gate Bridge: Color is: Red (or) Orange (or) Golden

485) The Bridge over the river Kuai (movie) (or) The bridge on the river Kuai

486) Bridge: (Staten Island) How many Bridges connect to this island? 1 (or) 2 (or) 3 (or) 4

487) Bridge to Terabithia: Leslie's death was shown as the rope broke and she fell to her death (or) Only said and not shown

488) Bridge found in photos near the twin towers but every photo of the Twin towers never had a bridge nearby.

489) Bridge or tunnel connecting from World Trade center 1 all the way to World Trade Center 2 was remembered as not in existence.

490) Brigitte Bardot (or) Brigette Bardot (or) Bridget Bardot

491) British flag changed? The line was in the middle (or) below the middle (also) colors reversed

492) British national anthem: missing 'Scots' verse: Lord, grant that Marshal Wade, May by thy mighty aid, Victory bring. May he sedition hush, and like a torrent rush, Rebellious Scots to crush, God save the King.

493) British teeth: Among the unhealthiest in the world (or) Among the healthiest in the world

494) Britney Spears: Eyes are what color? Blue (or) Brown

495) Britney Spears: Hit Me Baby One More Time (or)  Baby One More Time (Title)

496) Britney Spears:  injured her knee in a music video in 2004 (or) never  injured her knee in a music video

497) Brittany Spears "Ops I did it again" did she wear a headset in the video (or) did not have a headset on (This is a flip flop. The first group of people who reported this remembered she never had a headset, then it appeared in 2021, and vanished in Aug 2021. The 2nd group reported in Aug 2021 that they remembered she had a headset, then it went missing.)

498) Britany Spears: Virgin up to her adult life (or) Was not a virgin after 14

499) Broach (or) Brooch

500) Brooke Hogan died before?

501) Brooks & Dunn (or) Brooks and Dunn

502) Brooks & Dunn: retired their band in 2009 (or) Band split up and went solo

503) Brother Island in New York City (United States) is not remembered of.

504)  Bruce Dern died before?

505) Bruce lee's death: Fell asleep and did not wake up (or) drugs (or) shot on set (or)  Medication overdose (or) on set by mistake (or) in a fight

506) Bruce Lee Shot Dead On Set (or) Died In Hospital With Cerebral Edema

507) Bruce Springsteen Bandanna: Bandanna in back pocket (or)  Red cap in back pocket

508) Brussel Sprouts (or) Brussels Sprouts

509)  Brylcream (or) Brylcreem

510) BTK Killer: ____, Torture, Kill.  Bind (or) Bend

511) BTK Killer: Dead (or) Alive (as of 2021)

512) BTK Killer: Evidence was found when they got a pap smear taken from Rader's daughter (or) A hair sample from Rader's Daughter

513) BTK Killer: Killed 10 people (or) More than 10

514) Bubly sparkly water (or) bubbly sparkly water

515) Bud Light (or) Bud lite

516) Bubblicious (or) Bubblicous (or) Bubbalicious (or) Bubba (or) Bubba  licious (or) Bubba  Bubba

517) Budding (or) Buddig

518) Buddha was fat (or) Buddha was not fat

519) Bugs can produce milk (or) Can not.

520) Bugs: Some found that they can camouflage themselves to what looks like weed nuggets

521) Buisness (or) Business

522) Bulls hate the color red (or) Bulls don't see color

523) Bumblebee bats now exist

524) Burger King: Logo 1954-1957 Has two different logos which suggest this could come in from another reality. The Burger-King is not remembered. Other logos are not remembered or are now in a different year.

525) Burger King: Logo 1999-Present had a full circle around the words (or) "C" shaped circle. (also) 1994-1999 logo was remembered for the 1999-present logo with a full circle around it (also) Did the letters touch the "C" shaped circle, while others feel the words hung off the other side in the open circle therefore never touching the circle.

526) Burger King: Mascot Massacre: crude videotapes of the Burger King mascot being held in a dungeon in heavy iron chains.  Burger King being dragged into a guillotine and seeing that heavy blade fall to lop off his head. (or) never happen

527) Burger King: Burger Queen was found to exist in a few cities yet was never heard of. This is a parody version of Burger King

528) Burma (or) Myanmar

529) Burning Bras: How many bras were actually burnt? Thousands (or) Very Few

530) Cacoon (or) Cocoon

531) Cadbury (or) Cadbury's

532) California Dream By Mamas and the Papas: when I got down on my knees and I...  began to pray (or) pretend to pray

533) The California Raisins: Had sunglasses (or) did not have sunglasses

534) California (United States) (or) Californie

535) California state: California Is smaller than it was. California's top now lines up with Nevada but most remember Nevada only came up half way. which would leave a extra state above Nevada

536) California state: Central California, (United States): This state is found on a older map of The United States, but currently is not apart of our 50 states. This means either it was a state and was removed by the Mandela Effect (or) Never was a state but now has history of a state (or) Were seeing history of a state from another parallel universe

537) California State: Coastal California, (United States): This state is found on a older map of The United States, but currently is not apart of our 50 states. This means either it was a state and was removed by the Mandela Effect (or) Never was a state but now has history of a state (or) Were seeing history of a state from another parallel universe

538) California State: Lower California, (United States): This state is found on a older map of The United States, but currently is not apart of our 50 states. This means either it was a state and was removed by the Mandela Effect (or) Never was a state but now has history of a state (or) Were seeing history of a state from another parallel universe

539) California state: New California, (United States): This state is found on a older map of The United States, but currently is not apart of our 50 states. This means either it was a state and was removed by the Mandela Effect (or) Never was a state but now has history of a state (or) Were seeing history of a state from another parallel universe

540) California state: North California, (United States):  This state is found on a older map of The United States, but currently is not apart of our 50 states. This means either it was a state and was removed by the Mandela Effect (or) Never was a state but now has history of a state (or) Were seeing history of a state from another parallel universe

541) California state: South California, (United States): This state is found on a older map of The United States, but currently is not apart of our 50 states. This means either it was a state and was removed by the Mandela Effect (or) Never was a state but now has history of a state (or) Were seeing history of a state from another parallel universe

542) California State: West California, (United States): This state is found on a older map of The United States, but currently is not apart of our 50 states. This means either it was a state and was removed by the Mandela Effect (or) Never was a state but now has history of a state (or) Were seeing history of a state from another parallel universe

543) California state: was it's own country in 1846 (or) was not

544) Calendar: 614-911 A.D were years (or) never happen in our history

545) Calendar: 1752 year have been found missing September 3-13 which was claimed to occur due to the switch of the calendar. Which was remembered to change at a different time. (see Calendar change above)

546) Calendar: changed 1500's (or) 1752

547) Callaway state (United States): This state is found on a older map of The United States, but currently is not apart of our 50 states. This means either it was a state and was removed by the Mandela Effect (or) Never was a state but now has history of a state (or) Were seeing history of a state from another parallel universe

548)  Call of duty (Video games): black ops: Sign appear in the game that was not their before and also uploaded in the next version of the game.

549) Camel: 1 Hump (or) 2 Humps

550) Camel: are now found in Australia (or) Always was

551) Camel Crush Cigarettes: "A" and "E" look different. "R" is broken.

552) Canada is smaller (or) larger (or) no change

553) Canada land known as Svalbard was not remembered to exist

554) Candid Camera: A prank on Mr. Rogers with a "no TV in the hotel room" had caused Mr. Rogers to be upset with Candid Camera until he knew it was a joke (or) never was upset

555) The candidate (or) the champion

556) Candy man: Say his name 3 times (or) 5 Times

557) Canton, IL: (United States) 1975 Tornado was a F5 tornado that never touched down but did damage (or) 1 F0 and two F3 Tornados that touched down.

558) Canton, IL: (United States) Canton Lake (or) Lake Canton

558) Canton, IL: (United States) Canton Little Giants logo: The face looked straight at you (or) off to the side

559) Canton, IL: (United States) F5 tornado appeared in what year 1974 (or) 1975

560) Canton, IL: (United States) Capitol Records (or) Capital Music (Local business threw Canton, Galesburg and Macomb, All out of business by 2019)

561) Canton, IL: (United States) Greenwood Cemetery is 3 separate cemeteries (Greenwood, St, Mary and St. Joseph) (or) One large cemetery

562) Canton, Il: (United States) Greenwood Cemetery: Civil War statue appear out of nowhere (or) always their

563) Canton, IL: (United States) International Harvester factory fire: Person caught for the factory arson was caught in 2002 (or) caught at a later year after 2004 (or) Never caught

564) Canton, IL: (United States) International Harvester Factory fire:  Person died being evacuated from the nursing home being struck by a car (or) Only a firefighter died

565) Canton, IL: (United States) JFL logo on uniform: Capital (or) lower case letters (reports other changes as well)

566) Canton, IL: (United States) K&L Antique and collectables (or) J&K antique and collectables (out of business as of 2020)

567) Canton, IL: (United States) Protexall building (or) Protex Building

568) Canton, IL: (United States) St. Mary's Cemetery (or) St' Mary's Cemetery

569) Canton, IL: (United States)  St' Mary's cemetery: Poor Farm Memorial now appears out of nowhere.

570) Canton, IL: (United States) Train LandMark has what year on it? Both sides 1997 (or) Both sides 1998 (or) one side 1997 and the other 1998

571) Canton, IL: (United States) Wesley Methodist Church has the words "First M.E." on it. This would not stand for First Methodist church as M.E. is not an abbreviation for Methodists, and it appears there is no abbreviation. We also never had a first Methodist church.

572) Capital Building: (Washington D.C. United States) Bigger (or) Smaller (or) No size change

573) Capital Building (Washington D.C. United States): Building now sits near the Capital that was not remembered.

574) Capital Building (Washington D.C. United States): What stood on top? Round top (or) Flag Pole/flag (or) Statue of Freedom

575) Capria State: This state is found on a older map of The United States, but currently is not apart of our 50 states. This means either it was a state and was removed by the Mandela Effect (or) Never was a state but now has history of a state (or) Were seeing history of a state from another parallel universe

576) Capricorn is a goat (or) goat-fish

577) Captain Crunch (or) Cap'n Crunch

578) Captain Bligh: was kinder than most other sea captains of his day (or) was crueler than most other sea captains of his day

579) Cappucino (or) Cappuccino

580) Capybara largest known rodents never existed before but do now.

581) Carl Reminer alive (or) dead

582) Carmen Sandiego (Where the world is) Red or Yellow trench coat

583) Carolina States: North Carolina (or) Carolina Du Nord

584) Carolina States: South Carolina (or) Carolina Du Sud

585) Caro's fashion (or) Cato fashions

586) Carrie (1976 Movie DVD title name) Carrie (or) Stephen King Carrie (or) Stephen King's Carrie

587) Carrie (Stephen King's book) Based off a true story (or) not based off a true story

588) Carrie Underwood (or) Karrie Underwood

589) Carrots make your eyes better (or) no different than any other vegetable

590) Carrots: The phrase Carrots make your eyes better is based on what? covary story from WW2 (or) science

591) Cars: Electric cars now date back to the 1830's (before cars were invented?)

592) Cars: First car to go 100 mph was a electric car (or) not a electric car

593) Car: Flying car created in 1946 (or) more recently after 2000

594) Cars: Folding cars now exist in 1929 despite it would be impossible to fold a car or have that technology back then.

595) Cars: Invented in the early 1800's (1800-1850) (or) in the late 1800's (1850-1900) (or) Early 1900's (1900-1950)

596) Cars: mirrors attached from the inside roof (or) on the windshield

597) Cars: Side Mirrors read: Objects in mirror _________ closer than they appear.    Are closer (or) Maybe Closer

598) Cars: Older cars now have buttons for reverse, neutral, drive, 1st and 2nd gear.

599) Cars (movie): Doc Hodson car color: Dark blue (or) black

display: inline-block; line-height: inherit;">600) Cars: self-driving cars were invented in 1968 (or) 1988 (or) more sooner after 2010

601) Cartoon all stars to the rescue (or) Cartoon all stars
603) Casablanca: “Play it again, Sam,” (or) “Play it once, Sam. For old times’ sake.”

604) Cascadia State: (United States) This state is found on a older map of The United States, but currently is not apart of our 50 states. This means either it was a state and was removed by the Mandela Effect (or) Never was a state but now has history of a state (or) Were seeing history of a state from another parallel universe

605) Castaway (1986 movie) was not remembered to ever been done

606) Castaway (2000 movie) Cast away (or) Castaway

607) Caterpillar (or) catapillar

608) Cat soup (or) Catsup

609) Cats & Dogs (or) Cats VS Dogs

610) Cats: Cat fox now exist (or) always existed

611) Cats: Grumpy cats died before 2019 (or) in 2019

612) Cats: Poodle cats now exist

613) Cat Stevens: Cat Stevens sang "The Cat's in the Cradle" (or) Cat Stevens didn't sing "The Cat's in the Cradle"

614) Cats: Werewolf cats now exist

615) Cats whiskers: Have whiskers on leg (or) do not have whiskers on leg

616) CBS Logo: 1970 Logo has letters different and slanted. Did the 2003 logo have a motto with the logo?

617) CBS news scare: 1979 Fake Nuclear scare was not remembered to be on the news

618) CD+R : Never Existed (or) Existed

619) CeeLo Green "Forget you" I guess he's an expert and I'm more an attorney (or) I guess he's an Xbox and I'm more Atari

620) Celeste Pizza (or) Mama Celeste Pizza

621) Cellotape (or) Sellotape

622) Cemetary (or) Cemtery (or) Cemetery

623) Cereal to help you poop now exist

624) CERN Logo has changed. Single (or) doubled synchronous

625) Certain Teed (or) CertainTeed (or) Certainteed (also) Certain Teed swift starter (or) swiftstarter (or) Swiftstart

626) Chad Brock: She said yes released in 2000 (or) Later year

627) Chad Brock song title: She said yes (or) Yes

628) Chadwick Boseman died before?

629) Chainsaws: Were Originally Invented For Helping With Childbirth (or) Cutting trees, logs and wood.

630)  Challenger space shuttle was going to invite Big Bird (or) never invited Big Bird nor planned to.

631) The Chappelle Show (or)  Dave Chappelle Show (or) Chappelle's Show

632) Charles Lindbergh: 1st to fly across the world (or) 82nd to fly across the world

633) Charles Manson died in mid 2000's (or) 2017

634) Charles Schulz (or) Schultz

635) Charles Spencer died? He is alive now

636) Charlie and the chocolate factory: Gene Wilder (Willy Wonka) was in the sequel movie Charlie and the chocolate factory? Yes (or) no

637) Charlie Bit My Finger (or) Charlie Bit Me

638) Chartreuse is not rose colored as people remembered

639) Chase bank logo: White (or) Black (or) Grey

640) Cheerios: The original name was called what? Cheerios (or) CheeriOats  

641) Cheers: New person is believed to been added to the show

642) Cheetos (or) Cheetoes

643) Cheetos "____ ____ easy being cheesy" It ain't (or) It's not

644) Cheetos: Now created lip bomb (champ stick) (or) Did not create this

645) Cheetos: Sold in Ireland in the 1990's (or) after 2000

646) Cheer (or) Cheers laundry Detergent

647) Cheese: Black cheese now exist (not mold)

648) Cheez its (or) Cheez it'z (or) Cheez it (also) hyphen after cheez  (or) no hyphen amd seen as a cracker. (also) Cheez (or) Cheese

649) Cheez It: Cracker overlaps the letter I (or) does not overlap

650) Chemtrail Reports to have gone back to 1960s even though they were not created until the 1990s.

651) Chersonesas State: (United States):  This state is found on a older map of The United States, but currently is not apart of our 50 states. This means either it was a state and was removed by the Mandela Effect (or) Never was a state but now has history of a state (or) Were seeing history of a state from another parallel universe

652) Chesapeake State: is found on a map that existed before, and no longer does (or) never existed, but now does exist because of the Mandela Effect.

653) Cheverolet (or) Chevrolet

654) Chevron logo: Red top/Blue bottom (or) Blue top/ Red bottom

655) Chewey (or) Chewy.

656) Chic-fil-la (or) Chick-fil-la

657) Chicago cubs lost the 1908 world series to the New York Giants and called for a rematch in which they won the rematch (or) the Chicago Cubs played the 1907 and 1908 game against the Detroit Tigers and won both games. It was similar and that is why they called it a rematch.

658) Chicago Cubs: 2016 world series believed to only happen because we drifted into another Parallel Universe where we would not have had this event happen should we have been in another Parallel Universe or the one we came from.

659) Chicago Cubs: Steve Bartman caught a ball that was still in play, ruining the game for the Chicago cubs.  He had to be escorted by police out of the stadium and he got a lot of threats. (or) he never caught the ball, but instead deflected it from the catcher's glove while trying to catch it, causing it to be a foul ball.

660) Chicago fire (event): No one knows what cause the fire (or) some believed a cow caused the fire (or) proven the cow did not cause the fire

661) Chicago Fire (TV show) Fireman was injured in an early season and took his 70% cut and retired, but with no explanation was seen in later seasons. If this is someone different, why is the list of Firemen on the website not listing the one that left?

662) Chicago State: (United States):  This state is found on a older map of The United States, but currently is not apart of our 50 states. This means either it was a state and was removed by the Mandela Effect (or) Never was a state but now has history of a state (or) Were seeing history of a state from another parallel universe

663) Chicagoland State: (United States):  This state is found on a older map of The United States, but currently is not apart of our 50 states. This means either it was a state and was removed by the Mandela Effect (or) Never was a state but now has history of a state (or) Were seeing history of a state from another parallel universe

664) Chihuahua State: (United States):  This state is found on a older map of The United States, but currently is not apart of our 50 states. This means either it was a state and was removed by the Mandela Effect (or) Never was a state but now has history of a state (or) Were seeing history of a state from another parallel universe

665) Children of the corn (First movie): the kids sacrificed themselves at the age of ___. 18 (or) 19 (only changed in the movie)

666) Children of the corn (movie) logos on some of the movies have the letters overlapping

667) Child's play (first movie) Chucky's point of View (or) point of view from other actors

668) Child's play: Chucky's weapon was just a knife (or) Kitchen knife (or) voodoo knife (or) big butcher knife (also) Was the knife bloody?

669) Child's Play: Good guy doll (or) Good guys doll

670) Chilli (or) Chili

671) China bigger than the USA? (Or) USA Bigger than China

672) Chinese Flag: Some belief the star has changed position

673) Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers: Are twins (or) not twins

674) Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers theme: Ch-ch chip and dale (or) Ch-ch-ch Chip and dale

675) Chippewa: This was found on a map of the United States yet has never has been a state nor plans to be one as of 2021. In this case it is 1) This Was a state and disappear due to the Mandela effect 2) Never was a state but is in our history now due to the Mandela Effect

676) Chocolat (movie) Chocolat (or) Chocolate

677) Chocolat (movie) Known movie (or) Not remembered

678) Chomp at the bit (or) Champ at the bit

679) Chose (or) Choose

680) Chosing (or) Choosing

681) Chris Everette (or) Everet (or) Evert

682) Chrissie Hines (or) Hynde

683) Christ The Redeemer statue in Rio De Janeiro: Now reported shorter, rob is longer, and now looking up (not down as remembered)

684) Christine (Stephen King book) R is cursive as the other letters are not (on some books) As the other books all have cursive lettering with a weird line going through, out of shape. Other books showed the E slanted back.

685) Christmas Song:  12 days of Christmas: My true love ___ to me. Gave (or) Sent

686) Christmas song: I will be home for Christmas you can ___ on me. Plan (or) Count

687) Christmas Song: Joy to the world the lord ____  come. Has  (or) Is

688) Christmas song: Rudolph the red nosed reindeer lyrics: Rudolph the red ___ reindeer.  Nose (or) nosed (also) Rudolph the rednosed reindeer has a very shiny nose, and if you ever saw   Him (or) It (also) You would say it glows (or) Glowed

689) Christmas song: Tis The Night Before Christmas: Had just settle _______ for a long winter's nap. Our brains (or) Our heads (also) Tis (or) This (or) T'is

690) Christmas song: Up on the ___ reindeer pause, out jumps good old Santa Claus. house top (or) Rooftop

691) A Christmas story: Leg lamp color:   Yellow (or) Tan (or) Orange (or) Red (or) Checkered (or) Black (or) White

692) Christmas trees have been in different colors:  red, blue, light blue, purple, pink and for the patriotic ones: red, white and blue) (or) Always green

693) Christmas trees have been upside down for decades (or) never been upside down

694) Christmas Vacation: Beats up the Santa ornament multiple times before Santa flew in the air and hit the ground again where he continued to hit it (or) kicked and hit the Santa Ornament a few times and left it alone after it flew up and hit the ground.

695) Christopher Columbus: He fed dead body's to his people so they would not starve.

696) Christopher Columbus: He was a Rapist and a Pedophile (or) never was

697) Christopher Columbus Italian (or) Portuguese

698) Christopher Columbus: Never tried to prove the world was flat (or) try to prove the world was flat ended up finding new land before he could (or) Proved the world was flat

699) Christopher Columbus Set foot in North America (or) Never set foot in North America

display: inline-block; line-height: inherit;">700) Christopher Columbus: Ships names: Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria (or) Nina's name is actually Santa Clara while Pinta's is unknown.

701) Christopher Reeve (or) Reeves

702) Chuck E. Cheese (or) Chuck E. Cheeese's  (also) Chucky Cheese (or) Chucky Cheese's

703) Churchill's speech: We will fight them on the beaches (or) we shall fight on the beach's

704) Cimarron state: was a state for a very short time when it was no man's land. This is a state that was removed by the Mandela Effect (or) never was a state but now was in our history

705) Cinderella has Characters missing from the movie

706) Cinderella's ears was shown in a movie (or) was not shown in a movie
708) Civil War (Confederate States/ United states): 1860-1864 (or) 1861-1865 (or) 1860-1865 (also) 4 years (or) 5 years (or) 6 years (looked at as 1860 (1 year), 1861 (2nd Year), 1862 (3rd Year), 1863 (4th Year), 1864 (5th Year), 1865 (6th Year) (or) 1860-61 (I year), 1861-62 (2nd year), 1862-63 (3rd Year), 1863-64 (4th Year) 1864-65 (5th Year)

709) Civil war (Confederate States/ united States): After the war, Black people were given the right to vote (or) Black people were given the right to vote until the 1960's.

710) Civil war (Confederate States/ United states) April 9, Confederate General Robert E. Lee and his famed Army of Northern Virginia surrendered to Union General Ulysses S. Grant which ended the war, and the north won. (or) the north and the south both sign a Treaty to end the war to stop the deaths. Neither country actually won or lost the war.

711) Civil War (Confederate states/ United States) Death toll: 500,000- 700,000 died making the Civil War the most deadly wars with the highest death count (or) Not the highest death count war

712) Civil War (Confederate States. United States) Interviews were done With the Confederate soldiers (or) No interviews were done. (Note: Videos did not exist in 1860-65)
714) Civil War (Confederate States/ United states) President Johnson Declared an attack on the south after Robert E. Lee and President Lincoln sign the treaty ending the war. This attack caused many generals to be killed in the south in which they attacked back, killing people in the north. (or) no attack or action of war after the treaty was signed.

715) Civil War: (Confederate/ United States war) Russia was helping United States during this war (or) Was not helping the United States

716) Civil War (confederate states/ United states) Texas was a neutral state during the civil war (or) Texas became a Confederate State

717) Civil War: (Confederate States/ United states) The south won the war, but the event has believed to change due to time travel causing the North to win.

718) Claussen (or) Klaussen

719) Cleopatra: Cleopatra's tomb is in a known location in Egypt (or) Cleopatra's tomb has never been found

720) Cliffbar (or) clifbar

721) Clifford's Puppy days (or) Clifford's puppy tales

722) Clint Boyer (or) Clint Bowyer

723) Clive James: Died in 2012 (or) 2019

724) Clueless: Cher, wore white knee high stockings with white shoes (or) black shoes

725) CNN logo: Remembered to be where no letters connected (or) All letters connected

726) CNN: Mattis to discuss North Korea with Asian leaders (3:16 p.m.) James Mattis has both "T"'s pushed together twice.

727) Coca-Cola  - (Dash) Between the words (or) above between the words?

728) Coca-Cola "C" at the bottom has a logo change

729) Coca-Cola: Coca-Cola classic existed since 1985-Present (or) Never had Coca-Cola Classic (known now as "original taste")

730) Coca-Cola clear was not remembered. Similar to Pepsi Crystal

731) Coca-Cola: Coke II existed from 1992-2002 (named after new coke in 1992) and return in 2019 (or) Coke II never happen.

732) Coco Puffs (or) Cocoa Puffs

733) Coen Brothers (or) Cohen Brothers734) Coke 2: A drink that was created by Coca-Cola but not remembered by anyone

735) Coke Zero (or) Coca Cola Zero

736) Colgate (or) Colegate

737) Colgate made food (or) just toothPaste
739) Colman's Mustard (or) Coleman's Mustard
741) Columbo's first name was Frank (or) never said

742) Columbia (or) Colombia

743) Columbia State: (United States):  This state is found on a older map of The United States, but currently is not apart of our 50 states. This means either it was a state and was removed by the Mandela Effect (or) Never was a state but now has history of a state (or) Were seeing history of a state from another parallel universe

744) Columbine Massacre 1994 (or) 1996 (or) 1998 (or) 1999

745) Comedy Central (T.V. station) Logo:  remembered to have the logo of June 1991-October 1991 threw out their history. However, They only had it a few months

746) Commercial: Bob Wehadababyitsaboy commercial: was done by what company? 10-10-321 (or) 1-800- collect (or) AT&T (or) Geico (also) Is said to have another commercial before this that said his weight and more after itsaboy. It was said not to give the warning "Don't eat the phone company" but the video is gone. (and Geico is a car insurance not phone company)

747) Commercial unknown: (believed to be Orville Redenbacher) Was sitting at the table at the end of the commercial holding a few cards where 3 k's were seen. Despite the fact people found this commercial controversial, the commercial does not exist.

748) Commited (or) committed

749) Comperable (or) comparable

750) Conchata Ferrell Die twice?

751) Coneheads (movie) Girl is in the bedroom ctying. She was seen crying with human tears (or) one tear that was a green glow and green glow on pillow.

752) Confectionate Sugar (or) Confectioners Sugar

753) Confederate States of America has ___ States. 7 (or) 11 (or) 13  (13 stars= 13 states?)

754) Confederate States of America: Constitution (or) No Constitution

755) Confederate States of America: President elect rules: President can serve 4 years in one term (no term limit) (or) 1 term of 6 years (note: United States never started term limits until the 1940's so no reason prior to that either country would think about it. The Confederate constitution was also very close to the United States constitution)

756) Connecticut: New Connecticut: (United States):  This state is found on a older map of The United States, but currently is not apart of our 50 states. This means either it was a state and was removed by the Mandela Effect (or) Never was a state but now has history of a state (or) Were seeing history of a state from another parallel universe

757) Connecticut State: West Connecticut (United States):  This state is found on a older map of The United States, but currently is not apart of our 50 states. This means either it was a state and was removed by the Mandela Effect (or) Never was a state but now has history of a state (or) Were seeing history of a state from another parallel universe

758) Conoco: logo changed. Upside down  triangle (or) no triangle just a circle

759) Constitution of the United States: In order to be president, the Constitution states, one must be a natural born citizen of the United States, a resident for at least ____ years, and at least 35 years old. 14 years (or) 15 Years

760) Constitution of the United States: The Thirteenth Amendment: Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction. (or) Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction. (Slavery is gone (or) Still allowed as long as it is in jail)

761) Cool hand Luke: "What we have here is a failure to communicate." (or) "What we've got here is failure to communicate." 

762) COPS (or) C.O.P.S.   (T.V. Show)

763) COPS  air in what year? 1986 (or) 1987 (or) 1988 (or) 1989

764) COPS Canceled by FOX in 2011 (or) 2012 (or) 2013

765) COPS intro: (TV show) all 32 seasons said: Cops is filmed on location with the men and women of law enforcement. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. (or) Season 1 and 2 said: Cops are filmed on location as it happens. All suspects are considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.  As season 3-32 says Cops is filmed on location with the men and women of law enforcement. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.  (also) did they ever say: Cops are filmed on location with the men of law enforcement.  All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law  (no men and women)

766) Cornet (or) Coronet

767) Cornocopia (or) cornucopia

768) Cosby: (not The Cosby Show which ran on CBS from 1984-1992) is a show that ran 1996-2000 though most have no idea he did another show with a similar name.

769) Cosco (or) Costco

770) Counselor (or) counsellor

771) Count Cholula Rabbit teeth (or) Vampire teeth

772) Countries on the map is slowly disappearing or moving around

773) Courtney Cox (or) Coureney Cox

774) Covid 19: First United States outbreak/case: January 2020 (or) March 2020

775) Covid 19: TV news panic:  people dropping in the streets in Wuhan (or) TV did not show panic and people dropping in the streets in Wuhan

776) Cowboys: Play poker alot (or) hardly ever played

777) Cows: 3 horn on cows now exist

778) Cows: Cows can sit (or) can not sit

779) Cracker Jack (or) Cracker Jacks

780) Craven means evil (or) means cowardly.

781) Crazy frog exposed himself (or) never exposed himself

782) Creation of Adam painting: Fingers don't touch and apart (or) close together possibly touching

783) Credit card: Appeared in what year? 1888 (or) 1950's

784) Crest of the United States: The stars were inside the shield (or) no stars inside the shield

785) Crisp Creme (or) Krispy Kreme773) Crocodile Bibiya: He (or) She

786) Crocodiles climb trees (or) don't climb trees

787) Crocodile Dundee: That's not A knife, This is a knife (or) That's not a knife, That's a knife

788) Crocodile Hunter died in 2006 (or) Prior to 2006 (possible 2003/2004)

789) Crocodiles: Vegan (or) not Vegan (They say they started out eating rice and plants and never ate meat. They still exist as vegans now)

790) Crossing sign (showing someone crossing the street) Square (or) triangle   (also) white/ red letters (or) yellow/ Black

791) Cuba changed shape from cigar look

792) Cuba now is closer to Florida

793) Cucumber: Fruit (or) Vegetable

794) Cujo: (Stephen king's book) Based off a true story (or) Not based off a true story

795) Cujo: (Stephen King's Book) Is the book he hated the most (or) Tommy Knockers was the book he hated the most

796) Cujo: (Stephen King's book) Stephen King now has no memory of writing the book Cujo despite the fact he did. Is this a Stephen King from another universe where he did not write the book?

797) Cup "o" noodles (or)  cup noodles

798) Curious George man with yellow hat wore a tie of what color? Yellow (or) Black (or) polka dot

799) Curious George Tail (or) no tail (he is called a monkey and monkeys have tails)

800) Curt Henning (or) Hunnig

801) CVT transmission was invented by Leonardo Da Vinci (or) was not Invented by Leonardo Da Vinci

802) CW (T.V. Station) 2005 (or) 2006 (Year Started)

803) CW (T.V. Station) Logo: Letters pushed together (or) Not pushed together

804) CW (T.V. Station) Logo: W even with the C (or) The End up the W raised higher that the C

805) Cycle of the werewolf (Stephen King book) K and I pushed together in "King" and L and F in "werewolf"

806) Cyndi Lauper "Time after time" Suitcase, Dramamine (or) Suitcase of memories
807) D.A.R.E. stands for: Drug, ______, Resistance, Education.  Abuse (or) Alcohol
808) Da Bad Boy: Wiggle/ Jiggle (or) Shimmer/ Glimmer
809) Da Vinci: ever paint Jesus?  Yes (or) No
810) Da Vinci: invited contact lenses (or) never invited them

811) Da Vinci Jesus painting: Jesus holds a crystal ball (or) does not hold a crystal ball
812) Daddy's hands (Country song) Tune sounds different & slower (or) The same

813) Daddy's hands sung by Dolly Parton (or) Holly Dunn

814) Dairy Queen: Sesame seeds on bun (or) Not on bun
815) Dakota State: (United States):  This state is found on a older map of The United States, but currently is not apart of our 50 states. This means either it was a state and was removed by the Mandela Effect (or) Never was a state but now has history of a state (or) Were seeing history of a state from another parallel universe
816) Dakota: Lost Dakota, (United States):  This state is found on a older map of The United States, but currently is not apart of our 50 states. This means either it was a state and was removed by the Mandela Effect (or) Never was a state but now has history of a state (or) Were seeing history of a state from another parallel universe
817) Dalton Le Dale (or) Hertton Le Hole
818) Dammit (or) Damnit
819) Dan Akroyd (or) Aykroyd
820) The Dark half (Stephen King Book) (or) Dark Half
821) The Dark Side Of The Moon (or) Dark side Of The Moon
822) The Dark Tower Series: (Books by Stephen King) The Dark Tower (or) Dark Tower
823) Dates change from what day they land on (Example: Friday, January 1, 2021 To Tuesday, January 1,2021)
824) Dates of certain events jump from the 22nd to the 23rd. However this could be a Miss thought because most tragic events end up on the 22nd or the 23rd. 
825) David Carradine: died in 2009? (or) Different year
826) David Prowse: Did he die earlier than 2020?
827) David Soul die before (or)  He is alive today (2021)
828) David Wilcock (or) Wilcox
829) Daylight Saving (or) Daylight Savings time 
830) Daylight saving time (Oct 2019) People felt they set the clocks twice that month
831) Daylight Saving Time: March (or) April / October (or) November
832) Daylight Savings Time: Spring goes forward, fall goes behind (or) Spring goes behind, fall goes forward

833) Days: Days reported on different days of week such as: Someone would remember April 1 on a Monday and go back later and find it on a Tuesday.
834) Days: Days by month: 30 days has September, April, June, and November. When short February's done. All the rest have 31. (or similar to the song) So. Every month has 31 except Feb which has 28 (every 4 years it has 29 since 1752 except for the year 1800 and 1900) and April, June, September, and November had 30. (Yet) Some people feel July never had 31 or that two months never had the same number. They suggest every other month was 31. This would give October 30 days, and Halloween has always been on the 31st, so this would not line up with that theory. Unless we count every month but skip February. Jan 31, Mar 30, Apr 31, May 30, June 31, July 30, Aug 31, Sept 30, Oct 31, Nov 30, Dec 31. OR Jan 30, Mar 31, Apr 30, May 31, Jun 30, Jul 31, Aug 30, Sept 31, Oct 30, Nov 31, Dec 30
835) Days of our lives: Like ____ through the hourglass ____ are the days of our lives.  Time (or) sand  (also) So (or) These (also) Were there any words before this line? Some reports show it said: "Just as grains" where others remembered nothing.

837) DEA Stands for what: Drug Enforcement Agency (or) Drug Enforcement Administration
838) Dead end sign: Diamond (or) Square 
839) Dead end sign: letters are Yellow/ Black (or) Red/ white
840) Dead Zone: (book by Stephen King) The Dead Zone (or) The dead zone:
841) Dead Zone: (Book by Stephen King) Dead zone words now run together in a overlap.
842) Dead Zone: (movie) Dead Zone (or) The Dead Zone
843) Dead Zone: (movie) letters now run together and overlap.
844) Dead Zone (T.V. Series) Dead Zone (or) The Dead Zone
845) Dead Zone (T.V. Series) 5 Seasons (or) 6 Seasons
846) Death ray: Was created in the 1920's as a gun ray (or) 1980's as a machine death ray (or) another decade
847) Death Valley (or) Death Valley days
848) Debute (or) Debut
849) Declaration of Independence was sign and founded on July 4, 1776 (or) founded July 2,1776 but not sign until August 2, 1776
850) Deer: Beards (or) no beards
851) Deer: Fangs teeth (or) No Fangs Teeth
852) Deer have small tails (or) large tails (or) no tails
853) Deer Hunter (or) The Deer Hunter
854) Defibrillator: Brings you back after death (or) only pumps up the heart and slow heart beats
855) Definately (or) Definitely
856) Deja Vu: always known under that name (or) known under the name of DeJa Reve
857) Delmarva State: (United States):  This state is found on a older map of The United States, but currently is not apart of our 50 states. This means either it was a state and was removed by the Mandela Effect (or) Never was a state but now has history of a state (or) Were seeing history of a state from another parallel universe
858) Democrats color: Blue (or) Red (Some people have a strong memory of Red from democrats prior to President Trump's administration. (Maybe in another Universe) 
859) Demolition Man (1966 movie) The uniforms are different (or) No Change
860) Denis Norden: die in the early 2000's (or) 2018
861) Denmark look different
862) Denis Norden death: 2000 (or) 2018
863) Depend (or) Depends
864) Deseret state: (United States):  This state is found on a older map of The United States, but currently is not apart of our 50 states. This means either it was a state and was removed by the Mandela Effect (or) Never was a state but now has history of a state (or) Were seeing history of a state from another parallel universe
865) Desi Arnez (or) Arnaz
866) Destruction Derby (PS1 game) (or) Demolition Derby
867) Dettol (or)  Dettox (cleaning products)
868) Diary of a Wimpy Kid (or) Diary of the Wimpy Kid (also) The Diary (or) Diary
869) The Diary of Annie Frank (or) Diary of Annie Frank
(or) The Diary of a young girl (or) The Diary of Annie 

870) The Diary of Annie: Turn out to be a fake, or given false information, but was belief to be true. (or) Was already fiction, and no one thought it was real (or) based on some truth, and some fiction, and we knew that all along (Wikipedia still shows it to be a true story, Though many website prove many points to be fiction. Most realitys already knew their was fiction to the story)
871) Dick cavett: Aired an episode where someone died on the shoe (or) Did not air that episode
872) Dick Clark die twice? Last death reported in 2012
873) Dick Dastardly famous song: Catch the pigeon (or) Stop the pigeon
874) Dick Van Patten Die prior to 2015?
875) Different Strokes (or) Diff'rent Strokes
876) Different Seasons (Book by Stephen King) Different Seasons (or) 4 Seasons
877) Different Seasons (Book by Stephen King) "E" and "A" run together in an overlap and the  "S"  is larger at the end. 
878) Digimon: episode having this super dark scene where Ken (and the others) were trapped in a mind illusion. Ken watched his alter ego The Digimon Emperor get crucified (like actually tied to a large wooden pole coming out of the ground) He watched The Digimon Emperor burst into data (Die in the digital world) and then his dead brother Sam appeared and Ken said he wanted to go with Sam. Wormmon appeared and said ‘Ken, is this really what you want?’ In a sad and sorta fearful tone and then convinced Ken to come back to reality with him. (or) That line was given to Hawkmon the partner of Yoliegh about her not having any siblings, and Sam never appeared to Ken in that illusion thing.
879) Digimon: Wargreymon having a small hoop earing on one of his horns (or) no hoop earing on one of his horns
880) Dilemna (or) Dilemma
881) Dinner for Schmucks (or) Dinner with the Schmucks
882) Dinosaurs: Has feathers (or) does not have feathers
883) Dinosaurs leaving behind residues still existing even though we thought they were all gone.
884) Dinosaurs: Missing dinosaurs that once existed are now never heard of.
885) Dinosaurs: New ones are now being found that were being told that existed in our history even though we never heard of them.
886) Dinosaur shark found. These never existed before

887) Dire Eclat (or) Dire Eclair
888) Direct TV (or) DirecTV
889) Dirty Dancing: Nobody puts babies in ___ corner. The (or) A
890) Dirty Harry: “Do you feel lucky, punk?” (or) Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk?”
891) Disease: Elephantitis (or) Elephantiasis
892) Disquise (or) Disguise
893) Disney bought out nickelodeon in 1990 (or) Later time
894) Disneyland is reported to be looking different than what it was compared to what people remember.
895) Disney logo changed: The castle was wider and reached to the "W" (or) the castle was not as wide and reached to the "A"
896) Disney title on VHS and DVD: Disney (or) Disney's (Example: Disney Fox and the Hound (or) Disney's Fox and the Hound)
897) Disney World Amusement Park (or) Walt Disney's Amusement Park
898) Disney World – Some people recall entering the Magic Kingdom through the castle. A second, alternate memory: Everything else matched the current time stream, but the castle was much closer to the end of Main Street. (At Disney World, not Disneyland.)
899) Disney World – Some people recall taking a monorail from the Orlando airport directly to the Disney World property. The Orlando airport has a train, not a monorail, and it doesn’t take people to Disney World.

900) Dodo Birds: Extinct because humans hunting (or) Rats, Pigs, and monkeys ate their eggs
901) Dodo Birds: Taste good to humans (or) never liked by Humans
902) Doc Martins (or) Doc Martens900) Dog: Larger dogs are now coming around. Some are as big as humans.
903) Dog: Dog Pandas now exist

904) Dog: Pit bull now exist looking more like a leopard

905) Dog: Dog tail on it's head has been found
906) Dog The Bounty Hunter: Canceled after season 4 after Dog used the word "nigger" which his son sold the tape to the media, but the show later came back on T.V. (or) Never was canceled in season 4 and the show went on until it was cancelled in season 8.
907) Dog poker painting: 6 (or) 7 dogs
908) Dog Poker Painting: Big table (or) Small table

909) Dog Poker Painting: Dogs smoking Cigars (or) No Cigars
910) Dog Poker Painting: Glasses on some dogs (or) no glasses
911) Dog poker painting: Godfather clock (or) no Godfather clock

912) Dog Poker Painting: Green hats (or) Flat hats (or) no hats
913) Dog Poker Painting: The main dog that sits in front of the picture had what item in front of him? Poker chips (or) Cards

914) Dog Poker Painting: top Light (or) No top light
915) Dog Whiskers: Have whiskers on face (or) No whiskers
916) Dog years: Count by 7 (1=7, 2=14, 3=21) (or) Never was counted by seven.
917) Dakota States: North Dakota (or) Dakota Du Nord
918) Dakota States: South Dakota (or) Dakota Du Sun
919) Dollar Sign $ with one slash (or) 2 slashes
920) Dolly Parton: Island in the ___. Sun (or) Stream
921) Dolly Parton: Married for over 50 years (or) Never Married
922) Dolphons (or) Dolphins
923) Dolphin: Can talk (or) can not
924) Dolphins: Pink Dolphins now exist and are almost extinct
925) Dom DeLuise Death in 2009? (or) Different date
926) Dominos (or) Dominoes
827) Don't mess with Zohan (or) Don't mess with the Zohan (or) You don't mess with the Zohan
928) Don Rickles: die in 2017 (or) 2019
929) Donald Duck's eyes white (or) Blue
930) Donald Duck: Navy (or) Many services
931) Donald Duck: Neck Kerchief (or) Red bow tie (or) Yellow bow
932) Donald Duck: Related to Scrooge Mcduck (or) Not related (Shifter)
933) Donald Suherland died (or) not dead
934) Donna Summers (or) Summer
935) Doors: Come on baby light my fire: "If I were to say to you" (or)  "If I was to say to you"
936) Dora the explorer: Bennie  had a gold nose ring (or) never had a gold nose ring
937) Doris Day: Died prior to 2019 (or) 2019
938) Doughnut (or) Donut
939) Doug's Dog: Was he always blue?
940) Doug's eyebrow 1 (or) 2
941) Doug: Paddy is white skin (or) black skin
942) Doug: Skeeter skin color was Blue (or) Green
943) Downing Laundry Detergent (or) Downy Laundry Detergent
944) DQ logo has changed where the "D" and the "Q" has been pushed together.
945) Dr. Dolittle (or) Dr. Doolittle (or) Doctor Dolittle (or) Doctor Doolittle
946) Dr. Jane Goodall die (or) Alive
947) Dr. Martins (or) Martens
948) Dr Pepper (or) Dr Pepper. (or) Dr. Pepper (Period after Dr (or) After Pepper) 
949) Dr Pepper: Blueberry flavor not remembered. Did it exist before?
950) Dr Pepper: can beans (or) Did not make can beans
951) Dr Pepper: Logo "P" Letter has a longer stretch on the P.  "E" in the "EP" and  "ER" is in cursive while the rest is not.
952) Dr. Phil (or) Phill
953) Dr. Phil: Catch me outside girl on Dr. Phil: Year was: late 2016 (or) sometime in 2000's (or) between 2000-2016 (or) a few  years back after 2016
954) Dr. Seuss (or) Dr. Suess
955) Dr. Seuss: Are you my mother has changed some of the writing (or) same
956) Dr. Seuss: The cat in the hat (or) Cat in the hat
957) Dr. Seuss: The cat in the hat ___ back. Came (or) Comes (also) The cat (or) Cat
958) Dr. Seuss died in: 1990 (or) 1991 (or) 1994 (or) 1995 (or) After 2000
959) Dr. Deuss: Green Eggs and ham (or) The Green Eggs and ham
960) Dr. Seuss: Green Eggs and Ham: would you ___ them in a house, would you ___ them with a mouse.  Eat (or) Like
961) Dr. Seuss: How the Grinch stole Christmas (2000 movie) (or) The Grinch
962) Dr. Seuss: The Grinch who stole Christmas (or) The Grinch stole Christmas (or) How the Grinch Stole Christmas
963) Dr. Seuss: How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000): Grinch gave Cindy a ___. Green Mug (or) Glass of water
964) Dr. Seuss: The Pocket Book of Boners. This book was written in 1941 based on 4 books he wrote in 1931. (or) never heard of it
965) Dr. who (or) Doctor who
966) Dragnet: Just the Facts ma'am was said by Sgt. Joe Friday (or) never said
967) Draino (or) Drano
968) Dracula (book) Sunlight killed Dracula (or) Sunlight did not kill him
969) Dracula Did said "I want to suck your blood" (or) never said "I want to suck your blood"
970) Dream of blue dragon (or) The dream of blue dragon (or) To dream of blue dragon
971) Dream Works: Boy sitting on the moon (or) Girl angel
972) Duck Dynasty: Si Robertson died sometime prior to 2021 (or) Alive as of 2021
973) Duck Tales (or) Ducktales
974) Duck Tales: Did they ever have human cartoons on the show (or) no humans
975) Duck Tales: S3 E13: The boys are running the business and they spoke to a T.V. producer saying they want cartoons on ___ hours a day. 24 (or) 26
976) Duck Tales eyes: Scrooge McDuck, Daisy, Huey, Dewey, Louie has... Blue Eyes (or) white eyes
977) Duck Tales "Theme song Change". D-D Danger ______ behind you, There's a stranger out to find you.    Lurks (or) Looks (or) watch 
978) Dukes of Hazzard (or) The Dukes of Hazzard (also) Dukes of Hazard (or) The Dukes of Hazard (also) Hazard county (or) Hazzard county
979) Dukes Of Hazzard: Boss Hogg, (or) Boss Hoggs
980) Dukes of Hazzard: General Lee car color:  It was painted orange and later painted red (or) Always orange
981) Dukes of Hazzard: General Lee Car year: Always 1969 Dodge Charger (or) 1969 Dodge Charger but later was used as a 1970 and 1971 Dodge Charger.
982) Dukes of Hazzard: General Lee has two flags on the back of their car in the first episode (or) No flags on the back of their car.
983) Dukes of Hazzard theme song: Just ____ good ol' boys, (A (or) The) Never meanin' no harm, Beats all you ___ (Ever (or) Never) saw, been in trouble with the law since the day they was born.
984) Dukes of Hazzard Theme: The ending of the beginning theme (When the song is done) it is followed by the General Lee horn (or) the boys saying He Haw
985) Dumb and Dumber "B" is back words (or) always been that way
986) Dumb and Dumber to (or) Too (or) 2 (also) "B" is backwords
987) Dumbo's hat: Red (or) Blue (or) Yellow
988) Dupont (or) Du Pont
989) e (lowercase letter) Is now slanted in most logos, and electronic spelling (on T.V., Internet, Gaming, etc.)

990) Each other (or) EachOther
991) The Eagles (or) Eagles
892) The Eagles "Desperado" You've been out right offensive, for so long now (or) You've been out ridin fences for so long now
993) The Eagles "Take it easy"  Don't let the sound of your own wheels ___ you crazy. Drive (or) make
994) Earthworms: A 6 foot earthworm has been found
995) Earwigs Couldn't Fly (or) Earwigs Can Fly
996) Easter: March (or) April
997) Easter Island: (Head statues) had no hats (or) Red hats
998) Easter Island: The heads have bodies underground (or) just the heads
999) Easter Monday: A federal Holiday (or) not a federal Holiday.


1,000) Easter Monday: There has always been an Easter Monday to follow Easter Sunday since 1935 (or) Never was an Easter Monday
1,001) Ebenezer Scrooge (or) Ebanezer Scrooge

1,002) Ebenezer Scrooge based off a real person (or) was not based off a real person
1,003) Ebola: first outbreak was in 1976 (or) mid 1990's
1,004) Eclipse: Fire Eclipse now exist
1,005) Ed Asner: died before (or) never died
1,006) Ed McMahon: showing up to people's house with a big million dollar check talkin about they just won the sweepstakes for Publishers Clearing House (or) Never went to anyone's house.
1,007) ED Sheeran (or) Sherman

1,008) ED McMahon worked for: Published Clearing house (or) American Family Sweepstakes
1,009) Eddie Van Halen: Married 11 years before death (or) recent marriage 
1,010) Eddy's (or) Edy's ice cream

1,011) Edgar Allen Poe (or) Edgar Allan Poe
1,012) Edward Scissorhands: Cutting new shirts for Kim (or) Not cutting new shirts for Kim

1,013) Eight crazy nights (or) 8 Crazy nights

1,014) Eight Crazy nights: Views on the movie have change where people no longer feel it is a great movie

1,015) Einstein: Bad at math (or) Good at math

1,016) Einstein's theory of relativity: 1 part Special Relativity - 1905, deals with moving frameworks. Famous for E=Mc2  (or)  having two parts?  The 2nd being General Relativity - 1915, deals with gravity and  the geometry of space. Famous (sorta) for the Einstein Tensor

1,017) El Cedral, Mexico was land on Mexican area (or) A island

1,018) Elephant man (movie) (or) The Elephant man

1,019) Eli Whitney: White race (or) black race

1,020) Elisa Lam: Was found, the hatch to the water tank was open (or) closed

1,021) Electric Light Orchestra - Mr. Blue Sky (song) ending said:  Mr. Blue Sky  in a slow robotic voice (or)  please turn me over (in the same slow robotic voice.)

1,022) Electricity was created by Benjamin Franklin (or) Tomas Edison (or) Ancient Greeks in 546 B.C. (or) Alessandro Volta

1,023) Elephants have breast (or) otters

1,024) Elephant: talk (or) can not

1,025) Ellio's (or) Elliou's Pizza

1,026) Elmlea Cream (or) Elmlea Double cream (or)Elmlea Cream alternative

1,027) Elon: People feel this person had appeared out of nowhere and very little detail about the person. The people who do remember him do not remember him having a twin brother.

1,028) Elvis Presley (or) Prestley

1,029) Elvis Presley: Black Belt (or) not black belt

1,030) Elvis Presley: Death? Drug overdose (or) Heart attack (or) Heart Attack caused by a drug overdose

1,031) Elvis Presley: Hair is Blonde (or) Black

1,032) Elvis Presley Jr. Existed (or) Never (The story is that Elvis had a son he never knew about and the child was adopted. When he learn who his dad was in the 1980s at the age of 21 he legally had his name changed to Elvis Presley Jr. despite no one knowing of his music he has done concert)

1,033) Elvis Presley: Reported to look different and Face Changed

1,034) Elvis Presley: Gravestone spelling of him middle name: Aron (or) Aaron

1,035) Elvis "JailHouse Rock" Numbers on door and Jacket have changed

1,036) Elvis Presley: "Only You" He did sing it (or) he never sung it

1,037) Elvis: Return To sender: She wrote upon it: Return to sender, address unknown. No such number, no such ______.   zone (or) home

1,038) Elvis Presley: spy (or) was not a spy

1,039) Elvis Presley: Thank you, Thank you very much (or) Thank you {short Pause) Thank you very much (or) thank you very much

1,040) Elvis's twin: Elvis had a twin brother (or) did not have a twin brother

1,041) Emancipation Proclamation: Set to free all slaves (both black and white in both the North and the South) (or) Only set to free slaves in the south only. (which President Lincoln had no jurisdiction over)

1,042) Emergency! (T.V. show) now has a cartoon spin off that people do not remember

1,043) Emergency Room (or) Emergency Department (ER is the nickname not ED)

1,044) Eminem kids: 2 kids (or) 1 kid  Hailie (Eminem and Kim's child together, and than Alaina (aka Lainie) was adopted by Eminem in 2002 which is Kim's twin sister, Dawn Scott daughter.  Due to Dawn's struggles with drugs, Eminem and Kim took Alaina in.  (or) Eminem has 3 kids Hailie, Alaina, and the third is Whitney Scott was born to Kim in 2002 when she was with Eric Hatter. With Hatter out of the picture and Kim in and out of jail, Eminem raised Whitney too. (note most only remembered 2 kids)

1,045) Eminem died: reported dead by a car crash 4 different versions, and a drug overdose once. (or) no story's of Eminem's death, (or) death hoax has been released (not counting the actual death people remembered him having)

1,046) Eminem eyes: Brown (or) Blue

1,047) Eminem: Good rapper? Despite that people remembered him as a good rapper in the 90's, people have gone back, and they do not like his early music now.

1,048) Eminem  "Lose Yourself": Would you capture it or let it slip (or) let it go (also)  Oh there goes rabbit (or) Ope there goes rabbit (also) He knows his whole back to these ropes (or) he know the whole back to city ropes (also) He's do stacked that he knows (or) He's so sad that he knows (or) He's so stagnant that he knows (also) this whole rap city (or) rhapsody (also) the souls escaping (or) his soul's escaping (also)  only grows hotter (or) homies grow hotter (also) plus seeing a dishonor, teeter totter (or) caught up between being a father (also) Another jam or not (or) another day of monotony's (None which would be considered for radio edit)

1,049) Eminem: Looks and voice had changed. (could be clone Eminem)

1,050) Eminem Monster: lyrics at the end of the choirs said "Well that's nothing" (or) Not fair (or) well, that's okay

1,051) Eminem: "My name is'' (uncut version) Extraterrestrial, running over pedestrians in a spaceship While they screamin' at me "Let's just be friends!" (or) Extraterrestrial, running over pedestrians, Raping lesbians, in a space ship While they screamin' at me "Let's just be friends!" (note, the cut version (aka radio edit) replaced this line but it is now also replace on the uncut version) (also) God sent me to piss the world off(or) God sent me here to piss the world off

1,052) Eminem Retired: Zero times (or) once (or) Twice

1,053) Eminem: "Slim Shady" was a name created by Eminem while he was sitting on the toilet  (or) The band D12 planned to find the 12 best rappers of Detroit but found only 6, so they created alter-egos in order to have 12. That’s when Eminem came up with Slim Shady

1,054) Eminem: Without me:  "guess who's back..."  is the intro but people also remembered it as the chorus and not "This looks like a job for me"

1,055) Eminem: "Without me" video. remembered to have Eminem jumping out of the window almost a minute into the video, yet this does not happen. (also) in the smae video it had shown a toilet two different times. In each time it had shown the toilet, what was in it? Poop both times (or) people standing on a log the first time then poop the 2nd time.

1,056) Empire State: (United States):  This state is found on a older map of The United States, but currently is not apart of our 50 states. This means either it was a state and was removed by the Mandela Effect (or) Never was a state but now has history of a state (or) Were seeing history of a state from another parallel universe

1,057) Empire state Building: B-25 Mitchell bomber crashed into the building in 1945 killing 14 people (or) never crashed in a building

1,058) Emoji: Hiking emoji existed (or) Never existed

1,059) Emoji: Robber Emoji was their (or) Never existed

1,060) Emoji: Pointed Sword fish emoji now missing (or) never existed

1,061) Emoji: Peas and a pod emoji are missing. (or) Never existed

1,062)  Emoji: Seahorse emoji now missing (or) never existed

1,063) Emoji: Water bottle emoji now missing (or) never existed

1,064) Energizer Bunny: Is the battery on the side (or) on the back

1,065) Energizer Bunny: did it start off with Duracell before being the Energizer Bunny? 

1,066) Energy: People feel like they have had less energy

1,067) England's location is  ____ of France.  East (or) North

1,068) The Ericsson Car phone of 1910: did it exist? yes (or) No

1,069) Erie State: (United States):  This state is found on a older map of The United States, but currently is not apart of our 50 states. This means either it was a state and was removed by the Mandela Effect (or) Never was a state but now has history of a state (or) Were seeing history of a state from another parallel universe

1,070) Ernest Borgnine Death: Died prior to 2012 (or) 2012

1,071) ESPN (T.V. Station) Logo: Had a line going through ESPN since 1985 (or) Did not have a line going through ESPN since 1985

1,072) Essential or Essentia (Water company)

1,073) Essex State: (United States):  This state is found on a older map of The United States, but currently is not apart of our 50 states. This means either it was a state and was removed by the Mandela Effect (or) Never was a state but now has history of a state (or) Were seeing history of a state from another parallel universe

1,074) ET: Elliot places Reese's in sort of a line out of the shack and ET slowly grabs one at a time from the ground and is then lured into the house. (or) Elliott goes out into the woods or forest behind his house. Tosses Reese's pieces around the trees and brush then comes across one of the Fed guys looking around... later Elliott is just sleeping on a lounge chair when ET suddenly appears to him, leaving him a handful of Reese's pieces on the blanket Elliott is using... then it cuts to ET being lured into the house with piles of Reese's pieces.

1,075) E.T. Opening credits white (or) purple

1,076) E.T. phone home (or) home phone

1,077) E.T. said " I'll be right here" as he pointed to her ____. Heart (or) Head

1,078) Et Cetera abbreviation: ECT. (or) ETC.

1,079) Etch-A-Sketch (or) Etch A Sketch

1,080) Eugene Shoemaker:  was buried on the moon (or) never heard of this

1,081) Eureka: Name came from a man who was nude in the bathtub, after a discovery, he ran through the town yelling Eureka (or) He never yelled Eureka and the term of the creation of the word is unknown.

1,082) Eurorcar (or) Europcar

1,083) Everybody loves raymond (or) Everyone Loves raymond

1,084) Evil dead (or) The evil dead

1,085) Evel Knievel (or) Evel Knifvel

1,086) Ex-patriot (or) Expatriate

1,087) Exorcist (1973 Movie): Girl possessed had a feeding tube (or) no feeding Tube (before her head turned around when she then had no tube).

1,088) Expresso: Never Existed (or) Existed

1,089) The Exorcist: No feeding Tube (or) Used a feeding tube

1,090) Extreme makeover (or) Extreme home makeover

1,091) Eyes: Eye piercing has been popular for over a decade yet people do not remember this. This is piercing the inside eye

1,092) The eyes of the Dragon (Stephen King Book) The eyes of the dragon (or) The Eye of the Dragon (or) Eyes of the Dragon (or) Eye of the Dragon

1,093) F.R.I.E.N.D.S: 2 of the female actors now have no memory of being on the show, acting, or doing any episodes.  They have no memory of the show itself, Just knowing a few of the actors.

1,094) F.R.I.E.N.D.S Phoebe Buffay (or) Phoebe Buffet

1,095) F.R.I.E.N.D.S. Theme: has 5 claps (or) 4?

1,096) F.R.I.E.N.D.S. Theme "I'll be there for you/ When the rain starts to ___ / I'll be there for you/ Like I've been there before. Fall (or) Pour

1,097) Faber Castell (or) Faber Castel

1,098) Facebook logo: facebook (or) face book (or) Facebook (or) Face book (also the F logo) F (or) f

1,099) Facebook: FB Jail gives you Random days (or) 21 days (or) 30 days

1,100) Facebook:  Search engines have shown when each website was most popular by year. This website shown people had searched Facebook in 1998, 1999, and 2001. The search would be impossible as FB was not created until 2004. 

1,101) Face Off (or) Face/Off

1,102) Fairy (or) Fairie (or) Faery (or) Faerie

1,103) Fall out boys ``Light em up" My sons know what you did in the dark (or) My songs know what you did in the dark

1,104) Family Circus (or) The Family Circus

1,105) Family Guy: Lois earrings: were they blue?

1,106) Family Guy: Season 13,  Episode 11 (Encyclopedia Griffin), there's a scene where Chris says "Heather won't even let me get to __ base" while talking to Peter. He says "Is that, touching one of the cabbages?" (Heather is Chris's sex doll) to which he replies: "Yeah" second (or) third

1,107) Family Matters (or) Family Manners

1,108) Family Matters: Jaleel White (aka Steve Urkel)  committed suicide (or) never committed suicide. It was just an internet hoax.

1,109) Family Matters: Reginald Johnson  (aka Carl Winslow) died in mid 2000 (or) alive

1,110) Family Matters: Steve Urkel: "Did I do That?" sounds different, and is said a lot less than remembered.

1,111) Family Matters: Steve Urkel: Said "You got any cheese" (or) "you got any food" (or) never said either one or anything close

1,112) Family Matters Theme: Beats play in ending theme not remembered.

1,113) Family Matters Theme: Different version for the first episode that was never heard of is now out.

1,114) Family Matters theme: During the theme song while in the kitchen, the window broke. During the song did you hear the window break? yes (or) no

1,115) Family Matters theme: Full version was cut down for T.V. viewing. (or) Full version played in the first few seasons and was cut down for the next few seasons.

1,116) Family Matters theme: played in all seasons (or) Only in season 1-6 but not 7-9

1,117) Family Video logo change: The "F" and the "A" combine together. The "Y" stretched longer under the letters.

1,118) Fantastic Beasts and where to find them: Released prior to 2016 (or) released in 2016 (memories belfief 2014)

1,119) Fantasy Island _______ da plane da plane. Boss (or) Did not say boss

1,120) Fast time highs: Aright Hamilton (or) way to go Hamilton

1,121) Fats Domino died way before 2017: 2009-2011 (or) 2017

1,122) Fax: First fax was in 1846 (or) 1964

1,123) Fear the walking dead (or) Fear of the walking dead (or) The fear of the walking dead

1,124) Febreze (or) Febreeze

1,125) February (or) Febuary

1,126) February: 30 day has occurs in some Gregorian calendar in the pass to make up extra days, or based on being in a different country, and will have 30 days in the year 7008 to make up extra days (or) Never has happened in the Gregorian calendar and never will.

1,127) Fed-Ex (or) FedEx

1,128) FedEx (or) FedEX: "X" is closer and shorter to the E now creating an arrow between the two letters. A spoon is also noticed with the D and E which was not noticed before since there was a - in between. The letters seem to combine with each other.

1,129) Fiberon: The letters Fib are combined together. The letter e is shaped differently.

1,130) Fidel Castro's die (or) never die (also) Fidel Castro's 2nd death before 2016 (or) 2016

1,131) Figment Dinosaur (at Walt Disney world in Florida) Eyes: White (or) Yellow

1,132) Figment Dinosaur (at Walt Disney world in Florida) Existed since the late 1980s (or) never heard of it

1,133) Figment Dinosaur (at Walt Disney world in Florida) Tail: One single point (or) 2 side points

1,134) Field of dreams: if you build it ___  Will come.  They (or) He

1,135) Finess (or) Finesse

1,136) Fire Exist Sign: The fire Exist sign showing a person and an arrow. Was it a Red sign (or) Green Sign

1,137) Fire Exist Sign: man facing to the right (or) Left

1,138) Fish face: A fish with two mouths was found.

1,139) Firestarter (book by Stephen King) Firestarter (or) Fire-Starter (or) Fire Starter

1,140) fire-Starter (Book by Stephen King) Letters: "T" (top) is cut off.  "T" and "A" pushed together. "T" (2nd) Cut off and pushed together with the "E" and "R" at the end is larger.

1,141) Firestarter (Movie) Firestarter (or) Fire-Starter (or) Fire Starter

1,142) Firestarter (movie) "A" is off-shaped. Other letters have overlapped or run together.

1,143) Firestarter (movie) After Charlie set the agents on fire, and the old man makes a speech, and adds "Be a good Nazi" which was not said in the movie.

1,144) Fish feet: Fish have feet (or) Some have feet (or) Fish do not have feet 

1,145) Fish filet (or) Filet o fish

1,146) Fish Human face: Fish was found with a human face. Did this exist before?

1,147) Fish pipes now exist (for fish to swim thru)

1,148) Fists Of Fury (or) Fist Of Fury

1,149) Flamingo: all pink (or) some pink some black

1,150) Flamingo: Can not fly (or) Can fly 30-40 MPH

1,151) Flava Flav (or) Flavor Flav

1,152) Flesh tone Crayola Crayons discontinued earlier than Remembered.

1,153) Flintstones (or) Flinstones (also) The Flintstones (or) The Flinstones (also for pilot episodes) The Flagstones (or) Flagstones

1,154) Flintstones: A Flintstones Christmas (or) A Flinstones Christmas

1,155) Flintstones: A Flintstones Christmas Carol (or) A Flinstones Christmas Carol

1,156) Flintstones: A man called Flintstone (or) A man called Flinstone

1,157) Flintstones: A man called Flintstones: The agent, Slag that looks just like Fred wore what? Same color shirt as Fred (Orange) (or) Same kind of shirt as Fred But Blue

1,158) Flintstones: Bam Bam (or) Bamm Bamm

1,159) Flintstones: Bamm Bamm club is brown (or) green

1,160) Flintstones: Barneys eyes all black (or) no color

1,161) Flintstones: Cars were driven with their feet (or) not driven by feet (or) Driven by gas (or) Sometimes with and without their feet and sometimes with Gas

1,162) Flintstones: Cave Kids a spin off not remembered.

1,163) Flintstones: Dino (or) Deano

1,164) Flintstones: Dino is light purple (or) Pinkish purple (or) Dark Purple (or) Red (or) Blue (all colors have been seen or remembered)

1,165) Flintstones: Dino the great egg is a spin off of the Flintstones (or) Did not know this was a spinoff. Never was seen or remembered. (This spin off was on Cartoon network in the 1990's)

1,166) Flintstones: Dino Stay out is a spin off of the Flintstones (or) Was not a spin off. (This spin off was on Cartoon network in the 1990's)

1,167) Flintstones: episode, Fred turns into a ape: Fred tries to get out of taking Pebbles to the zoo where he says their is a zoo virus and William says she would wear a facemask. This line was not remembered and similar lines about or related to covid 19 are now showing up in older movies and television series.

1,168) Flintstones: Episodes "Masquerade ball" Mr. Slate was called Mr. Rockhead and the Forman was called Mr. Slate. (This has been noticed throughout the Flintstones where in some episodes the names are changing.)

1,169) Flintstones: Episode "Masquerade ball" Barney said he wanted a costume to make him look bigger. Fred replied, How about another head. Barney then said, What would I do with 3 heads. However, It would only be 2 heads. Unless this is a sexual reference as the 3rd head is below, but Flintstones (and this era) was not known for hidden messages of the sexual references.

1,170) Flintstones: (episode where they start the restaurant) William says at the end that she needs to.... Powder her nose (or) nose her powder

1,171) Flintstones: Flintstones Family Christmas (or) Flinstones Family Christmas

1,172) Flintstones: Fred Flintstone and friends is a spin off of the Flintstones (or) Was not a spin off

1,173) Flintstone Kids (or) Flinstone kids

1,174) Flintstones: Newer episodes are reported to be shown from the original series. (No new episodes have been made as of 2021 except for spin off series. People reported the first series now has episodes not remembered.)

1,175) Flintstones: Pebbles and Bamm Bamm are reported to look different.

1,176) Flintstones: The Rubbles is a spin off of the Flintstones (or) Was not a spin off

1,177) Flintstones: Television specials & spin offs seem to have a longer list than what most remembered.

1,178) Flintstones: "The Flintstone Flyer" (Season 1 Episode 1) Fred hit Barney in the head with a hammer. Barney asked "What did you do that for?" Fred replied what? Started talking about the Opera (or) "That is for the next thing you do wrong", then spoke on the Opera.

1,179) Flintstones theme ending: Fred puts out the cat as the cat goes back in the house and shuts the door. Fred... Yells "William opens the door 3 different times as he pounds on the door Than yells william! (or) Yells Wiiliam 3 differnt times as he pounds on the door (or) Yells William one time (Change before the theme changed to "Meet the Flinstones)

1,180) Flintstones Theme: Gay ole time (or) Great Ole time. (not to be confused with the spin off 's which said "great")

1,181) Flintstones: Said coming home from work  "Wilma I'm home, where's my Dinner" (or) Wilma!   (or) William, I'm home!

1,182) Flintstones: The Water Buffalo Lodge (or) The Water Buffalo Hall (or) Loyal Order of Water Buffalo Lodge (or) Loyal brotherhood of the water buffalos (or) Royal Order of Water Buffalo Lodge (or) The Loyal Order of Dinosaurs Lodge (or) Peacock (seems to change between episodes in which it was always the same title. Yet even as they stay similar you now hear them call it peacock in some episodes or within a similar word.

1,183) Florida had a baseball team called the Miami Marlins (or) never did (or) they did for a short time and now it is gone

1,184) Florida State: Florida (or) Floride

1,185) Florida State: Central Florida: (United States): This state is found on a older map of The United States, but currently is not apart of our 50 states. This means either it was a state and was removed by the Mandela Effect (or) Never was a state but now has history of a state (or) Were seeing history of a state from another parallel universe

1,186) Florida: East Florida, (United States): This state is found on a older map of The United States, but currently is not apart of our 50 states. This means either it was a state and was removed by the Mandela Effect (or) Never was a state but now has history of a state (or) Were seeing history of a state from another parallel universe

1,187) Florida shape: Did Florida's bottom swing to the right (or) left  (or) straight down

1,188) Florida State: Islands at bottom left (or) no islands

1,189) Florida State: North Florida, (United States): This state is found on a older map of The United States, but currently is not apart of our 50 states. This means either it was a state and was removed by the Mandela Effect (or) Never was a state but now has history of a state (or) Were seeing history of a state from another parallel universe

1,190) Florida State: South Florida, (United States): This state is found on a older map of The United States, but currently is not apart of our 50 states. This means either it was a state and was removed by the Mandela Effect (or) Never was a state but now has history of a state (or) Were seeing history of a state from another parallel universe

1,191) Florida State: West Florida, (United States): This state is found on a older map of The United States, but currently is not apart of our 50 states. This means either it was a state and was removed by the Mandela Effect (or) Never was a state but now has history of a state (or) Were seeing history of a state from another parallel universe

1,192) Flowers: Egg like flowers now exist

1,193) The Fly (movie) in color (or) black & white

1,194) Folgers (or) Foldgers

1,195) Folgers "e" is slanted

1,196) Folgers jingle: The best part of waking up __ Folgers in your cup. Is (or) is the (or) No line (Tune is said to sound different)

1,197) Food Pyramid: Brought into American schools in what year? 1970's (or) 1980's (or) 1990's

1,198) Footloose "Kick off ____ Sunday shoes.  Your (or) The

1,199) FORD logo changed near or on the "F" and the Ford logo change on the "O" it now looks like a "U"

1,200) Ford: The Company fired Henry Ford (or) did not fire Henry Ford

1,201) Forgottonia State: Is found on a map that existed before, and does not now (or) Never existed, but does in our history now.

1,202) Forrest Gump (or) Forest Gump

1,203) Forrest Gump: The feather at the end of the movie was: All white (or) part white and part grey

1,204) Forrest Gump: I may not be a smart man but I know what love is (or) I am not a smart man but I know what love is (or) I'm not a smart man but I know what love is

1,205) Forrest Gump: (Kid scene) Forrest finds out he's a dad and asked "Is he smart or is he like me" (or) "Is he smart or... (nothing else)

1,206) Forrest Gump: a lady sitting next to Forrest Gump was holding a baby (or) sitting next to a kid.

1,207) Forrest Gump: Life is like a box of chocolates (or) life was like a box of chocolates (or) Life is just a box of chocolates (also) What did his mom say as she was dying? Life is like a box of chocolates (or) life was like a box of chocolates (or) Life is just a box of chocolates

1,208) Forrest Gump: My name is Forrest, Forrest Gump. (or) My name is Forrest, People call me Forrest Gump

1,209) Forrest Gump: Sorry I ruined your Black Panther Party (or) Sorry I got in a fight at your Black Panther Party

1,210) Forrest j. Ackerman died prior to 2008 (or) 2008

1,211) Fort Knox: Tennessee (or) Kentucky

1,212) Fortnite: Locators (keeping track of speed) was in Fortnite (or) was not in Fortnite

1,213) Fortnite: original  map showing how many islands? 1 (or) 2

1,214) Fortnite: Police cars were in Fortnite (or) Police cars were not in Fortnite

1,215) Fortune Cookies originated in China (or) Fortune Cookies did not originate in China

1,216) Foster the people (Band): Pumped up kids" song believe to be release sooner

1,217) Founding Fathers: Christians (or) Worship multiple Gods

1,218) Fox and the hound: (ending) The hound takes a bullet for the fox and died (or) Taking the bullet, and did not die (or) Standing in front of the hound, and no bullet

1,219) Fox and the Hound: Title on the black diamond VHS cover: "O" is now tilted and the "U" and "N" have collided together.

1,220) Fox and the Hound:  Tod walks into a barn, sees all the animal pelts hanging, and freaks out and cries while running out. (or) Just sees the pelts in a shed (or) not in the movie

1,221) Fox and the Hound: Owl's eyes are what color: Yellow (or) White

1,222) Fox and the Hound: "Watch it women, That thing is loaded" as she shot off a round and said "not anymore it's not" was in what part of the movie? As she shot the truck (or) After she shot the truck

1,223) Fox And The Hound: (winter part) Woodpecker say: I'm freezing my b-b-b- be (or) I'm freezing my b-b-b- beak off

1,224) Fox News and CNN Owned by the same person (or) not own by the same person

1,225) FOX News "O" looks different (since 1996 that has been their logo)

1,226) Frackland State (United States): This state is found on a older map of The United States, but currently is not apart of our 50 states. This means either it was a state and was removed by the Mandela Effect (or) Never was a state but now has history of a state (or) Were seeing history of a state from another parallel universe

1,227) Franco Columbo (or) Franco Columbu

1,228) Frankenstein: He's alive (or) It's Alive

1,229) Frankenstein:  Neck bolts (or) Neck electrodes

1,230) Frankie Howard (or) Frankie Howerd

1,231) Franklin State (United States): This state is found on a older map of The United States, but currently is not apart of our 50 states. This means either it was a state and was removed by the Mandela Effect (or) Never was a state but now has history of a state (or) Were seeing history of a state from another parallel universe

1,232) Freaked (1993 movie) is not remembered to exist

1,233) Freddie Prinze: Memories of him being related to Freddie JR., And Sarah Michelle Geller

1,234) Free reign (or) Free rein

1,235) French Flag Horizontal (or) Vertical

1,236) The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air (or) Fresh Prince of bel-Air

1,237) The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air lyrics: Many do not remember the longer version theme that was cut for T.V. use. In some realities the longer version of the theme may have not existed.  Others feel some parts of the lyrics have changed.

1,238) The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air theme song: Cop was Pointing the finger (or) or waving his stick as he caught Will Smith spray painting

1,239) The Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air: Dice in the tazi hanging from the mirror (or) no dice seen.

1,240) The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air Theme song: Hat was worn as he spun around in his chair (or) Not hat was wrong as he spun around in his chair

1,241) The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air Theme song: Intro names- Letters are pushed together now

1,242) Friday (movie): After Smokey ends his call with Big Worm, he pulls out what. Bag of weed and a joint (or) a Joint

1,243) Friday (Movie): Kitchen scene Cereal part is longer and different.

1,244) Friday (Movie): Kitchen scene: Chicken (or) Chitlins

1,245) Friday (movie): Every time I come in the kitchen, you're in the kitchen. In the goddamn refrigerator. Eatin' up all the food. All the chitlins... All the pigs' feet... All the collard greens... All the hog maws. I wanna eat them chitlins... I like pigs' feet. (or) Every time I come into the kitchen, you're in the kitchen. In the goddamn refrigerator. Eatin' up all the food. All the chitlins... All the pigs' feet..You ate my dinner. My mashed potatoes. And the good old gravy I like, the biscuits I like to sop that gravy. You ate all that up. You drink up the milk, don't care what kind of milk it is. You don't care, 2 percent, 3 percent, buttermilk...".

1,246) Friday the 13th: Ch Ch Ch (or) Ma Ma Ma

1,247) Frito Lays (chips): Now created lemonade

1,248) Frogs: Can now freeze them self in the winter and thaw themselves out in spring.... without breathing

1,249) Frogs: Mutant frogs with transparent skin (which we can see all inside body parts) now exist. (you can see organs, skeleton, heart and more)

1,250) Frogs: Will stay in the water until it is boil (or) They will not stay in water until boil

1,251) From A buick 8 (Stephen King Book) letters: "ICK" pushed together (some books) "8" is different color (some books)

1,252) Frosty the snowman hat: The hat now has a flower on it (or) always had a flower on it

1,253) Frosty the snowman scarf: did he have a scarf? (or) no scarf. (also What color was the scarf?) Orange (or) black (or) Red (or) Green (or) red/green (or) Blue (or) did he have a bow

1,254) Frosty The Snowman song: Down to the village with a broom stick in his hands, running here/ running there/ all around the square, Saying catch me if you _____. Dare (or) Can

1,255) Frozen: The Duke of Weselton: monocle (or) glasses

1,256) Fruit Loops (or) Froot Loops (flip flop. As most remembered froot changed to fruit, just as many remembered fruit changed to froot. Each reality is correct as both events now exist.)

1,257) Fruit Loops" Lawsuits not remembered. The lawsuit claimed it was "Fruit" but was forced to change to "froot" Because they were not actually fruit. Yet, if we Remembered froot to begin with, this never took place or happened.

1,258) Fruit of the Loom logo has change with the cornucopia missing (or) never their

1,259) Fruit of the loom: Logo had a banana (or) no banana

1,260) Fruit Pastels (or) Pastilles

1,261) Fry's had a Food and Drug store (or) Did not have a Food and Drug store

1,262) Full House: 8 seasons (or) 8 seasons and 2 unaired episodes for season 9

1,263) Full house: 1987-1995 (or) 1989-1997

1,264) Full house: Becky is getting ready to have the baby's at the hospital. She looks over at Jessy and says "oh yeah your gonna have my ____" baby (or) babies

1,265) Full House: Color on the words "FULL HOUSE" and the names of the people were written in____?  Yellow all 8 seasons (or) White Season 1-7 and Yellow for season 8

1,266) Full house: Did they swear on the show? Now they curse a lot, and make sexual comments.

1,267) Full house: Dj never said "Oh my God" due to religious beliefs and instead said :Oh mylanta or oh my Atlanta (or) She did say oh my God as well as the other cast members.

1,268) Full House Theme: House in what spot? Many remember the Tanner's house being one of the famous three San Francisco houses you see in the intro . Many distinctly remember them focusing on the middle one at the end of the intro . And then the show would start . But now at the end of the intro it just cuts away and goes to a random Victorian house .

1,269) Full house: Jessy's Bunnies: Season 1 Jesse took the bunnies off his wall but keep one framed after Stephanie was sad about the removal of the bunnies (or) Jessy did not take the bunnies down until Season 4 Episode 2 in which he keep a bunny framed with no real reason why and it was Michael that spoke of missing them

1,270) Full House logo: letters cut off on letter

1,271) Full house: Mary Kate & Ashley Olsen (or) Mary Kate Ashley Olsen (also) Mary Kate (or) Mary-Kate

1,272) Full house remake: (not Full House Reboot Fuller House) A remake was done in 2000 in Russia (or) no remake done at all, Just the reboot

1,273) Full House: Season 1 episode 1: Danny was walking his mom towards the door, and he had thanked her for staying there for how long? 3 months (or) 6 months

1,274) Full House: Season 1 episode 1: Vanessa came to visit Jessie, As it was thought that DJ was missing, Jessy took Vanessa's arm and everyone ran upstairs. Did Vanessa go up stairs and wait in the hall (or) never seen after the front room

1,275) Full House season 2 episode 1 Jessy returns home after a motorcycle accident where both his arms are now in a cast.  Stephanie was feeling bad having accidentally cut his hair, runs up to him and.... gives him a hug which had hurt his arm (or) tugged on his arm which then hurt Jessy

1,276) Full House theme song changed: Whatever happened to predictability? The milkman, the paperboy, the evening TV? How did I get  (Living here (or) delivered here?) Somebody tell me please (This old (or) Old) world's confusing me (With (or) when (or) [no line]) clouds as mean as you've ever seen, ain't a bird who knows your tune, then a little voice inside you whispers "Kid, don't sell your dreams so soon!"

1,277) Full House theme tune has been reported to change/ Sound different.

1,278) Full House: Thoughts of the show. People love the show but go back and watch it now and don't seem to like it.

1,279) Full House: Uncle Joey (or) Joey

1,280) Fuller House: (Season 1 episode 12) Stephanie and Kimmy kiss (or) Did not kiss

1,281) Fun (band) "We are young"  But our friend's a butt So let's raise a toe (or) but our friends are back So let's raise a toast"

1,282) Funyons (or) Funyuns (or) Funio

1,283) Futurama: Kif (or) Kip

1,284) Futurama: Planet Express Building color: Green (or) Red

1,285) Futurama: Zoldberg's Tongue: Grey (or) Purple (or) Dark Purple/ Grey (or) Pink (or) Redish pink

1,286) Gallagher Watermelon: Guy wore suspenders (or) No suspenders

1,287) Game Boy: The letters shown as: Game boy (or) GAME BOY (also) GAMEBOY (or) GAME BOY

1,288) Gangster's Paradise (or) Gangsta's Paradise

1,289) Garfield and Friends: Cuss' words were said by Wade in one episode. This was not remembered.

1,290) Garfield and friends: Episodes where Roy became a deputy on the farm and was putting people in jail based on an old rule book.  Orson asked Roy if he wanted a badge, Roy said he had one and came back with a what? Badge (or) Hat no Badge (or) Hat and Badge

1,291) Garfield and friends: Favorite food is Lasagna (or) Pizza (note he still likes lasagna and it is still shown within the T.V. show but the strips show pizza more. 1,292) Garfield: Garfield goes To Hollywood (or) Garfield goes Hollywood

1,293) Garfield: Jim Davis (Creator of Garfield) Died before? (or) Alive

1,294) Garfield and Friends: Orson's brothers all had white eyes (or) one had yellow eyes (or) all had yellow eyes

1,295) Garfield and Friends Odie: Black tail (or) yellow tail (also) Bigger tail (or) small tail

1,296) Garfield and Friends: Odie's nose: Black (or) Black with a white stripe(Nose changes on some characters beside Odie. Such as weasel and the brother Pigs)

1,297) Garfield and friends special: Garfield: T.V. Specials listed 12 (or) Less than 12 (also) There are many new Garfield specials not remembered such as: Babes and bullets, Feline Fantasies, Has 9 lives, In paradise, In the rough.

1,298) Garfield and Friends Theme "Hat" seen on him while he is on the fence was what color? Blue (or) Black

1,299) Garfield and Friends Theme:  "I'm scared"  is now said after he says "I hope you bring lots of spaghetti" (also) : Come on in, Come to the place where fun never ends, come on in ______ It's time for (or) To party with ... Garfield and Friends.

1,300 Garfield and Friends (theme song) "spaghetti" Was a orange color (or) Grey (also) with meatballs (or) no meatballs

1,301) Gary Oldman: died 2014 (or) Alive as of 2021

1,302) Garry Shandling  (or) Gary Shandling

1,303) Gatorade: Thirst Quencher (or) Quench your thirst

1,304) Gay was openly across America in the 1920's (or) gays were not open about their ways until some point after the 1960's

1,305) Geico: 1936 is the year they started (or) later year

1,306) Geico: Slogan: "15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance." (or) "15 minutes could save you up to 15% or more on car insurance."

1,307) Gene Kelly's Singing in the rain: Singin' (or) Singing

1,308) Gene Wilder alive again (or) Never died

1,309) George Carlin: 1990 speech on the flying spaghetti monster (before he created the Church) (or) did not do a speech until after 2000

1,310) George Michael: died 2010 (or) 2016

1,311) Georgia State: Georgia (or) Georgie

1,312) Georgia State: North Georgia,  (United States): This state is found on a older map of The United States, but currently is not apart of our 50 states. This means either it was a state and was removed by the Mandela Effect (or) Never was a state but now has history of a state (or) Were seeing history of a state from another parallel universe

1,313) Georgia state: South Georgia, (United States): This state is found on a older map of The United States, but currently is not apart of our 50 states. This means either it was a state and was removed by the Mandela Effect (or) Never was a state but now has history of a state (or) Were seeing history of a state from another parallel universe

1,314) Georgia Guide stone: Had a freemasons symbol on it (or) did not have a FreeMasons symbol on it

1,315) Georgia O'keefe (or) O'keeefe

1,316) The George Lopez Show (or) George Lopez

1,317) George Washington Carver never invented peanut butter. It was stolen from the Aztecs by Canada

1,318) Germany mystery coin: Coin from Germany found with a date of 2039. The coin shows Germany, where Mexico is now. A) From another Parallel universe where it is now 2039 in the year, and Germany had move after Mexico had been gone, or was always their  B) Time travelers lost a coin in the process of time travel and the events of this time travel had changed the outcome of reality where Germany is now where Mexico was.

1,319) Getto Boyz (or) Geto boys

1,320) Gettysburg (or) Gettysberg (or) Ghettysberg

1,321) Gettysburg address: 1 version of the address was made and used. (or) 5 copies were made and it is unknown which copy was with President Lincoln or if the one signed by him and accepted as the Gettysburg address is the same one he spoke from.

1,322) Gettysburg Address: Four score And Seven Years Ago Our ______ Brought Forth On This Continent.  Our Fathers (or) Forefathers

1,323) Gettysburg address location: ' platform 40 yards (or more) away from the traditional site in Soldiers' National Cemetery at the Soldiers' National Monument (or)  stood entirely within the private, adjacent Evergreen Cemetery.

1,324) Ghandi (or) Ghandhi

1,325) Gharial new crocodilian species with snot that looks like a pot structure

1,326) Ghirardelli (or) Ghiradelli

1,327) Ghostbusters (or) TAPS

1,328) Ghost sharks now (though people hold no memory of this).

1,329) Giants now exist (As shown in the Harry Potter Series)

1,330) Giant Palouse earthworm showing up again after being Extinct since 1980s (or) this never happen at all

1,331) Gilbert Godfrey (or) Gottfried

1,332) Gilligan's Island (or) Gilligan's Island (or) Gilligans' Island (' above the letter S or after)

1,333) Gilligan's Island: Actors eye colors have changed to green

1,334) Gilligan's Island color: Black and white season 1 & 2 and color in season 3 (or) Black and white in season 1 and color in season 2 & 3

1,335) Gilligan's Island: Gilligan's hat White (or) grayish?

1,336) Gilligan's island hut color: roof was tan/ Beige (or) green

1,337) Gilligan's Island: Mr. Howell flag trick. He is performing a magic trick and Mrs. Howell is watching; after he makes his introduction/ showmanship, he then begins to change his magic wand into a set of flags. Mrs. Howell says, " Flags of every nation" .What did the flags look like? One from each nation as Mrs. Howell said (or) Plain white flags

1,338) Gilligan's Island: Mr. Howell's hat was a captain hat (white) (or) straw hat

1,339) Gilligan's Island: Movies 2 (or) 3 (3rd not remembered)

1,340) Gilligan's Island: Professors shirt color: Blue (or) white

1,341) Gilligan Island: Roy Hinkley, (the Professor) death in 2014 (or) a later time after 2014

1,342) Gilligan's Island: Skipper's hat Black (or) a navy blue hat (or) white hat? (also and is reference to) Skipper off the show (acting as skipper) Always had on a Blue navy hat (or) Black Navy hat (or) White navy hat

1,343) Gilligan's Island theme song changed at the boat part towards the end of the theme where one was showing a boat where the other zoomed in and out on the boat.

1,344) Gilligan's island theme song: Island or isle (said not spelled)

1,345) Gilligan's island theme song: Professor and Mary Ann names were said in season 2 (or) Season 3

1,346) Gilligan's Island theme song: Professor and Mary Ann part showed the boat at a distance (or) right up close with the picture of the last 2 cast always

1,347) Gilligan's Island theme: Professor and Mary Ann part showed the picture of Professor at the top and Mary Ann at the bottom (or) Mary Ann at the top and Professor at the bottom.

1,348) Gilligan's Island: Tina Louise (Ginger) refuses to come back to the 3 spinoff T.V. movies because: She said her looks were not the same and she felt she was too old and it would show (or) could not make an agreement with the producers.

1,349) Gilligan's Island: Western Episode: Gilligan slipped on a wet floor (or) did not slip on a wet floor

1,350) Giraffes: Dark Giraffes now exist

1,351) Giraffes: Have purple tongues (or) do not have purple tongues

1,352) Girls Aloud: ‘The Promise’ Here I am, walking Primrose (or) Here I am, a walking bimbo’

1,353) Gladys Knight died 2000 (or) alive

1,354) The global seed vault was in: Alaska (or) Svalbard

1,355) Go-Go's (band) "Our Lips are Sealed" Even Dallas games, people play (or) In the jealous games people play

1,356) Gold can now be found in the hair of new born babies

1,357) Goldfish have a ____  memory. 3 seconds (or) 6 months

1,358) Golden State killer: already confessed and was found guilty prior to 2005 (or) Confessed and found guilty in 2020

1,359) Goliath frogs now exist as giant frogs

1,360) Gone with the Wind: Wherever shall i go/ Whatever shall I do (or) Where shall I go/ What shall I do

1,361) Goofy: Black Jacket (or) Green Jacket

1,362) Goofy: Movie (first): Pete says doh! (a Simpsons Catchphrase)

1,363) Goofy: Sequel to "A Goofy Movie": A Very Goofy Movie (or)  An Extremely Goofy Movie

1,364) Gone with the wind: Sky is now red in one part

1,365) Gone with the wind: Wherever shall I go, What ever shall I do (or) Where shall I go, What Can I do

1,366) Gobstoppers (or) Gobstopper

1,367) Golden Girls (or) The Golden Girls

1,368) Goodbye Christopher Robin (movie) {not to be confused with the 2018 movie Christopher Robin } was a 2017 movie in UK and release in USA the same year (or) Never heard of this movie

1,369) Google (or) google (Capital or not Capital)

1,370) Google logo: E is now slanted at top

1,371) Google motto: Do no evil (or) Don't be evil (or) no motto

1,372) Google voice: Hey Google (or) Ok Google (also) Google Voice (or even Text voice) is having a harder time understanding you, and typing in stuff you never said. This could be an effect from our new reality.

1,373) Goonies 2: Existed (or) not existed

1,374) Goosebumps: R.L. Stine (or) Stein

1,375) Goosebumps book: Welcome to dead house (or) Welcome to the dead house

1,376) Gordon Ramsey (or) Ramsay

1,377) Gordons sandwich (or) Gortons sandwich

1,378) Gorillas: Pound their chest with a fist while making a sound (or) slap their chest with a flat hand and no sound

1,379) Gracie Films (or) Grace Films

1,380) Gracie Films: "R" and "A" combined together

1,381) The Graduate: Mrs. Robinson, are you trying to seduce me? (or) Mrs. Robinson, You're trying to seduce me, Aren't you?

1,382) Gran Tourismo (or) Gran Turismo

1,383) Grand Central Station (or) Grand Central (or) Grand Central terminal

1,384) Grand Pyramid: Reported to be Moved, smaller & changed.

1,385) Grand Theft Auto 5 (game offline): animal park not remembered to be in the game

1,386) Grand Theft Auto 5:: (game offline) Locations appear to be added or removed or looking different than what was remembered.

1,387) Grand Theft Auto 5: (Game offline) Reports that some songs were added or disappeared. Offline games should not change.

1,388) Grapes: Now grapes exist at 2 1/2 inches long.

1,389) Grasshoppers: now exist in a rainbow color also noticed in pink.

1,390) Graveyards: Buried bell string was now use in the early days in case someone got buried alive they could pull the string to ring the bell

1,391) Gray (or) Grey

1,392) Great Britain Bigger area (or) smaller

1,393) Great Britain located above Canada where Greenland is now (or) somewhere else

1,394) Great Pyramids of Giza: Created for tombs for the pharaohs (though none are buried inside any of them) (or) not buried for the dead

1,395) Great wall of china: Visible from space (or) Not visible from space

1,396) Grease Movie car white (or) Red

1,397) Great Wall of India (or) no Great Wall of India

1,398) Greenday (or) Green Day

1,399) Greenland is a small island (or) a bigger country

1,400) Greenland a distance from Canada at the top (or) Real close to Canada on the side

1,401) Grease Lightning: this car is automatic, it's systematic, its hydromantic (or)  it's systematic, its hydromantic , its Ultramatic

1,402) The Green Mile (written by Stephen King): The Green Mile (or) Green Mile

1,403) The Green Mile (movie) The Green Mile (or) Green Mile

1,404) The Green Mile (movie) "Dead man walking... (repeats many times) (or) Dead man walking (Repeats many times) Dead man walking the green Mile

1,405) The Green Mile (movie) Mr. Jingles (or) Mr. BoJangles

1,406) Green State: (United States):  This state is found on a older map of The United States, but currently is not apart of our 50 states. This means either it was a state and was removed by the Mandela Effect (or) Never was a state but now has history of a state (or) Were seeing history of a state from another parallel universe

1,407) Gremlins spike (or) stripe

1,408) Grinch: "You're a mean one, Mr. Grinch'' I wouldn't touch you with ___ foot pole. 40 (or) 20 (or) 6 (or) 6 and a half (or) 39 and a half

1,409) Groundhogs Day (movie)  Punxsutawney (or) Punxatawney

1,410) Guerra (or) Guerrer

1,411) Guillotine: Last used in 1877 (or) 1977

1,412) Gulf of Carpentaria more spiky

1,413) Gumby: 4 characters (or) a 5th character named Minga.

1,414) Gumby: Color Dark Green (or) light Green (or) Green (or) Blue (or) Purple (or) Red

1,415) Gumby: Dog looks different

1,416) Gumby's eyes are different

1,417) Gumby's face looks different

1,418) Guy Fieri: Wore visors (or) No visor

1,419) Gweneth Paltrow (or) Gwyneth Paltrow

1,420) H.R. Puff "N" stuff (or) H.R. Pufnstuf

1,421) Haagen-Daas (or) Haagen-Dazs

1,422) Haas Avocados (or) Hass Avocados

1,423) Hal Holbrook alive (or) died prior to 2010

1,424) Haley's Comet (or) Halley's Comet

1,425) Haley Joel Osmond (or) Osment

1,426) The Halifax Explosion happen (or) never happen

1,427) Halloween (holiday): started as a Christian Holiday (or) Pagan Holiday

1,428) Halloween (movie): Halloween 6: The Curse Of Michael Myers (or) 'Halloween: The Curse Of Michael Myers

1,429) Halloween (movie): Laurie went to the elevator to escape from Michael. What color was the elevator?

1,430) Halloween (movie): Michael's car is bigger and it has extra seats now and is reported to be different otherwise

1,431) Halloween (movie) Michael Myers mask is now a different color

1,432) Halloween: Halloween trees (similar to Christmas trees) now exist

1,433) Halo 2: (Video Game) Design on armor (or) No design

1,434) Halo 2: (video Game) Split screen each level (or) Not every level (or) no level

1,435) Hamlet: "Alas, poor Yorick, I knew him well" was said in Hamlet (or) was not said in Hamlet

1,436) Hampster (or) Hamster

1,437) Hanies (or) Hanes

1,438) Hang gliding invited at the end of the 6th century? (or) Later time

1,439) Hank Williams Jr. A Country boy can survive: Were from North _____ and South Alabam. Carolina (or) California

1,440) Hank William Jr. almost died falling off a mountain at what age? 1975 at the age of 26 (or) 1978 at the age of 29 (not people remembered his dad died at the age of 29 and it was weird his son almost died at the same age)

1,441) Hank Williams Sr's Death: 1949 (or) 1950 (or) 1951 (or) No Death

1,442) Hank William Sr cause of death: Alcohol/ pill overdose that cause heart to failed (or) doctor refused to give him pills he needed and he was sick

1,443) Hank William Sr Died in the hotel (or) in the car on the way to a hospital after leaving the hotel (or) in the car on the way to a concert

1,444) Hank Williams Sr "Hey good lookin" lyrics change. How does it start out " hey good looking" (or) " hey hey good looking" (or) "say hey good looking". ( not to be confused in the middle of the song where he actually does say: say hey good looking. (also in live version) "I will ______  my date book over the fence." Was it: Throw (or) Jump (also) I'm gonna throw my date book over the fence and ___ me one for five or ten cents.  Buy (or) Find

1,445) Hank Williams SR: I can't help it lyrics: There was another by your side (or) There was another man by your side (or) Somebody stood by your side

1,446) Hank William Sr: I'm so lonesome I can cry lyrics:  He sounds too blue to... Fly (or) Cry (also) I've never seen a night so long ___ Time goes crawling by.  When (or) Where (also) The moon just went behind the clouds to ___ and cry.  Hang his head (or) Hide his head (or) Hide his face (in the same line) His (or) It's

1,447) Hank Williams Sr "There's a tear in my beer" lyrics: You ___ on my lonely mind. Were (or) Are (also) Lord I've tried and I've tried but _____ tears I can't hide.  These (or) Mine (or) My (also) Maybe my heart won't hurt...   No more (or) Me so

1,448) Hanna: "A" in logos look like a upside down "V"

1,449) Hanna Barbera: Hanna (or) Hannah (also)  Barbera (or) Barbara

1,450) Hanna Barbera: Into with all characters standing together is missing

1,451) Hans Zimmerman or Zimmer

1,452) Hanukkah is 6 days (or) 7 Days (or) 8 days

1,453) Happy Days: Chuck was written off the show with no return (or) written off the show but brought back later

1,454) Happy Days:  Henry Winkler (the Fonz) died 2014 (or) 2017 (or) alive

1,455) Happy days Fonzie's jacket: in picture (off camera) he was seen (with Happy Days cast) wearing a white jacket, but always were a black leather jacket anytime playing the Fons.

1,456) Happy days Theme: Goodbuy grey ___ hello blue. Sky (or) skies

1,457) Harambe kid: White skin (or) Black skin

1,458) Harpy Eagle never existed before

1,459) Harry Dean Stanton died in 2012 (or) 2017

1,460) Harry Potter Actor (Daniel  Radcliffe): Gay (or) Straight

1,461) Harry Potter Books and Movies are all remembered to have been either released sooner (prior to the current day), or for some of the movies, Released on later dates (different than the current time)

1,462) Harry potter Books remembered to be released in the 1980's as short kid books (such as comics or magazines, and not as books today)

1,463) Harry Potter: Harry Potter books were written in  1990 and Over the next five years, she began to map out all seven books of the series. having them released 1997and each year after. (or) she wrote one each year after it was published in 1997. (make since as we had a wait for the 4th book as she needed a break) and had nothing written prior to the late 90s

1,464) Harry Potter and the Chamber of secrets (book) Mr. Flinch was in the room after Harry and Ron ran the car in the tree. Did he drop a letter that Harry picked up and gave to him? It was remembered in the book and not the movie, but is now in the movie and not the book. Their is a reference later where Mr. Flinch said that Harry picked up the letter (during the part where they were question on the first attack).

1,465) Harry Potter and the Chamber of secrets (movie): Aragog (Hagrid's spider) said to Harry," I never saw any part of the castle, except for the ___ Hagrid had me in." Box (or) books

1,466) Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (movie) Diary: Harry gave the diary to L. Malfoy who gave it to his  Elf Dooby. Where was they at? he was inside the castle by Dumbledore's office (or) Outside the castle in the Courtyard hallway (or) In Dumbledore's office

1,467) Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (movie) Flow Power: Harry got sent to the wrong alley and came out of the fireplace at a shop. There appears to be a new part of the movie in which the Malfoys had entered the shop trying to sell some stuff. This part was not remembered in tne film, and the few that do seem to feel that it is different and longer.

1,468) Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (movie) Malfoy's comment: After the Malfoy's bad mouth Harry, Ron and Hermione, Lucius Malfoy added the diary to Ginny's collection of books and told Mr. Weasley "See you at work" while Draco walked by Harry and Said.... See you at school Potter (or) See you at school

1,469) Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (movie) Snape's office: After Snape told off Harry and Ron, Professor McGonagall told them she will write their parents as they received other punishment's the professor's left the room leaving Mr. Flinch in with the boys. Did Harry pick up a envelope and tell Mr. Flinch that he dropped it (or) There was no envelope there. (note: no cofusion with the book as it is no longer their.)

1,470) Harry Potter: Charlie Weasley: Harry Potter meet him in what book? Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone where Charlie had came down himself to get Hagrid's Dragon, as Ron introduced Harry to his brother Charlie. (or) Harry potter and the Goblet of Fire when they were at Quidditch cup, and Charlie Never came to get the Dragon in Harry's first year but agreed to help and arranged for some of his friends to do so instead.

1,471) Harry Potter Company (movie) WB (or) Disney (note: many people remembered Disney making Harry Potter)

1,472) Harry Potter and the cursed child (book) was written as a screenplay. The book was written by J.K. Rowling (or) Jack Thorne & J.K. Rowling

1,473) Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 1: One of the twins walks in with a coffee cup in his hand. He sees Harry and Ginny together. What did he say? Morning (or) Morning you two

1,474) Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 (movie):  Draco's parents call him over to join the other Death Eaters (After Voldemort thought Harry was dead.  Draco walked over (or) Refused to join.

1,475) Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 (movie):  Draco's parents call him over to join the other Death Eaters (After Voldemort thought Harry was dead.  Draco walked over (or) Refused to join

1,476) Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2 (movie): Harry meets Dumbledore's brother and tells him they need to get to Hogwarts to destroy the last horcrux. Why would he say that? He knew there were 7. No one knew Harry Potter was a horcrux and the snake was not spoken of until Goblet Of Fire. We must assume the snake was a new horcrux. Only the Diary of Tom Riddle, Marvolo Gaunt ring, and Locket of Slytherin were destroyed by this point and they had the Hufflepuff’s cup. This would mean 3 horcruxes still existed because even Voldemort did not know he created one threw Harry.  If 7 were created before the death of Harry, 3 would still exist by this point of speaking with Dumbledore's brother.

1,477) Harry Potter (all 9 movies) deleted scenes in the movie is reported to either now be a part of the movies/ DVDS, or additional deleted scenes that were not there.

1,478) Harry Potter (movie): Draco Malfoy played by two different people in the movies (or) played by one person

1,479) Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (book): Dragon broke off chains (or) did not break off the chain (not to be confused with the movie)

1,480) Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire: (Book or Movie) Dumbledore is in the dorm with Harry he states "dark and difficult times lie ahead. Its is up to us to choose between what is ____ and what is easy" Right (or) Hard

1,481) Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (book): Line missing similar to: Harry's eyes glisten with the ghost of his pass"

1,482) Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (movie) musical number was noted in the book when the other schools came to Hogwarts, but it was not remembered in the movie. It now appears in the movie leaving over 50,000 fans confused.

1,483) Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire: (book and Movie) Yule Ball being held on what day? Christmas (or) Christmas eve

1,484) Harry Potter: Gryffindor (or) Griffindor

1,485) Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince (book) Dumbledore just announced that Professor Slughorn will be teaching potions. The next line has a missing word now. "Potions?" said Ron and Hermione together, turning ____ to stare Harry (or) To stare at harry

1,486) Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince (movie): Harry Potter just took the lucky potion, After meeting Professor Slughorn he goes to leave. Slughorn said "Harry" in which Harry replied with what? Sir (or) Professor

1,487) Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince (movie): Professor Dumbledore just announced Professor Slughorn would resume his previous position as Potions Professor, as Professor Snape would be teaching Defense of Dark arts. Was the room quiet with only Slytherin's clapping (or) Did Ron make a remark about Snape not being around next year due to the jinx.

1,488) Harry Potter: He who must not be named (or) He who shall not be named

1,489) Harry Potter: Hedwig is all white (or) Hedwig is white with black dots

1,490) Harry Potter: Hogwarts (or) Hogwards

1,491) Harry Potter: intro Letters separated spelling out his name (or) H and A pushed together and P and O pushed together (note, this video was dated 2018 when this was found but we have researched every Harry Potter Mandela Effect between 2019-21 and never seen this video)

1,492) Harry Potter's parents were Gryffindor's was brought up in what book/movie? Sorcerer's stone, said by Hagrid after meeting Malfoy (or) Sorcerer's stone once he realized his dad was a seeker (or) Prisoner of Azkaban (or) Half Blood Prince when Harry talked to Professor Slughorn

1,493) Harry Potter: The Ministry of Magic (or) The Ministry for Magic (also) Ministry of magic (or) Ministry for Magic

1,494) Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (book) Cornelius Fudge arrives and Dumbledore gives his fake confession about starting Dumbledore's Army. Fudge, thrilled to be able to catch Dumbledore, moves to take him in. Dumbledore says, "Oh...I'm not going to come quietly." Fudge said something like, "Surely you don't think you are going to take on me and my Aurora, do you?" (missing line, next) Dumbledore's eyes twinkled and he said, "Not just that, Cornelius,....I'm going to win."

1,495) Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (book) Cornelius Fudge shows up at the Ministry of Magic at the end, and sees Voldemort is real, there is a moment where Fudge still tries to have Dumbledore arrested. (most do not remember them trying to arrest him) I think Dumbledore says something to the effect of "I can fight your Aurors again, and I can win again! Or, you can accept that Harry and I have been telling you the truth!" (this line was not remembered)

1,496) Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (movie): Harry says "Beat up another 10 year old," to which Dudley replies, "This one deserved it."  The scene showed the actual bullying (or) did not show the actual bullying

1,497) Harry Potter: Prisoner of ___.  Askaban (or) Azkaban

1,498) Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (movie): After Harry blew up his aunt, Harry left the house. In the background it showed his aunt still floating away and screaming. Beside the early part where Harry's Uncle was trying to bring his aunt back down, Did it ever show his aunt floating again? Yes (or) No

1,499) Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (movie)  Harry told the night bus conductor that his name was Neville long-bottom and then when the minister greeted him as Harry the conductor  said "I thought his name was Neville". (or) did not happen like this

1,500) Harry Potter's scar: Forehead right side (or) Middle of forehead (between eyes) (also) looks like a "N" (or) lightning bolt

1,501) Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (or) Philosopher's Stone (note: Most understand that they change the title for the United States Version but ask why didn't we just make it the same as everyone else instead of being the only country that has a different title? Some also remembered every country with the same title)

1,502) Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's stone (movie) 3 headed dog part: That's what's the dog guarding, that's what Snape wants." was said by Harry (or) Hermione

1,503) Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (movie) Aunt Petunia starts cracking eggs and there are letters in one of them (or) no letter in the eggs (or) Letters in all (or) In the book not the movie.

1,504) Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (movie) Christmas: Harry and Ron are playing wizard chess. Hermione leaves saying... Merry Christmas (or) Happy Christmas

1,505) Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (movie) Christmas: Ron said to Harry which said back to Ron: Happy Christmas (or) Merry Christmas

1,506) Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (movie): Different or more professors are added at the table during the sorting hat part.

1,507) Harry Potter and the sorcerer's stone (movie) Dudley's Picture: Harry came into the room as his aunt and uncle were taking pictures of Dudley (or) not taking pictures of Dudley (as the spoke of the uniforms)

1,508) Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's stone (book) Extra chapter had appeared in the book and has since and  Missing 'The Cupboard Under The Stairs' and a disappearing chapter under the title "The boy who lives under the stars" (as two different titles remembered)

1,509) Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (movie) Great Hall: As they were in the Great Hall eating a meal (After Professor Dumbledore caught Harry at the mirror) Neville Longbottom entered the room jumping as he had been hit with a leg lock spell. One of the students (who's spells often blew something up) Had offered to undo the spell where Neville joked he did not want to get blown up. This part was not remembered to be in the movie.

1,510) Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (movie) Hug: Harry and Hermione hugged at the end of the movie (or) did not hug (also) Harry and Hagrid Hugged (or) did not hugged

1,511) Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (movie) Mirror: After Harry show Ron the Mirror the next thing to happen is what: Harry is at the Mirror again when Professor Dumbledore caught him and spoke with him about the Mirror (or) Their in the Great Hall where Harry sat by a fireplace alone, Ron briefly spoke with him and than it goes to the next part where Harry is at the Mirror again and Professor Dumbledore walked in and caught him (note: People do not remembered the Great Hall in between the two Mirror parts)

1,512) Harry Potter and the sorcerer's stone (movie): Missing part (not to be confused in the books) Harry is being bullied at school by Dudley and and he teleport on the roof, the headteacher surrounded by Dudley and friends is shouting at him to get down and he ends up falling off the roof into some bins, pokes his head out of the rubbish. (possibly flash back)

1,513) Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (movie) Mrs. Weasley said that Ron's nose was dirty and try to wipe it off as later Hermione had pointed out the same thing (or) no comment by Mrs. Weasley but was said by Hermione

1,514) Harry potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (Movie): On their search for the stone they came across some traps. After the Chess game it was remembered (in the movie) that they had gone into a room with potions.  The Potion scene is now cut out of the movie. (Note: this is not to be confused with the book version. Most people with this memory did not read the books. This also was remembered in the theater, so it's not a deleted scene. It would show up on DVD even on a cut version)

1,515) Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (movie) Professor Snape's class: Harry is caught writing as Professor Snape assumes that he was not listening, he had asked him a series of questions in which Harry could not answer. Did Snape Stand at a distance (or) Pulled up a chair sitting across from him. (also) Took points from Gryffindor (or) Did not take points from Gryffindor (also) did Harry make a reference to Hermonie knowing the answer in which Snape called her a "Miss know it all" where she had points removed.

1,516) Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's stone (movie) post:  Harry got the post. Who told him to? Uncle Vernon Dursey (or) Aunt Petunia

1,517) Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (movie) Quidditch:  Lee Jordan Was given the commentary of the Quidditch match. Did he include insults towards the Slytherin team and praised the Gryffindor team (or) only comments were towards the Gryffindor team

1,518) Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (movie) Quidditch: Madam Hooch's eye turn yellow (the part that is white)

1,519) Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (movie) Train Station: Harry and Hagrid on a subway train  (or) Walked threw the train station but not on the train (as he disappeared when Harry looked back)

1,520) Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's stone (movie) Vernon Dursley driving to work and getting stopped by people dressed in wizarding clothing talking about rejoicing as the dark lord had fallen (or) despite people's memories it only happen in the books

1,521) Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (movie) Voldemort was trying to get the stone from Harry, many people remembered at some point that Harry Potter's parents were shown in the movie, or in ghost form. (note: Voldemort did tell Harry he could bring his parents back)

1,522) Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's stone (movie) Wands:  Harry is trying the wands at Ollivander's and at a wave of a wand it broke a rectangular window, the glass falling forwards and crashing on the ledge. (or) no such part happens in the movie

1,523) Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's stone (movie) zoo: Harry Accidently releases the snake on Dudley in which when the snake moves, we can see someone near the exit is seen flying or rising up. This however is a muggle area and witches and wizards can not do magic or anything near magic in front of muggles. This would not be an accurate part for the movie seeing how it is a muggle area.

1,524) Harry Potter: Voldemort (or) Voldermort (or) Valdemort (or) Valdermort (or) Voldelamort 

1,525) Hawaii 5-0 (or) Hawaii Five-0 (also) 0 looks different.

1,526) Hawaii 50th state (or) 52nd State

1,527) Hawaii became a state in 1960 or sooner (now a year away from Alaska. note: both remembered a few months apart and in early 1950s)

1,528) Hazleton, PA (or) Hazelton, PA

1,529) Heart is closer to the center (or) to the left

1,530) Heart: The human heart is now completely drained of blood

1,531) Heart Size Of 1 Fist (or) 2 Fists

1,532) Heath cliff theme song lyric changed: Heath cliff, Heath cliff, no one should... _______ their neighborhood. Terrify or terrorize

1,533) Heather Graham: Died in 2000 (or) alive as of 2021

1,534) Heinz Meanz Beanz (or) Beanz Meanz Heinz

1,535) Heisman Pose: Both feet on the ground (or) One foot on the ground while one is raised up.

1,536) Helen Thomas: did he die prior to 2013?

1,537) Hellraiser: (movie) Pinhead said: ___ your soul apart. I'll tear (or) We'll Tear

1,538) Helman's Mayonnaise (or) Hellmann's Mayonnaise

1,539) Hen: One found with Heart shaped dots on her body

1,540) Henry Ford what did he die of?

1,541) Henry Kissinger died in 2016?

1,542) Henry the 8th portrait:  chicken leg (or) no chicken leg

1,543) Henry the 8th: had 7 wife's (or) did not have 7 wife's

1,544) Herbal Essence (or) Herbal Essences

1,545) Herbie the love bug:  had a VW logo (or) Never had the VW logo

1,546) Hi ___ silver away. Ho (or) Yo

1,547) Highest point on earth: Mount Everest (or) Mount Chimborazo

1,548) Hilary or Hillary Clinton

1,549) Hilary Clinton divorced Bill Clinton before her election over another sex sandal (or) She never divorced her husband Bill Clinton

1,550) Hilary Clinton turn gay after she divorced Bill (or) Never turn gay, Never divorced Bill

1,551) Hilary (or) Hillary Duff

1,552) Hillshire Farm (or) Farms

1,553) HIllshire farm: Lit'l Smokies (or) Lil Smokies (or) Little Smokies

1,554) Hindenburg disaster killed all (or) some survived

1,555) Hindenburg is the worst aircraft disaster (or) USS Akron is the worst

1,556) HIPPA (or) HIPAA

1,557) Hiroshima Bomb: 10 Kilotons (or) 15 Kilotons

1,558) Hitchcock the bird: Color (or) black and white

1,559) Hitler addicted to meth (or) Not addicted to meth

1,560) Hitler: Adolf (or) Adolph

1,561) Hitler blew up French war armistice train (or) never happen

1,562) Hitler's death (fake 1945 death): killed in 1945 (or) suicide by poison or pill in 1945 (or) suicide by gun in 1945 (or) Sunk in a Sumerian after 1945 (real death year) 1965 (or) 1972 (or) 1973 (or) 1974 (or) 1984 (Their is evidence he did not die in 1945 and America helped him escaped to another country where he died at a later time in a bunker.)

1,563) Hitler's eye color: Was it brown (or) Blue.

1,564) Hitler Kids: How many kids did he have? None (or) 1 (or) 3 (note, despite them saying he has none now, most people recall the fact they remembered his son saying that they were changing their last name to kill off the Hitler name.

1,565) Hitler's mustache: small mustache as [] (or) is the toothbrush mustache which is longer as [__] (His moustache was burned off so was always small. This is not a shave, or changing. This is that the small one as we always knew no longer exist)

1,566) Hollywood (or) HollywoodLand. Either it was Hollywood land and changed by the Mandela effect (or) Hollywood land never existed but does now because of the Mandela effect

1,567) Hollywood writing strike. Did it happen in 2007 (or) 2008

1,568) Home Alone 1: a lovely cheese pizza ___. Is it: all to myself (or)  just for me

1,569) Home Alone 1: quick get a plate (or) Kev  Kev get a plate

1,570) Home Alone 1: "E" is lowercase as the rest is uppercase, and is also slanted. (Why have one lowercase letter?)

1,571) Home Alone 1: Kev runs into a church. Harry said "He must have gone to the church." (or) Maybe he went into the church. (also) Harry Replied:  I am not going in there (or) I am not going in there, That place gives me the creeps.

1,572) Home Alone 2: "E" is lowercase as the rest is uppercase, and is also slanted. (Why have one lowercase letter?)

1,573) Home Alone 3: 1997 (or) between 2002-2004

1,574) Home Alone 3: "E" is lowercase as the rest is uppercase, and is also slanted. (Why have one lowercase letter?)

1,575) Home Alone 4: 2002 (or) Later Date

1,576) Home Alone 4: "E" is lowercase as the rest is uppercase, and is also slanted. (Why have one lowercase letter?)

1,577) Home Alone: 5th movie was not remembered by many.

1,578) Home Depot (or) The Home Depot

1,579) Home Improvement Seasons 2 & 3 theme song: You can now hear Jill's voice at the end of the theme talking about something before being cut off.

1,580) Honduras looks different, possible it was moved or different shaped

1,581) Hone in (or) Home in

1,582) Honey I Blew Up The _______? (2nd movie) Kid (or) baby (or) kids 

1,583) Honey we shrunk the kids order of movies: Honey we shrunk the kids, honey we shrunk ourselves, Honey we blew up the kids (or) Honey we shrunk the kids, Honey we blew up the kids, Honey we shrunk ourselves.

1,584) Honey I shrunk the kids: Russ said:  The early bird catches the worm (or) The warm catches the fish

1,585) Honey I shrunk the kids: (tv version title) Honey, I shrunk the kids (or) Honey, I shrunk the kids: The TV show (or) Honey, I shrunk the kids: The TV series

1,586) Honey we shrunk ourselves: kids made a volcanoes where that had human hotdogs. Did one of them have a pair of boobs?

1,587) Honeymooners (T.V. show) One of theses day, straight to the moon (or) One of theses day, pow, straight to the moon (or) Bang pow your going to the moon (or) Bang zoom Your going to the moon (also) Straight to the moon (or) right in the kisser

1,588) Horns now growing in the back of the head. These are now permanent and can be born with your next child. The cause... Too much screen time on my cell phone. (Moses now has horns)

1,589) Horses: Mustaches can grow on Horses (or) Mustaches can not grow on horses

1,590) Horses: Pupils of eyes are Rectangular (or) Rounds

1,591) Hostess: Donettes (or) Donetes

1,592) Hostess: Sno balls (or) snow balls

1,593) Hot Knob (right)/ Cold Knob (left) (or) Cold Knob (right)/ Hot Knob (left)

1,594) Houdini's Death: Buried alive on a stunt to escape out of a casket (or) Drowned in water (or) punched in the stomach

1,595) Houdini: Served as a spy (or) never served as a spy

1,596) House of Mouse: Winnie the Pooh was seen with the rest of the Other Disney characters and heard talking (or) background, and never talked.

1,597) Houston family (Whitney's) conflicted memories about her children after Whitney's death but before Bobby's death.

1,598) How To Kill a Mockingbird (or) To Kill a Mockingbird

1,599) Howard Cossell (or) Howard Cosell


1,601) http:// (or) Https:// (Note: https:// was created in 1994 after already using http://, and has used https:// since 2000, and 2018 {2 dates are said}  The difference is Https is more secure to be protected by hackers) Hacking was not a major issue in 2000 when the internet was basically new.

1,602)  Humanoid was discovered in an old cave, yet the humanoid is newer. They were more after the 2010 area. Time traveler?

1,603) Hunchback of Notre Dame: (book) Does Esmeralda die? (or) Rescued

1,604) The Hunchback of Notre Dame (movie)  "A guy Like You" Racist line: They're all gonna love you (in the background: It's because you're a racist) (or) It's true because you got something more.. (another guy says) You're a racist kid! (Note: Disney hides many racist, drug and sexual stuff in their movies. This one was remembered to be sung in the background and hidden where it is more open now.

1,605) The Hunger Games: A Player fell from a pod and explode (or) Did not explode

1,606) The Hunger Games: They stood on a platform and no one came off (or) they stood on a platform, One guy step off and blew up

1,607) Hunger pains (or) Hunger pangs

1,608) Hurricane Dennis not remembered. Did it happen?

1,609) Hurricane Fredrick (or) Fedric

1,610) Hurricane Katrina happened in what year? Was it 2005 (or) 2006 (or) other (also) April (or) August

1,611) Hyena: Vegan (or) not Vegan

1,612) I before E: This phrase no longer works with the I before E except after C. There is many words that have E before I with, or without the C

1,613) Ice Cube: It was a good day (or) Today was a good day

1,614) I dream of Jeanie (or) Jeannie

1,615) I Love Lucy:  Lucy, you got some splainin to do. (or) Never said in the show

1,616) I phone (or) i phone (capital I or no Capital I)

1,617) I Robot: The robot winked back at will smith (or) never winked back

1,618) Ibuprofen (or) ibuprofen

1,619) Ice Age: Blue Sky Studios (or) DreamWorks 

1,620) Ice Age: The last gulp melon (or) the last melon

1,621) Ice age: Sid's eye color: blue (or) Green

1,622) Iceland is closer to Greenland (or) More distance from each other

1,623) Idaho State (United States) Did it touch the USA/Canada border (or) was it shorter (also) Idaho state may be shaped different. Some maps show it a a square state split in two.

1,624) If you build it ___ will come. He (or) They (or) It

1,625) Iggy Pop died in 2016 (or) alive

1,626) Illinois (United States) (sound like) Illinoi (or) Illinois  (Spelled as) Illinois (or) Illinoia

1,627) Illinois (shape) Was larger North to South (or) Same size as now

1,628) Impractical Jokers: (as of 2019) Ran all 8 seasons on TruTV without being cancelled. (or) Ran 2 seasons on TruTV and was cancelled but bought out by Comedy Central in season 3 and still aired on TruTV.

1,629) Inbetween (or) In between

1,630) Inception: was the first movie the distinctive foghorn sound was in (or) was not the first movie

1,631) inclosed (or) enclosed

1,632) India Capital: Kolkata (or) Calcutta

1,633) Indiana Jones: Hat looks taller (or) Same

1,634) Indiana State (United States) Was longer north to south (or) Same size as now.

1,635) Independence Day founded and sign: All on July 4, 1776 (or) founded July 2, 1776 and sign in August 1776

1,636) Independence day (Movie)  "A" looks like an upside down "V"

1,637) Independence day (movie) has Characters missing from the movie

1,638) Independence Day (Movie)  “Welcome to Earth!” (or) “Welcome to Earf,”

1,639) Inspector Gadget, did he have a mustache?

1,640) Inspector Gadget: Dr. Claw  Ever shows his face? He does now in an episode and on toys.

1,641) Interview with a Vampire (or) interview with the Vampire

1,642) Intestines are more scrambled than what people remembered

1,643) Island of the coast of California always been there (or) never been there

1,644) Isaac Newton: (Apple that fell from a tree) Hit him in the head (or) Hit the ground where he was at a distance.

1,645) IT (book): Beverly decided to have sex with all the teen boys. This is in the book now, but most people never remember reading this part where others do.

1,646) IT: (1990 movie) clown had eyebrows (or) did not have eyebrows

1,647) IT (1990 movie)  clown formed spider body (or) did not

1,648) IT Chapter Two (Movie): Pennywise, after impaling Eddie with one of his claws, using Eddie's dying body as a puppet to mock the other Losers (or) This part never happen

1,649)  IT (Original Movie) Release year: 1980's (or) 1990

1,650) The Italian job: I've got an idea. (or) Hang on a minute lads, I've got a great idea.

1,651) It's a wonderful life: Christmas tree had a bell ringing (or) Church bell Ringing

1,652) It's a wonderful life: Every time a bell rings an angel gets ____ wings. Its (or) His

1,653) J.K. Rowling: Harry Potter book's were ripped off other books of similar story Line (or) Created By J.K. Rowling (apparently, Similar books now exist throughout the 1980's and 1990's that were not remembered.)

1,654) J.K. Rowling: Books were written by her (J. K. Rowling) only (or) Secretly written by multiple people.

1,655) J.K. Rowling: brown-eyed brunette (or)  blue-eyed blonde

1,656) J.K. Rowling: Had an interview with Oprah in which Oprah asked about the 8th Harry Potter book (Not Cursed Child) and J.K. Rowling responded: Never say never, but probably not (or) She said no (or) Said she had ideas for a 8th, 9th and 10th story

1,657) J.R. Tolkien (or) J.R.R. Tolkien

1,658) Jacinto State: (United States):  This state is found on a older map of The United States, but currently is not apart of our 50 states. This means either it was a state and was removed by the Mandela Effect (or) Never was a state but now has history of a state (or) Were seeing history of a state from another parallel universe

1,659) Jack Daniels: was created by Jack Daniel (or) a slave the company own

1,660) Jack link beef Jerky (or) Jacks link beef Jerky

1,661) Jack Palance death: Prior to 2006 (or) 2006

1,662) Jack the Ripper Killed 5 women (or) 7 women (or) 13 Women

1,663) Jack Sheldon died before? (or) No death   

1,664) Jackson 5: Has 5 people (or) 6 people

1,665) James Bond: The missing Colombo episode. James bond never being told "I've been expecting you Mr. Bond while the villain strokes the white cat

1,666) James Bond: “The name’s Bond, James Bond,” (or) “My name is Bond, James Bond

1,667) James Earl Jones (voiced Mufasa in Lion King 1) died before? (or) Alive

1,668) James Maresters (or) Marsters

1,669) James Innes I'm a good __ Rebel. Ole (or) Old

1,670) James Randi: died early 2000 (or) 2020 

1,671) Jane Goodall Death: Die (or) Alive

1,672) Janis Joplin appearance changed

1,673) Japan (country) Changed location?

1,674) Japan (County) Shape has reported to change)

1,675) Jano State: (United States):  This state is found on a older map of The United States, but currently is not apart of our 50 states. This means either it was a state and was removed by the Mandela Effect (or) Never was a state but now has history of a state (or) Were seeing history of a state from another parallel universe

1,676) Jaws: Did they have a bite mark on the cover "J" being bit into. (looking as a shark bit into it)

1,677) Jaws: Lee Fierro: ‘Jaws’ Actor, Dies of Coronavirus in 2020 at the age of 91 (or) or died prior to 2020

1,678) Jaws: “We’re gonna need a bigger boat.” (or) "you're gonna need a bigger boat,”

1,679) Jayne meadows Allen death: Died prior to 2015 (or) in 2015

1,680) JCPenny (or) JCPenney (or) JCpennys (or) JCPenneys (or) JCPenny's (or) JCPenney's (or) J.C. Penny (or) J.C. Penney (or) J.C. Pennys (or) J.C. Penneys (or) J.C. Penny's (or) J.C. Penney's

1,681) Jefferson state: (United States):  This state is found on a older map of The United States, but currently is not apart of our 50 states. This means either it was a state and was removed by the Mandela Effect (or) Never was a state but now has history of a state (or) Were seeing history of a state from another parallel universe

1,682) Jeffery Dahmer killed by someone (or) Died in jail by a disease

1,683)  Jell-O Jingle: is reported to be different

1,684) Jen Hanson die of strep affection (or) cancer

1,685) Jerry Lewis death:  2013, 2014 or 2017

1,686) Jerry Seinfeld did a comedy stand up after 9/11 for the victims (or) never did that

1,687) The Jerry Springer Show: The Jerry Springer show was canceled (or) The Jerry Springer show was not canceled (Prior to Judge jerry.) (people remembered one of the reasons Steve started his own show was because he did not want to take over Jerry's show after Jerry was canceled / retired.)

1,688) The Jerry Springer Show: 1995 episode involved Jerry getting in a fight with one of his guests because.... The guest (racist) made a comment about putting Jerry's mom (Jewish) in the back of his trunk (or) Reference to the holocaust not killing 6 million Jews (note the information about the holocaust being incorrect on the death count and gas chambers not in use during WW2 in Germany was not evidence that was released in 1995. There was evidence released around 2013 which would raise the question why it would be argued about in 1995.)

1,689) Jerry Stiller death: Died prior to 2020 (or) 2020

1,690) Jersey: South Jersey (United States):  This state is found on a older map of The United States, but currently is not apart of our 50 states. This means either it was a state and was removed by the Mandela Effect (or) Never was a state but now has history of a state (or) Were seeing history of a state from another parallel universe

1,691) Jesse Jackson died before? (or) Alive

1,692) Jetsons (or) Jestons (or) The Jetsons (or) The Jestons

1,693) Jetsons the movie (or) The Jetsons Movie (or) Jetsons first movie (or) The Jetsons first movie

1,694) Jetsons meet the Flintstones (or) Flintstones meet the Jetsons (also: Jestons, Flinstones)

1,695) Jetsons meet the Flintstones: Computer changed his face to a different image (or) keep the same face

1,696) Jetsons meet the Flintstones: Elroy was talking about his time machine, and George asked him if it was set to the right part when Elroy said it was set on future: The dog, Astro ran by and the lever: was on pass as his tail hit it, it switch to future than back to pass (or) was on future and the tail hit it and put it on pass

1,697) Jetsons meet the Flintstones: Time Machine was fixed and the Flintstones was swiped into the future. What was the level on? Future (or) Pass

1,698) Jetsons theme: His ____ Elroy.   boy (or) son

1,699) Jet engines: Was it the center of the Wing (or) far ahead of the Wing (or) Far behind the wing

1,700) JFK JR. died in 1995 (or) 1999 (or) don't remember him dying

1,701) J.G. Wetworth (or) Wentworth

1,702) Jif (or) Jiff (or) Jiffy (peanut butter)

1,703) Jim Baker (or) Bakker

1,704) Jim Bean (or) Jim Beam

1,705) Jim Carey (or) Carrey

1,706) Jim Nabors (or) Neighbours

1,707) Jim Nabors death died of aids in the 80s/ 90's (or) die prior to 2017 (or) die in 2017

1,708) Jimini Cricket (or) Jimmy Cricket

1,709) Jimmy Hendrix (or) Jimi Hendrix

1,710) Jimmy Swaggart death. Die prior to 2021 (or) Alive as of 2021

1,711) Jingle Bells: Christmas song (or) Thanksgiving Song

1,712) Jo Ann (or) Jo Ann's fabrics

1,713) Jo Dee Messina: "Bye Bye" Got my ___ foot down on my accelerator.  Left (or) Lead

1,714) Joan Jett: I love rock and roll lyrics:  I saw him _____ there by the record machine... Standing (or) Dancing
1,715) Joe Cachran (or) Cocker
1,716) Joe Diffle (or) Joe Diffie
1,717) Joey Macintyre (or) Mclntyre
1,718) John Booth (or) John Boothe
1,719) John Booth (accused of shooting President Lincoln in 1865) was remembered to of yelled something from...  balcony (or) As he jumped off the Balcony (or) on the floor after he jumped off the Balcony (also) was it  in Latin (or) English
1,720) John Booth acted alone in the assassination of president Lincoln (or) did he had 5 other guys to help
1,721) John Carpenter: The live! (or) The live
1,722) John Carpenter died in 2008?
1,723) John Deer (or) John Deere
1,724) John Denver: did he die in October 1997?  (Or) Different date
1,725) John Denver: die in plane crash (or) walked away from the plane crash
1,726) John Denver: Take me home Country Road (or) Roads
1,727) John Edwards (or) Edward
1,728) John Goodman: Died in the 1990s (or) 2008 (or) other (note: not to be confused with Roseanne killing him off the show. People remembered a heart attack)
1,729) John Hopkins University (or) Johns Hopkins University
1,730) John Lennon's current death has different memories then his 1980 death and also has memories of different locations.
1,731) John Lennon's suit: white (or) Black

1,732) John Merrick (The elephant man) (or) Joseph Merrick.

1,733) John Warnock Hinckley Jr. (attempted to assassinate U.S. President Ronald Reagan) released from psychiatric care in what year? 2004 after Ronald Reagan died (or) in 2016

1,734) Johnny Appleseed: True story (or) Myth

1,735) Johnny Cash died in 2003 (or) 2005

1,736) Johnny cash Folsom Prison blues:  When I was just a _____ My Mama told me, "son Always be a good boy Don't ever play with guns"  Baby (or) Boy (or) Young Boy

1,737) Johnny Lee: Looking for love: Hoping to find a friend and a lover. ____ bless the day I discover another heart, God (or) I'll

1,738) Johnny Nash: "I can see clearly now" I can see clearly now_____."  Lorraine has gone (or) The rain has gone

1,739) Johnny Quest (or) Jonny Quest

1,740) Johnny Rebel (or) Johnney Rebel

1,741) Johnny Rebel die 2012 (or) 2013 (or) 2016

1,742) Johnny Rebel: Coon Town (or) In coon town

1,743) Johnny Rebel: Court hearing over the fact he thought someone had stolen one of his songs (or) Never was in court over the fact someone had stolen his song

1,744) Johnny Rebel: Interview in 2003 saying he was not racist, and he had changed his views (or) No interview at all, and did not change his views. 

1,745) Johnny Rebel songs: Many Johnny Rebel songs are now sung by different people and it appears Johnny Rebel never did them. (also) Lyrics have changed through many songs.

1,746) Jon Bon Jovi: Came out with a lifestyle announcement in 1990 (or) other date (or) never came out with a lifestyle announcement

1,747) Jones State:(United States):  This state is found on a older map of The United States, but currently is not apart of our 50 states. This means either it was a state and was removed by the Mandela Effect (or) Never was a state but now has history of a state (or) Were seeing history of a state from another parallel universe

1,748) Joni Mitchell "Big Yellow Taxi" If it ain't paradise, then put up a parking lot (or) They paved paradise to put up a parking lot

1,749) Journey: (band)  " Don't Stop Believing" : _____ took the midnight train. She (or) He 

1,750) Joyce Meyers (or) Meyer1,734) Judas Priest:  You've got another thing coming (or) You've got another think coming"

1,751) Judge Judy: Gravel (or) No Gravel

1,752) Judgment (or) Judgement

1,753) Juicy Fruits (or) Jujy Fruits

1,754) Jujubees Candy (or) Jujubes (or) Jujy Fruits

1,755) Jukebox: Music video jukebox existed in the 1960's (or) Music only jukebox

1,756) Julia Child (or) Childs

1,757) Juliane Koepcke was on an airplane that was struck by lightning, she fell 2 miles to the ground, alive. She was lost in the Jungle for 9 days before being found. (or) never heard this story (or) a stewardess fell out and was buried alive (also) was she a white women (or) black women

1,758) Julius Caesar, First Emperor Of Rome (or)  Augustus

1,759) Jumanji (First Movie): Allen was beaten up by a group of kids, and was bleeding from the___. Mouth (or) Nose

1,760) Jumanji (First Movie) Kids parents died from a ___. Car wreck in Canada (or) Ski accident

1,761) Jumanji (first Movie): When the father wants his son to go to the school, the son is reading the papers. was he wearing glasses (or) no glasses

1,762) Jungle book (cartoon movie) Bagheera had yellow eyes (or) white eyes

1,763) Jungle Book: (cartoon movie) Baloo wore a coconut bra (or) Baloo did not wear a coconut bra

1,764) Jungle Book (cartoon movie) Elephants all had white eyes (or) some white, some yellow (or) different colors such as white, yellow and pink

1,765) Jungle Book lyrics have changed: " wherever I wander, wherever I rome, I'll be __________ of my great home. found (or) Fonder (or) Founder

1,766) Jungle Book (Cartoon movie) Sheer  Khan (Tiger) Yellow eyes (or) white eyes

1,767) Jungle Book (cartoon movie) Snake just got threw talking to Sheer Khan (tiger) once he was knocked out of the tree by the man cub, the man cub said "You said I can trust you" in which the snake replied: Like you said you can trust no one (or) Like you said you can't trust no one (note: man cub said cant trust no one)

1,768) Jurassic Park – Original movie: Some recall a now-missing scene.

1,769) Jurassic Park: (original movie) The kid that was saved from the t-Rex does not want to be saved because he did something embarrassing. What was it?  Thrown up (or) Pee his pants

1,770) Just Go with it: (movie): DVD cover,: The girl stood behind the two people sitting in the chair (or) was off to the left

1,771) Just Go With it: (movie) DVD cover: What drinks were they holding? Red wine (or) Orange Juice (or) Held nothing

1,772) Just go with it: DVD Cover: G and O is slanted.
1,773) Justice League: Green Arrow was in the Justice League (or) not in the Justice League
1,774) Justice League: who started it? Batman started it and Superman wanted to work alone, so refused to join but founded the building (or) Superman started it and Batman wanted to work alone and refused to join 
1,775) Justin Bieber: Song "Never say Never" featured Chris Brown (or) Jayden Smith
1,776)  K-PAX (movie) – Starring Kevin Spacey or Nicholas Cage?
1,777) K9 movie: who starred in this movie, Jim Belushi (or)  Michael Keaton?
1,778) Kanawha State: (United States):  This state is found on a older map of The United States, but currently is not apart of our 50 states. This means either it was a state and was removed by the Mandela Effect (or) Never was a state but now has history of a state (or) Were seeing history of a state from another parallel universe
1,779) Kangaroo Rats Resurface after 30 years (or) Never existed
1,780) Kansas State: looks different than what was remembered
1,781) Kansas State: West Kansas, (United States):  This state is found on a older map of The United States, but currently is not apart of our 50 states. This means either it was a state and was removed by the Mandela Effect (or) Never was a state but now has history of a state (or) Were seeing history of a state from another parallel universe
1,782) Kappa logo: 2 girls (or) 1 Guy and 1 Girl 
1,783) The Karate kid wore a headband (or) never wore won
1,784) Kate Beckindale (or) Beckinsale
1,785) Kate (or) Cate Blanchett
1,786) Kate Perry (or) Katy Perry
1,787) Kathie (or) Kathy Lee Gifford
1,788) Kazzam (or) Kazam (or) Kazaam (movie)
1,789) Kazam movie not remembered. Some believe it came from another Universe when we lost Shazam while others remember the title of Shazam being Shazam kazam is one movie title and not 2 seperate movies.
1,790) Kellogg's logo with Rooster is now gone on Corn Flakes and Special K. The ad with the Roster morphing into the "K" is gone as well.
1,791) Kellogg Company: Smorz cereal (or) Smores cereal 
1,792) Kenny Rogers (or) Kenny Rodgers
1,793) Kentucky State: North Kentucky  (United States):  This state is found on a older map of The United States, but currently is not apart of our 50 states. This means either it was a state and was removed by the Mandela Effect (or) Never was a state but now has history of a state (or) Were seeing history of a state from another parallel universe
1,794) Kentucky State: South Kentucky (United States):  This state is found on a older map of The United States, but currently is not apart of our 50 states. This means either it was a state and was removed by the Mandela Effect (or) Never was a state but now has history of a state (or) Were seeing history of a state from another parallel universe
1,795) Ketsup (or) Ketchup
1,796) KFC "Colonel Sanders" : Beard (or) no beard
1,797) KFC Sales small fire logs smelling like chicken (or) never sold that (how can you make it smell like chicken?)

1,798) Kid Rock (or) Kidd Rock
1,799) Kidneys are raised higher now (in a different spot)
1,800) Kill bill vol.1: license plates: Party Wagon (or) Pussy wagon

1,800) Kim Carnes "Bette Davis Eyes" She's got Bette David thighs (or) She's got Bette Davis eyes

1,801) King Author: existed (or) did not exist
1,802) King Harold's Death: He took a arrow to the eye at the battle of Hastings (or) did not take a arrow to the eye
1,803) King of the hill: Bobby said: I don't know you that's my purse (or) That's my purse {takes a pause} I don't know you
1,804) King of the hill: Buckley blew up the Mega lo Mart by playing with a lighter after causing a gas leak (or) no explosion (or) Hank smelled gas, then boom. 
1,805) King of the hill: Damn it Bobby (or) Darn it Bobby
1,806) King of the hill: Investigation on Hank in regards to Bobby's safety by CPS where Hank was told the investigation has been over for 1 week (or) 2 weeks 
1,807) King of the hill:  Luanne is at the Hill house to feed Ladybird while Hank, Peggy & Bobby are out of town... She reads a note on the Hill's fridge which begins "Hi I'm Ladybird" and Luann says "Hi" back to the note and then continues to read the instructions (or) Hank Hill read the letter to the family, he's now at the house (which makes no sense)

1,808) King of the Hill: Theme song:  Some theme songs now add bells raining and a scream of hee haw. 
1,809) King of the hill: Mrs. Wakefield died in an episode (or) did not die
1,810) King of Queens (or) Queen of Kings (or) The King of Queens (or) The Queen of Kings

1,811) King Kong: "Twas Beauty killed the beast." (or) "Oh, no, it wasn't the airplanes. It was beauty that killed the Beast.
1,812) Kingsman or kingsmen
1,813) King Tutankhamun coffin removed from his tomb for the first time in history (or) has been removed before on a tour
1,814) King Tutankhamun: Died 12 years Old (or) 19 years old

1,815) King Tutankhamun: died with a erected penis,  in an effort to combat a religious revolution (or) die not die with a erected penis
1,816) King Tutankhamun mask: 1 or 2 animals on his forehead (or) a Vulture and a snake
1,817) King Tutankhamun Mask - 1 Snake (or) 2 Snakes
1,818) King Vitamin (or) King Vitaman
1,819) Kirk Douglas died before his 101st birthday (or) did not die before his 101st birthday
1,820) KISS: (Band) Make up change on band members (or) Looks the same
1,821) KISS: (Band) Rock and Roll all _____. Night (or) Nite
1,822) Kitchen cook chips (or) Kitchen Cooked chips (From Farmington, IL United States)
1,823) Kit Kat (or) Kit Cat (also) Kit-Kat (or) Kit-Cat
1,824) Kit Kat: Dash between Kit and Kat was spaced between letters (or) overlapping letters
1,825) Ku Klux Klan (or) Klu Klux Klan
1,826) Ku Klux Klan: 1925 D.C. The march had how many Klan members marching?  35,000 (or) Millions
1,827) Ku Klux Klan: Groups are different now. Many remembered the klan formed together from both the North and South around the time of the Civil war. Today it just came from the south. This Klan was belief to had died off were two more groups have started over time. Where as others feel the Klan of 1860 was still the same Klan 100 years later. In either reality, The Klan today is not racist as the ones between 1860-1980s. 
1,828) Ku Klux Klan country: The Ku Klux Klan tried to start their own country in the 1980's on an island and was arrested for trying to attack a country we were at peace with (or) Never try to start their own country.
1,829) K-mart (or) Kmart
1,830) Kmart logo: kmart logo have a "K" with the words "Mart" going threw the "K" (or) Kmart was always spelled out K with the words "Mart" underneath the "K" and only Big K had the "K" with the words "Mart" going threw the K.
1,831) Koppaberg logo changed: "ARB" pushed together
1,832) Korea: It now looks different
1,833) Kroger (or) Krogers (or) Kroger's
1,834) Krystal (or) Krystal's (also) this place is not remembered by many.
1,835) Kurt Cobains: famous poster of him wearing a pink jacket (or) no photo existed
1,836) L. Frank Baum (or) Frank L. Baum
1,837) L.A. Statue of Lincoln is shirtless and grabbing himself (or) It was never shirtless and he was never grabbing himself 
1,838) Lady Di: how many people were in her car when she died? 4 (or) 5
1,839) Lady Gaga: What did she wear at Biden's inauguration? (Bottom color) Red (or) White  (top) White (or) Black (or) White dress
1,840) Lady Godiva's: rode on a horse naked through town to get her husband to lower tax (or) no event happen (note: all people were told to stay in the homes. Some boy named Tom took a look creating the term "peeping Tom". If the event never happened, where did the term create its name?)
1,841) Lady Justice Statue: Held up scales in both hands (or) held up scales in her right hand (or) held up scales in her right hand and the sword in her left hand
1,842) Lady Justice Statue: sword facing up (or) sword facing down  (some people remember a sword though most say it was not their)
1,843) Lakota State: (United States):  This state is found on a older map of The United States, but currently is not apart of our 50 states. This means either it was a state and was removed by the Mandela Effect (or) Never was a state but now has history of a state (or) Were seeing history of a state from another parallel universe
1,844) Lamb Chop Theme: This is a song that ____ ends. never (or) Doesn't  (also) Yes, It goes ______ my friends.  On and on (or) Round and Round
1,845) Lana del Rey "Summertime Sadness" I'm feeling ill like Drake tonight (or) I'm feeling electric tonight
1,846) Land lakes: Had a Indian on it (or) never had a Indian on it
1,847) Larry King: Died in what year? 2010 (or) 2013 (or) 2019 (or) 2021
1,848) Lasagna (or) Lasagne
1,849) Lassie: Timmy fell into the well (or) Timmy never fall into a well
1,850) Last man standing (or) The last man standing
1,851) Last Man Standing: Canceled by ABC due to Tim Allen's remarks against homosexuals being wrong and the network was upset (or) Due to remarks of saying something on the line of Republicans being treated like Nazi's (or) unable for the network to work the show in with their line up and fail to have the right contract
1,852) Last Supper painting: Chalice at the table (or) on the left side of the wall
1,853) Last Supper Painting: Glass cups on table (or) wooden cups on table
1,854) Last supper painting: Had hidden music notes across the painting that made a tune. (or) had no hidden music notes in the paintings
1,855) Latoya Jackson (or) La Toya Jackson
1,856) Laughing Cow: did he have nose rings and earrings (or) cheese packet
1,857) Lava: Yellow/Orange color  (or) yellow/orange color, also in purple, also in blue
1,858) Lawrence Fishburne (or) Laurence Fishburne
1,859) Lay -z-boy (or) Lazboy
1,860) The legend of the sleepy hollow (or) hollow
1,861) Leaf's: Now have dark spots on them and seem to be more common now
1,862) LeAnn Rhimes or Rimes 
1,863) Leap Year: When did it start? With the Gregorian calendar in the 45 BC (or) 1500s (or) 1752 (or) 1804
1,864) Led Zeppelin: Stairway to Heaven (song): “There’s a lady ____ all that glitters is gold Who Knows (or) Who's Sure
1,865) Lee Harvey Oswald (accused of President Kennedy's assassination): Was in Mexico and was being watched by the FBI and the CIA as well as having photo's of him (or) The FBI and CIA did not watch him, and he just happen to show up at a place they were watching in Mexico on a day the camera quit working, making them unable to get a photo.
1,866) Lee Harvey Oswald: Shot down by Officer Tippet after Oswald shot Kennedy, and Oswald shot back killing officer Tippet before running into a movie theater where he was later found by cops. (or) Lee Harvey Oswald shot Kennedy, and ran to a movie theater and was caught by the cops. (no cop shot).
1,867) Lee Harvey Oswald: Video of him talking to the press saying he was not guilty (or) Oswald never talked to the press.
1,868) Lee Harvey Oswald: Video of him being shot covered by CNN in 1963 (CNN started in 1980) {note: could have been a video shown on CNN later but unlikely.}
1,869) Lee Harvey Oswald: Video of him being shot: You do not see much of Oswald as Jack Ruby is up close and shoots Oswald (or) You can clearly see Oswald, and Jack Ruby was at a distance when he shot Oswald.
1,870) Lee Kum Kee: "U" and the "M'' are combined together.
1,871) Legend of the hidden temple (or) Legends of the hidden temple
1,872) Lemming's commit suicide internationally (or) not commiting sucide 
1,873) Lena Headly (or) Heady
1,874) Leo and Stich: Dryer is different, and now shows a pizza box
1,875) Leopard: Extinct Taiwanese Leopards spotted for the first time since 1983
1,876) Leonard DiCaprio Oscar before 2016? Several people recall a past (pre-2016) Oscar ceremony where Leonardo DiCaprio won the Best Actor award. As they recall it, his acceptance speech was similar to his latest one, as well.
1,877) Liason (or) Liaison
1,878) Liberty bell: Was cracked because they Ring it to hard  after the United states found their independence (or) Crack dates back to 1750's
1,879) Library of Alexandria: Burn down a bit (or) Never burn
1,880) Life cereal: Let's get Micky, he'll eat it: He eats anything (or) He won't eat it, He hates everything

1,881) Light bulb: Created by  Humphry Davy (or) Thomas Edison
1,882) Lightning: Now flashes in colors (or) always flashed in colors
1,883) Lincoln State: (United States):  This state is found on a older map of The United States, but currently is not apart of our 50 states. This means either it was a state and was removed by the Mandela Effect (or) Never was a state but now has history of a state (or) Were seeing history of a state from another parallel universe.

1,884) Lincoln State: Located: Above Idaho (or) Most of Washington State and Idaho (or) Other Location
1,885) Lindbergh baby kidnapping: was baby and kidnapper never found (or) was the baby found dead and the kidnapper went to jail for the crime 
1,886) Lindsay Lohan’s middle name:  Morgan (or) Dee
1,887) Linkedln (or) Linkdln

1,888) Liongate (or) Lionsgate
1,889) Lion: King of the Jungle (or) Not king of the Jungle
1,890) Lion King: eye colors are: White (or) Yellow (or) Blue
1,891) Lion King: Timon (ot) Timone
1,892) Lion King: Pumba (or) Pumbaa
1,893) Lion King: Rafiki's butt: Grey (or) Blue
1,894) Lion King 1: "Circle of life" Before song starts can hear the words "Nazi". People knew they already said "Kiss my butt" and something in the lines of "balls", but no one has herd the Nazi remark.
1,895) lion King 1: Be Prepared: But we're talking kings and successions Even you can't be caught ____. unawares (or) unaware
1,896) Lion King 1: Circle of life: Sung by Elton (or) A woman
1,897) Lion king 1: Cub count in ending: One cub being held up (or) two cubs in the cave being born. (note: Even though Lion King 2 only focused on his daughter, Simba did have a son at the same age, which is introduced in The Lion Guard. Kion (Simba's son) is Shown in the Lion King books as well. People remembered the ending with two cubs laying in the cave with their mom).
1,898) Lion King 1  Scars catches the mouse giving his "life's not fair" speech. What color was the mouse? Grey (or) Green
1,899) Lion King 1: Scar was late for the birth of Simba. When Mufasa showed up, as Mufasa and Scar had a few words. Did Mufasa say "Do I need to remind you how you got that scar?" (or) as now, Did not say that line.

1,900) Lion King 1: Scar was killing Mufasa as he said," long ___  the king." Live (or) Lived

1,901) Lion King 1: Simba chased: his dad who was in the clouds telling him "Remember who you are" (or) Simba chased the voice but no clouds were present during the chase
1,902) Lion King 1/2: Lion king 1/2 is a sequel to Lion King 1 and a Prequel to Lion King 2. It is both movies but based on the version of Timon and Pumba. It was called Lion King 1/2 (or) Lion King 1.5 (or) Lion King 3

1,903) Lion King 2: "We are one" As you go through life you'll see There is so much that we Don't understand/ And the only thing we know Is things don't always go The way we ___. Plan (or) planned
1,904) Lion King 3 (not to be confused with Lion King 1/2, Lion King 1.5 or the 2019 Lion King) Was there a Lion King 3?
1,905) Lionel Ritchie (or) Richie
1,906) Liquify (or) Liquef
1,907) Light Bright (or) Lite Bright
1,908) The Littles: "E" is slanted
1,909) Little Debbies: Pecan spin wheels (or) Pecan Pinwheels

1,910) Little Debbies: Wedding cakes (or) Fancy cakes
1,911) Little Egypt state: (United States) is found on older maps as the 49th state. This means it was never a state, but shows up on maps now (or) Was a state but no longer is
1,912) Little Nicky: Nicky turned the Coca- Cola into ____. Diet Coke (or) Pepsi

1,913) Little Richard died in 2016 (or) Alive in 2021
1,914) Little tykes (or) Tikes
1,915) The Little Mermaid: Ariel's tail looks different. Was it always split in two at the end of her tail (or) never split at the end

1,916) The Little Mermaid: Seagull: Black fingers (or) no black fingers

1,917) The Little Mermaid: Seagull eyes: White (or) Yellow
1,918) The Little Mermaid: Seagull: grey underarms (or) no gray underarms
1,919) Little Mermaid - Sebastian eyes:  Yellow Eyes (or) White
1,920) Little Tyke: The True Story of a Vegetarian Lion (book) (or) Little Tyke: The True Story of a Gentle Vegetarian Lion (book) (also) Lion (or) Lioness
1,921) Little Tyke: The True Story of a Vegetarian Lion (book):  All "E"' are slanted in the title.
1,922) Little Tyke: The True Story of a Vegetarian Lion Gender: Boy (or) Girl
1,923) Liver size is bigger than people remembered
1,924) Lives of a Bengal Lancer: We haves ways of making ____ talk" You (or) Men
1,925)  Lizard: Lizard alligator now exist

1,926) Lizard: Lizards: One penis (or) two penises
1,927) Lizard: Regrow tails (or) do not regrow tails
1,928) Lizard: Vegan (or) not Vegan 
1,929) London bridge color:  Red (or) Blue
1,930) London Bridge: Is Located in London (or) Arizona, USA
1,931) London, Ontario: A burger place has the name: London Burger (or) Burgers
1,932) Long Island: A island (or) not a island
1,933) Long island State: A state for the United states. It was found on older maps and remembered by many. (or) Long Island was never a state but wants to become one 
1,934) Long Island State:  51/52 state as numbered (or) Numbered before 51/52
1,935) Long Ranger: did he ever have a pair of pistol revolvers
1,936) The Long Walk (Stephen King Book) W and A are now pushed together.
1,937) Longest world. The longest word now is a total of 189,819 letters long. This word was not remembered, and many felt it did not exist. The 2nd longest word that follows is now 1,909 letters long, and previously people remembered that it had only been 1,004 letters as it appeared and later disappeared, before it returned. The 3rd longest word not remembered to exist is 183 letters long:  Brining in the 4th longest word Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis coming in at 45 letters long and was remembered to be the longest word replacing Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious until a 1,004 letter word came out (now 1,909 letters long) and disappearing again. The Mandela Effect is that new words are coming out that are longer than the 45 letter word, but never was remembered to exist.
1,938) Longest river in the United States: Mississippi River (or) Missouri River
1,939) Looney Tunes: Loony (or) Looney / Toons (or) Tunes

1,940) Looney Tunes: Bugs Bunny (or) Buges Bunny
1,941) Looney Tunes: Bugs Bunny (or) Daffy Duck said "I hope you know, This means war"? (people noted that Daffy no longer said it, The line is now used by Bugs Bunny.)
1,942) Looney Tunes: (1985-86) Bugs Bunny Looney Tunes comedy hour was a spin off from the Looney Tunes (or) Was not a spin off.
1,943) Looney Tunes: Bugs 'n' Daffy (or) The Bugs Bunny and Daffy show
1,944) Looney Tunes: Daffy eyelids: Blue/Purple (or) Black
1,945) Looney Tunes remake: (not in reference to the Looney Tunes show on Cartoon Network) The Looney Tunes were remade by Boomerang Network in 2000-2007, 2013- present (or) recently between 2019-20
1,946) Looney Tunes: Merrie melodies: Starring Bugs Bunny and friends: was a spin off from the Looney Tunes but not remembered by many.
1,947) Looney Tunes: Speedy Gonzales: Had a pair of guns and shot the off before running (or) No guns ever
1,948) Looney Tunes: Speedy Gonzales: had bandoliers (or) no Bandoliers
1,949) Looney Tunes: Taz eyes: Yellow (or) White
1,950) Looney Tunes: Tweedy bird's eyes: Yellow (or) Blue (or) White
1,951) Looney Tunes: Tweedy Bird: I tat I taw a puddy cat. I did I did see a puddy cat (or) I did I did taw a puddy cat
1,952) Looney Tunes: Wile Coyote (or) Wiley Coyote
1,953) Looney Tunes: Wile Coyote's look: Red above the yellow eyes (or) no red above the eyes (also)  Yellow eyes (or) No Yellow Eyes 
1,954) Looney Tunes: Wile Coyote's twin: Wile Coyote (which is a Coyote) Has a twin name is Ralph (which is a wolf) How are they twins?
1,955) The lord of the Rings (or) Lord of the rings
1,956) The Lord of the rings: Gandalf said: Balrog of Morgoth, a demon of the ancient world (or) Balrog, a demon of the ancient world
1,957) The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring:  “Run, you fools!”(or) “Fly, you fools!”
1,958) Lorraine Warren (or) Loraine Warren
1,959) Los Angeles Angels had their name changed to Anaheim Angels in 1997 then to Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim in 2005 (or) was called the Los Angeles Angels during 1997-2005 and on.
1,960) Los Angeles, California (downtown) background of the town had Hills (or) Mountains 
1,961) Los Angeles state (Known as L.A. State) Was found on an older map yet has no history of being a state.
1,962) Louie Anderson died, and even had his show cancelled. But now he is alive.)
1,963) Louisiana  (or) Louisanna (or) Lousianna (or) Lousiana (or) Louisiane
1,964) Louisiana State is smaller (or) Same size
1,965) Love (sculpture) : "O" slanted towards the right away from the "L" as people remembered it had slanted left towards the "L". However, as none of the letters are slanted, the letter "O" also shall not be slanted. 
1,966) The Love Bug movie (or) Herbie the Love Bug
1,967) Lowe's: Lowes (or) Lowe's
1,968) Lower intestine are now real messy
1,969) Lucas Modroc (or)  Luka Modroc
1,970) lucky (or) Lucky's grocery store
1,971) lucky Charms: The Leprechaun had a orange goatee (or) did not have a orange Goatee
1,972) Lucky number slevin (or) Sleven
1,973) Lungs are smaller
1,974) Lynee Cox: August 1987, Lynee Cox was the first person to swim from America to the Soviet Union. Swimming 3.7 km (2.3 miles) in 2 hours and 5 minutes. (or) never heard of this
1,975) M&M: & symbol overlaps both M's now.
1,976) M&M: M (or) m (capital (or) not capital)
1,977) M.A.S.H. (TV series) – Some recall the in-series death of Walter “Radar” O’Reilly
1,978) Mac and Me: The aliens had small horns on the head (or) no small horns
1,979) Mac and Me: Dancing part not remembered (They randomly sing and dance)
1,980) Macintosh (or) McIntosh
1,981) Madagascar location is different
1,982) Mad Max (movie): Beyond The Thunderdome (or)  Beyond Thunderdome
1,983) Madonna's is not her real name (or) is her real name
1,984) Magazine: Hit Parade (or) Hit Parader
1,985) The Magic Planet: A movie people remembered watching but does not exist (or) just a video game
1,986) Magic school bus (or) The Magic school bus
1,987) The Magic school bus: (Episode where they visited each planet) When they were ready to leave  Pluto (which was a planet at that time) The bus struggled to leave, because the one girl kept adding parts from each planet and it caused the bus to be heavy, and could not left off (or) All the stuff just fell out of the bus on its own due to overpacking.
1,988) The Magic School Bus: lyrics reported to change.
1,989) Mahatma Ghandi (or) Mahatma Gandhi
1,990) Maine state: (United States) shape different? Longer? Did it own the patch of land above it?

1,991) Maine state: (United States) City's are reported to be in different spots.
1,992) Majave State: (United States): This state is found on a older map of The United States, but currently is not apart of our 50 states. This means either it was a state and was removed by the Mandela Effect (or) Never was a state but now has history of a state (or) Were seeing history of a state from another parallel universe
1,993) Malcolm Young's death: Died before 2017 (or) Died November 2017
1,994) Malcom X (OR) Malcolm X
1,995) Maltesers (or) Malteaser
1,996) Make America Great Again (slogan) Was created by what President? Ronald reagon (or) Donald Trump 
1,997) The Mamas & the Papas (Band): I got down on my knees and ____.  I began to pray (or) I pretended to pray
1,998) The man in the high ___.  tower (or) Castle
1,999) The man in the ____ mask.   Iron (or) velvet

2,000) Mandela Effect (or) Mandala Effect

2,001) Mandela effect movie (2019): was reported to have already been released and remembered at an earlier time
2,002) Mandela Effect (Name) came out in Prior to 2009 (or) 2010 (or) 2012 (or) 2013 
2,003) Mandela Effect (T.V. show) People remember one, and despite the fact there is no show,  there is only one, un information, website online that speaks of the show.  Wikipedia does not even have anything. This of course is no confusion with the 2019 movie.
2,004) Mandela effect website ( was created in what year 2009 (or) 2011 (or) 2013
2,005) Mandela Effect Website (This website)  Has reported many Mandela Effects that have disappeared or changed.
2,006) Manditory (or) Mandatory
2,007)  Manhattan Island: Prison is now belief to be a different shape
2,008) Manic Street preachers: (Band) logo changed with "R" back words.
2,009) Maradona did Keepie: Maradona did keepie-uppies only in the Munich 1989 UEFA semi-final (or) Maradona did keepie-uppies only in the Stuttgart 1989 UEFA final
2,010) Margerine (or) Margarine

2,011) Mariana Trench: Unexplored due to being real deep, and the deeper you go the pressure would crush you (or) Did explore it in the 1960's
2,012) Marie Antoinette said "Let them eat cake" (or) never said that
2,013) Marie Calendars (or) Callenders

2,014) Marie Celeste (or) Mary Celeste
2,015) Mario Kart 64: rainbow road had rails (or) No rails
2,016) Marlboro (or) Marlborough (also) can fall off road (or) Can Not fall off the road
2,017) Marlboro man: Died of lung cancer in 1990's (or) Died in 2019 a
2,018) Marlboro Man: Smoke (or) Did not smoke

2,019) Marilyn Monroe: sung "Santa Baby" (or) did not sign "Santa Baby"
2,020) Mark David Chapman: (Murder John Lennon) Died in prison before his 2nd parole (or) did not die in prison 
2,021) Mark Hamil (or) Hamill
2,022) Mark Wills: 1970 somethin' "I was a kid when Elvis died, and my mama ____. Cried (or) Tried (also)  It was nineteen seventy something, In the world that I grew up in. Farrah Fawcett Hairdo days, Bell bottoms and ___ ____ tapes.  eight track (or) A-track
2,023) Married with Children: Peggie asked Al for sex (or) Just said she wanted to do something, but never used the word sex.
2,024) Married with Children: Some recall one character played by two different actors
2,025) Married with Children Theme: There is a longer version to the song but people now notice an even longer version with lyrics not remembered (Beyond the already longer version not aired for T.V.)
2,026) Marshall Bravestarr: ___ of the bear   Strength (or) Power
2,027) Marshmallow (or) Marshmellow
2,028) Martin Luther King Jr. day (or) Martin Luther King Day
2,029) Martin Luther King Jr. day In January (or) February
2,030) Martin Luther King Jr. Day 3rd Monday (or) on it's own day. 
2,031) Martin Luther King assassinated (or) Martin Luther King JR assassinated. (most memory was not JR, and that is not because people leave the JR out when talking, or say MLK)
2,032) Martin Luther King Jr  Assassination date: 1968 (or) 1969
2,033) Martin Luther King JR assassination has been reported to have different memories of what killed him: Close handgun (or) Shot in the back of the head at a hotel (or) Shots coming out of a hotel (or) Sniper rifle from a distance (or) Grenade which was thrown through in his living room window (or) Bomb going off underground (or) Stabbed (or) natural causes at home in the 1990's (or) Government operation taking place in the 1990's.
2,034) Martin Luther King Jr: Assassination location: at a ground level speech (or) speech from a balcony (or) around the hotel (or) or at home. (Not being confused with similar and/or other assassinations at the time)
2,035) Martin Luther King Jr.  assassination killer:  James Earl Ray (who the King family beliefs did not do the killing) (or) Mentally ill women (or) division of the US government in 1999 (or) Black Women
2,036) Martian Luther King Jr.:  I hve a dream (or) I had a dream 
2,037) Martin Luther King JR assassination: Riots (or) no Riots after death
2,038) Martin Luther King Jr: was his mom also killed? 
2,039) Martin Luther (The revolutionary monk) Nailed 95 theses on the church door (or) Mailed them to the Archbishop 
2,040) Mary J. Blinge's (or) Mary J. Blige
2,041) Mary Kate Olsen (or) Mary-Kate Olsen
2,042) Mary Tyler show: "Your gonna make it after all" (or) "You might just make it after all"
2,043) Marylin Monroe size 12-16 (or) Chunky and fat

2,044) The Mask (movie) Tie was black and white stripped (or) yellow (or) green
2,044) Mask 2 (movie): People remembered the 2nd Mask movie that starred Jim Carrey yet no movie exists today with a sequel to Mask as of 2021.
2,045) Massachusetts State: North Massachusetts (United States): This state is found on a older map of The United States, but currently is not apart of our 50 states. This means either it was a state and was removed by the Mandela Effect (or) Never was a state but now has history of a state (or) Were seeing history of a state from another parallel universe
2,046) Matlock (Tv Series logo): The box logo covered the "M" (or) "M" and parts of the "A" (or) Not box logo on the letters
2,047) Mattress doctor: Now has a "X" forming off the "R"
2,048) Mascectomy (or) Mastectomy
2,049) Matrix: Mr. Smith's tie: Clip on tie (or) no clip 
2,050) Matrix: Morpheus glasses changed
2,051) Matrix: Morpheus suit: All black (or) Purple and blacks
2,052) Matrix: Morpheus tie: green (or) black 
2,053) Matrix:  Mr. Anderson , We've Been Expecting You.  Said in the movie (or)  Never Said in the movie.
2,054) Matrix: "What if I told you everything you knew was a lie."  is no longer in the movie.
2,055) Maxwell cassette tapes (or) Maxell cassette tapes
2,056) Maxwell House Coffee 2005-2010 logo (and part's 2010- present logo: "A" "X" and "W" now pushed together. "ELL"  Looks like a backwards 9 with the number 11 (911).
2,057) Mayer (or) Mayor2,058) Mayonaise (or) Mayonnaise
2,059) Maytag: "Y" and "T" combine together.
2,060) McDonalds (or) MacDonalds
2,061) McDonalds: letters are Yellow (or) White
2,062) Mcdonalds Pizza: Now served pizza in the 1980's (or) never sold pizza
2,063) McDonalds: Playpen (or) play house
2,064) McDonald State: is found on a map that either existed and no longer does (or) never existed but now does exist because of the Mandela Effect.
2,065) Measure: A foot (12 inches) has been noted to both be shorter, and longer
2,066) Measure: Table spoon:  has been reported more or less than the correct amounts 
2,067) Meatloaf (or) Meat Loaf
2,068) Meat Loaf (singer) Died between 2010-12 (or) 2017-18 (or) alive and fell of a stage in 2019 and is currently (as of 2020) suing over the fall
2,069) Machano Building sets (or) Meccano building sets
2,070) Mega Bloks (or) Mega Blocks
2,071) Megadeath (or) Megadeth
2,072) Mel Tillis (Country singer) Died in 1982 (or) 2017
2,073) Mello Yello (or) Mellow Yellow
2,074) Mello Yello logo: The "L" was separated to be one line of 2 L's with Mello and 2 L's with yello (or) The two L's from mellow travel down to yellow.
2,075) Men in Black 1:  Agent J: jacket color (before becoming an agent while doing his test.) Red Jacket (or) Green Jacket (or) Yellow Jacket
2,076) Men in Black 1: Agent J:  Moustache (or) no Moustache (or) goatee 
2,077) Men in black 1: Neurallzer: Color at the top was White (or) Red (also) Flash color was red (or) white
2,078) Men with hats: "safety dance" ___ can dance if ___ want to. You (or) we
2,079) Men Warehouse (or) Men wearhouse
2,080) Menrads: Menard (or) Menards (or) Menard's
2,081) Menards "Save big money Jingle" Save big money (x2) when you shop Menards (or) Save big Money (x3) when you shop Menards
2,082) Merry Melodies (or) Merrie Melodies
2,083) Merrie melodies: The "M'' look like music notes 
2,084) Mersury (or) Mercury
2,085) Metro ____ _____. Golden (or) Goldwin (or) Goldwyn (also) Meyer (or) Mayer
2,086) Metro Goldwyn Mayer: "ABS Gralla ARTIS"  is written around the Lion (or) Was not written around the lion.
2,087) Metro Goldwyn Mayer: Face under lion did not exist (or) was their always
2,088) Metro Goldwyn Mayer: Lion Roar was done how many times: 1 (or) 2 (or) none
2,089) Mexico (or) United Mexico States
2,090) Michaelangelo (or) Michelangelo
2,091) Michelangelo painting Sistine chapel roof: Did he do paintings that still exist of God in the nude (or) No nude paintings
2,092) Michael J Fox (or) Foxx
2,093) Michael J Fox died before (or) never died
2,094) Michael Jackson: Billy Jean: _____ always told me.  Mama (or) Mother
2,095) Michael Jackson Balcony:  was in what location? To the left of the balcony (or) Middle of the balcony (also) Did he have the baby over the balcony for a short time (or) Longer time (also) Was the baby held upside (or) Upside down (also) Did he drop the baby (or) did not drop the baby (not to be confused with 1 fake news video from Fake News CNN where it shown him throwing the blanket after having the baby over the balcony.
2,096) Michael Jackson: "Billy Gean" and Don't go around breaking young girls' hearts and __ Always told me to be careful of who you love. Mother (or) Mama
2,097) Michael Jackson Bleached himself white (or) skin disorder (would his kids not be black? How are they white? His DNA never changed.)
2,098) Michael Jackson created the moonwalk (or) did not create the moonwalk
2,099) Michael Jackson's glove changed

2,100) Michael Jackson: "If you wanna be my ____ it doesn't matter if you're black or white. Lover (or) baby

2,101) Michael Jackson You been hit by you been struck by (or) you been hit by you been hit by
2,102) Michael Jordan: played baseball in 1994 (or) only played basketball (note 1994 was the MLB strike but games played until August)
2,103) Michigan State: Location has changed a bit (or) The Same
2,104) Michigan State: Smaller now (or) The same?
2,105) Michigan state: connected to the strip of land between Mishigan and Wisconsin (or) Did not connect to this land as water breaks in between.
2,106) Mick Foley died in a cage match in 1998 (or) never died in a cage match
2,107) Mickey Mouse Eyes: all black (or) Black and white
2,108) Mickey Mouse: Eye brows (or) No eyebrows
2,109) Mickey Mouse: letter "M" on his suit (or) No letter "M
2,110) Mickey Mouse: Minnie Mouse's nose has changed. Black (or) Black with white stripe

2,111) Mickey Mouse: Minnie Mouse Tail: No tail (or) Tail
2,112) Mickey Mouse: Nose is all black (or) Black and white
2,113) Mickey Mouse: Pluto's collar is  Red (or) Green (or) Blue (or) black

2,114) Mickey Mouse: Pluto's nose has changed
2,115) Mickey Mouse shoes: white (or) yellow (or) red (or) black (or) brown
2,116) Mickey Mouse: Steam boat _____. Willie (or) bill (only changed in a song)
2,117) Mickey Mouse: Suspenders (or) No suspenders
2,118) Mickey Mouse: Tail (or) No tail?

2,119) Mickey Mouse clubhouse:  Toodles has a face (or) no face (or) face after season 3
2,120) Mickey Mouse clubhouse: Toodles talked (or) never talked (or) talked after season
2,121) Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (or) Mighty morphing Power Rangers
2,122) Mighty Morphin Alien rangers: Not remembered by many
2,123) Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Putties were killed by hitting the "Z" on their suit (or) That only happens one time (or) that never happens
2,124) Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Red Ranger went to jail for killing his roommate in what year? 2015 (or) 2018 (or) a different year remembered
2,125) Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Zord (or) Zorg
2,126) Milk: Circle part in middle of container not remembered by many
2,127) Milk: Circle part in middle of container pops out to let people know when the milk is spoil (or) never pops out to alert anyone with spoil Milk
2,128) Milk logo: "it does the body good" (or) " it does a body good"
2,129) Mike Judd (or) Mike Judge (Creator of Beavis and Butt-head and King Of The Hill)
2,130) Mike "N" Ike (or) Mike and Ike
2,131) Mike Pence: Gay back in the 1980's (or) always straight (also) He supported gays (or) always be against gays
2,132) Mike Tyson: bit Holyfields ear off (or) did not bite off his ear (or) Bit threw his ear, rip off parts of his ear. (also) Wide bite/ Rip (or) Small Bite/ Rip
2,133) Miracle whip now 10% more (never remembered the 10% more
2,134) Mirror: is believed to be a portal to another reality or parallel universe. Our eyes see everything upside down but reprogram what we see upside the correct way.  After our brain gives the 13 milliseconds to reprogram our image. This would mean we see everything 13 milliseconds later. So the mirror actually does everything first
2,135) Miss Susie: Miss Susie had a steamboat, The steamboat had a bell, Miss Susie went to heaven, The steamboat went to... Hello Operator, ________ Number 9,  Please dial (or) Connect me to
2,136)  Misery (Stephen King's book) Book inspired from the car wreck (or) written back in the 1980's before the car wreck
2,137) Misery (Stephen King's movie) 2000 Remake (or) No remake
2,138) Misery (Stephen King's movie): Annie makes Paul burn his written manuscript. He lights the match by...    his hand (or)  match box
2,139) Misery (Stephen King's movie): Annie's watching love connection while eating a bag of. Cheese Puffs (or) Cheetos
2,140) Mishigan State: Mishigan (or) Mishigania
2,141) Missile: earliest air to air missile 1916 (or) 1930
2,142) Mission Impossible (or) Mission: impossible
2,143) Mississippi State: Mississippi (or) Mississsipia
2,144) Mississippi river frozen solid in 1905 (or) never heard of this
2,145) Missouri State: Missouri (or) Missouria
2,146) MLB spring training starts in February and march  (or) March (or) March and April (or) April
2,147) Moby Dick (or) Moby-Dick
2,148) Moby Dick title (book): Moby Dick (or) Moby Dick the whale
2,149) Modern English "I melt with you" Lyrics has changed
2,150) Mojave State: (United States): This state is found on a older map of The United States, but currently is not apart of our 50 states. This means either it was a state and was removed by the Mandela Effect (or) Never was a state but now has history of a state (or) Were seeing history of a state from another parallel universe
2,151) Mona Lisa: 666 is now painted on her leg
2,152) Mona Lisa: author of the painting. Was there just 1 (or) more than one
2,153) Mona Lisa:  Author is unknown  (or) we now know the Author
2,154) Mona Lisa: Painted in the nude (or) Never painted in the nude
2,155) Mona Lisa: Smile (or) no smile on painting
2,156) Mona Lisa: Painted stolen for 2.5 years (or) Never stolen 

2,157) Mona Lisa: Veil on head (or) No veil
2,158) Money: $1 bill now has letters pushed together on the back by the pyramid.
2,159) Money: $2 stop printing in 1970s (or) never stopped printing
2,160) Money:  $2 uncommon and rare (or) Popular and not rare at all
2,161) Money: $10 Jackson (or) Hamilton (Note people remembered Jackson on a $10, Cleveland on a $20 History now say it was this was until 1928 when Hamilton was moved to $10, Jackson to the $20 and Cleveland to the $1000 which was Hamilton prior to that. However, People remembered Cleveland on money yet failed to ever see a $1000 and Remembered Hamilton being president and when people say they confused him on money they could not remember him on money.)
2,162) Money: $20 Jackson (or) Cleveland (Note people remembered Jackson on a $10, Cleveland on a $20 History now say it was this way until 1928 when Hamilton was moved to $10, Jackson to the $20 and Cleveland to the $1000 which was Hamilton prior to that. However, People remembered Cleveland on money yet failed to ever see a $1000 and Remembered Hamilton being president and when people say they confused him on money they could not remember him on money.)
2,163) Money: $100 bill: Blue stripe in full line (or) Blue line with cuts between it
2,164) Money: $1000 Cleveland (or) Hamilton (Note people remembered Jackson on a $10, Cleveland on a $20 History now say it was this was until 1928 when Hamilton was moved to $10, Jackson to the $20 and Cleveland to the $1000 which was Hamilton prior to that. However, People remembered Cleveland on money yet failed to ever see a $1000 and Remembered Hamilton being president and when people say they confused him on money they could not remember him on money.)
2,165) Money: Bills color: Green (or) Grey
2,166) Money Dates: mostly all dated in 2009, and  2013 which would be uncommon and weird.
2,167) Money: Dime: Who was on the dime? President Eisenhower (or) President Franklin D. Roosevelt
2,168) Money: Nickel Head face right (or) Left
2,169) Money: Quarter: bigger at one time and smaller now (or) the same
2,170) Money: Quarter: President George Washington always has a ponyTail? (or) No ponytail. (He does not have one on the $1, and no one remembers him always having one.)
2,171) Monkees (band) "I'm a Believer" What's the use of trying, all you get is pain, when I needed_____.  suction on the brain (or)  sunshine I got rain.
2,172) Mommy dearest: No more wire hangers (or) No more wire hangers! no wire hangers ever!
2,173) Mongolia part of china (or) separate country
2,174) Montezuma State: is a state that has disappeared (or) never a state, but in our history now
2,175) Monopoly Guy: Had a Cane (or) Never had a cane
2,176) Monopoly Guy: monocle (or) no Monocle
2,177) Monopoly Guys monocle: Which side had the monocle Right eye (or) Left eye
2,178) Monopoly Guy:  Mr. Moneybags (or) Rich Uncle Pennybags
2,179) Monopoly Property: Monopoly board game (older) Mediterranean Avenue (or) Mediter- Ranean Avenue 
2,180) Monster Absolute zero (or) Absolutely zero
2,181) Monsters INC. (movie) Wazaoski  was remembered in one part of the movie to have eyelashes and lipstick on though that is not in the movie.
2,182) Moon breaker movie: did the girl have braces? (or) No braces.
2,183) Moon breaker movie: did she have bows in her hair? (or) No Bow
2,184) Montana State:  bigger, but is now smaller (or) Was smaller, and now bigger (or) about the same
2,185) Morgan Freeman: Under the Bludgeonings of ____. Fire (or) Chance
2,186) Morlocks: A bright blue (or) Pale Blue
2,187) Morton's salt (or) Morton Salt
2,188) Morton Salt Girl a blond?
2,189) Mother Goose: It's Raining/ It's pouring/ the old man is snoring ___to bed, bumped his head and ___ get up in the morning. he went (or) he got    Couldn't (or) Didn't
2,190) Mother Theresa (or) Teresa
2,191) Moth man now exist
2,192) Mountain Dew (or) Mt. Dew (or) MTN. Dew
2,193) Mountain Dew: Kick Start (or) Kick Starter
2,194) Mountain Dew: Kick Start, "S" and "T" run together. "R" is broken off.
2,195) Mount Rushmore: Looks different. Memory shows they look like they're in different areas with their face, and in different areas as well.
2,196) Mount Rushmore: Presidents different?
2,197) Mount Rushmore: President Roosevelt have glasses on (or) did not have glasses
2,198) Mount Rushmore quit making presidents on Mount Rushmore, because it was to expensive (or) ran out of room 
2,199) Mr. Clean:  One earring (or) Two earring (or) No earring

2,200) Mr. Deeds - ' Want Me To Wipe The Leaves On Your Ficus ______, Preston. Plant (or) tree

2,201) Mr. peanuts died 2009 (or) 2020
2,202) Mr. Peanuts have a monocle? (or) no monocle
2,203) Mr. Rogers Death. People have different memories of it.
2,204) Mr. Rogers: Theme, " it's a beautiful day in ___ neighborhood.  This (or) The  
2,205) Mrs. Cakehead: Cover yourself in ___. Beans (or) Bee
2,206) Mrs. Doubtfire: _______ by fruiting. Run (or) Drive
2,207) Muhammad Ali died in 2009 (or) 2016
2,208) Mulan's outfit: Pink (or) Cream
2,209) Multnomath State: (United States): This state is found on a older map of The United States, but currently is not apart of our 50 states. This means either it was a state and was removed by the Mandela Effect (or) Never was a state but now has history of a state (or) Were seeing history of a state from another parallel universe
2,210) Munsters: mini Munsters ( a cartoon spin off) Now exist though most never heard of this
2,211) Muppets: Bunny now added that was not remembered.

2,212) Muppets: Disney owned (or) Nickelodeon. (they claimed it's been Disney owned since 1990 yet has always aired on Nickelodeon)
2,213) Muppets: first appeared in 1955 (or) 1976
2,214) Muppets: Fozzie (or) Fonzie

2,215) Muppets: Miss Piggy had a mole (or) did not have a mole
2,216) Mushroom: Oregon: Malheur national Forest now has a 2,200 acre giant mushroom that never existed before
2,217) Music: signers reported people stealing their songs only to find out their songs never existed.
2,218) Muslims cut their child's head in religious ceremonies (or) never happen

2,219) Mustache (or) Moustash
2,220) Mustard Ice Cream: Had mustard Ice cream (or) never had ice cream mustard
2,221) Mutiny on the Bounty: Captain Bligh: Captain Bligh was crueler than most other sea captains of his day (or) Captain Bligh was kinder than most other sea captains of his day
2,222) My cousin Vinnie (or) Vinny
2,223) Myskogee State: is found on maps. This could be it was a state at one time and no longer is (or) never was a state but we now have a history for it.
2,224) Mystery Science theater: Mystery Science theater 2000 (or)  Mystery Science theater 3000 (or)  Mystery Science theater 4000
2,225) N*sync (or) *Nsync
2,226) Naica, Mexico: A crystal cave always exist there (or) never heard of this crystal cave
2,227) Napoleon: 1 Hand (or) 2 hand
2,228) Narwhals are believed to never exist.
2,229) NASA logo changed: what looks like a Upside down "V" (or) upside "V" tilted to the right
2,230) Nataqua state: is found on a map that either existed and no longer does (or) never existed but now does exist because of the Mandela Effect.
2,231) Native people came to America 23,000 years ago?
2,232) Navaja state: is found on a map that either existed and no longer does (or) never existed but now does exist because of the Mandela Effect.
2,233) Navy Vessel: Was built from the wreckage of the twin towers (or) never herd of this
2,234) Nazi: 1920's is when they started (or) 1930's is when they started
2,235) Nazis: 20,000 Nazis invade New York City in 1939, even though we never enter the war until 1941 and because of the Pearl Harbor. 
2,236) Nazi Salute: Extended from the chest straight out with arm (or) Extended from the neck straight out with the arm
2,237) Nazi Salute: Germany copy this from the Romans (or) Not from the Romans
2,238) Nazi Swastika: 卐 (looked at as a + symbol with marks off each side (or) or Slanted (looked as a X with marks all around) (or) 卍 (swastika backwords)
2,239) NBC logo: The 2011 logo was remembered to be out sooner. The 1959 version is not remembered. Have they ever had more than 6 colors? Was there a logo in the 1930's? (was TV stations around in the 1930's)
2,240) Ned Stark:  "Brace yourselves..." (or) Never Had said "Brace yourselves"
2,241) Needful (or) Needfull
2,242) Needful Things (book/Movie): Needful (or) Needfull
2,243) Needful Things (movie): Needful Things (or) Stephen king's Needful things
2,244) Neil Armstrong: Asked to join Scottish explorer to investigate the Tayos caves (or) never happen
2,245) Neil Armstrong death has different memory on years of 2012 (or) 2013 (or) other
2,246) Neil Armstrong: "Good Luck Mr. Gorski"  was said (or) never said that
2,247) Neil Armstrong Quote: That's One small step for ___ one big leap for mankind.  man (or) a man

2,248) Neil Armstrong Quote: Houston We have a Problem (or) Houston, We’ve Had a Problem (or) "Okay Houston, we’ve had a problem here" (or) “Okay, Houston. I believe we’ve had a problem here,” {we have marked the movie but not the mission. As two new ones are listed, we must add them two}
2,249) Neil Armstrong: shoes that Neil Armstrong left behind on the Moon have both vanished from the public record, and the other shoe has vanished from the A&S museum in DC (the exhibit used to have it in a glass display case). The Internet says that the manifest for Neil's personal property kit has gone missing and is supposedly in the Purdue Archives, "sealed until 2022."
2,250) Nelly: "Must be the money" Why do I live this way (or) Why must I live this way
2,251) Nelson Mandela (or) Nelson Mandala
2,252) Nelson Mandela died in prison in the 1980s (or) died in prison in 1991 (or) Nelson Mandela died in Dec 2013
2,253) Nelson Mandela had a nuclear particle named after him
2,254) Nelson Mandela "our deepest fear" speech has changed
2,255) Nelson Mandela: President after he was released from prison (or) Never was President
2,256) Napoleon Dynamite: Horses is white (or) Horse is black
2,257) Nestle Quick (or) Quik
2,258) Nevada State was half way up on California (or) each top was even across.  If it was half way. California's shape would have to be bigger as remembered, and it would leave an extra state between Nevada and Idaho.
2,259) Nevermind (or) Never mind

2,260) The new Andy Griffith Show: A 1970's sitcom staring Andy griffith (or) Never was a sitcom, and appeared to came out of nowhere 

2,261) The New Andy Griffith Show: in the Pilot episode Barney speaks to Andy about some property, as many before him had also done one by one, Leaving Andy trying to think who he should give it to.  Andy told Barney he was the ____ person to ask about the property. 4th (or) 5th (now says 5th, but Barney was the 4th.)
2,262) New animals that never existed that were never heard of, and some older ones have different looks, also many that have been gone for decades have returned.
2,263) New Mexico state: New Mexico (or) Nouveau- Mexique
2,264) New Mexico: Bolder line was a straight line with Texas (or) Horizontal
2,265) Newington State: (United States): This state is found on a older map of The United States, but currently is not apart of our 50 states. This means either it was a state and was removed by the Mandela Effect (or) Never was a state but now has history of a state (or) Were seeing history of a state from another parallel universe
2,266) Newport: (smokes) The "R" and "T" have come together
2,267) New Zealand move?
2,268) Next Friday: Pink walks up to his store. Was the window broken? People clearly remembered the girls breaking the front window. This is why Pink assumed he was being robbed. The window is not seen now. Pink's car gets hit with the brick instead which was remembered to happen at the end.
2,269) Next Friday: Smokey did not come back to the squeal due to money and religious views (or) was in jail at the time
2,270) NHL: (1988 Game 3) Devil's Coach chased a referee and said: Have a doughnut you fat pig (or) Used similar words but not in that order Such as: calling him a fat pig and repeated eat a doughnut
2,271) NHL: 1980 winner:  Gold medal went to USA (or) USSR
2,272) NHL: Ray Bourque Hoists the cup in the first season of Colorado (or) did not
2,273) NHL: Steve Smith's last 2nd own goal: (Game 7 1986) Steve scored a goal seconds left of the game (or) 15 minutes left on the game
2,274) NHL: Strick shape "L": On the L (or) one the Pawn Stars: episode of a man brought in a flier of Ford's Theater say President 
2,275) Niagra falls (or) Niagara falls
2,276) Niagara Falls has a suspension Bridge? Yes (or) no
2,277) Nicholas Cage or Nicolas cage
2,278) Nickajack state. (United States): This state is found on a older map of The United States, but currently is not apart of our 50 states. This means either it was a state and was removed by the Mandela Effect (or) Never was a state but now has history of a state (or) Were seeing history of a state from another parallel universe (also) It was a Located throughout what is now Kentucky, Tennessee, Virginia, and parts of Alabama, Mississippi, and Georgia (or) Just parts of what is now Tennessee and the North/ South Carolina area
2,279) Nickelback: "Lullaby" Music video reported to change.
2,280) Nickelback: "Someday" Music Video: The girl got hit by a car and died. After her death she goes through some portal where she saw her boyfriend as a spirit (or) Never got hit by a car, no death, no portal, and the boyfriend is the spirit.
2,281) Nigerian Prince Scam: started in 1980's (or) 1990's (or) 2000
2,282) Night Before Christmas lyrics have changed
2,283) Nightmare before Christmas: Ghost dog had a ____ nose.  red (or) Orange (or) a pumpkin nose
2,284) Nightmare on Elm Street (or) A nightmare on Elm Street
2,285) Nightmare on Elm Street: was the sweater black and red stripe (or) green and red striped sweater
2,286) Nightmare on Elm Street 6: Freddy's death (or) Nightmare on elm street: Freddy's dead the final chapter
2,287) Ninjas: Wore black (or)  Blue

2,288) Nightmare On Elm Street movie (1984) Freddy Krueger sweater: Stripes on the front of the sweater only (or) front and sleeve's.  
2,289) Nike logo change. More of a cheek (or) more of a tilted "J"
2,290) Nikola (or) Nikolai Tesla
2,291) Nikola Tesla: Died in a car accident (or) heart Attack 
2,292) Nikola Tesla: Died young (or) old
2,293) Nintendo (or) nintendo (Capital "N" (or) no capital "N")
2,294) Nintendo Logo: has changes "e" shape, and  "T" looks like a cross
2,295) Noel (movie) (or) Noelle
2,296) Nokia: is Japanese (or) Finnish
2,297) Norma Jeane (or) Norma Jean
2,298) North Korea border Russia now
2,299) North Pole: North Pole cold, South Pole hot (or) South pole cold, North Pole hot (may of changed back)

2,300) North pole: North pole exist (or) don't exist (shiftier: It left and return)

2,301) North Pole: Made of Land that is ice (or) Water that is ice (or) or water
2,302) Nose: Now has a nasal spine (or) always did
2,303) Nostradamas (or) Nostradamus
2,304) Nothing but trouble (movie): Chevy Chase "The Judge" Had a nose that looked like a penis (or) did not have a nose that look like a penis
2,305) Nova State: (United States): This state is found on a older map of The United States, but currently is not apart of our 50 states. This means either it was a state and was removed by the Mandela Effect (or) Never was a state but now has history of a state (or) Were seeing history of a state from another parallel universe
2,306) Noxema (or) Noxzma
2,307) Nuclear drills stopped in the 1980s (or) was still used after the 1980s
2,308) Nueces State: is found on maps. This could be it was a state at one time and no longer is (or) never was a state but we now have a history for it.
2,309) Nursery Rhyme: This little pig (or) This little piggy  (ending) Piggy went wee wee wee _____.  all the way home (or) I can't find my way home
2,310) Nursery Rhyme: Twinkle twinkle little star, how I wonder ____ you are. Where (or) who (or) what
2,311) Nursery Rhyme: Wee Willie Winkie Running Through The Town (or)  Runs Through The Town
2,312) Nutty Bars (or) Nutty Buddy

2,313) Nutty Bars: "R" looks different.
2,314) O Canada (or) Oh Canada
2,315) O Henri (or) O Henry

2,316) O'Reilly (or) O' Reilly's
2,317) O'Reilly jingle: O O O'Reilly auto parts (3 O's) (or) O O O (short pause) O'Reilly auto parts (4 O's)
2,318) Oceania looks different
2,319) Oceans: 3 (or) 5 (southern Ocean not remembered)
2,320) Occult means: worship or something weird, evil or different that people would not find normal (or) Knowledge of the hidden

2,321) The Ohio highway sniper: attacks were a series of 24 sniper attacks along Interstate 270 and other nearby highways in the central part of the U.S. state of Ohio (mostly around Columbus) against traffic, homes, and a vacant school building in the Hamilton Local School district in Obetz, Ohio. The shootings began in May 2003 and continued for several months. Many do not share the memory of this happening.
2,322) OJ: glove fits (or) Don't fit

2,323) OJ's bronco: who drove the bronco ?
2,324) Old El Paso (or) Pasco
2,325) Oliver Twist: (when Oliver asks the evil taskmaster Mr. Brumble for a second helping of porridge.) Did he say: “Please sir, can I have some more?”  (or) “Please sir, I want some more."
2,326) Olsreen (or) Osteen 
2,327) Olympic Flame 1936 Germany (or) ancient Greeks as long as the Olympics have been going
2,328) Oneida State: (United States): This state is found on a older map of The United States, but currently is not apart of our 50 states. This means either it was a state and was removed by the Mandela Effect (or) Never was a state but now has history of a state (or) Were seeing history of a state from another parallel universe
2,329) On tender hooks (or) On tenterhooks
2,330) One way signs: Different shape a bit but not by much
2,331) Oprah Winfrey founded her own church/ Religion (or) Never founded her own church/ Religion
2,332) Opthamologist (or) ophthalmologist
2,333) Opus: Life is life (or)  Live is life
2,334) Orajel (or) Oragel
2,335) Oral- B now has the dash combine with the letter "B"
2,336) Orbit (or) Orbitz
2,337) Orcas: Gray spot on the back (or) No gray spots
2,338) Orson Wells (or) Welles
2,339) Orangutan (or) Orangutang
2,340) Oreo double Stuf (or) Stuff
2,341) Orion's belt: Some believed it changed 
2,342) Orion logo: "R" and "I" shifted together
2,343) Osage State: (United States): This state is found on a older map of The United States, but currently is not apart of our 50 states. This means either it was a state and was removed by the Mandela Effect (or) Never was a state but now has history of a state (or) Were seeing history of a state from another parallel universe
2,344) Oscar Meyer (or) Oscar Mayer
2,345) Oscar Mayer Weiner lyrics:  I wish I were an Oscar Mayer Weiner, That is what I truly wish to be, Cause if I were a Oscar Mayer Weiner, Everyone would be in love, Oh everyone would be in love, Everyone would be in love with me  (or)  I wish I were an Oscar Meyer Weiner, a Oscar Meyer I truly want to be, because if I were a Oscar Meyer Weiner, Everyone would be in love with me
2,346) The Osmonds (or) Osmond's
2,347) Ostriches: Put their heads in the sand (or) Do not
2,348) Outkast "Miss Jackson" Never meant to make your Daughter cry. I apologize ___ Times. Thousands (or) Trillion
2,349) Outlets: 2 Flat blades slot are at the bottom while the ground pin slot is at the top (or) 2 flat blades slot are at the top while the ground pin slot is at the bottom (change for wall sockets and power strips)
2,350) Overmorrow (new word) Means the day after tomorrow.
2,351) Owls now have long legs (or) Always had long legs
2,352) Oxy Clean (or) Oxi Clean
2,353) Ozark State: (United States): This state is found on a older map of The United States, but currently is not apart of our 50 states. This means either it was a state and was removed by the Mandela Effect (or) Never was a state but now has history of a state (or) Were seeing history of a state from another parallel universe
2,354) Paddington bears Yellow Coat (or) Blue Coat (or) red coat (or) Brown coat
2,355) Pajamas (or) Pyjamas
2,356) Panama Canal North/South (or) West/ East
2,357) Pancakes: Aunt Jamima (or) Jemima
2,358) Panic at the disco:  Closing the goddamn door (or) Closing a goddamn door
2,359) Parish boy's Progress:  (also title: Oliver Twist") sai what as he had a bowl in his hand?  Please Sir, Can I have some more (or) Please Sir, I want some more (or) Please Sir, may I have some more
2,360) Parmesian (or) Parmesan
2,361) Parrot: African grey parrot Tail color: Red (or) Yellow (or) Grey (or) Pink
2,362) Parrot: Dracula parrots now exist
2,363) Passion of Christ (movie) (or) The Passion of Christ
2,364) Pat Robertson: Dead (or) Alive
2,365) Patrick Swayze's health: cancer (or) no cancer
2,366) Patrick Swayze died (or) alive
2,367) Patterson, New Jersey (or) Paterson, New Jersey
2,368) Paul Meeron exposed Jimmy Saville (or) did not
2,369) Paul Revere: Rode on the horse by himself as the British was coming (or) rode with someone else
2,370) Paul Revere: Yelled "The British is coming" (or) did not yell that, nor did he call them British.
1,371) Paula Dean (or) Deen
1,372) Pavillion (or) Pavilion
1,373) Pavlov's dog: bell (or) metronome
1,374) Pawn off (or) Palm off
1,375) Pawn Stars: Lincoln poster/ Flier came into the shop speaking of President Lincoln who was on the flier saying he would be there at the theater.  Rick pointed out the flier was faked as no one knew if President Lincoln would be there. This Episode does not exist now. (Note: Reality has changed and people now knew he would be there.)
2,376) PAX (T.V. Network) "AX" Are now Pushed together.
2,377) PAX (T.V. Network) Quit being a network because.... They were sued over a Candid Camera prank that went wrong ending the Candid Camera Show and PAX T.V. (or) Change name to ION for better viewing, and to gain more watchers
2,378) Paxo logo changed: "AX" pushed together
2,379) Pay Day: Chocolate ones existed 9or) did not exist as of 2021
2,380) Pay less shoe store (or) shoe source
2,381) Peace sign is now different. Face's towards bottom (or) top (or) both ways.
2,382) Peacock (streaming device) P is off shaped.
2,383) Peanut comics: Did Frieda's cat have a name?
2,384) Peanut tree: Now exists and the fruit smells like peanut butter and also tastes like it.
2,385) Pearl Harbor: Attacked USA (or) Attacked USA and Canada
2,386) Pearl Harbor: Local news paper published the pearl harbor attack in 1937 in detail 4 years before the attack in 1941. Time Travel?
2,387) Pecos State: (United States): This state is found on a older map of The United States, but currently is not apart of our 50 states. This means either it was a state and was removed by the Mandela Effect (or) Never was a state but now has history of a state (or) Were seeing history of a state from another parallel universe
2,388) Pelisipia State: (United States): This state is found on a older map of The United States, but currently is not apart of our 50 states. This means either it was a state and was removed by the Mandela Effect (or) Never was a state but now has history of a state (or) Were seeing history of a state from another parallel universe
2,389) Pembina State: (United States): This state is found on a older map of The United States, but currently is not apart of our 50 states. This means either it was a state and was removed by the Mandela Effect (or) Never was a state but now has history of a state (or) Were seeing history of a state from another parallel universe
2,390) Pennies: Good luck to find a penny on heads (or) good luck to find a penny on heads but bad luck if found on tails. (or) Good luck to find a penny on heads or tails

2,391) Pennsylvania State: East Pennsylvania (United States): This state is found on a older map of The United States, but currently is not apart of our 50 states. This means either it was a state and was removed by the Mandela Effect (or) Never was a state but now has history of a state (or) Were seeing history of a state from another parallel universe
2,392) Penzoil (or) Pennzoil
2,393) People age: People reported looking younger with an older age, Looking older with a younger age, and having age/birth change.
2,394) People: Appear out of nowhere or disappear magically. This could be time travelers,  traveling through universes, teleportation (all which exist)
2,395) People: Born people already reported to be born (disappear with no trace), and have been known to somehow appear having never been born with a history of birth. People reported more people in their family that were never born before, never heard of, and never seen, yet the parents of this person did remember them and said they have always been there.
2,396) People: Can smell stuff that is not around. Are we smelling something from another universe in which (in that universe) we are near? 
2,397) People notice to appear out of nowhere or disappear magically.
2,398) People: eyes have been reported to change from what they were at birth.
2,399) People: Hair Has been reported to change randomly from when they had a birth.

2,400) People: hear a ringing in their ear more often, and some feel confused, or say their head hurts. Some theory is Government brainwashing threw waves.

2,401) People's family: People reported that their husband, wife, boy friend, or girlfriend had completely changed, and believed it was not the person they knew. Some reports suggest that they like things they dis like, dis like things they like, have random personality changes or just seem different. This is believed to be the main cause of break ups.

2,402) Peoples looks: People notice family, and friends have changing marks on their body with eye, and hair color.
2,403) People Universe's: People dead in this universe have their alive form from another Universe coming here, and are alive self hear being moved there. There also has been reports of a whole history, birth, and information showing someone alive hears has a whole another life (dead) showing up here as far as people who remembered them dying and showing them paperwork. (Our self from another Universe)
2,404) Pepperocini (or) Pepperoncini
2,405) Pepsi AM: A coffee version of Pepsi that people do not remembered (or) Pepsi never made coffee
2,406) Pepsi Clear (or) Crystal Pepsi
2,407) Pepsi-Cola logo: has changed between Pepsi and Cola was a Dot between the words (or) Doubled dot, one above the other as seen here : (or) a dash as seen here  -
2,408) Pepsi coolers, refrigerated container,  and soda machine are Red (or) Blue
2,409) Pepsi: logo changed
2,410) Pet Semetery (Stephen King's movie): Sematary (or) Cematary (or) Cemetery (Note: We know the kids (Book) wrote the sign and misspelled the word, replacing the "C" with a "S", however, Residue has came up showing it was never spelled with a "S", (movie) as well as people having the memory of "C" not "S".)
2,411) Peter Falk (or) Faulk
2,412) Peter Fonda alive and never died (or) died before and is alive again
2,413) Peter Pepper's now exist (shaped like a penis)

2,414) Pete Rose: Been on the Montreal Expos (or) had never been on there before  
2,415) Pete Townsend (or)  Pete Townshend (drummer for The Who)
2,416) Pfitzer (or) Pfize

2,417) Phantom Menace: Darth Maul cut in half (or) not cut in half
2,418) Pharoah (or) Pharaoh
2,419) Philadelphia (or) Philidelphia
2,420) Philadelphia cream cheese made in Philadelphia (or) New York
2,421) Phil Collins's (band) "The Hot tub" not remembered

2,422) Phil Collins (band): In The Air Tonight: Was Phil Collins singing "Hold on" (or) "Oh Lord" in "In The Air Tonight"?
2,423) Phillips (or) Phillip (also) Phillip (or) Philip

2,424) Phillip: "P" combines with the "H" and "P" with the "S"
2,425) Philip McKeon (or) Phillip McKeon 
2,426) Phillip Rivers (or) Philip Rivers
2,427) Phone calls are noticed to have an echo, but the echo said something different. They also reported voice mails from before it was created on today's phones.
2,428) Phone Dial letters: "ABC" starts at number 1 (or) 2 (also) all letters shown (or) X and Q were not shown as these are letter not used as much
2,429) Philosiphy (or) philosophy (also) Philosipher (or) Philosopher
2,430) Piano man: "Son can you play me a _____?" Memory (or) Melody
2,431) The  Picture (or) Portrait  of Dorian Gray.
2,432) Piers Morgan (or) Piers Morgyn
2,433) Pigeon (or) Pidgeon
2,434) Pigeon: can produce milk (or) Can not produce milk
2,435) Pigeons: Rainbow, and multicolored pigeons now exist
2,436) Pink (color): was now a boys color in the 1920's even though this is a part of a history only a few heard of.
2,437) Pink Dolphins are almost extinct (anyone heard of these?)
2,438) Pink Elephants in South Africa wild park, as it was never remembered
2,439) Pink Floyd has an album that is collectable yet not known among fans. "Dark side of the moon"
2,440) Pink Panther (or) The Pink Panther
2,441) Pink Panther's eye color changed
2,442) Pink tree frogs exist (or) never existed
2,443) Pinocchio (or) Pinnochio (or) Pinochio 
2,444) Pinocchio's Eye color changed
2,445) Pinocchio: Feather in Hat (or) No feather in hat
2,446) Pinocchio Frog (large nose) never heard of but now exists.
2,447) Pinocchio in space (or) In outer space
2,448) Pinterest (or) Pintrest
2,449) Piranhas: Killed 1 person (or) thousands
2,450) Pirates talk:  Pirate talk originated with the seafaring pirates of old (or)  Pirate talk originated in Disney's 1950 "Treasure Island" movie
2,451) Pirates: Still existed after the United states found their independence (or) did not exist  after the United states found their independence
2,452) Pirates: women Pirate existed (or) did not exist
2,453) Pixar lamp don't look out in front of the screen than start looking around after he smashed the "I" on Pixar (or) The lamp does
2,454) Pixie Stix (or) Pixy Stix    Stix (or) Sticks
2,455) Pizza: Created in China (or) Italy 
2,456) Pizza Hut 1967-1999 Logo:  Broken "P" now as well as the "I" and "Z" and now pushed together. "H" has a longer slash.
2,457) Plastic cups: The red solo cups were used for measurements (or) were not used for measurements
2,458) Plague: When was the last major plague? 1300's (or) china in 1855
2,459) Plane: First plane to fly across the Atlantic ocean was done by Charles Lindbergh (or) he was the 85th man to do so
2,460) Plane: First plane to fly in the air was done by the Wright Brothers (or) German immigrant
2,461) Planet: 1st Planet from the sun: A smaller planet real close to the sun (or) Mercury (Based on the memory a planet (unnamed now) was before Mercury which was closer to the sun.)
2,462) Planet: 2nd Planet from the sun: Mercury (or) Venus  (Based on the memory a planet (unnamed now) was before Mercury which was closer to the sun.)
2,463) Planet: 3 Juno (or) Juno
2,464) Planet: 3 Juno Planet (or) Not Planet (Remembered to be one, and is not listed as Dwarf.
2,465) Planet: 3rd planet from the sun: Venus (or) Earth (or) Mars (Based on the memory a planet (unnamed now) was 9efore Mercury which was closer to the sun. (ALSO) The fact people remembered Earth and Mars as Mars and Earth)
2,466) Planet: 4th planet from the Sun: Earth (or) Mars (Based on people who remembered Mars and then Earth)
2,467) Planet: 5 planets lined up together? First time in ten years as of 2020 (or) As of 2020 the last time was 2016 (or) remembered few years ago as of 2020
2,468) Planet: 5th Planet: Mars (or) Jupiter (or) Juno (or) Pallas (or) Vesta (Based on the memory there was a planet closer to the sun before Mercury, and Juno, Juno, Pallas, and Vesta was a planet between Mars and Jupiter.
2,469) Planet: 6th Planet: Jupiter (or) Saturn (or) Juno (or) Pallas (or) Vesta (Based on the memory there was a planet closer to the sun before Mercury, and Juno, Juno, Pallas, and Vesta was a planet between Mars and Jupiter.)
2,470) Planet: 7th planet: Jupiter (or) Saturn (or) Uranus (or) Juno (or) Pallas (or) Vesta (Based on the memory there was a planet closer to the sun before Mercury, and Juno, Juno, Pallas, and Vesta was a planet between Mars and Jupiter.)
2,471) Planets: 8 (or) 9 (or) 11 (or) 12 (does not include Pluto or dwarf planets. This is based on a Planet remembered before mercury
2,472) Planet: 8th Planet: Jupiter (or) Saturn (or) Uranus (or) Neptune (or) Juno (or) Pallas (or) Vesta (Based on the memory there was a planet closer to the sun before Mercury, and Juno, Juno, Pallas, and Vesta was a planet between Mars and Jupiter.)
2,473) Planet: 10th Planet: Saturn (or) Uranus (or) Neptune  (Based on the memory there was a planet closer to the sun before Mercury, and Juno, Juno, Pallas, and Vesta was a planet between Mars and Jupiter.)
2,474) Planet: 11th planet: Uranus (or) Neptune  (Based on the memory there was a planet closer to the sun before Mercury, and Juno, Juno, Pallas, and Vesta was a planet between Mars and Jupiter.)
2,475) Planet: 12th Planet : Neptune (Based on the memory there was a planet closer to the sun before Mercury, and Juno, Juno, Pallas, and Vesta was a planet between Mars and Jupiter.)
2,476) Planet: Asteroid belt Location: Between Earth and Mars (or) After Mars
2,477) Planet: Asteroid Belt: Planet (or) not Planet (remembered as planet) 
2,478) Planet: Dwarf Planets: 1 (or) 5 (or) 8
2,479) Planet Earth: Closest planet (as of 2020) is... Mercury (or) Venus (or) Mars
2,480) Planet Earth: Flat (or) Round (or) dome (Everything on tv, in movies and even books speak of a flat Earth, so this is a Mandela effect and not a debate. As for the debate, it was never proven either way. The moon, and other planets look round, but are actually flat.)
2,481) Planet: Earth's Location is different now being in a different spot in our Solar System.
2,482) Planet Earth's Moon: A story was published in detail about proof of life on the moon. This story was published in 1835, well over 100 years before the moon landing. Time traveler? Area 51 has been relocated to the moon. One would find life there (alive or dead). 
2,483) Planet Earth's Moon: Bombing or missile is the event where A) Project A119, also known as A Study of Lunar Research Flights, was a top-secret plan developed in 1958 by the United States Air Force. The aim of the project was to detonate a nuclear bomb on the Moon, which would help in answering some of the mysteries in planetary astronomy and astroarchaeology. B) A missile hit the moon By NASA sometime in 2012 (shifted to the above story) (Obama's Term had located many weapons on the moon. Was this attack to destroy weapons?)
2,484) Planet Earth's Moon: buried man on the moon (or) No buried man on the moon
2,485) Planet Earth's Moon Changed color
2,486) Planet Earth's Moon: Daylight now shows moon (or) only night
2,487) Planet Earth's Moon: Human face (or) a rabbit
2,488) Planet Earth's Moon: glow: A bright glow is coming off the moon now. It has also been noted to be brighter.
2,489) Planet Earth's moon landing: Earth landed on the Moon first (or) China landed on the Moon first
2,490) Planet earth's Moon: Left stuff behind on the moon (or) Never left anything behind (Not to be confused with the stuff moved to the moon between 2009-15 During Obama's term)
2,491) Planet Earth's Moon location is different in the Solar System.
2,492) Planet Earth's Moon: New York Sun posted an article in 1835 saying their was life on mars Despite the fact they had never been up their at that time
2,493) Planet Earth rotates once in about 24 hours around the sun (or) Earth rotates once in about 24 hours on its axis and takes 365 days to go around the sun.
2,494) Planet Earth's Moon: Rusting for billions of years (or) not rusting (has no water or oxygen to cause rust leaving scientists confused) 
2,495) Planet Earth's Moon: Smaller (or) Same size
2,496) Planet Jupiter: Location is different in our Solar System.
2,497) Planet Jupiter: Moons: Under 20 (or) 20-30 (or) 67 (or) 79
2,498) Planet Jupiter rings: Has rings (or) No rings
2,499) Planet Jupiter: Orbits around the sun (or) does not orbits around the sun

2,500) Planet Jupiter: Red planet (or) Mars is the Red planet

2,501) Planet Jupiter rising (or) Ascending
2,502) Planet Mars: bigger (or) smaller
2,503) Planet Mars's face now smiles 
2,504) Planet Mars: Hot planet (or) cold planet 
2,505) Planet Mars: Ice caps known (or) Ice caps only thought off
2,506) Planet Mars: Landed people on Mars (or) Never landed people on Mars yet (as of 2020)
2,507) Planet Mars: Location is different in our Solar System
2,508) Planet: Mars: Moon: 0 (or) 1 (or) 2
2,509) Planet: Mars: The red spot is on the planet Mars (or ) The Red spot is on the Planet Jupiter (People Remembered the red spot was belief to be residue from a war, and the belief is we had life on Mars. No one has yet question life on the other planets
2,510) Planet Mars sky: Red (or) Blue 
2,511) Planet Mars: Viking 1 was the first spacecraft to land on Mars in 1976. This is according to today's reality. No one remembered the event happening in the 1970's.
2,512) Planet Mercury is located differently in our Solar System.
2,513) Planet Neptune: Location has moved in our Solar System.

2,514) Planet Neptune rings: Rings (or) No rings
2,515) Planet Pallas: Pallas was remembered to be a planet that A) exist at one time, but no longer does B) Never did, but is in our history now
2,516) Planet Saturn: Location is different in our Solar System.

2,517) Planet Saturn moon count is higher. 15 moons (or) 16-30 (or) 53 (or) 62 (or) 82
2,518) Planet Saturn Ring: Is the only planet with rings (or) 4 planets have rings 
2,519) Planet Uranus: Location is different in the solar system.
2,520) Planet Uranus: Has rings (or) no rings.
2,521) Planet: Vesta was a planet between Mars and Jupiter (Note: This was found on a old map and must exist either to   A) Existed and was changed by the Mandela Effect  B) Never existed and now does by the Mandela effect  (Not listed as dwarf Planets or moons)

2,522) Planet of the apes: Get (or) Take your stinking paws off me, you damn dirty ape.
2,523) Platte State: (United States): This state is found on a older map of The United States, but currently is not apart of our 50 states. This means either it was a state and was removed by the Mandela Effect (or) Never was a state but now has history of a state (or) Were seeing history of a state from another parallel universe
2,524) Play- Doh (or) Play- Dough
 could be it was a state at one time and no longer is (or) never was a state but we now have a history for it.
2,525) Play School (or) Play Skool
2,526) Pledge Alliance: Into the republic for which it stands (OR) And the republic for which it stands

2,527) Pluto: Moves around the sun in a perfect circle as the other planets (or) Does not move in a perfect circle, and may not even go around the sun
2,528) Plytanium: The letter A looks as an upside down V.
2,529) Pocahontas: Pocahontas and John Smith were in love (or) not in love
2,530) Pocahontas: Grown women (or) 12 years old
2,531) Pocahontas: Is not her real name (or) is her real name
2,532) Poland is now further west of Germany as not remembered before and looks different.
2,533) The police: (band) "message in a bottle" Did they say message in a bottle (or) massage in a brothel
2,534) Police: Police dropped a bomb on west Philly in 1985 (or) never heard of this
2,535) Police motto: Serve to protect (or) Serve and protect (or) To serve and protect (or) To Serve to protect
2,536) Polylimnea State: (United States): This state is found on a older map of The United States, but currently is not apart of our 50 states. This means either it was a state and was removed by the Mandela Effect (or) Never was a state but now has history of a state (or) Were seeing history of a state from another parallel universe
2,537) Pokémon (or) Poke'mon (with the ' above the E or after the E)
2,538) Pokémon 2000: (movie) released in 1999 (or) 2000 (also called) Pokémon the movie 2000 (or) Pokémon the movie 2000: The power of one
2,539) Pokémon: Ash Ketchum (or) Ketchup

2,539) Pokemon: Ash Ketchum is Light skin (white) (or) a light darker skin (mixed) (or) both (changed between what it is in season 1 to the later seasons)
2,540) Pokémon: Attack moves are different to other types (such as ice, fire, water are stronger or weaker to grass, ground, etc.)
2,541) Pokémon: Beedrill shiny form Green (or) Orange
2,542) Pokémon: Brock said that water type was weak to a fire type Pokémon in a battle ash was in. However, Fire is weak to water. Kingler was wiped out by a fire type Pokémon in this episode.
2,543) Pokémon: Card found with an image of Misty nude
2,544) Pokémon: Charmander had green eyes? (or) White (or) Other color (or) Blue
2,545) Pokémon: Corsola shiny form yellow (or) Blue

2,546) Poke'mon: Diglett evolved how many times? Once to Dugtrio (or) twice. One to Dugtrio and one after Dugtrio
2,547) Pokémon: Disobedience in Pokémon only comes from traded Pokémon (or) any Pokémon
2,548) Pokémon: Ditto took the form of what? The Pokémon that is being battled (or) Nearby Pokémon/ Pokémon batting (or) Any Pokémon it wants
2,549) Pokémon (first movie) girl's Gyarados was what color? Red (or) Blue
2,550) Pokémon Game generation 1: Always had duels (or) did not have duels

2,551) Poke'mon: Genders were male and female (or) no gender
2,551) Pokémon: Generation 1 remembered to have more than 151 while others remembered only 150.
2,552) Pokémon: Generation 2, and Generation 3 Pokémon have changed between generations as well as Generation 4, and Generation 5. Some also report that a few of Generation 2 was in Generation 1
2,553) Pokémon: Geodude shiny form Green (or) Red (or) Orange
2,554) Pokémon: Gilgar (or) Gligar
2,555) Pokémon: Heracross remembered in Generation 1 but is currently not
2,556) Pokémon: Jinx (or) Jynx
2,557) Pokémon: lickilily or lickilicky
2,558) Pokémon logo:  "E" Slants, "O" is different
2,559) Pokémon: Machop have a tail? (or) Never had a tail
2,560) Pokémon: Mew evolves into Mew two? Mew two was according to the "now world" a clone of mew. However, people did remember that Mew could evolve over to Mew two. Has there only just been one Mew two this whole time? Either way, Mew I am sure was found before Mew two (It has to be if cloned from) so this would make Mew 150 and Mew two 151. However the numbers are flipped with Mew two 150 and Mew 151.
2,561) Pokémon: Misdreavus (or) Misdraveus
2,562) Pokémon Movie: "Mewtwo's Return" (or) Mewtwo strikes back (also) Pokémon the movie (or) Pokémon the first movie: Mewtwo strikes back (or) Pokémon the movie: Mewtwo strikes back
2,563) Pokémon: Nuzleaf now has nipples
2,564) Pokémon: Onix (or) Onyx 
2,565) Pokémon: (T.V. series) Orange Islands (or) Adventures in the Orange Islands (or) Adventures of the Orange Islands
2,566) Pokémon: Pachirisu Shiny form on tail is Yellow (or) Pink
2,567) Pokémon: Panpour or Panphour
2,568) Pokémon: Phanphy (or) Phanpy

2,569) Pokemon: Pikachu back had stripes of what color? Black (or) Brown

2,570) Pokemon: Pikachu red spots on face a bit larger now.
2,571) Pokémon: Pikachu tail: All yellow tail (or) yellow tail, brown at the bottom and black tip of the top (or) Yellow tail and brown at the top no black at the top (or) yellow tail with black at the top but no brown at the bottom
2,572) Pokémon: Rap song: This song names each Pokémon in a rap song by matching a Pokémon to the name. However, Reports now suggest that the names and pictures no longer match.
2,573) Pokémon: Rapidash has a horn before?
2,574) Pokémon: Red and Blue Nintendo game boy: What attack was strong against a psychic type? Psychic (or) Bug
2,575) Pokémon: Staryu was remembered to evolve 3 times. Staryu, Starmie, and Starmite
2,576) Pokémon: Shellder shiny form was Red (or) is Orange
2,577) Pokémon: Skarmory in Gen 2 (or) Gen 3
2,578) Pokémon: steelix or steelyx
2,579) Pokémon: Tauros had an evolved form with 3 heads (or) never had an evolved form
2,580) Pokémon: Team Rocket: James (or) James also called Jimmy
2,581) Pokémon: Team Rocket: Jessie has ___ Hair.  Red (or) Pink (or) Light Purple
2,582) Pokémon Team Rocket   "Prepare for trouble" Motto has changed where they now start in mid sentence (also) Team rocket blast off at the speed of light, surrender now or______. Prepare to fight (or) Prepare to fight fight fight
2,583) Pokémon Team rocket (Indigo Ledge): were remembered to be doing some scam in every episode and seen by others (or) not seen in every episode by others.
2,584) Pokémon: Tentaquil lost gen 2 Pokémon drawn and remembered though it was never at that time released to the public. This blue looking frog had a different name in the demo play version GB of the 1999 gold and Silver game.  Was it, in some universe, released to the public as a gen 2 Pokémon?
2,585) Pokémon Theme: ( Indigo Ledge) I will travel across the land, Searching far and wide. ____ Pokémon to understand, The power that's inside! Each (or) Teach
2,586) Pokémon Theme: "We all live in a Pokémon world" (or) "It's a whole new world we live in"
2,587) Pokémon: Trainer's Choice: Seviper: Which Pokémon is believed to be the one that evolved into Seviper? Abrok (or) Suicune (now called Abrok, However Abrok does not evolve.)
2,588) Pokémon: Unown (or) Unknown
2,589) Pokémon: Unown had a mega unown (or) No mega Unown (based off a card found)
2,590) Pokémon: Venasaur or Venusaur
2,591) Pokémon: Weepingbell (or) Weepinbell
2,592) Pokémon Weepinbell evolved?
2,593) Pokémon: Wobbuffet Generation 2 (or) Generation 3
2,594) Pokémon: Zapados (or) Zapdos
2,595) Polylimnea State: is found on maps. This could be it was a state at one time and no longer is (or) never was a state but we now have a history for it.
2,596) Polypotamia State: is found on maps. This could be it was a state at one time and no longer is (or) never was a state but we now have a history for it.
2,597) Poltergeist: This house is ____. clean (or) clear
2,598) Popeye the sailor (cartoon): Brutus (or) Bluto
2,599) Popeye The sailor (or) Popeye the sailor man


2,600) Popeye The sailor (Cartoon): Cartoon logo of the "Y" looks like a 4

2,601) Popeye The sailor: Frank Rocky Fieger was Popeye inspiration. Basically, he was like Popeye in the real world, including having a girl he liked and always fighting a bigger guy trying to steal his girl. This story was never heard of.
2,602) Popeye The sailor: Olives dress: yellow/ Black (or) Red/ black
2,603) Popeye the sailor: Shirt (top) Red (or) pink (or) white (or) black
2,604) Popeye The sailor Theme (cartoon): I am strong to the finish, cause I eats ____ Spanish.   Me (or) My
2,605) Popeye Chicken (or) Popeye's Chicken
2,606) Popham State: is found on a map that either existed and no longer does (or) never existed but now does exist because of the Mandela Effect.
2,607) Portabello (or) Portobello
2,608) Portugal (country): looks different. Possible moved, or differently shaped
2,609) Potatoes: now bleed when cut
2,610) Potomac state: is found on a map that either existed and no longer does (or) never existed but now does exist because of the Mandela Effect. Where Washington DC is now is where this state is Found on an older map, this may explain how Washington DC was a state.
2,611) Potomac State: Diamond shaped state as what Washington D.C. was remembered to be (or) Cut off diamond shape as Washington D.C. is now. (see in photo on the right)
2,612) Prairie Farms: "MS" on "Farms" run together.
2,613) President age Different. George W. Bush was 93 not 94 when he died. President Carter was 93 not 94. at that same time in 2018. People remembered this as they said Reagan, Ford and Bush all died at 93 and Carter will too. Now Bush is at 94, Carter 95 (as of 2020). President Trump was 74 years old, and now is 73. (as of 2019)
2,614) President Adams: (both) The first Adams and the 2nd Adams were related in what way? Grandfather and grandson (or) Father and son
2,615) President John Adams: 2nd president (or) 3rd President (or) 4th President?  Based on 9 things: 1) Washington now served at a different/ later year changing the line up 2) People remember different Presidents such as Franklin, Hamliton and King. who are not Presidents today.  3)  Some may only serve at a certain time due to death and age (as Presidents remembered, but not listed.) 4) People Remembered Lincoln as the 24th President and not number 16 which changes the numbering and years 5) People remembered more than 46 Presidents (46 as of 2021) 6) The year is off by 1 for when a President steps in office. Example: 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020 (or) 1981,1985,1989, 1993, 1997, 2001, 2005, 2009, 2013, 2017, 2021 7) People remembered current Presidents in office at a different time given. 8) People feel some of the listed Presidents did not run for President 9) Presidents' deaths change, didn't happen, or happen differently than the current timeline.)
2,616) President Adams (John) Served 1780 (or) 1784 (or) 1788 (or) 1792 (or) 1796 (or) 1797 (or) other date?  Based on 9 things: 1) Washington now served at a different/ later year changing the line up 2) People remember different Presidents such as Franklin, Hamliton and King. who are not Presidents today.  3)  Some may only serve at a certain time due to death and age (as Presidents remembered, but not listed.) 4) People Remembered Lincoln as the 24th President and not number 16 which changes the numbering and years 5) People remembered more than 46 Presidents (46 as of 2021) 6) The year is off by 1 for when a President steps in office. Example: 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020 (or) 1981,1985,1989, 1993, 1997, 2001, 2005, 2009, 2013, 2017, 2021 7) People remembered current Presidents in office at a different time given. 8) People feel some of the listed Presidents did not run for President 9) Presidents' deaths change, didn't happen, or happen differently than the current timeline.)
2,617) President Adams (Quincy): 5th President (or) 6th President (or) 7th President (or) 8th President?  Based on 9 things: 1) Washington now served at a different/ later year changing the line up 2) People remember different Presidents such as Franklin, Hamliton and King. who are not Presidents today.  3)  Some may only serve at a certain time due to death and age (as Presidents remembered, but not listed.) 4) People Remembered Lincoln as the 24th President and not number 16 which changes the numbering and years 5) People remembered more than 46 Presidents (46 as of 2021) 6) The year is off by 1 for when a President steps in office. Example: 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020 (or) 1981,1985,1989, 1993, 1997, 2001, 2005, 2009, 2013, 2017, 2021 7) People remembered current Presidents in office at a different time given. 8) People feel some of the listed Presidents did not run for President 9) Presidents' deaths change, didn't happen, or happen differently than the current timeline.)

2,618) President Adams (Quincy) 1812 (or) 1816 (or) 1820 (or) 1824 (or) 1825  Based on 9 things: 1) Washington now served at a different/ later year changing the line up 2) People remember different Presidents such as Franklin, Hamliton and King. who are not Presidents today.  3)  Some may only serve at a certain time due to death and age (as Presidents remembered, but not listed.) 4) People Remembered Lincoln as the 24th President and not number 16 which changes the numbering and years 5) People remembered more than 46 Presidents (46 as of 2021) 6) The year is off by 1 for when a President steps in office. Example: 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020 (or) 1981,1985,1989, 1993, 1997, 2001, 2005, 2009, 2013, 2017, 2021 7) People remembered current Presidents in office at a different time given. 8) People feel some of the listed Presidents did not run for President 9) Presidents' deaths change, didn't happen, or happen differently than the current timeline.)
2,619) President Adams (Quincy): Served between President Monroe and President Madison (or) After President Monroe and President Madison
2,620) President Assassinations has a different memory: People seem to remember Lincoln, Garfield and JFK being assassinated but not McKinley. Others remembered President Jackson being shot instead of President Garfield. Many also only remember 2 Presidents being assassinated, and not 4 (though 2 were more famous so that could explain things).

2,621) President Arthur: 21st President (or) 22nd President (or) 23rd President (or) 29th president? Based on 9 things: 1) Washington now served at a different/ later year changing the line up 2) People remember different Presidents such as Franklin, Hamliton and King. who are not Presidents today.  3)  Some may only serve at a certain time due to death and age (as Presidents remembered, but not listed.) 4) People Remembered Lincoln as the 24th President and not number 16 which changes the numbering and years 5) People remembered more than 46 Presidents (46 as of 2021) 6) The year is off by 1 for when a President steps in office. Example: 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020 (or) 1981,1985,1989, 1993, 1997, 2001, 2005, 2009, 2013, 2017, 2021 7) People remembered current Presidents in office at a different time given. 8) People feel some of the listed Presidents did not run for President 9) Presidents' deaths change, didn't happen, or happen differently than the current timeline.)
2,622) President Arthur: 1876 (or) 1880 (or) 1881 (or) 1884 (or) 1888 Based on 9 things: 1) Washington now served at a different/ later year changing the line up 2) People remember different Presidents such as Franklin, Hamliton and King. who are not Presidents today.  3)  Some may only serve at a certain time due to death and age (as Presidents remembered, but not listed.) 4) People Remembered Lincoln as the 24th President and not number 16 which changes the numbering and years 5) People remembered more than 46 Presidents (46 as of 2021) 6) The year is off by 1 for when a President steps in office. Example: 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020 (or) 1981,1985,1989, 1993, 1997, 2001, 2005, 2009, 2013, 2017, 2021 7) People remembered current Presidents in office at a different time given. 8) People feel some of the listed Presidents did not run for President 9) Presidents' deaths change, didn't happen, or happen differently than the current timeline.)
2,623) President Author (or) Arthur
2,624) President Author not remembered by many.
2,625) President Buchanan: 15th President (or) 16th President (or) 17th President.  Based on 9 things: 1) Washington now served at a different/ later year changing the line up 2) People remember different Presidents such as Franklin, Hamliton and King. who are not Presidents today.  3)  Some may only serve at a certain time due to death and age (as Presidents remembered, but not listed.) 4) People Remembered Lincoln as the 24th President and not number 16 which changes the numbering and years 5) People remembered more than 46 Presidents (46 as of 2021) 6) The year is off by 1 for when a President steps in office. Example: 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020 (or) 1981,1985,1989, 1993, 1997, 2001, 2005, 2009, 2013, 2017, 2021 7) People remembered current Presidents in office at a different time given. 8) People feel some of the listed Presidents did not run for President 9) Presidents' deaths change, didn't happen, or happen differently than the current timeline.)
2,608) President Buchanan: 1836 (or) 1840 (or) 1844 (or) 1848 (or) 1852 (or) 1856 (or) 1857  Based on 9 things: 1) Washington now served at a different/ later year changing the line up 2) People remember different Presidents such as Franklin, Hamliton and King. who are not Presidents today.  3)  Some may only serve at a certain time due to death and age (as Presidents remembered, but not listed.) 4) People Remembered Lincoln as the 24th President and not number 16 which changes the numbering and years 5) People remembered more than 46 Presidents (46 as of 2021) 6) The year is off by 1 for when a President steps in office. Example: 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020 (or) 1981,1985,1989, 1993, 1997, 2001, 2005, 2009, 2013, 2017, 2021 7) People remembered current Presidents in office at a different time given. 8) People feel some of the listed Presidents did not run for President 9) Presidents' deaths change, didn't happen, or happen differently than the current timeline.)
2,626) President Buchanan (or) Buchaman (or) Buchman (also) Was he Jr.
2,627) President Buchanan being the first openly gay President (or) was not gay (or) No gay President until President Obama who was not fully open about it
2,628) President Buren: 8th President (or) 9th President (or) 10th President?  Based on 9 things: 1) Washington now served at a different/ later year changing the line up 2) People remember different Presidents such as Franklin, Hamliton and King. who are not Presidents today.  3) Some may only serve at a certain time due to death and age (as Presidents remembered, but not listed.) 4) People Remembered Lincoln as the 24th President and not number 16 which changes the numbering and years 5) People remembered more than 46 Presidents (46 as of 2021) 6) The year is off by 1 for when a President steps in office. Example: 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020 (or) 1981,1985,1989, 1993, 1997, 2001, 2005, 2009, 2013, 2017, 2021 7) People remembered current Presidents in office at a different time given. 8) People feel some of the listed Presidents did not run for President 9) Presidents' deaths change, didn't happen, or happen differently than the current timeline.)
2,629) President Buren: 1828 (or) 1832 (or) 1836 (or) 1837 Based on 9 things: 1) Washington now served at a different/ later year changing the line up 2) People remember different Presidents such as Franklin, Hamliton and King. who are not Presidents today.  3)  Some may only serve at a certain time due to death and age (as Presidents remembered, but not listed.) 4) People Remembered Lincoln as the 24th President and not number 16 which changes the numbering and years 5) People remembered more than 46 Presidents (46 as of 2021) 6) The year is off by 1 for when a President steps in office. Example: 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020 (or) 1981,1985,1989, 1993, 1997, 2001, 2005, 2009, 2013, 2017, 2021 7) People remembered current Presidents in office at a different time given. 8) People feel some of the listed Presidents did not run for President 9) Presidents' deaths change, didn't happen, or happen differently than the current timeline.)
2,630) President Bush (George H.W.) 41st president (or) 42 President (or) 43rd President (or) 49th President  Based on 9 things: 1) Washington now served at a different/ later year changing the line up 2) People remember different Presidents such as Franklin, Hamliton and King. who are not Presidents today.  3)  Some may only serve at a certain time due to death and age (as Presidents remembered, but not listed.) 4) People Remembered Lincoln as the 24th President and not number 16 which changes the numbering and years 5) People remembered more than 46 Presidents (46 as of 2021) 6) The year is off by 1 for when a President steps in office. Example: 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020 (or) 1981,1985,1989, 1993, 1997, 2001, 2005, 2009, 2013, 2017, 2021 7) People remembered current Presidents in office at a different time given. 8) People feel some of the listed Presidents did not run for President 9) Presidents' deaths change, didn't happen, or happen differently than the current timeline.)
2,631) President Bush (George H.W.) 1972 (or) 1976 (or) 1980 (or) 1984 (or) 1988 (or) 1989  Based on 9 things: 1) Washington now served at a different/ later year changing the line up 2) People remember different Presidents such as Franklin, Hamliton and King. who are not Presidents today.  3)  Some may only serve at a certain time due to death and age (as Presidents remembered, but not listed.) 4) People Remembered Lincoln as the 24th President and not number 16 which changes the numbering and years 5) People remembered more than 46 Presidents (46 as of 2021) 6) The year is off by 1 for when a President steps in office. Example: 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020 (or) 1981,1985,1989, 1993, 1997, 2001, 2005, 2009, 2013, 2017, 2021 7) People remembered current Presidents in office at a different time given. 8) People feel some of the listed Presidents did not run for President 9) Presidents' deaths change, didn't happen, or happen differently than the current timeline.)
2,632) President Bush (George W.) 43rd President (or) 44th President (or) 45 President (or) 51st President Based on 9 things: 1) Washington now served at a different/ later year changing the line up 2) People remember different Presidents such as Franklin, Hamliton and King. who are not Presidents today.  3)  Some may only serve at a certain time due to death and age (as Presidents remembered, but not listed.) 4) People Remembered Lincoln as the 24th President and not number 16 which changes the numbering and years 5) People remembered more than 46 Presidents (46 as of 2021) 6) The year is off by 1 for when a President steps in office. Example: 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020 (or) 1981,1985,1989, 1993, 1997, 2001, 2005, 2009, 2013, 2017, 2021 7) People remembered current Presidents in office at a different time given. 8) People feel some of the listed Presidents did not run for President 9) Presidents' deaths change, didn't happen, or happen differently than the current timeline.)
2,633) President Bush (George W.) 1992 (or) 1996 (or) 2000 (or) 2001 Based on 9 things: 1) Washington now served at a different/ later year changing the line up 2) People remember different Presidents such as Franklin, Hamliton and King. who are not Presidents today.  3)  Some may only serve at a certain time due to death and age (as Presidents remembered, but not listed.) 4) People Remembered Lincoln as the 24th President and not number 16 which changes the numbering and years 5) People remembered more than 46 Presidents (46 as of 2021) 6) The year is off by 1 for when a President steps in office. Example: 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020 (or) 1981,1985,1989, 1993, 1997, 2001, 2005, 2009, 2013, 2017, 2021 7) People remembered current Presidents in office at a different time given. 8) People feel some of the listed Presidents did not run for President 9) Presidents' deaths change, didn't happen, or happen differently than the current timeline.)
2,634) President Bush (George W.) Assassination killed him while he was in office (or) Assassination attempts filed to kill him
2,635) President Bush's (George W.)   Assassination never happened (or) Grenade that never went off (or) shoe bomb was thrown at him (or) a shoe was thrown at him with no threat to his life  (also) this happen in 2003 (or) 2005 (or) 2008
2,636) President Bush (George W) Assassination (Grenade) was thrown in a crowd and never went off (or) Grenade was thrown at the President and failed to go off (or) Grenade was thrown at the President and a secret service agent died as it went off after he wrapped a handkerchief around it.
2,637) President Bush (George W.) Book he read in the classroom... was upside down (or) Now facing normal reading. 
2,638) President Bush (George W.) Book's name he read in class:  My pet goat (or) The pet goat (or) Reading Mastery 2 (or) My pet Duck (or) The Pet Duck
2,639) President Bush's Clone: (George W.) People remember him talking about a clone and how it would take many years to grow, yet this clone never existed except for 1 video on Youtube.
2,640) President Bush pretzel choking: (George W.) did it happen once (or) twice (also) die he died (or) No death
2,641) President Bush (George W.) had ___ shoes thrown at him (not to be confused with the shoe bomb) 1 shoe (or) two shoes
2,642) President Bush's speech change: (George W.)  "Our God is the God who named the stars. The problem is 2/3 of all the stars that have names, have Arabic names. (or) The enemy of America is not our many Muslim friends. 
2,643) President Calhoun ever served as the United States President (or) Vice President (people remembered him line as a President)
2,644) President cancelled the space shuttle program was Bush in 2003 (or) Obama in 2011
2,645) President Carter: 39th president (or) 40th President (or) 41st President (or) 47th President  Based on 9 things: 1) Washington now served at a different/ later year changing the line up 2) People remember different Presidents such as Franklin, Hamliton and King. who are not Presidents today.  3)  Some may only serve at a certain time due to death and age (as Presidents remembered, but not listed.) 4) People Remembered Lincoln as the 24th President and not number 16 which changes the numbering and years 5) People remembered more than 46 Presidents (46 as of 2021) 6) The year is off by 1 for when a President steps in office. Example: 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020 (or) 1981,1985,1989, 1993, 1997, 2001, 2005, 2009, 2013, 2017, 2021 7) People remembered current Presidents in office at a different time given. 8) People feel some of the listed Presidents did not run for President 9) Presidents' deaths change, didn't happen, or happen differently than the current timeline.)
2,646) President Carter: 1968 (or) 1972 (or) 1974 (or) 1976 (or) 1977  Based on 9 things: 1) Washington now served at a different/ later year changing the line up 2) People remember different Presidents such as Franklin, Hamliton and King. who are not Presidents today.  3)  Some may only serve at a certain time due to death and age (as Presidents remembered, but not listed.) 4) People Remembered Lincoln as the 24th President and not number 16 which changes the numbering and years 5) People remembered more than 46 Presidents (46 as of 2021) 6) The year is off by 1 for when a President steps in office. Example: 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020 (or) 1981,1985,1989, 1993, 1997, 2001, 2005, 2009, 2013, 2017, 2021 7) People remembered current Presidents in office at a different time given. 8) People feel some of the listed Presidents did not run for President 9) Presidents' deaths change, didn't happen, or happen differently than the current timeline.)
2,647) President Carter's death: Died threw the 90's (1990-1999) (or) sometime in the early 2000's (2000-2005) (or) Alive
2,648) President Carter: Jimmy Carter (or) Jimmy Carter Jr.) 
2,649) President Cleveland: 1 term (or) 2 terms (or) 2 separate terms
2,650) President Cleveland: (1st Term)  1880 (or) 1881 (or) 1884 (or) 1888 (or) 1892 (2nd Term) 1884 (or) 1888 (or) 1892 (or) 1893 This is  Based on 9 things: 1) Washington now served at a different/ later year changing the line up 2) People remember different Presidents such as Franklin, Hamliton and King. who are not Presidents today.  3)  Some may only serve at a certain time due to death and age (as Presidents remembered, but not listed.) 4) People Remembered Lincoln as the 24th President and not number 16 which changes the numbering and years 5) People remembered more than 46 Presidents (46 as of 2021) 6) The year is off by 1 for when a President steps in office. Example: 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020 (or) 1981,1985,1989, 1993, 1997, 2001, 2005, 2009, 2013, 2017, 2021 7) People remembered current Presidents in office at a different time given. 8) People feel some of the listed Presidents did not run for President 9) Presidents' deaths change, didn't happen, or happen differently than the current timeline.)
2,651) President Cleveland: 22nd and 24th President (or) 23rd and 25th President (or) 24th and 26th President (or) 30th and 32nd President (or) not 2 numbers for years. ( Based on 9 things: 1) Washington now served at a different/ later year changing the line up 2) People remember different Presidents such as Franklin, Hamliton and King. who are not Presidents today.  3)  Some may only serve at a certain time due to death and age (as Presidents remembered, but not listed.) 4) People Remembered Lincoln as the 24th President and not number 16 which changes the numbering and years 5) People remembered more than 46 Presidents (46 as of 2021) 6) The year is off by 1 for when a President steps in office. Example: 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020 (or) 1981,1985,1989, 1993, 1997, 2001, 2005, 2009, 2013, 2017, 2021 7) People remembered current Presidents in office at a different time given. 8) People feel some of the listed Presidents did not run for President 9) Presidents' deaths change, didn't happen, or happen differently than the current timeline.)
2,652) President Cleveland: Cancer in his term (or) No Cancer
2,653) President Cleveland Died in 1881/1882 instead of Garfield (or) Died in office between 1880-1889 of Cancer (or) Died in 1908
2,654) President Clinton (Bill): 1 term (or) 2 terms Based on his Impeachment, Lack of two terms in history and different order of Presidents, dates and years.
2,655) President Clinton (Bill): 42nd President (or) 43rd President  (or) 44th President (or) 50th President Based on 9 things: 1) Washington now served at a different/ later year changing the line up 2) People remember different Presidents such as Franklin, Hamliton and King. who are not Presidents today.  3)  Some may only serve at a certain time due to death and age (as Presidents remembered, but not listed.) 4) People Remembered Lincoln as the 24th President and not number 16 which changes the numbering and years 5) People remembered more than 46 Presidents (46 as of 2021) 6) The year is off by 1 for when a President steps in office. Example: 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020 (or) 1981,1985,1989, 1993, 1997, 2001, 2005, 2009, 2013, 2017, 2021 7) People remembered current Presidents in office at a different time given. 8) People feel some of the listed Presidents did not run for President 9) Presidents' deaths change, didn't happen, or happen differently than the current timeline.)
2,656) President Clinton (Bill): 1992 (or) 1993 (first term) 1996 (or) 1997 (2nd Term) Based on the year now being off by 1 year.
2,657) President Clinton (Bill): 1997 (or) 1998 (or) 1999 Year for Impeachment hearing
2,658) President Clinton (Bill): 1997 (or) 1998 (or) 1999 (or) none.  Year for impeachment to leave office.
2,659) President Clinton (Bill): 1997 (or) 1998 (or) 1999 Year for sex scannal
2,660) President Clinton (Bill): Impeached from office (or) not removed from office
2,661) President Coolidge: 30th President (or) 31st President (or) 32nd President (or) 38th President Based on 9 things: 1) Washington now served at a different/ later year changing the line up 2) People remember different Presidents such as Franklin, Hamliton and King. who are not Presidents today.  3) Some may only serve at a certain time due to death and age (as Presidents remembered, but not listed.) 4) People Remembered Lincoln as the 24th President and not number 16 which changes the numbering and years 5) People remembered more than 46 Presidents (46 as of 2021) 6) The year is off by 1 for when a President steps in office. Example: 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020 (or) 1981,1985,1989, 1993, 1997, 2001, 2005, 2009, 2013, 2017, 2021 7) People remembered current Presidents in office at a different time given. 8) People feel some of the listed Presidents did not run for President 9) Presidents' deaths change, didn't happen, or happen differently than the current timeline.)
2,662) President Count: Most people remembered more than 46 (as of 2021) yet we only have 46. How many Presidents do we have? less than 46 (or) 46 (or) 46-50 (or) 51-55 (or) 55-60 (or) 65-70 (or) 70+ (note: If every President ran once and no President was impeached, Retired or die, Depending on the year started we would have more than 60. If started in 1776, 62 Presidents could serve. Adding 7 deaths, and 1 retired would put this at 70. If started in 1789 (this timeline) 59 could serve, adding 1 retirement,  and 7 deaths would put this at 67. Keep in mind that most people remembered Lincoln at number 24 so adding the 30 Presidents that followed would make that a total of 54 if every President still ran the same after Lincoln. 
2,663) President count of served presidents before Washington: 8 (or) 14 (or) 15 (or) 16
2,664) President curse Started in 1820's (or) 1840's
2,665) President curse took the lives of... 9 Presidents Starting with Jackson Ending with JFK (or)  8 Presidents Starting with Harrison and ending With JFK.  (also) did it take anyone after JFK?
2,666) President's Day is named after: George Washington (or) the fact that Lincoln and JFK had their own holidays, and it was more simple to give one day to all. (note: people remembered Presidents day be named from Lincoln).
2,667) President's Day: January (or) February 
2,668) President declared war on drugs: Nixon (or) Reagan (or) George H.W. Bush (or) Clinton
2,669) President Eisenhower: 1 term (or) 2 term
2,670) President Eisenhower: 34th President (or) 35th President (or) 36 President (or) 42nd President Based on 9 things: 1) Washington now served at a different/ later year changing the line up 2) People remember different Presidents such as Franklin, Hamliton and King. who are not Presidents today.  3)  Some may only serve at a certain time due to death and age (as Presidents remembered, but not listed.) 4) People Remembered Lincoln as the 24th President and not number 16 which changes the numbering and years 5) People remembered more than 46 Presidents (46 as of 2021) 6) The year is off by 1 for when a President steps in office. Example: 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020 (or) 1981,1985,1989, 1993, 1997, 2001, 2005, 2009, 2013, 2017, 2021 7) People remembered current Presidents in office at a different time given. 8) People feel some of the listed Presidents did not run for President 9) Presidents' deaths change, didn't happen, or happen differently than the current timeline.)
2,671) President Eisenhower: (1st term/ 2nd Term) 1936 (or) 1940 (or) 1944 (or) 1948 (or) 1952 (or) 1953 (or) 1956  Based on 9 things: 1) Washington now served at a different/ later year changing the line up 2) People remember different Presidents such as Franklin, Hamliton and King. who are not Presidents today.  3)  Some may only serve at a certain time due to death and age (as Presidents remembered, but not listed.) 4) People Remembered Lincoln as the 24th President and not number 16 which changes the numbering and years 5) People remembered more than 46 Presidents (46 as of 2021) 6) The year is off by 1 for when a President steps in office. Example: 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020 (or) 1981,1985,1989, 1993, 1997, 2001, 2005, 2009, 2013, 2017, 2021 7) People remembered current Presidents in office at a different time given. 8) People feel some of the listed Presidents did not run for President 9) Presidents' deaths change, didn't happen, or happen differently than the current timeline.)
2,672) President Eisenhower:  Was he on a dime? (or) not on a dime (as of 2021)
2,673) President election year when they step in office: is it off a year? Did they step in office on the even number (or) odd number? 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020 (or) 2001, 2005, 2009, 2013, 2017, 2021 (may be off due to Washington being elected in a different year now. 
2,674) President: First black woman to run for president now existed in 1973, despite that was not the best time for blacks. Many people do not remember this story.
1,675) President: First to be shot was: Jackson 1820's (or) Lincoln 1865
2,676) President Fillmore: 13th president (or) 14th President (or) 15th President? Based on 9 things: 1) Washington now served at a different/ later year changing the line up 2) People remember different Presidents such as Franklin, Hamliton and King. who are not Presidents today.  3)  Some may only serve at a certain time due to death and age (as Presidents remembered, but not listed.) 4) People Remembered Lincoln as the 24th President and not number 16 which changes the numbering and years 5) People remembered more than 46 Presidents (46 as of 2021) 6) The year is off by 1 for when a President steps in office. Example: 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020 (or) 1981,1985,1989, 1993, 1997, 2001, 2005, 2009, 2013, 2017, 2021 7) People remembered current Presidents in office at a different time given. 8) People feel some of the listed Presidents did not run for President 9) Presidents' deaths change, didn't happen, or happen differently than the current timeline.)
2,677) president Fillmore: 1848 (or) 1850 (or) 1852  Based on 9 things: 1) Washington now served at a different/ later year changing the line up 2) People remember different Presidents such as Franklin, Hamliton and King. who are not Presidents today.  3)  Some may only serve at a certain time due to death and age (as Presidents remembered, but not listed.) 4) People Remembered Lincoln as the 24th President and not number 16 which changes the numbering and years 5) People remembered more than 46 Presidents (46 as of 2021) 6) The year is off by 1 for when a President steps in office. Example: 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020 (or) 1981,1985,1989, 1993, 1997, 2001, 2005, 2009, 2013, 2017, 2021 7) People remembered current Presidents in office at a different time given. 8) People feel some of the listed Presidents did not run for President 9) Presidents' deaths change, didn't happen, or happen differently than the current timeline.)
2,678) President Ford: 38th President (or) 39th President (or) 40th President (or) 46th President  Based on 9 things: 1) Washington now served at a different/ later year changing the line up 2) People remember different Presidents such as Franklin, Hamliton and King. who are not Presidents today.  3) Some may only serve at a certain time due to death and age (as Presidents remembered, but not listed.) 4) People Remembered Lincoln as the 24th President and not number 16 which changes the numbering and years 5) People remembered more than 46 Presidents (46 as of 2021) 6) The year is off by 1 for when a President steps in office. Example: 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020 (or) 1981,1985,1989, 1993, 1997, 2001, 2005, 2009, 2013, 2017, 2021 7) People remembered current Presidents in office at a different time given. 8) People feel some of the listed Presidents did not run for President 9) Presidents' deaths change, didn't happen, or happen differently than the current timeline.)
2,679) President Ford: 1963 (or) 1964 (or) 1968 (or) 1972 (or) 1974  Based on 9 things: 1) Washington now served at a different/ later year changing the line up 2) People remember different Presidents such as Franklin, Hamliton and King. who are not Presidents today.  3)  Some may only serve at a certain time due to death and age (as Presidents remembered, but not listed.) 4) People Remembered Lincoln as the 24th President and not number 16 which changes the numbering and years 5) People remembered more than 46 Presidents (46 as of 2021) 6) The year is off by 1 for when a President steps in office. Example: 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020 (or) 1981,1985,1989, 1993, 1997, 2001, 2005, 2009, 2013, 2017, 2021 7) People remembered current Presidents in office at a different time given. 8) People feel some of the listed Presidents did not run for President 9) Presidents' deaths change, didn't happen, or happen differently than the current timeline.)
2,680) President Franklin: 1st President (or) 2nd President (or) 3rd President (or) 4th President (or) Never served as President Based on 9 things: 1) Washington now served at a different/ later year changing the line up 2) People remember different Presidents such as Franklin, Hamliton and King. who are not Presidents today.  3)  Some may only serve at a certain time due to death and age (as Presidents remembered, but not listed.) 4) People Remembered Lincoln as the 24th President and not number 16 which changes the numbering and years 5) People remembered more than 46 Presidents (46 as of 2021) 6) The year is off by 1 for when a President steps in office. Example: 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020 (or) 1981,1985,1989, 1993, 1997, 2001, 2005, 2009, 2013, 2017, 2021 7) People remembered current Presidents in office at a different time given. 8) People feel some of the listed Presidents did not run for President 9) Presidents' deaths change, didn't happen, or happen differently than the current timeline.)
2,681) President Franklin: Prior to 1776 (or) 1776 (or) 1780 (or) 1784 (or) 1788 This would be the only account of him serving as President which he does not in this timeline. 
2,682) President Franklin: Served as President (or) President of the Continental Congress (Before Washington and the U.S. Constitution.
2,683) President Garfield: 20th President (or) 21st President (or) 22nd President (or) 28th President  Based on 9 things: 1) Washington now served at a different/ later year changing the line up 2) People remember different Presidents such as Franklin, Hamliton and King. who are not Presidents today.  3)  Some may only serve at a certain time due to death and age (as Presidents remembered, but not listed.) 4) People Remembered Lincoln as the 24th President and not number 16 which changes the numbering and years 5) People remembered more than 46 Presidents (46 as of 2021) 6) The year is off by 1 for when a President steps in office. Example: 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020 (or) 1981,1985,1989, 1993, 1997, 2001, 2005, 2009, 2013, 2017, 2021 7) People remembered current Presidents in office at a different time given. 8) People feel some of the listed Presidents did not run for President 9) Presidents' deaths change, didn't happen, or happen differently than the current timeline.)
2,684) President Garfield: 1876 (or) 1880 (or) 1881 (or) 1884 (or) 1888 (or) Never served.  Based on 9 things: 1) Washington now served at a different/ later year changing the line up 2) People remember different Presidents such as Franklin, Hamliton and King. who are not Presidents today.  3)  Some may only serve at a certain time due to death and age (as Presidents remembered, but not listed.) 4) People Remembered Lincoln as the 24th President and not number 16 which changes the numbering and years 5) People remembered more than 46 Presidents (46 as of 2021) 6) The year is off by 1 for when a President steps in office. Example: 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020 (or) 1981,1985,1989, 1993, 1997, 2001, 2005, 2009, 2013, 2017, 2021 7) People remembered current Presidents in office at a different time given. 8) People feel some of the listed Presidents did not run for President 9) Presidents' deaths change, didn't happen, or happen differently than the current timeline.)
2,685) President Garfield assassination happen in 1881 (or) 1882 (or) never happen
2,686) President Garfield: President (or) was not President.  Many never heard of him.
2,687) President Garfield served 1 term (or) 2 terms (or) 2 separate terms 
2,688) president Garfield: Served before Cleveland (or) in between Cleveland (or) after Cleveland 
2,689) President Grant: 6 years served as President (or) 4 Years served as President. (could have taken over Johnsons than did a full term)
2,690) President Grant: 18th president (or) 19th president (or) 20th President (or) 26th President?  Based on 9 things: 1) Washington now served at a different/ later year changing the line up 2) People remember different Presidents such as Franklin, Hamliton and King. who are not Presidents today.  3)  Some may only serve at a certain time due to death and age (as Presidents remembered, but not listed.) 4) People Remembered Lincoln as the 24th President and not number 16 which changes the numbering and years 5) People remembered more than 46 Presidents (46 as of 2021) 6) The year is off by 1 for when a President steps in office. Example: 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020 (or) 1981,1985,1989, 1993, 1997, 2001, 2005, 2009, 2013, 2017, 2021 7) People remembered current Presidents in office at a different time given. 8) People feel some of the listed Presidents did not run for President 9) Presidents' deaths change, didn't happen, or happen differently than the current timeline.)
2,691) President Grant: 1865 (or) 1866 (or) 1867 (or) 1868 (or) 1869 (or) other?  Based on 9 things: 1) Washington now served at a different/ later year changing the line up 2) People remember different Presidents such as Franklin, Hamliton and King. who are not Presidents today.  3)  Some may only serve at a certain time due to death and age (as Presidents remembered, but not listed.) 4) People Remembered Lincoln as the 24th President and not number 16 which changes the numbering and years 5) People remembered more than 46 Presidents (46 as of 2021) 6) The year is off by 1 for when a President steps in office. Example: 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020 (or) 1981,1985,1989, 1993, 1997, 2001, 2005, 2009, 2013, 2017, 2021 7) People remembered current Presidents in office at a different time given. 8) People feel some of the listed Presidents did not run for President 9) Presidents' deaths change, didn't happen, or happen differently than the current timeline.)
2,692) President Grant: Served 1 term (or) 2  Based on 9 things: 1) Washington now served at a different/ later year changing the line up 2) People remember different Presidents such as Franklin, Hamliton and King. who are not Presidents today.  3)  Some may only serve at a certain time due to death and age (as Presidents remembered, but not listed.) 4) People Remembered Lincoln as the 24th President and not number 16 which changes the numbering and years 5) People remembered more than 46 Presidents (46 as of 2021) 6) The year is off by 1 for when a President steps in office. Example: 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020 (or) 1981,1985,1989, 1993, 1997, 2001, 2005, 2009, 2013, 2017, 2021 7) People remembered current Presidents in office at a different time given. 8) People feel some of the listed Presidents did not run for President 9) Presidents' deaths change, didn't happen, or happen differently than the current timeline.)
2,693) President Hamilton: 7th President (or) President of the Continental Congress (or) Never was President (1800-1804 is the only time he could have served. Given that only 2 Presidents have ever served under the age of 45 and you must be 35 or older to be President. Taking into consideration as well for years given to run, Death date and current timeline.)
2,694) President Harding: 29th President (or) 30th President (or) 31st President (or) 37th President Based on 9 things: 1) Washington now served at a different/ later year changing the line up 2) People remember different Presidents such as Franklin, Hamliton and King. who are not Presidents today.  3)  Some may only serve at a certain time due to death and age (as Presidents remembered, but not listed.) 4) People Remembered Lincoln as the 24th President and not number 16 which changes the numbering and years 5) People remembered more than 46 Presidents (46 as of 2021) 6) The year is off by 1 for when a President steps in office. Example: 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020 (or) 1981,1985,1989, 1993, 1997, 2001, 2005, 2009, 2013, 2017, 2021 7) People remembered current Presidents in office at a different time given. 8) People feel some of the listed Presidents did not run for President 9) Presidents' deaths change, didn't happen, or happen differently than the current timeline.)
2,695) President Harding: 1912 (or) 1916 (or) 1920 (or) 1921 Based on 9 things: 1) Washington now served at a different/ later year changing the line up 2) People remember different Presidents such as Franklin, Hamliton and King. who are not Presidents today.  3)  Some may only serve at a certain time due to death and age (as Presidents remembered, but not listed.) 4) People Remembered Lincoln as the 24th President and not number 16 which changes the numbering and years 5) People remembered more than 46 Presidents (46 as of 2021) 6) The year is off by 1 for when a President steps in office. Example: 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020 (or) 1981,1985,1989, 1993, 1997, 2001, 2005, 2009, 2013, 2017, 2021 7) People remembered current Presidents in office at a different time given. 8) People feel some of the listed Presidents did not run for President 9) Presidents' deaths change, didn't happen, or happen differently than the current timeline.) 
2,696) President Harding: Death in office (or) no death in office? Based if he ran sooner the curse would not kill him.
2,697) President Harrison (William) 9th President (or) 10th President (or) 11th President ( Based on 9 things: 1) Washington now served at a different/ later year changing the line up 2) People remember different Presidents such as Franklin, Hamliton and King. who are not Presidents today.  3)  Some may only serve at a certain time due to death and age (as Presidents remembered, but not listed.) 4) People Remembered Lincoln as the 24th President and not number 16 which changes the numbering and years 5) People remembered more than 46 Presidents (46 as of 2021) 6) The year is off by 1 for when a President steps in office. Example: 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020 (or) 1981,1985,1989, 1993, 1997, 2001, 2005, 2009, 2013, 2017, 2021 7) People remembered current Presidents in office at a different time given. 8) People feel some of the listed Presidents did not run for President 9) Presidents' deaths change, didn't happen, or happen differently than the current timeline.)
2,698) President Harrison (William) 1820 (or) 1824 (or) 1828 (or) 1832 (or) 1836 (or) 1840 (or) 1841 Based on 9 things: 1) Washington now served at a different/ later year changing the line up 2) People remember different Presidents such as Franklin, Hamliton and King. who are not Presidents today.  3)  Some may only serve at a certain time due to death and age (as Presidents remembered, but not listed.) 4) People Remembered Lincoln as the 24th President and not number 16 which changes the numbering and years 5) People remembered more than 46 Presidents (46 as of 2021) 6) The year is off by 1 for when a President steps in office. Example: 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020 (or) 1981,1985,1989, 1993, 1997, 2001, 2005, 2009, 2013, 2017, 2021 7) People remembered current Presidents in office at a different time given. 8) People feel some of the listed Presidents did not run for President 9) Presidents' deaths change, didn't happen, or happen differently than the current timeline.)
2,699) President Harrison (William) Died 30 days after taking office (or) 31 days after taking office (or) or 32 days. 

2,700) President Hays: 19th President (or) 20th President (or) 21 St President (or) 27th President. Based on 9 things: 1) Washington now served at a different/ later year changing the line up 2) People remember different Presidents such as Franklin, Hamliton and King. who are not Presidents today.  3)  Some may only serve at a certain time due to death and age (as Presidents remembered, but not listed.) 4) People Remembered Lincoln as the 24th President and not number 16 which changes the numbering and years 5) People remembered more than 46 Presidents (46 as of 2021) 6) The year is off by 1 for when a President steps in office. Example: 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020 (or) 1981,1985,1989, 1993, 1997, 2001, 2005, 2009, 2013, 2017, 2021 7) People remembered current Presidents in office at a different time given. 8) People feel some of the listed Presidents did not run for President 9) Presidents' deaths change, didn't happen, or happen differently than the current timeline.)
2,701) President Hays: 1868 (or) 1872 (or) 1876 (or) 1880 Based on 9 things: 1) Washington now served at a different/ later year changing the line up 2) People remember different Presidents such as Franklin, Hamliton and King. who are not Presidents today.  3)  Some may only serve at a certain time due to death and age (as Presidents remembered, but not listed.) 4) People Remembered Lincoln as the 24th President and not number 16 which changes the numbering and years 5) People remembered more than 46 Presidents (46 as of 2021) 6) The year is off by 1 for when a President steps in office. Example: 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020 (or) 1981,1985,1989, 1993, 1997, 2001, 2005, 2009, 2013, 2017, 2021 7) People remembered current Presidents in office at a different time given. 8) People feel some of the listed Presidents did not run for President 9) Presidents' deaths change, didn't happen, or happen differently than the current timeline.)
2,702) President Hoover: 31st president (or) 32nd President (or) 33rd President (or) 39th President  Based on 9 things: 1) Washington now served at a different/ later year changing the line up 2) People remember different Presidents such as Franklin, Hamliton and King. who are not Presidents today.  3)  Some may only serve at a certain time due to death and age (as Presidents remembered, but not listed.) 4) People Remembered Lincoln as the 24th President and not number 16 which changes the numbering and years 5) People remembered more than 46 Presidents (46 as of 2021) 6) The year is off by 1 for when a President steps in office. Example: 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020 (or) 1981,1985,1989, 1993, 1997, 2001, 2005, 2009, 2013, 2017, 2021 7) People remembered current Presidents in office at a different time given. 8) People feel some of the listed Presidents did not run for President 9) Presidents' deaths change, didn't happen, or happen differently than the current timeline.)
2,703) President Hoover: 1920 (or) 1923 (or) 1924 (or) 1928 (or) 1929 ( Based on 9 things: 1) Washington now served at a different/ later year changing the line up 2) People remember different Presidents such as Franklin, Hamliton and King. who are not Presidents today.  3)  Some may only serve at a certain time due to death and age (as Presidents remembered, but not listed.) 4) People Remembered Lincoln as the 24th President and not number 16 which changes the numbering and years 5) People remembered more than 46 Presidents (46 as of 2021) 6) The year is off by 1 for when a President steps in office. Example: 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020 (or) 1981,1985,1989, 1993, 1997, 2001, 2005, 2009, 2013, 2017, 2021 7) People remembered current Presidents in office at a different time given. 8) People feel some of the listed Presidents did not run for President 9) Presidents' deaths change, didn't happen, or happen differently than the current timeline.)
2,704) President's House: Was named for the white house prior to it being caught on fire, painted white, and renamed the white house (or) Is a building for the first two Presidents which is a three-story brick mansion in Philadelphia.
2,705) President Humphrey: Was President (or) Vice President (or) Both
2,706) President Jackson: 7th President (or) 8th president (or) 9th President.  Based on 9 things: 1) Washington now served at a different/ later year changing the line up 2) People remember different Presidents such as Franklin, Hamliton and King. who are not Presidents today.  3)  Some may only serve at a certain time due to death and age (as Presidents remembered, but not listed.) 4) People Remembered Lincoln as the 24th President and not number 16 which changes the numbering and years 5) People remembered more than 46 Presidents (46 as of 2021) 6) The year is off by 1 for when a President steps in office. Example: 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020 (or) 1981,1985,1989, 1993, 1997, 2001, 2005, 2009, 2013, 2017, 2021 7) People remembered current Presidents in office at a different time given. 8) People feel some of the listed Presidents did not run for President 9) Presidents' deaths change, didn't happen, or happen differently than the current timeline.)
2,707) President Jackson: 1812 (or) 1816 (or) 1820 (or) 1824 (or) 1828 (or) 1832 (or) 1829, 1834 Based on 9 things: 1) Washington now served at a different/ later year changing the line up 2) People remember different Presidents such as Franklin, Hamliton and King. who are not Presidents today.  3)  Some may only serve at a certain time due to death and age (as Presidents remembered, but not listed.) 4) People Remembered Lincoln as the 24th President and not number 16 which changes the numbering and years 5) People remembered more than 46 Presidents (46 as of 2021) 6) The year is off by 1 for when a President steps in office. Example: 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020 (or) 1981,1985,1989, 1993, 1997, 2001, 2005, 2009, 2013, 2017, 2021 7) People remembered current Presidents in office at a different time given. 8) People feel some of the listed Presidents did not run for President 9) Presidents' deaths change, didn't happen, or happen differently than the current timeline.)
2,708) President Jackson: Assassinated was remembered by many. Maybe under a different year.  However, The 20 year curse was remembered to start in the 1820's instead of starting in the 1840's. people remembered him being shot. 
2,709) President Jackson: Served 1 term (or) 2 terms? Based on 9 things: 1) Washington now served at a different/ later year changing the line up 2) People remember different Presidents such as Franklin, Hamliton and King. who are not Presidents today.  3) Some may only serve at a certain time due to death and age (as Presidents remembered, but not listed.) 4) People Remembered Lincoln as the 24th President and not number 16 which changes the numbering and years 5) People remembered more than 46 Presidents (46 as of 2021) 6) The year is off by 1 for when a President steps in office. Example: 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020 (or) 1981,1985,1989, 1993, 1997, 2001, 2005, 2009, 2013, 2017, 2021 7) People remembered current Presidents in office at a different time given. 8) People feel some of the listed Presidents did not run for President 9) Presidents' deaths change, didn't happen, or happen differently than the current timeline.)
2,710) President Jackson's Secretary bought Alaska from the USA in 1867 (or) no one bought Alaska after the USA bought it in 1863
2,711) President Jefferson: 3rd President (or) 4th president (or) 5th President (or) Never served as President.  Based on 9 things: 1) Washington now served at a different/ later year changing the line up 2) People remember different Presidents such as Franklin, Hamliton and King. who are not Presidents today.  3)  Some may only serve at a certain time due to death and age (as Presidents remembered, but not listed.) 4) People Remembered Lincoln as the 24th President and not number 16 which changes the numbering and years 5) People remembered more than 46 Presidents (46 as of 2021) 6) The year is off by 1 for when a President steps in office. Example: 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020 (or) 1981,1985,1989, 1993, 1997, 2001, 2005, 2009, 2013, 2017, 2021 7) People remembered current Presidents in office at a different time given. 8) People feel some of the listed Presidents did not run for President 9) Presidents' deaths change, didn't happen, or happen differently than the current timeline.)
2,712) President Jefferson have 6 kids with a black slave (or) 7 kids with a black slave (or) did not have kids with a black slave (or) Had kids with a white slave
2,713) President Jefferson: 1792 (or) 1796 (or) 1800 (or) 1801  (or) 1805 (or) 1801 and 1805  Based on 9 things: 1) Washington now served at a different/ later year changing the line up 2) People remember different Presidents such as Franklin, Hamliton and King. who are not Presidents today.  3)  Some may only serve at a certain time due to death and age (as Presidents remembered, but not listed.) 4) People Remembered Lincoln as the 24th President and not number 16 which changes the numbering and years 5) People remembered more than 46 Presidents (46 as of 2021) 6) The year is off by 1 for when a President steps in office. Example: 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020 (or) 1981,1985,1989, 1993, 1997, 2001, 2005, 2009, 2013, 2017, 2021 7) People remembered current Presidents in office at a different time given. 8) People feel some of the listed Presidents did not run for President 9) Presidents' deaths change, didn't happen, or happen differently than the current timeline.)
2,714) President Jefferson: Served once (or) Twiced? Based on the theory of more Presidents, Different line up and order of the numbers.
2,715) President Johnson (Andrew): 17th president (or) 18th president (or) 19th President (or) 25th president  Based on 9 things: 1) Washington now served at a different/ later year changing the line up 2) People remember different Presidents such as Franklin, Hamliton and King. who are not Presidents today.  3)  Some may only serve at a certain time due to death and age (as Presidents remembered, but not listed.) 4) People Remembered Lincoln as the 24th President and not number 16 which changes the numbering and years 5) People remembered more than 46 Presidents (46 as of 2021) 6) The year is off by 1 for when a President steps in office. Example: 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020 (or) 1981,1985,1989, 1993, 1997, 2001, 2005, 2009, 2013, 2017, 2021 7) People remembered current Presidents in office at a different time given. 8) People feel some of the listed Presidents did not run for President 9) Presidents' deaths change, didn't happen, or happen differently than the current timeline.)
2,716) President Johnson (Andrew): Impeached but stayed in office (or) Impeached and removed from office.2,700) President Johnson (Lyndon): 1 term (or) 2 term  Based on 9 things: 1) Washington now served at a different/ later year changing the line up 2) People remember different Presidents such as Franklin, Hamliton and King. who are not Presidents today.  3)  Some may only serve at a certain time due to death and age (as Presidents remembered, but not listed.) 4) People Remembered Lincoln as the 24th President and not number 16 which changes the numbering and years 5) People remembered more than 46 Presidents (46 as of 2021) 6) The year is off by 1 for when a President steps in office. Example: 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020 (or) 1981,1985,1989, 1993, 1997, 2001, 2005, 2009, 2013, 2017, 2021 7) People remembered current Presidents in office at a different time given. 8) People feel some of the listed Presidents did not run for President 9) Presidents' deaths change, didn't happen, or happen differently than the current timeline.)
2,717) President Johnson (Lyndon): 36th President (or) 37th President (or) 38th President (or) 43rd President  Based on 9 things: 1) Washington now served at a different/ later year changing the line up 2) People remember different Presidents such as Franklin, Hamliton and King. who are not Presidents today.  3)  Some may only serve at a certain time due to death and age (as Presidents remembered, but not listed.) 4) People Remembered Lincoln as the 24th President and not number 16 which changes the numbering and years 5) People remembered more than 46 Presidents (46 as of 2021) 6) The year is off by 1 for when a President steps in office. Example: 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020 (or) 1981,1985,1989, 1993, 1997, 2001, 2005, 2009, 2013, 2017, 2021 7) People remembered current Presidents in office at a different time given. 8) People feel some of the listed Presidents did not run for President 9) Presidents' deaths change, didn't happen, or happen differently than the current timeline.)
2,718) President Johnson (Lyndon): 1964 (or) 1965 (2nd Term) based on the year being a year off.

2,719) President Johnson (Lyndon): Retired (or) did not retire (People remembered he left office in his term and he was not impeached from office.)
2,720) President Kennedy: 1 term (or) 2 terms  Based on 9 things: 1) Washington now served at a different/ later year changing the line up 2) People remember different Presidents such as Franklin, Hamliton and King. who are not Presidents today.  3)  Some may only serve at a certain time due to death and age (as Presidents remembered, but not listed.) 4) People Remembered Lincoln as the 24th President and not number 16 which changes the numbering and years 5) People remembered more than 46 Presidents (46 as of 2021) 6) The year is off by 1 for when a President steps in office. Example: 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020 (or) 1981,1985,1989, 1993, 1997, 2001, 2005, 2009, 2013, 2017, 2021 7) People remembered current Presidents in office at a different time given. 8) People feel some of the listed Presidents did not run for President 9) Presidents' deaths change, didn't happen, or happen differently than the current timeline.)
2,721) President Kennedy: 4 seats in the car (or) 6.  (Also)  How many people were in the car? 4 Driver, mayor The Kennedy's (or) 6 Same as last list, but the Governor and his wife are added.
2,722) President Kennedy: 35th President (or) 36th President (or) 37th President (or) 43rd President  Based on 9 things: 1) Washington now served at a different/ later year changing the line up 2) People remember different Presidents such as Franklin, Hamliton and King. who are not Presidents today.  3)  Some may only serve at a certain time due to death and age (as Presidents remembered, but not listed.) 4) People Remembered Lincoln as the 24th President and not number 16 which changes the numbering and years 5) People remembered more than 46 Presidents (46 as of 2021) 6) The year is off by 1 for when a President steps in office. Example: 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020 (or) 1981,1985,1989, 1993, 1997, 2001, 2005, 2009, 2013, 2017, 2021 7) People remembered current Presidents in office at a different time given. 8) People feel some of the listed Presidents did not run for President 9) Presidents' deaths change, didn't happen, or happen differently than the current timeline.)
2,723) President Kennedy: 1956 (or) 1960 (or) 1961 Based on 9 things: 1) Washington now served at a different/ later year changing the line up 2) People remember different Presidents such as Franklin, Hamliton and King. who are not Presidents today.  3)  Some may only serve at a certain time due to death and age (as Presidents remembered, but not listed.) 4) People Remembered Lincoln as the 24th President and not number 16 which changes the numbering and years 5) People remembered more than 46 Presidents (46 as of 2021) 6) The year is off by 1 for when a President steps in office. Example: 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020 (or) 1981,1985,1989, 1993, 1997, 2001, 2005, 2009, 2013, 2017, 2021 7) People remembered current Presidents in office at a different time given. 8) People feel some of the listed Presidents did not run for President 9) Presidents' deaths change, didn't happen, or happen differently than the current timeline.)
2,708) President Kennedy: Assassination tape is disappearing off the internet. [Note, some videos are still online but they are with documentary and news coverage].
2,724) President Kennedy: addicted to meth (or) Not addicted to meth
2,725) President Kennedy: Bullet count: 3 (or) 7 (or) 8
2,726) President Kennedy's: Jackie took a shot at JFK? Tapes now show what appears to be Jackie shooting her husband
2,727) President Kennedy: limo White (or)  Black
2,728) President Kennedy: Quote:  Ask not what your country can do for you ____  what you can do for your country   But (or) Ask
2,729) President Kennedy: Route is said to be different. It now gives the shooter one minute to get 7 to 8 rounds off
2,730) President Kennedy: Salary for being President was take by JFK (or) lived off of his family's considerable trusts, so he donated all of his congressional and presidential salaries to charities like the United Negro College Fund and Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts of America. (Note: president Trump was the only known President not to take his salaries and donate it all to the troops).
2,731) President Kennedy: Shot in the back of the head (or) shot the side of the head
2,732) President Kennedy: stranded on a island a rescued later after putting a letter in a coconut which he later left in the oval office (or) never happen
2,733) President kennedy: Tapes in color (or) Black and white
2,732) President kennedy: Tapes had sound (or) no sound
2,735) President Kennedy: Tapes unseen appearing out of nowhere. The old tapes are mostly all gone or changed.
2,736) President King: Was a President (or) Just ran as President (note: People remembered that he had ran and became President. 
2,737) President Lincoln: 16th president (or) 17th President (or) 18th President (or) 24th President  Based on 9 things: 1) Washington now served at a different/ later year changing the line up 2) People remember different Presidents such as Franklin, Hamliton and King. who are not Presidents today.  3)  Some may only serve at a certain time due to death and age (as Presidents remembered, but not listed.) 4) People Remembered Lincoln as the 24th President and not number 16 which changes the numbering and years 5) People remembered more than 46 Presidents (46 as of 2021) 6) The year is off by 1 for when a President steps in office. Example: 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020 (or) 1981,1985,1989, 1993, 1997, 2001, 2005, 2009, 2013, 2017, 2021 7) People remembered current Presidents in office at a different time given. 8) People feel some of the listed Presidents did not run for President 9) Presidents' deaths change, didn't happen, or happen differently than the current timeline.)
2,738) President Lincoln: 1856 (or) 1860, 1864 (or) 1861, 1865  Based on 9 things: 1) Washington now served at a different/ later year changing the line up 2) People remember different Presidents such as Franklin, Hamliton and King. who are not Presidents today.  3)  Some may only serve at a certain time due to death and age (as Presidents remembered, but not listed.) 4) People Remembered Lincoln as the 24th President and not number 16 which changes the numbering and years 5) People remembered more than 46 Presidents (46 as of 2021) 6) The year is off by 1 for when a President steps in office. Example: 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020 (or) 1981,1985,1989, 1993, 1997, 2001, 2005, 2009, 2013, 2017, 2021 7) People remembered current Presidents in office at a different time given. 8) People feel some of the listed Presidents did not run for President 9) Presidents' deaths change, didn't happen, or happen differently than the current timeline.)
2,739) President Lincon (or) Lincoln 
2,740) President Lincoln: Alternate death. Alternate death date of son, and Tad, as well
2,741) President Lincoln Beard: Grew his beard before his election, having a full beard (or) did not grow his beard until after he ran based on a letter written from a kid. (also) President Lincoln: Beard was Long (or) Short
2,742) President Lincoln: Born in Illinois (or) Kentucky 
2,743) President Lincoln: Born sooner?  He died at 56 (or) in his 60's
2,744) President Lincoln: faith change? known Christian (or) Did not express Christian faith to much
2,745) President Lincoln (Ford's Theater): People knew that Lincoln would be at Ford's theater the night he was shot (or) No one knew Lincoln would be at Ford's theater the night he was shot
2,746) President Lincoln Monument body posed: sitting up (or) laying back (or) looks like he is relaxing
2,747) President Lincoln Monument hands: one clinched and one flat (or) both flat
2,748) President Lincoln Monument legs: both touched the ground (or) neither touched the ground
2,749) President Lincoln: Order 38 Dakota warriors to be hanged (or) this never happened
2,750) President Lincoln: Pictures of Lincoln are coming from nowhere many people only remembered one photo of him and were portraits. There also appears to be a rare picture of Lincoln as a blackman.
2,751) President Lincoln slavery views: 100% against slavery (or) conflicting ideas about slavery
2,752) President Madison: 4th President (or) 5th President (or) 6th Presidnet (or) Other.  Based on 9 things: 1) Washington now served at a different/ later year changing the line up 2) People remember different Presidents such as Franklin, Hamliton and King. who are not Presidents today.  3)  Some may only serve at a certain time due to death and age (as Presidents remembered, but not listed.) 4) People Remembered Lincoln as the 24th President and not number 16 which changes the numbering and years 5) People remembered more than 46 Presidents (46 as of 2021) 6) The year is off by 1 for when a President steps in office. Example: 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020 (or) 1981,1985,1989, 1993, 1997, 2001, 2005, 2009, 2013, 2017, 2021 7) People remembered current Presidents in office at a different time given. 8) People feel some of the listed Presidents did not run for President 9) Presidents' deaths change, didn't happen, or happen differently than the current timeline.)
2,753) President Madison: 1796 (or) 1800 (or) 1804 (or) 1808 (or) 1809 (or) 1809, 1813 Based on 9 things: 1) Washington now served at a different/ later year changing the line up 2) People remember different Presidents such as Franklin, Hamliton and King. who are not Presidents today.  3)  Some may only serve at a certain time due to death and age (as Presidents remembered, but not listed.) 4) People Remembered Lincoln as the 24th President and not number 16 which changes the numbering and years 5) People remembered more than 46 Presidents (46 as of 2021) 6) The year is off by 1 for when a President steps in office. Example: 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020 (or) 1981,1985,1989, 1993, 1997, 2001, 2005, 2009, 2013, 2017, 2021 7) People remembered current Presidents in office at a different time given. 8) People feel some of the listed Presidents did not run for President 9) Presidents' deaths change, didn't happen, or happen differently than the current timeline.)
2,754) President McKinley: 25th president (or) 26th President (or) 27th (or) 33rd President? Based on 9 things: 1) Washington now served at a different/ later year changing the line up 2) People remember different Presidents such as Franklin, Hamliton and King. who are not Presidents today.  3)  Some may only serve at a certain time due to death and age (as Presidents remembered, but not listed.) 4) People Remembered Lincoln as the 24th President and not number 16 which changes the numbering and years 5) People remembered more than 46 Presidents (46 as of 2021) 6) The year is off by 1 for when a President steps in office. Example: 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020 (or) 1981,1985,1989, 1993, 1997, 2001, 2005, 2009, 2013, 2017, 2021 7) People remembered current Presidents in office at a different time given. 8) People feel some of the listed Presidents did not run for President 9) Presidents' deaths change, didn't happen, or happen differently than the current timeline.)
2,755) President McKinley: 1888 (or) 1889 based on the year being off by 1 year.
2,756) President McKinley: Died in office (or) Never died
2,757) President Madison: Served 1 term (or) 2 terms?  Based on 9 things: 1) Washington now served at a different/ later year changing the line up 2) People remember different Presidents such as Franklin, Hamliton and King. who are not Presidents today.  3)  Some may only serve at a certain time due to death and age (as Presidents remembered, but not listed.) 4) People Remembered Lincoln as the 24th President and not number 16 which changes the numbering and years 5) People remembered more than 46 Presidents (46 as of 2021) 6) The year is off by 1 for when a President steps in office. Example: 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020 (or) 1981,1985,1989, 1993, 1997, 2001, 2005, 2009, 2013, 2017, 2021 7) People remembered current Presidents in office at a different time given. 8) People feel some of the listed Presidents did not run for President 9) Presidents' deaths change, didn't happen, or happen differently than the current timeline.)
2,758) President Monroe: 5th President (or) 6th President (or) 7th (or) President (or) 8th President  Based on 9 things: 1) Washington now served at a different/ later year changing the line up 2) People remember different Presidents such as Franklin, Hamliton and King. who are not Presidents today.  3)  Some may only serve at a certain time due to death and age (as Presidents remembered, but not listed.) 4) People Remembered Lincoln as the 24th President and not number 16 which changes the numbering and years 5) People remembered more than 46 Presidents (46 as of 2021) 6) The year is off by 1 for when a President steps in office. Example: 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020 (or) 1981,1985,1989, 1993, 1997, 2001, 2005, 2009, 2013, 2017, 2021 7) People remembered current Presidents in office at a different time given. 8) People feel some of the listed Presidents did not run for President 9) Presidents' deaths change, didn't happen, or happen differently than the current timeline.)
2,759) President Monroe: 1804 (or) 1808 (or) 1812 (or) 1816 (or) 1820 (or) 1824 (or) 1828 (or) 1817, 1821 (or) Not President.   Based on 9 things: 1) Washington now served at a different/ later year changing the line up 2) People remember different Presidents such as Franklin, Hamliton and King. who are not Presidents today.  3)  Some may only serve at a certain time due to death and age (as Presidents remembered, but not listed.) 4) People Remembered Lincoln as the 24th President and not number 16 which changes the numbering and years 5) People remembered more than 46 Presidents (46 as of 2021) 6) The year is off by 1 for when a President steps in office. Example: 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020 (or) 1981,1985,1989, 1993, 1997, 2001, 2005, 2009, 2013, 2017, 2021 7) People remembered current Presidents in office at a different time given. 8) People feel some of the listed Presidents did not run for President 9) Presidents' deaths change, didn't happen, or happen differently than the current timeline.)
2,760) President Monroe: served 1 term (or) two terms Based on 9 things: 1) Washington now served at a different/ later year changing the line up 2) People remember different Presidents such as Franklin, Hamliton and King. who are not Presidents today.  3)  Some may only serve at a certain time due to death and age (as Presidents remembered, but not listed.) 4) People Remembered Lincoln as the 24th President and not number 16 which changes the numbering and years 5) People remembered more than 46 Presidents (46 as of 2021) 6) The year is off by 1 for when a President steps in office. Example: 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020 (or) 1981,1985,1989, 1993, 1997, 2001, 2005, 2009, 2013, 2017, 2021 7) People remembered current Presidents in office at a different time given. 8) People feel some of the listed Presidents did not run for President 9) Presidents' deaths change, didn't happen, or happen differently than the current timeline.)
2,761) President Nixon: 1 term (or) 2 Term Based on 9 things: 1) Washington now served at a different/ later year changing the line up 2) People remember different Presidents such as Franklin, Hamliton and King. who are not Presidents today.  3)  Some may only serve at a certain time due to death and age (as Presidents remembered, but not listed.) 4) People Remembered Lincoln as the 24th President and not number 16 which changes the numbering and years 5) People remembered more than 46 Presidents (46 as of 2021) 6) The year is off by 1 for when a President steps in office. Example: 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020 (or) 1981,1985,1989, 1993, 1997, 2001, 2005, 2009, 2013, 2017, 2021 7) People remembered current Presidents in office at a different time given. 8) People feel some of the listed Presidents did not run for President 9) Presidents' deaths change, didn't happen, or happen differently than the current timeline.)
2,762) President Nixon: 37th President (or) 38th President (or) 39th President (or) 45th President  Based on 9 things: 1) Washington now served at a different/ later year changing the line up 2) People remember different Presidents such as Franklin, Hamliton and King. who are not Presidents today.  3)  Some may only serve at a certain time due to death and age (as Presidents remembered, but not listed.) 4) People Remembered Lincoln as the 24th President and not number 16 which changes the numbering and years 5) People remembered more than 46 Presidents (46 as of 2021) 6) The year is off by 1 for when a President steps in office. Example: 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020 (or) 1981,1985,1989, 1993, 1997, 2001, 2005, 2009, 2013, 2017, 2021 7) People remembered current Presidents in office at a different time given. 8) People feel some of the listed Presidents did not run for President 9) Presidents' deaths change, didn't happen, or happen differently than the current timeline.)
2,763) President Nixon: 1963 (or) 1964 (or) 1968 (or) 1969 (or) 1972 This is based on 4 things. 1)  Based on 9 things: 1) Washington now served at a different/ later year changing the line up 2) People remember different Presidents such as Franklin, Hamliton and King. who are not Presidents today.  3)  Some may only serve at a certain time due to death and age (as Presidents remembered, but not listed.) 4) People Remembered Lincoln as the 24th President and not number 16 which changes the numbering and years 5) People remembered more than 46 Presidents (46 as of 2021) 6) The year is off by 1 for when a President steps in office. Example: 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020 (or) 1981,1985,1989, 1993, 1997, 2001, 2005, 2009, 2013, 2017, 2021 7) People remembered current Presidents in office at a different time given. 8) People feel some of the listed Presidents did not run for President 9) Presidents' deaths change, didn't happen, or happen differently than the current timeline.)
2,764) President Nixon (or) Nixion
2,765) President Nixon: Birds that are computer cameras spying on us, and exist today as a weapon the Government has used to spy on Americans was told to us by President Richard Nixon in the 1970's (or) Never said by President Richard Nixon
2,766) President Nixon Death: 1974 (or) 1994
2,767) President Obama: 44th President (or) 45th President (or) 46th President (or) 54th President  Based on 9 things: 1) Washington now served at a different/ later year changing the line up 2) People remember different Presidents such as Franklin, Hamliton and King. who are not Presidents today.  3)  Some may only serve at a certain time due to death and age (as Presidents remembered, but not listed.) 4) People Remembered Lincoln as the 24th President and not number 16 which changes the numbering and years 5) People remembered more than 46 Presidents (46 as of 2021) 6) The year is off by 1 for when a President steps in office. Example: 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020 (or) 1981,1985,1989, 1993, 1997, 2001, 2005, 2009, 2013, 2017, 2021 7) People remembered current Presidents in office at a different time given. 8) People feel some of the listed Presidents did not run for President 9) Presidents' deaths change, didn't happen, or happen differently than the current timeline.)
2,768) President Obama: 2008/ 2012 (or) 2009/ 2013 based on the year off Mandela Effect
2,769) President Obama's attempted assassination: never happen. There is no record of the people who filled the van with guns, and plan on driving into the white house.
2,770) President Obama:  Barrack Obama (or) Barack Obama
2,771) President Obama: Only became President because we shifted into another Parallel universe where he never would have been President otherwise.
2,772) President Pierce: 14th President (or) 15 President (or) 16th President Based on 9 things: 1) Washington now served at a different/ later year changing the line up 2) People remember different Presidents such as Franklin, Hamliton and King. who are not Presidents today.  3)  Some may only serve at a certain time due to death and age (as Presidents remembered, but not listed.) 4) People Remembered Lincoln as the 24th President and not number 16 which changes the numbering and years 5) People remembered more than 46 Presidents (46 as of 2021) 6) The year is off by 1 for when a President steps in office. Example: 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020 (or) 1981,1985,1989, 1993, 1997, 2001, 2005, 2009, 2013, 2017, 2021 7) People remembered current Presidents in office at a different time given. 8) People feel some of the listed Presidents did not run for President 9) Presidents' deaths change, didn't happen, or happen differently than the current timeline.)
2,773) President Pierce: 1852 (or) 1853 (or) 1856 This is ( Based on 9 things: 1) Washington now served at a different/ later year changing the line up 2) People remember different Presidents such as Franklin, Hamliton and King. who are not Presidents today.  3)  Some may only serve at a certain time due to death and age (as Presidents remembered, but not listed.) 4) People Remembered Lincoln as the 24th President and not number 16 which changes the numbering and years 5) People remembered more than 46 Presidents (46 as of 2021) 6) The year is off by 1 for when a President steps in office. Example: 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020 (or) 1981,1985,1989, 1993, 1997, 2001, 2005, 2009, 2013, 2017, 2021 7) People remembered current Presidents in office at a different time given. 8) People feel some of the listed Presidents did not run for President 9) Presidents' deaths change, didn't happen, or happen differently than the current timeline.)
2,774) President Polk: 11th President (or) 12th President (or) 13th President  Based on 9 things: 1) Washington now served at a different/ later year changing the line up 2) People remember different Presidents such as Franklin, Hamliton and King. who are not Presidents today.  3)  Some may only serve at a certain time due to death and age (as Presidents remembered, but not listed.) 4) People Remembered Lincoln as the 24th President and not number 16 which changes the numbering and years 5) People remembered more than 46 Presidents (46 as of 2021) 6) The year is off by 1 for when a President steps in office. Example: 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020 (or) 1981,1985,1989, 1993, 1997, 2001, 2005, 2009, 2013, 2017, 2021 7) People remembered current Presidents in office at a different time given. 8) People feel some of the listed Presidents did not run for President 9) Presidents' deaths change, didn't happen, or happen differently than the current timeline.)
2,775) President Polk: 1836 (or) 1840 (or) 1844 (or) 1845  Based on 9 things: 1) Washington now served at a different/ later year changing the line up 2) People remember different Presidents such as Franklin, Hamliton and King. who are not Presidents today.  3)  Some may only serve at a certain time due to death and age (as Presidents remembered, but not listed.) 4) People Remembered Lincoln as the 24th President and not number 16 which changes the numbering and years 5) People remembered more than 46 Presidents (46 as of 2021) 6) The year is off by 1 for when a President steps in office. Example: 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020 (or) 1981,1985,1989, 1993, 1997, 2001, 2005, 2009, 2013, 2017, 2021 7) People remembered current Presidents in office at a different time given. 8) People feel some of the listed Presidents did not run for President 9) Presidents' deaths change, didn't happen, or happen differently than the current timeline.)
2,776) President Polk: Sever the shortest term (or) Harrison (William) served the shortest term
2,777) Presidents Quote: "I cannot tell a lie" was said by: President Washington (or) President Lincoln
2,778) President Reagan: 1 term (or) 2 Term  Based on 9 things: 1) Washington now served at a different/ later year changing the line up 2) People remember different Presidents such as Franklin, Hamliton and King. who are not Presidents today.  3)  Some may only serve at a certain time due to death and age (as Presidents remembered, but not listed.) 4) People Remembered Lincoln as the 24th President and not number 16 which changes the numbering and years 5) People remembered more than 46 Presidents (46 as of 2021) 6) The year is off by 1 for when a President steps in office. Example: 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020 (or) 1981,1985,1989, 1993, 1997, 2001, 2005, 2009, 2013, 2017, 2021 7) People remembered current Presidents in office at a different time given. 8) People feel some of the listed Presidents did not run for President 9) Presidents' deaths change, didn't happen, or happen differently than the current timeline.)
2,779) President Reagan: 40th President (or) 41st president (or) 42 President (or) 48th President  Based on 9 things: 1) Washington now served at a different/ later year changing the line up 2) People remember different Presidents such as Franklin, Hamliton and King. who are not Presidents today.  3)  Some may only serve at a certain time due to death and age (as Presidents remembered, but not listed.) 4) People Remembered Lincoln as the 24th President and not number 16 which changes the numbering and years 5) People remembered more than 46 Presidents (46 as of 2021) 6) The year is off by 1 for when a President steps in office. Example: 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020 (or) 1981,1985,1989, 1993, 1997, 2001, 2005, 2009, 2013, 2017, 2021 7) People remembered current Presidents in office at a different time given. 8) People feel some of the listed Presidents did not run for President 9) Presidents' deaths change, didn't happen, or happen differently than the current timeline.
2,780) President Reagon: 1956 (or) 1960 (or) 1964 (or) 1968 (or) 1972 (or) 1976 (or) 1980/ 1984 (or) 1981/1985  Based on 9 things: 1) Washington now served at a different/ later year changing the line up 2) People remember different Presidents such as Franklin, Hamliton and King. who are not Presidents today.  3)  Some may only serve at a certain time due to death and age (as Presidents remembered, but not listed.) 4) People Remembered Lincoln as the 24th President and not number 16 which changes the numbering and years 5) People remembered more than 46 Presidents (46 as of 2021) 6) The year is off by 1 for when a President steps in office. Example: 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020 (or) 1981,1985,1989, 1993, 1997, 2001, 2005, 2009, 2013, 2017, 2021 7) People remembered current Presidents in office at a different time given. 8) People feel some of the listed Presidents did not run for President 9) Presidents' deaths change, didn't happen, or happen differently than the current timeline.)
2,781) President Reagan: President Reagan 1980 presidential campaign: People remembered President Reagan being put in office without a vote. More like a fill-in. People do not remember his campaign until his 2nd term. Was he in 1980 elected in office without a campaign or vote (or) elected in office with a campaign and vote.
2,782) President Reagan Death: Died being shot in 1981 (or) died in 2004
2,783) President Reagan: Different memories about when he was president, and different memories when, and how he died
2,784) President Roosevelt (Both) (or) Roosevolt
2,785) President Roosevelt (Franklin D.): 1 term (or) 2 term (or) 3 terms (or) 4 terms (also) died in his 3rd term (or) died in his 4th term
2,786) President Roosevelt (Franklin D.) 32nd President (or) 33rd President (or) 34th President (or) 40th President  Based on 9 things: 1) Washington now served at a different/ later year changing the line up 2) People remember different Presidents such as Franklin, Hamliton and King. who are not Presidents today.  3)  Some may only serve at a certain time due to death and age (as Presidents remembered, but not listed.) 4) People Remembered Lincoln as the 24th President and not number 16 which changes the numbering and years 5) People remembered more than 46 Presidents (46 as of 2021) 6) The year is off by 1 for when a President steps in office. Example: 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020 (or) 1981,1985,1989, 1993, 1997, 2001, 2005, 2009, 2013, 2017, 2021 7) People remembered current Presidents in office at a different time given. 8) People feel some of the listed Presidents did not run for President 9) Presidents' deaths change, didn't happen, or happen differently than the current timeline.)
2,787) President Roosevelt (Franklin D.) 1924 (or) 1928 (or) 1932 (or) 1933 (or) 1936 (or) 1937 (or) 1940 (or) 1941 (or) 1944 (or) Based on 9 things: 1) Washington now served at a different/ later year changing the line up 2) People remember different Presidents such as Franklin, Hamliton and King. who are not Presidents today.  3)  Some may only serve at a certain time due to death and age (as Presidents remembered, but not listed.) 4) People Remembered Lincoln as the 24th President and not number 16 which changes the numbering and years 5) People remembered more than 46 Presidents (46 as of 2021) 6) The year is off by 1 for when a President steps in office. Example: 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020 (or) 1981,1985,1989, 1993, 1997, 2001, 2005, 2009, 2013, 2017, 2021 7) People remembered current Presidents in office at a different time given. 8) People feel some of the listed Presidents did not run for President 9) Presidents' deaths change, didn't happen, or happen differently than the current timeline.)
2,788) President Roosevelt (Franklin D.) 1944 is when he died (or) 1945 is when he died
2,789) President Roosevelt (Franklin D.) Middle name: Delenor (or) Deleno
2,790) President Roosevelt (Franklin D.): Wheelchair for how long?  In a wheelchair before he ran as President (or) in a wheelchair after he was President (or) never in a wheelChair
2,791) President Roosevelt: (Theodore)  1 term (or) 2 terms Based on 9 things: 1) Washington now served at a different/ later year changing the line up 2) People remember different Presidents such as Franklin, Hamliton and King. who are not Presidents today.  3)  Some may only serve at a certain time due to death and age (as Presidents remembered, but not listed.) 4) People Remembered Lincoln as the 24th President and not number 16 which changes the numbering and years 5) People remembered more than 46 Presidents (46 as of 2021) 6) The year is off by 1 for when a President steps in office. Example: 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020 (or) 1981,1985,1989, 1993, 1997, 2001, 2005, 2009, 2013, 2017, 2021 7) People remembered current Presidents in office at a different time given. 8) People feel some of the listed Presidents did not run for President 9) Presidents' deaths change, didn't happen, or happen differently than the current timeline.)
2,792) President Roosevelt: (Theodore) 2nd Term: 1904 (or) 1905 (Based on the years now being 1 year off)
2,793) President Roosevelt: (Theodore) 26th President (or) 27th President (or) 28th President (or) 34 President. Based on 9 things: 1) Washington now served at a different/ later year changing the line up 2) People remember different Presidents such as Franklin, Hamliton and King. who are not Presidents today.  3)  Some may only serve at a certain time due to death and age (as Presidents remembered, but not listed.) 4) People Remembered Lincoln as the 24th President and not number 16 which changes the numbering and years 5) People remembered more than 46 Presidents (46 as of 2021) 6) The year is off by 1 for when a President steps in office. Example: 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020 (or) 1981,1985,1989, 1993, 1997, 2001, 2005, 2009, 2013, 2017, 2021 7) People remembered current Presidents in office at a different time given. 8) People feel some of the listed Presidents did not run for President 9) Presidents' deaths change, didn't happen, or happen differently than the current timeline.)
2,794) President Roosevelt (Theodore) Infamy speech: Dec 7, 1941 a ____ which will live in infamy.  Day (or) Date
2,795) President Roosevelt (Theodore) After being shot he keeps going with his speech for how long? 45 minutes (or) 90 minutes (or) 3 hours
2,796) President Roosevelt (Theodore) Box a kangaroo (or) did not box a kangaroo
2,797) President Taft: 27th President (or) 28th President (or) 29th President (or) 35th President  Based on 9 things: 1) Washington now served at a different/ later year changing the line up 2) People remember different Presidents such as Franklin, Hamliton and King. who are not Presidents today.  3)  Some may only serve at a certain time due to death and age (as Presidents remembered, but not listed.) 4) People Remembered Lincoln as the 24th President and not number 16 which changes the numbering and years 5) People remembered more than 46 Presidents (46 as of 2021) 6) The year is off by 1 for when a President steps in office. Example: 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020 (or) 1981,1985,1989, 1993, 1997, 2001, 2005, 2009, 2013, 2017, 2021 7) People remembered current Presidents in office at a different time given. 8) People feel some of the listed Presidents did not run for President 9) Presidents' deaths change, didn't happen, or happen differently than the current timeline.)
2,798) President Taft: 1901 (or) 1904 (or) 1908 (or) 1909 Based on 9 things: 1) Washington now served at a different/ later year changing the line up 2) People remember different Presidents such as Franklin, Hamliton and King. who are not Presidents today.  3)  Some may only serve at a certain time due to death and age (as Presidents remembered, but not listed.) 4) People Remembered Lincoln as the 24th President and not number 16 which changes the numbering and years 5) People remembered more than 46 Presidents (46 as of 2021) 6) The year is off by 1 for when a President steps in office. Example: 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020 (or) 1981,1985,1989, 1993, 1997, 2001, 2005, 2009, 2013, 2017, 2021 7) People remembered current Presidents in office at a different time given. 8) People feel some of the listed Presidents did not run for President 9) Presidents' deaths change, didn't happen, or happen differently than the current timeline.)
2,799) President Taylor: 12 President (or) 13th President (or) 15th President Based on 9 things: 1) Washington now served at a different/ later year changing the line up 2) People remember different Presidents such as Franklin, Hamliton and King. who are not Presidents today.  3)  Some may only serve at a certain time due to death and age (as Presidents remembered, but not listed.) 4) People Remembered Lincoln as the 24th President and not number 16 which changes the numbering and years 5) People remembered more than 46 Presidents (46 as of 2021) 6) The year is off by 1 for when a President steps in office. Example: 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020 (or) 1981,1985,1989, 1993, 1997, 2001, 2005, 2009, 2013, 2017, 2021 7) People remembered current Presidents in office at a different time given. 8) People feel some of the listed Presidents did not run for President 9) Presidents' deaths change, didn't happen, or happen differently than the current timeline.)

2,800) President Taylor: 1828 (or) 1832 (or) 1836 (or) 1840 (or) 1844 (or) 1848 (or) 1849 ( Based on 9 things: 1) Washington now served at a different/ later year changing the line up 2) People remember different Presidents such as Franklin, Hamliton and King. who are not Presidents today.  3)  Some may only serve at a certain time due to death and age (as Presidents remembered, but not listed.) 4) People Remembered Lincoln as the 24th President and not number 16 which changes the numbering and years 5) People remembered more than 46 Presidents (46 as of 2021) 6) The year is off by 1 for when a President steps in office. Example: 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020 (or) 1981,1985,1989, 1993, 1997, 2001, 2005, 2009, 2013, 2017, 2021 7) People remembered current Presidents in office at a different time given. 8) People feel some of the listed Presidents did not run for President 9) Presidents' deaths change, didn't happen, or happen differently than the current timeline.)
2,801) President Taylor: Died within the 20 year curse (or) outside the curse? 1840-1849 (or) 1950 (or) 1860-1869
2,802) President took office in January (or) February
2,803) president Truman: 1 term (or) 2 terms
2,804) President Truman: 33rd President (or) 34th President (or) 35th President (or) 41st President  Based on 9 things: 1) Washington now served at a different/ later year changing the line up 2) People remember different Presidents such as Franklin, Hamliton and King. who are not Presidents today.  3)  Some may only serve at a certain time due to death and age (as Presidents remembered, but not listed.) 4) People Remembered Lincoln as the 24th President and not number 16 which changes the numbering and years 5) People remembered more than 46 Presidents (46 as of 2021) 6) The year is off by 1 for when a President steps in office. Example: 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020 (or) 1981,1985,1989, 1993, 1997, 2001, 2005, 2009, 2013, 2017, 2021 7) People remembered current Presidents in office at a different time given. 8) People feel some of the listed Presidents did not run for President 9) Presidents' deaths change, didn't happen, or happen differently than the current timeline.)
2,805) President Truman: 1928 (or) 1932 (or) 1936 (or) 1940 (or) 1944 (or) 1945 (or) 1948 (or) 1952  Based on 9 things: 1) Washington now served at a different/ later year changing the line up 2) People remember different Presidents such as Franklin, Hamliton and King. who are not Presidents today.  3)  Some may only serve at a certain time due to death and age (as Presidents remembered, but not listed.) 4) People Remembered Lincoln as the 24th President and not number 16 which changes the numbering and years 5) People remembered more than 46 Presidents (46 as of 2021) 6) The year is off by 1 for when a President steps in office. Example: 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020 (or) 1981,1985,1989, 1993, 1997, 2001, 2005, 2009, 2013, 2017, 2021 7) People remembered current Presidents in office at a different time given. 8) People feel some of the listed Presidents did not run for President 9) Presidents' deaths change, didn't happen, or happen differently than the current timeline.)
2,806) President Truman: Served as president after Roosevelt (or) Roosevelt was only Vice president, died and therefore never served as president and Truman ran again.
2,807) President Trump: 45th President (or) 46th President (or) 47th President (or) 53rd President Based on 9 things: 1) Washington now served at a different/ later year changing the line up 2) People remember different Presidents such as Franklin, Hamliton and King. who are not Presidents today.  3)  Some may only serve at a certain time due to death and age (as Presidents remembered, but not listed.) 4) People Remembered Lincoln as the 24th President and not number 16 which changes the numbering and years 5) People remembered more than 46 Presidents (46 as of 2021) 6) The year is off by 1 for when a President steps in office. Example: 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020 (or) 1981,1985,1989, 1993, 1997, 2001, 2005, 2009, 2013, 2017, 2021 7) People remembered current Presidents in office at a different time given. 8) People feel some of the listed Presidents did not run for President 9) Presidents' deaths change, didn't happen, or happen differently than the current timeline.)
2,808) President Trump: 2016 (or) 2017 Based on the Mandela Effect taking office is now 1 year off
2,809) President Trump: A attempt assassination was carried out on June 18, 2016 (or) there has never been a attempt assassination on President Trump as of January 1, 2021
2,810) President Trump: Did he ever call other country's a shithole on T.V. (or) not on T.V. 
2,811) President Trumps Fake video: A fake video had appear from the 1980's showing President Trump making a interview saying he would try runing for President as a republican (as he was democratic than) and he would get elected because the republican people would be dumb enough to vote for him (or) video never existed.
2,812) President Trump: Said _____ on camera why asking "Whatever you want to call them" As the reporter was speaking on racism.  Stand Back and Stand by (or) Stand Down (or) Stand down and Stand down
2,813) President Tyler: 10th President (or) 11th President (or) 12 president  Based on 9 things: 1) Washington now served at a different/ later year changing the line up 2) People remember different Presidents such as Franklin, Hamliton and King. who are not Presidents today.  3)  Some may only serve at a certain time due to death and age (as Presidents remembered, but not listed.) 4) People Remembered Lincoln as the 24th President and not number 16 which changes the numbering and years 5) People remembered more than 46 Presidents (46 as of 2021) 6) The year is off by 1 for when a President steps in office. Example: 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020 (or) 1981,1985,1989, 1993, 1997, 2001, 2005, 2009, 2013, 2017, 2021 7) People remembered current Presidents in office at a different time given. 8) People feel some of the listed Presidents did not run for President 9) Presidents' deaths change, didn't happen, or happen differently than the current timeline.)
2,814) President Tyler: 1836 (or) 1840 (or) 1841 (or) 1844 Based on 9 things: 1) Washington now served at a different/ later year changing the line up 2) People remember different Presidents such as Franklin, Hamliton and King. who are not Presidents today.  3)  Some may only serve at a certain time due to death and age (as Presidents remembered, but not listed.) 4) People Remembered Lincoln as the 24th President and not number 16 which changes the numbering and years 5) People remembered more than 46 Presidents (46 as of 2021) 6) The year is off by 1 for when a President steps in office. Example: 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020 (or) 1981,1985,1989, 1993, 1997, 2001, 2005, 2009, 2013, 2017, 2021 7) People remembered current Presidents in office at a different time given. 8) People feel some of the listed Presidents did not run for President 9) Presidents' deaths change, didn't happen, or happen differently than the current timeline.)

2,815) President Wallace: Served as President (or) Served as Vice President (or) Only ran and lost
2,816) President Washington: 1760's (or) 1770's (or) 1776 (or) 1778 (or) 1789  Based on 9 things: 1) Washington now served at a different/ later year changing the line up 2) People remember different Presidents such as Franklin, Hamliton and King. who are not Presidents today.  3)  Some may only serve at a certain time due to death and age (as Presidents remembered, but not listed.) 4) People Remembered Lincoln as the 24th President and not number 16 which changes the numbering and years 5) People remembered more than 46 Presidents (46 as of 2021) 6) The year is off by 1 for when a President steps in office. Example: 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020 (or) 1981,1985,1989, 1993, 1997, 2001, 2005, 2009, 2013, 2017, 2021 7) People remembered current Presidents in office at a different time given. 8) People feel some of the listed Presidents did not run for President 9) Presidents' deaths change, didn't happen, or happen differently than the current timeline.)
2,817) President Washington: chop down the Cherry tree (or) did not chop down the cherry tree 

2,818) President Washington:  Choose the location for the white house (than known as the President's House) (or) died before it was built and never picked the location
2,819) President Washington: Got payed to be President (or) never took any money as a President salary but covered cost to run (president Trump was said to be the first President to turn down President pay)
2,820) President Washington hair: white (or) red with white powder to match parts of a wig
2,821) President Washington: Ran two terms and thought about a 3rd term but decided not to (or) ran 1 term, decided not to run a 2nd term but did due to no one else running and resign due to family issues (or) Ran 1 term (or) Ran 2 (or) Ran 3
2,822) President Washington: wooden teeth (or) took teeth from slaves and cows2,805) President Wilson: 1 term (or) 2 terms based on the idea that people remembered a certain number of Presidents and a lack of serving 2 terms.
2,823) President Wilson: 28th President (or) 29th President (or) 30th President (or) 36th President  Based on 9 things: 1) Washington now served at a different/ later year changing the line up 2) People remember different Presidents such as Franklin, Hamliton and King. who are not Presidents today.  3)  Some may only serve at a certain time due to death and age (as Presidents remembered, but not listed.) 4) People Remembered Lincoln as the 24th President and not number 16 which changes the numbering and years 5) People remembered more than 46 Presidents (46 as of 2021) 6) The year is off by 1 for when a President steps in office. Example: 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020 (or) 1981,1985,1989, 1993, 1997, 2001, 2005, 2009, 2013, 2017, 2021 7) People remembered current Presidents in office at a different time given. 8) People feel some of the listed Presidents did not run for President 9) Presidents' deaths change, didn't happen, or happen differently than the current timeline.)
2,824) President Wilson: 1904 (or) 1908 (or) 1912 (or) 1913 (2nd Term) 1916 (or) 1917 (or) 1920 Based on 9 things: 1) Washington now served at a different/ later year changing the line up 2) People remember different Presidents such as Franklin, Hamliton and King. who are not Presidents today.  3)  Some may only serve at a certain time due to death and age (as Presidents remembered, but not listed.) 4) People Remembered Lincoln as the 24th President and not number 16 which changes the numbering and years 5) People remembered more than 46 Presidents (46 as of 2021) 6) The year is off by 1 for when a President steps in office. Example: 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020 (or) 1981,1985,1989, 1993, 1997, 2001, 2005, 2009, 2013, 2017, 2021 7) People remembered current Presidents in office at a different time given. 8) People feel some of the listed Presidents did not run for President 9) Presidents' deaths change, didn't happen, or happen differently than the current timeline.)
2,825) Price is right: After Bob Barker the next host was______. Drew Carey (or) Rosie O'Donnell than Drew Carey
2,826) Prince - Let's go crazy: Dearly beloved - we are gathered here to celebrate this thing called life. (or) Dearly beloved - we are gathered here to get through this thing called life.
2,827) Prince Philip of Edinburgh died in 2021 (or) prior to 2021
2,828) Pringles man had a monocle (or) No monocle
2,829) Pringles: "LES" runs together now.
2,830) Proctor & Gamble (or) Procter Gamble
2,831) Prodical (or) prodigal
2,832) Prohibited sign goes  right to left (or) left to right
2,833) Professor (or) Proffessor
2,834) Promiscious Girl (or) Promiscuous
2,835) Providence State: is found on maps. This could be it was a state at one time and no longer is (or) never was a state but we now have a history for it. 
2,836) Public Video Call: first done by AT&T in 1970's (or) Nazis in 1936
2,837) Puerto Rico: State in the United states (or) Never a state 
2,838) Puerto Rico: was what number on states before number  51/52 (or) Number 51/52 (or) other number
2,839) Pulp fiction (movie): license plates: Mr. Wolf (or) 3ABM581
2,840) Pure Prairie League: Amie (or) Amy
2,841) The Pursuit of Happiness (or) Happiness
2,842) Push up (or) Push pop
2,843) Puss moth caterpillar is the most toxic in America (or) never existed (or) Not the most toxic but did exist
2,844) Pyramid 4 sides (or) 8 sides
2,845) Pyramid Mummies: Many were found (or) none were found
2,846) Pyramids of Giza are much closer to Cairo instead of the middle desert.
2,847) The Pythagoras theme: Created by Pythagoras (or) was not
2,848) QAnon (or) Q
2,849) Quaker oats guy is old (or) The Quaker oats guy is young
2,850) Quaker Oats guy: Smiled (or) did not smile
2,851) Quantum Physics had changed
2,852) Quick sand: You will sink underneath and die (or) you will only sink waist height and not die
2,853) Quote: If you dug a whole deep enough, you will reach China (or) Indian Ocean
2,854) Quote: "Insanity is doing the same thing over and expecting a different result" Was said by Einstein (or) was not said by Einstein
2,855) Quote: Keep your friends close, but your enemies even closer (or) Keep you friends close but your enemies closer (or) Keep you friends close, and your enemies closer
2,856) Quote: Live fast, die young- leave a good looking corpse (or) Live fast, die young- Have a good looking corpse (also) Who said this quote? James Dean (or) John Derek (or) Willard Motley (or) Irene Luke (or) J.M. O' Connor (or) Anonymous
2,857) Quote: What does it do, That's the bright side of it, doesn't do anything.  (is a quote remembered by many, but can not remember where the quote came from. )
2,858) Qween (or) Queen/ Qween's (or) Queen's
2,859) Queen Elizabeth's 2015 Christmas message had changed
2,860) Queen Marie: Let them eat ____. Cake (or) brioche 
2,861) Queen Victoria: used cocaine (or) never used cocaine
2,862) Queen: "We are the champions" ending with:  of the world (or) only ending with "of the world"  at the live concert? And never ended any version otherwise with "of the world"
2,863) Queen: we will rock you: There's __ on your face. Blood (or) Mud
2,864) R.E.M. (Band) "Losing my religion" That's me in the corner, that's me in the spotlight (or) Let's pee in the corner, Let's pee in the spotlight
2,865) R.E.M. (band) "The one I Love" This goes out to the one I love (or) This goes out to the one eye dove
2,866) R.P. Lumber (or) R.P. LumbeR (R capital or lowercase)
2,867) Racoon (or) Raccoon
2,868) Raccoon dogs now exist
2,869) Rach bros (or) Roche bros
2,870) Rage (Stephen King book) Rage (or) The Rage
2,871) Rage (Stephen King Book) letters: R and A pushed together.
2,872) Raggedy Ann Doll: Had freckles (or) No freckles
2,873) Rain grass in Britain? Kind of a weird event to happen.
2,874) Rainbow are different color where purple was
2,875) Rainbow: Can now be all white
2,876) Rainbows: Double Rainbows now exist
2,877) Rainbow mountains now exist
2,878) Rainbow Python now exist
2,879) Rainbows now have different types: Rainbow, Moonbow, Sunbow, Cloud bow, Snow bow, etc..
2,880) Raisin Bran Sun: Had sunglasses (or) no sun glasses
2,881) Raisin Girl: Kneeling on a red/white checkered picnic blanket (or) never shown below the waist
2,882) Raisin Girl: Looked straight forward (or) did not look straight forward
2,883) Rasputin: die from Poisoned (or) beaten, (or) shot (or) drowned
2,884) Ratatouille (movie): Rat runs across the floor and sees what?  Nothing, no hole (or) hole, a couple fighting, 1 pulls a gun. a shot is heard then the boy and girl is kissing
2,885) Raven Simone (or) Symone
2,886) Razzle Dazzle ships: Well Known (or) not well known (or) never heard of it
2,887) Reagan State: is found on a map that either existed, and no longer does (or) never existed, but now does exist because of the Mandela Effect.
2,888) Reddi Wip (or) Reddi Whip (or) Ready Whip (or) Ready Wip
2,889) Red Sovine: "Teddy Bear"  Buddy if I never live to see happiest again, I want you to know I saw it that day in the face of that _____ Man (or) Kid
2,890) Reeboks (or) Reebok
2,891) Reese's (or) Resee's (or) Reese (or) Resee
2,892) Reese Peanut butter cup: chocolate cup version prior to 2021 was remembered (or) Never existed until 2021
2,893) Reese Peanut butter cup Jingle: Sorry (or) Sorry, not Sorry
2,894) Reese Peanut butter cup (or) Reese's Peanut butter
2,895) The Regulators (Stephen King Book) The Regulators (or) Regulators
2,896) The Regulators (Stephen King Book) Author name on the book is Stephen King (or) Richard Bachman (who is Stephen King) Note: The Richard Bachman name was only known to be on 4 books: The Long Walk, Rage, The running man, and Thinner. This later became the Bachman books. 
2,897) Reindeer have stiletto heels now which was not remembered before.
2,898) Relenquish (or) Relinquish
2,899) Rent*A*Center with dots before and after "A" (or) No dots before and after "A"

2,900) Rent A Center: "E" con-binds with the "N" (also) "RAC" logo now has "R" connected to the "C"
2,901) Renuzit solid air fresheners: Open just at bottom (or) open at both top and bottom
2,902) Republican: Color is red (or) Blue
2,903) Republican: Elephant (or) Pig
2,904) Rhea Perlman. (or) Rhoda Pearlman.
2,905) Rhino: 1 Horn (or) 2 Horns (also) Long horns (or) Short Horns
2,906) Rhoda Star Valerie Harper died already? Yes (or) No
2,907) Rhode Island (state) (or) Providence of Rhode Island
2,908) Rib cage: is higher than people remembered
2,909) Rib cage: is smaller than what people remembered
2,910) Rib cage: is open not closed.
2,911) Rib cage: now have floating ribs
2,912) Rib Cage: Missing and broken ribs can regrow (or) can not regrow
2,913) Rice Krispies: The "K" and the "R" now combine with each other.
2,914) Richard Chamberlain: die in the 1990s (or) still alive (as of 2021)

2,915) Rick Wakeman: dead (or) alive
2,916) Ring pop (or) Ring pops

2,917) Risky Business (movie)  Dance scene: Did he where a nice white dress shirt with sunglasses (or) Did not wear that
2,918) Ressurection (or) Resurection (or) Resurrection (or)  Ressurrection 
2,919)  Roach's: Fly (or) Don't fly
2,920) Robert Crumb – Died in the 1990's (or) Still alive (as of 2021) 
2,921) Robert Duval (or) Duvall2,905) Robert England (Freddy Krueger) (or) Robert Englund
2,922) Roberto Firminio (or) Roberto Firmino
2,923) Robert Mugabe die in 2017 (or) 2019
2,924) Robert Stack:  Die in  2003 (or) Other death date (or) Never died
2,925) Robin Hood: Now based off a real person
2,926) Robin Thicke: "Blurred Lines" Mushrooms are nasty (or) Must wanna get nasty
2,927) Robin Williams death: 2014 (or) 2015 (or) 2016  (also) July 2014 (or) August 2014
2,928) Robin Williams death: Died from ____. Hung himself (or) suicide by over dose of pills
2,929) Rock 'Em Sock Em: did they have names?
2,930) Rock 'Em Sock Em: Hey you knocked by block off (or) My block got knocked off
2,931) Rock of Gibraltar a island (or) never a island
2,932) Rocky And Bullwinkle: (1959-1964) The Adventures Of Rocky And Bullwinkle (or) The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends (or) Rocky and His Friends (or) The Bullwinkle Show (or) The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show (or) The Adventures of Bullwinkle and Rocky (claimed to have been one way for T.V. (and 5 other titles for DVD)
2,933) Rocky and Bullwinkle: Bullwinkle Stutter (or) no stutter
2,934) Rocky and Bullwinkle: Rocky can fly (or) can not fly
2,935) Rod Sterling (or) Serling
2,936) Rodin's the thinker (or) Rodin's the thinker
2,937) Rodney Atkins: "If you're going through hell"  You might get out before the devil even knows your ___. Name (or) Their
2,938) Rodney King: Different memory of death
2,939) Roger Rabbit - White Eyes (or) Blue Eyes
2,940) Rolling Stone (or) Rolling Stones (band)
2,941) Rolling Stones (band): "Can you hear me knocking?" (or) "Can't you hear me knocking?"

2,942) Romantics (or) The Romantics (Band)
2,943) Rome Fire (64 A.D.) A 6 day fire went through Rome and Consumed 70% of the city in which the emperor did what? Was 30 miles away and did nothing (or) was there and played the fiddle.
2,944) Romeo and Juliet (notes from Clifton) was it written as Cliff notes (or) Cliffs Notes
2,945) Romeo and Juliet: It did have the scene written where Juliet was on the balcony wondering where Romeo was as he stood on the ground looking up at her (or) This was never written in the book
2,946) Ronald McDonald (or) MacDonald
2,947) Ronald McDonald's Hair:  Fuzzy (or) Straight (or) curly 
2,948) Ronald McDonald: Had a character named Captain Crook (or) Captain Crook never existed
2,949) Root Beer: Hires Root Beer logo: E is slanted. The lowercase  "e"  is now doing this in logos.
2,950) Root Beer: Hires Root Beer now exist though many do not remember Hires
2,951) Rosa Parks sat in a "whites only" seat, and refuse to sit in the back of the bus in the "color area" as for standing up for black rights (or) Rosa Parks sat in the first row of "color seats" and was only ask to sit in the back because to many white people were standing and could use the first row of "color seats"
2,952) Rose: Green roses now exist
2,953) Roseanne Bar (or) Barr
2,954) Rosie: "We can do it" Was smiling (or) Not smiling
2,955) Roxette: Died (or) Alive (as of 2021)
2,956) Roy Clark die before 2018 (or) 2018
2,957) Roy Orbison was blind (or) was not blind
2,958) Roy Rodgers (or) Rogers
2,959) Rugrats (or) The Rugrats
2,960) Rugrats: Angelica's favorite doll, (Cynthia's ) skin is white (or) darker (or) Seen as both
2,961) Rugrats: Tommy said "A baby gots to do what a baby gots to do" in every Episode (or) did not say it in the series, but did in the movies (or) did not say it at all the time,  but says it in a few episodes.
2,962) Rudolph The red nosed reindeer (movie): The elf was a dentist and removed all abominable teeth (or) or 1 tooth (or) this part is not in the movie
2,963) Russian President Resign Speech (12-31-99) "I am tired, I am leaving" (or) "I am leaving"
2,964) Ruth Buzzi died already (or) never died (as of 2021)
2,965) Ryan Neuman (or) Newman
2,966) Ryannair (or) Ryanair
2,967) Sacramento, CA has changed it's location.
2,968) Saido Mane (or) Sadio Mane
2,969) Salem's Lot (Stephen King book) Letter "O" overlaps the letter "L" and the letter "T" overlaps the letter "O".
2,970) Salem's Lot (movie): He road the bus out of town (or) did not ride bus out of town 
2,971)  Salem's Lot (movie): Glick talked (or) Glick did not talk
2,972) Sally Field: You like me you really like me (or) You like me right now
2,973) Salt and Pepper shakers: The Ridges at the bottom have a purpose (or) do nothing.
2,974) Salt "N" pepper (or) Salt "N" Peppa (or) Salt "N" Pepa (Band)
2,975) Sam Simon (Or) Simson (creator of The Simpsons)
2,976) Sam Simon died: After making the Simpson shorts for the Tracey Ullman Show they decided in 1989 to create a cartoon of The Simpsons, but Sam Simon died before the airing of the show, and they keep his credits on the show anyway. 
2,977) Samsung (or) SVmsung (The V is of cores upside down, but was it a A or upside down V)
2,978) San Bernandino (or) Bernardino
2,979) Sandbox tree: (AKA Dynamite tree) Is covered in spikes, full of poison, and grown exploding fruit. The fruit looks like little Pumpkins, but when they are fully grown they explode with a loud bang and fling their seeds at 150 MPH.
2,980) The Sandlot Kids (or) The Sandlot
2,981) Sandy Island existed and is gone (or) never existed
2,982) Santa Anna State: is found on a map that either existed and no longer does (or) never existed but now does exist because of the Mandela Effect.
2,983) Santa Claus (or) Santa Clause
2,984) Santa Clause: First image of Santa becomes popular (with the red suit, white bearded fat man) 1850 (or) 1931
2,985) The Santa Clause: (movie) "E" is different color and looks off.
2,986) The Santa Clause: (movie) Scott Calvin (Tim Allen) goes to the doctors to get checked to explain his overweight and hair growth. As he was there the doctor checked his heart and .... It sounded like drums (or) Played Jingle bells (or) Neither
2,987) Santa's Reindeer: Donner and Blitzen (or) Dunder and Blixem
2,988) Santa Claus Saint Nicholas: What color was the suit before red? White (or) Tan/Green
2,989) Santa Rose state: is found on a map that either existed and no longer does (or) never existed but now does exist because of the Mandela Effect.
2,990) Sasha Mitchell (Step by Step) Die before? (or) Alive (as of 2021)
2,991) Sara Lee Jingle: Nobody does it like Sara lee (or) Nobody doesn't like Sara Lee
2,992) Sarah Michelle Geller (or) Gellar
2,993) Sauerkraut from Germany (or) China
2,994) Saved by the bell (or) Save by the bell
2,995) Save by the bell: Dennis Haskins (Principal Richard Belding) died before (or) alive
2,996) Saved by the bell logo: S and A joined together. VED joined together. "Bell" B and E joined together. "LL" joined together.
2,997) Saw (movie): do you want to play a game (or) I want to play a game
2,998) Scarlett Johnson (or) Johnsson
2,999) Scary Movie mask: Appears to look different.

3,000) Scary Movie 1: I see dead people (or) I see white People 
3,001) Scary Movie 1 logo: The "A" has a logo on it (or) Does not have a logo on it (or) logo id different
3,002) ScaryMovie 1: Mask looks different.
3,003) Scary Movie 1 poster: A shirt read: I see white people (or) I see dead people
4,004) Scary Movie 2: Dwight fights the ghost, and falls out the window as the caretaker comes to his rescue. delight says "Quick take my strong hand" (in which was his bad hand) (or) no line said
3,005) Scary Movie 2 poster: shirt said I Love white people (or) I love dead people (love being a heart instead of words)
3,006) Scary Movie 2 logo: "C,A,R" Combine together as well as "VI" as well as the number 2 looks different and overlaps the letter E
3,007) Scary Movie 2 logo: "O" has a face on it now and no longer looks like a "o"
3,008) Scary Movie 3 logo: "C,A,R" Combine together as well as "V,I" and C is also slanted
3,009) Scary Movie 3 logo: "O" looks like a camera, instead of a "O"
3,010) Scary Movie 4 logo: "Scar" and "Movi" are combined together. The E is cut and the number 4 overlaps the E
3,011) Scary Movie 5 (or) Scary Movie 5 as the "V" stood for the 5, and there was no number 5.
3,012) Scary Movie 5 logo: "Scar" and "Movi" are combined together. The E is cut off
3,013) Science fiction: The first science fiction story was written in 2 A.D. (or) 1818
3,014) Scooby doo  (2002) (the trip to spooky island). In the airplane scene Scooby is in disguise so that no one knows he's a dog...  He had a headscarf and sunglasses and a brown dress with flowers or something like that. (or)  he has white dress and a yellow hat
3,015) Scooby Doo: A Pup named Scooby doo: (Dog tag) Had the letters "LSD" for little Scooby Doo. It was changed in season 2 to SD as LSD (Little Scooby Doo) Is the same letters as a drug (or) No letters on the dog tag
3,016) Scooby-Doo and Scrappy-Doo and The new Scooby-Doo and Scrappy-Doo  (or)  Scooby-Doo and Scrappy-Doo, Scooby-Doo and Scrappy-Doo shorts, The new Scooby-Doo and Scrappy-Doo (note: Only two shows were remembered to be done. The shorts are newer.
3,017) Scooby Doo: Daphne's scarf: is it big (or) smaller? Different colors? Was it dark green (or) Light green (or) Other
3,018) Scooby Doo: Lost episode: (Band Korn) People remembered a episode where the band Korn was on one of the Scooby Doo shows (Possible The Scooby Doo movies)
3,019) Scooby Doo: Lost episode: (Fred was arrested) of one of the many Scooby Doo spin offs where Fred was framed for a crime and almost arrested. They ended up finding out he had nothing to do with it after he ran from the police.
3,020) Scooby Doo: "Melding kids" I would of gotten away with it if it was not for you meddling kids.... and that meddling dog (or) never said (or) not said all the time
3,021) Scooby Doo Movies (1st/2nd spinoff of Scooby Doo) (or) The new Scooby Doo Movies
3,022) Scooby doo: The Mystery Machine (or) Mystery machine
3,023) Scooby Doo show: 1st Spin off of Scooby doo (or) Season 3 of Scooby Doo where are you (or) 2nd spin off appearing after the all new scooby Doo movies. Which appeared years later and mixed with other spinoffs. (note: Most titles do not change names in another season and no connection to The Scooby-Doo Show and Scooby's All-Star Laff-A-Lympics (also) Did one season (added to Scooby doo where are you as season 3) (or) Did three seasons
3,024) The Scooby-Doo Show and Scooby's All-Star Laff-A-Lympics (or) Scooby's All-Star Laff-A-Lympics (3rd/4th Spinoff)
3,025) Scooby doo on Zombie Island (or) Scooby doo goes to Zombie Island
3,026) Scooby Doo: Shaggy's Adam's apple is gone
3,027) Scooby doo: Spots are: No black spots (or) smaller black spots (or) large black spots
3,028) Scooby doo Theme song (Scooby Doo where are you) : ___ are you.  Where (or) here
3,029) Scooby Doo Theme song: Scooby no longer has the 'gulp" at the beginning
3,030) Scooby Doo theme: Scooby doo if you come threw you your gonna have yourself a Scooby snack (or) Scooby doo if you come threw you your gonna have yourself a Scooby snack, That's a fact!
3,031) Scooby Doo: Mike Tyson was on one of the live action Scooby Doo movies (or) Not on any of them
3,032) Scooby Doo: 'Zoink" is reported to sound different. 
3,033) Scott (or) Scotts
3,034) Scott's  ____ oats. Porage (or) Porridge
3,035) Scott State: (United States) This state is found on a older map of The United States, but currently is not apart of our 50 states. This means either it was a state and was removed by the Mandela Effect (or) Never was a state but now has history of a state (or) Were seeing history of a state from another parallel universe. The State of Scott was a Southern Unionist movement in Scott County, Tennessee, in which the county declared itself a "Free and Independent State" following Tennessee's decision to secede from the United States and align the state with the Confederacy on the eve of the American Civil War in 1881. As it was forgotten until 1986, it than was no longer declared a state (or) Never was a state 
3,036) Scotty and sweep: Scooty (or) soo
3,037) Scotland (or) Scottland
3,038) Scotland national animal unicorn? 
3,039) Scotland now has a river known as the blood river.  looks like blood.
3,040) Scream 3 (movies) Film within the film is Stab 2 (or) Stab 3: The Stab movies were introduced within the Scream movies. Each stab movie was based on the scream events. The events of Scream 1 was made into a movie called Stab which was introduced in Scream 2. If this continued then the events of Scram 2 would be introduced in Scream 3 as Stab 2. However, it is introduced in Scream 3 as Stab 3. 
3,041) Seals: Can talk (or) can not
3,042) The Secret life of _____ American Teenager.  An (or) The
3,043) Seal (Band): kiss from a rose on a ____? Grave (or) Grey
3,044) Sean Austin (or) Sean Astin
3,045) Sean (or) Seann William Scott
3,046) Sears Tower (or) Series Tower (or) Willis Tower (People remembered series Tower and not Sears Tower. They say Sears changed to willis when they were bought out, yet people do not remember the buyout)
3,047) Sears Tower Bombing happen in 1999 (or) No bombing
3,048) Season salt (or) seasoned salt (or) seasoning salt
3,049) Segway: first patent was filed in 1994 (or) 1996 (or) 1999
3,050) Segway: Open to public 1999 (or) 2001
3,051) Seinfeld (or) Sienfeld (or) The Seinfeld Chronicles
3,052) Seinfeld: Heidi Swedbourg (or) Heidi Swedberg (Susan)
3,053) Seinfeld: S2 E6 Kramer and George argue over a statue and Jerry does a rhyme in which he cheats and says to lines on Kramer one of them being the word "and" Kramer than Makes a comment on "what are you doing" Noticed the extra word (or) Comment "What are you doing" and pointed out that he said "and" . 
3,054) Seinfeld: Season 5 Episode 3, "The Glasses" George specifically planted the dime before pretending to spot it across the room with Jerry (or) or did not plant the dime
3,055) Selma (or) Salma Hayek
3,056) Separate (or) Seperate
3,057) Sequoyah State: (United States) This state is found on a older map of The United States, but currently is not apart of our 50 states. This means either it was a state and was removed by the Mandela Effect (or) Never was a state but now has history of a state (or) Were seeing history of a state from another parallel universe
3,058) Sesame Street (or) Seseame Street
3,059) Sesame street: Bath time song "Your the one, you make my bath time...   so much fun (or) lots of fun
3,060) Sesame Street: Big bird all yellow on head and tail (or) white hair on tail and hair
3,061) Sesame Street: Big bird has purple eye (or) does not have purple eyes
3,062) Sesame Street: Big Bird has a grandma on the show called Granny Big Bird (or) never had a grandma on the show for Big Bird
3,063) Sesame Street count Dracula: Beard (or) no beard 
3,064) Sesame Street: Count Dracula: All Black cloak (or) Black/ Purple Cloak (or) Black/ colorful cloak
3,065) Sesame Street:  Gonzo Eyelids: yellow (or) purple
3,066) Sesame street: Oscar the grouch was always green (or) Orange in the first season, and green lantern
3,067) Sesame Street: Snuffaluffagus (or) Snuffleupagus
3,068) Sesame Street Theme: Sunday days, _____ the clouds away. Chasing (or) sweeping  On My way to where the air is Clean (or) Clear (or) sweet 
3,069) Seth Mcfarlen (or) Seth Macfarlane
3,070) Sex in the city (or) Sex and the city
3,071) Shakespeare: "Alas, poop Yorick, I knew him well" was used as a line in Hamlet (or) was not used in Hamlet
3,072) Shakespeare: Humble, double, toil and trouble (or) Double double toil trouble
3,073) Shall we dance (movie): You say tomato, I say tomato"  (or) "You like tomato, I like tomato". (with the word "tomato" being pronounced the two different ways).
3,074) Shannon (or) Shannen Doherty
3,075) Shark: Great white sharks (prior to the movie Jaws) were recorded to have killed, how many people? Thousands (or) 11
3,076) Sharks: Vegan (or) not Vegan
3,077) Shark: walk (or) don't walk (or) some walk
3,078) Shasta State: (United States) This state is found on a older map of The United States, but currently is not apart of our 50 states. This means either it was a state and was removed by the Mandela Effect (or) Never was a state but now has history of a state (or) Were seeing history of a state from another parallel universe
3,079) Shazaam (1990's movie) Shazzam (or) Shazam (or) Shazzam (or) Shazam Kazam (or) Shazaam Kanzaam
3,080) Shazam (2019 Movie) Is said to have a different ending.
3,081) Shazam:  Animated television series,  aired on CBS from September 9, 1967 to January 20, 1968 not remembered by many. After all the research on the movie, why was it we never saw this?
3,082) Shazam 1990's Movie ever existed? They claimed that we were confused by Kazaam which was a parody of Shazam and never had Sinbad in the movie.
3,083) Shell logo: Picture of shell/ Name under picture (or) Just a picture of the shell
3,084) Sherbert (or) Sherbet
3,085) Sherlock Holmes: Elementary, my dear Watson was only said in the movie (or) both movie and the book
3,086) Sherman Williams (or) Sherwin Williams
3,087) She's done him wrong (movie): Why don't you come and see me sometime (or) Why don't you come up sometime and see me
3,088) The Shining (First movie) 1979 (or) 1980
3,089) The Shining (or) The Shinning
3,090) The Shining (1980 movie) Bear suit man was never in the movie (or) he was in the movie
3,091) The Shining (1980 movie): Color of the Axe: White (or) Red (or) Grey
3,092) The Shining (1980 movie) New line: Delbert: Did you know Mr. Torrance, that your son is attempting to bring an outside party into this situation? Did you know that? Jack: NO! Delbert: He is Mr. Torrance. Jack: Who? Delbert: A Nigger. Jack: A nigger? Delbert: A nigger cook.  (This part was not remembered to be said)
3,093) The Shining: (1980 Movie) DVD Logo: Dot both of the letters "I" (or) did not dot either "I" (rest of the letters are capital so why two lowercase letters?)
3,094) The Shining (1980 movie) End of movie photo: Overlook hotel July 4th ball 1921 (or) Happy New Years 1921 (hotel was not always closed in the winter)
3,095) The Shining (1980 movie): Little pig Little pig let me in (or) Little pigs little pigs let me in
3,096) The Shining (1980 movie): Was the Grady twins actually twins? yes (or) No, they were two years apart in age
3,097) The Shining (1980 movie) Wendy? Darling? Light of my life. I'm not going to hurt ya. You didn't let me finish my sentence. I said I'm not going to hurt ya. I'm going to bash your brains in. I'm going bash them the fuck in (or) Wendy, I'm not going hurt ya. I'm just going bash your fucking brains in.
3,098) Ship: Marie Celeste (or) Mary Celeste
3,099) Shirley Temple died prior to 2014?
3,100) Shiva's Arms: Was there 4 arms (or) 6 arms
3,101) Shoe-in (or) Shoo-in
3,102) Shoebill the largest bird at 4ft 11inchs was not noticed until 2019, But said to have existed for a long while.
3,103) Shopping cart (or) buggy (or) trolley (note: in USA a buggy is what we called it when the horse pulled it.
3,104) Shot heard around the world: Real event (or) not a real event
3,105) Showtime TV Station  logo "W" "T" and "I" have been pushed together since 1997. "S" and the "O" are cut off a bit.
3,106) Shrek: Ever tell the donkey: Change is good Donkey (or) never said i it
3,107) Shrek: Fairy Godmother sung what song: I will survive (or)n I need a hero
3,108) Shuttle Explosion Date: 1984 (or) 1985 (or) 1986 (or) other?
3,109) Silicon Valley State: is found on a map that either existed and no longer does (or) never existed but now does exist because of the Mandela Effect.
3,110) Silent of the lambs (or) The silent of the lambs
3,111) Silent of the lamb (movie): ______ Clarice. Hello (or) Good Evening
3,112) Silent of the lamb (movie): “It puts lotion on its skin,” (or) “It rubs lotion on its skin.”
3,113) Simply Human (or) Simple Human 
3,114) Simpsons: 1987 The Simpsons started as shorts on the The Tracey Ullman Show (or) They started as shorts in 1989 on the The Tracey Ullman Show. (also) The Simpsons started as a full show in what year? 1988 (or) 1989 (or) 1990
3,115) The Simpsons: Actors pay cut: In 2008, production for the twentieth season was put on hold due to new contract negotiations with the voice actors, who wanted a "healthy bump" in salary to an amount close to $500,000 per episode. The negotiations were soon completed, and the actors' salary was raised to $400,000 per episode. Three years later, with Fox threatening to cancel the series unless production costs were cut, the cast members accepted: a pay cut, down to just over $300,000 per episode (or) A pay cut that only payed 200,000-250,000 per Episode (Note: people do remember the cut was under 250,000 but now is sat at 300,000)
3,116) The Simpsons air night (United States)? According to Wikipedia, The first season aired on Sunday.  According to Wikipedia season 2-5 was always on a Thursday, Then they went back to Sunday until season 13 which moved to Tuesday/ Wednesday. Then season 14-30 has always been on a Sunday. Of course Wikipedia contradicts itself on another Wikipedia Simpsons episodes page where it said all seasons after season 5 aired on Sunday. Possible current shifting Mandela effect. Was it it: season 1 on Tuesday than the rest on Sunday (or) Season 1 on Sunday, 2-5 Thursday, 6-12 Sunday, 13 Tuesday/ Wednesday, 14-30 On Sunday (or) all seasons on Sunday
3,117) The Simpsons: Grandpa Simpson died on the show after 2000 but prior to 2020 (or) still alive as of 2020 
3,118) The Simpsons: Homer Simpson - 2 (or) 3 Strands of Hair
3,119) The Simpsons: Maggie always shook her fist at the other baby when she saw him (or) only shook her fist at the baby in the theme song
3,120) The Simpsons Marge's Hair Blue (or) Purple (Note some online photos show purple yet her hair has always been blue.
3,121) The Simpsons Marge's Necklaces Red but white on special events (or) Always red (or) Always white (Note: many pics were found showing it white on a non special event and on dolls.)
3,122) The Simpsons: Matt Groening "T" pushed together
3,123) The Simpsons: Moe called Margie by what name? Marge (or) Midge
3,124) The Simpsons movie intro: The Simpsons movie, on the ___ screen. Big (or) Small. It said it once (or) twice? (note: It was remembered to say "Big" Screen for the movie, and only said once. Now it is said twice with each version).
3,125) The Simpsons movie: Abe Simpsons says (at church) terrible things are going to happen (or) Horrible things are going to happen
3,126) The Simpsons Movie: Abe Simpsons says (at church) And it will happen to you, you, you and you (or) You and you and you and especially you.
3,127) The Simpsons movie: Abe Simpsons points at ___ as he said and you/especially you... He pointed at Marge (or) The camera (us watching)
3,128) The Simpsons: Mr. Burns has what color of hair? Blue (or) Grey
3,129) The Simpsons: Mr. Smithers: Eye color is? Blue (or) White
3,130) The Simpsons:  Mr. Smithers race: In season 1 he is black but in other seasons he is yellow (Yellow stands for the white race). They claimed they ran out of yellow and chose for him to be black. Most do not remember him as another color besides yellow.
3,131) The Simpsons: Nedna (or) Edna
3,132) The Simpsons: Samsondzes A Georgian rip off of The Simpsons. people remembered this never happened.
3,133) The Simpsons: Season 1 episode 12 (20:50) Bart says my sisters and I (this is in regards to investigating Sideshow Bob). However, only Lisa helped Bart in the investigation so it would be sister not sisters.
3,134) The Simpsons: Season 3 Episode 2 titled Mr. Lisa Goes to Washington. However, it should be miss or Ms. Not Mr.
3,135) Simpsons: Song "Stonecutters" Who controls the British ____. Crown (or) Round
3,136)  The Simpsons song (not theme): Super Sugar Crisp (or) Sugar Crisp
3,137) The Simpsons:  Stevenson A Spanish rip off from the Simpsons. people do not remember that this has ever occurred.
3,138) The Simpsons: TreeHouse Of Horror (or) TreeHouse Horror (or) Treehouse of Terror (or) Tree house terror
3,139) Simpsons: Terri and Sherri are yellow (or) light grey/white. (note the yellow skin is considered white skin so there would be no reason to make them white/grey. 
3,140) Simpsons Theme: All seasons shown Homer getting hit by the car and then crashing thru the door (or) Season 1-20 he open the door and season 21 and after he was hit by the car crashing thru the door
3,141) Simpsons theme song lights: In the first season, Homer is seen at work with a Caution sign behind him. There are two lights on this Caution sign both which are grey in the first season and were colored (green top, Red bottom) every season thereafter. The Caution sign turned into a sign in later season that said 3 days without an accident. The lights were with that sign but are now gone. The Mandela Effect is that people remembered the colored lights in all seasons with red at the bottom and green at the top.
3,142) Singing in the rain (or) Singin' in the rain
3,143) Sitar (or) Citar
3,144) SleepWalkers (movie) Title on DVD cover: Letters are all the same color (or) "WA" is different color
3,145) Skeletal structure is different
3,146) Sketchers (or) Skechers
3,147) Skull: Has holes by jaw (or) does not have holes
3,148) Skull heads look different
3,149) Skunk: Strips on a skunk. Is there 1 stripe (or) 2 stripes
3,150) Sky is different color 
3,151) Sky has weird looking holes in it, Black holes, other weird shapes and colors.
3,152) Slash die in 1992 (or) no death as of 2021
3,153) Smashing Pumpkins: Siamese Dreams (or) Siamese Dream
3,154) The Smithsonian Institute (or) Institution
3,155) Smokey Bear (or) Smokey The Bear
3,156) Smokey Bear: Did he have suspenders?  Yes (or) No
3,157) Smokey Bear: Shirt (or) Shirtless
3,158) Smoky Mountains (or) Smokey Mountains
3,159) Smurfs: 99 boys and 1 girl  (or) 99 boys with 6  girls
3,160) Smurfs: Original theme song is different
3,161) Smurfs tails? they do not have Tails (or) They do have tail
3,162) Snakes: Snakes have bones (or) do not have bones
3,163) Snake like fish with glass like teeth and no eyes now exist
3,164) Snakes: One Penis (or) Two Penises
3,165) Snakes: Rainbow snakes now exist
3,166) Snakes: Secretive ringneck snakes now exist.
3,167) Snickers: has sold white chocolate before (or) Never has sold white Chocolate
3,168) Snoopy: Thin black line tail (or) white tail
3,169) Snow Tsunami never existed (or) Always existed
3,170) Snow white: Age in book 7 (or) 14
3,171) Snow White And The Seven Dwarves (or) Dwarfs
3,172) Snow White: Baking a pie for Grumpy when the witch appear she said: "Baking pies my pet" (or) {short pause} "All alone my pet"
3,173) Snow White: bow: Pink (or) Red (or) Crown
3,174) Snow white: ear: ear seen (or) Not seen
3,175) Snow White: Hair: Long (or) Short
3,176) Snow White: “Heigh Ho, Heigh Ho, it’s off to work we go!” (or) “Heigh Ho, Heigh Ho, it’s home from work we go!”
3,177) Snow white: Mirror Mirror on the wall (or) Magic Mirror on the wall
3,178) Snow White: poison apple color: Green (or) Blue (or) Red (or) black (or) Purple
3,179) Snow white: Who's the fairest of them all (or) one of all
3,180) Snow White Witch's eye color: Green (or) Brown
3,181) Socks: Mix matched (or) Miss match
3,182) Soleimani was killed by Missile from a dome (or) Bombs under his car (or) gen shot
3,183) Sonic (or) Sonics
3,184) Sonic-Drive in (or) Sonic's Drive-in
3,185) Sonic: Skin sleeves (or) blue Sleeves
3,186) Sonic theme: The tune was at a higher pitch and now lower. Some lyrics are also reported to change.
3,187) Sonora State:  (United States) This state is found on a older map of The United States, but currently is not apart of our 50 states. This means either it was a state and was removed by the Mandela Effect (or) Never was a state but now has history of a state (or) Were seeing history of a state from another parallel universe
3,188) Sons of Anarchy: Had a patch "In memory of Opie" on their cut (or) did not have a patch on their cut that said anything about Opie.
3,189) Sons of desert: Stan and Ollie: Another fine mess (or) another nice mess
3,190) Sony Stereo Radio Cassette  Recorder (or) Corder
3,191) The sound of music (movie): Brown packages tied up with strings (or) just strings
3,192) The sound of music (movie): Climb ____ mountain. Every (or) Ev'ry
3,193) South Park: 1995 (or) 1997 is when it started
3,194) South Park Episode not remembered by creators: Sexual harassment Panda was not remember by either of the creators. Maybe an episode from another universe?
3,195) South park Mr. hankey the Christmas poo: Howdy Ho (or) Hidey Ho
3,196) South Park Movie (Bigger, Better & Uncut)  rated "R" (or) NC 17
3,197) South Park phone Number mistake: a Easter egg on the series resulted in a large volume of calls to a workplace after people misread the number given. How Hundreds of people all misread the number at once is beyond me. A) they had the correct number and was changed by the Mandela effect, B) We had the correct number down but the Mandela effect changed our memory to call the wrong number. (Either way the story is odd.)
3,198) South Park theme: Kenny's part says party party party party (or) talked about girls boobs.
3,199) Soviet Union Flag: Flag had no stars (or) flag had stars
3,200) Space Jam: "J" now goes behind the ring of the planet.
3,201) Space Odyssey: said good morning Dave (or) did not say good morning Dave
3,202) Space Shuttle: Booster tips sharply pointed (or) rounded
3,203) Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster was caused by: A oil leak (or) Crash (or) Caused by a Failed attempted to lift off due to a O-ring
3,204) Spaghetti: Black Spaghetti now exist
3,205) Spain is in a different spot
3,206) Spatulas (or) slotted turner
3,207) Speach (or) Speech
3,208) Speed of light: did we break the speed of light in 2002 (or) Just now figuring out
3,209) Sphinx cat (or) Dog
3,210) Spiders: Are now colorful.
3,211) Spiders: Daddy Long Legs (or)  Cellar Spiders
3,212) Spiders: Disguised themselves as ants (or) does not
3,213) Spider: Fly (or) Can not fly
3,214) Spiderman (or) Spider-man
3,215) Spiderman video game (called: Spiderman) on PS, Nintendo 64, and Gameboy had the same picture of Spiderman climbing the wall. The Nintendo 64 version no longer has this.
3,216) Spider pig (a Made-up animal threw The Simpsons Movie) Now exist
3,217) Spirt away (Japan Movie) Has a missing ending that no longer exists but well remember 
3,218) Spitting image (or) Spit and image
3,219) SpongeBob SquarePants: episode where Squid ward accidentally is injected with a medicine not meet for him and he turns into a snail. (the snail part no longer happens)
3,220) SpongeBob SquarePants: Episode "  I was a teenage Gary" Contains Squidward snail morph (or) does not morph
3,221) SpongeBob SquarePants: is reported to have different and missing parts to the show.
3,222) SpongeBob SquarePants: Patrick had an embarrassing photo of SpongeBob. People remembered the show in which he does not now
3,223) SpongeBob SquarePants: Patrick has spots on his body now that people don't remember being there but for.
3,224) SpongeBob SquarePants:  Squidward (or) Squidword (or) Squidworth
3,225) Sprite Logo (2006-2008) Different
3,226) Spy Kids: Shark Part not remembered
3,227) Squirrel: Black Squirrels now exist
3,228) Squirrel: Giant multicolored squirrel can now grow to be 3 foot tall.
3,229) Squirrel: Red squirrels now exist
3,230) Sri Lanka location: South East of India (or) South of India
3,231) St. Bernard's rescue dog's neck had a brandy barrel round its neck (or)  never carried a brandy barrel round its neck
3,232) St. John's Ambulance (or)  St. John Ambulance 
3,233) St. Louis Cardinals (or) Saint Louis Cardinals
3,234) St. Louis Cardinals: Logo with bird on bat: One bird (or) two birds
3,235) St. Louis Cardinals: Mark Mcgwire (or) Maguire (or) Mcguire
3,236) St. Louis Cardinals STL logo: T was capital (or) not Capital
3,237) St. Louis Cardinals STL logo: T was capital (or) not Capital "S" went over the "T" (or) The "T" went over the "S
3,238) St. Louis state: (United States): This state is found on a older map of The United States, but currently is not apart of our 50 states. This means either it was a state and was removed by the Mandela Effect (or) Never was a state but now has history of a state (or) Were seeing history of a state from another parallel universe
3,239) St. Patrick Was a Saint (or) was not a saint
3,240) The Stand (1994 movie): The Stand (or) Stephen King's The Stand
3,241)  The Stand (1994 movie): Army comes in to invade a few houses and they wear what on their face?  Gas Mask (or) Face Mask
3,242) The Stand (1994 movie): Army comes in to invade a few houses and they take the neighbor's wife. Her Husband was hit with the gun and.....   Shot (or) Not shot
3,243) The Stand (1994 movie) Dvd cover: "A" looks like a upside down "V"
3,244)  The Stand (1994 movie) Guy just robbed the store. As he left he saw what was on top of the telephone poll? A man (or) Crow (as the others have seen) (note: He saw what the others could not see. He also stated: What is he doing up there)
3,245) The Stand (Book) Some letters 9on some books) are now pushed together. 
3,246) Staples logo changed with the letter "L".
3,247) Starbucks (or) Starbucks coffee
3,248) Starbucks logo: added a star
3,249) Starbucks: What was on the Mermaid's head? Crown (or) Star
3,250) Starship (band) "We built this city" We built this city on logs and coal (or) We built this city on Rock and Roll
3,251) Star _____ Banner:  Spangle (or) Spangler (or) Spangled
3,252) Star Spangled Banner: Punctuation is in the wrong spots making it as the ! part is now more normal or more of a question. Where as the question is normal or excitable 
3,253) Star Spangled Banner:  Tune was created by a man who wrote the song (or) or ripped off of a British drinking song
3,254) Star Trek: Black color around their shirt neckline (or) no black color in the shirt neckline
3,255) Star Trek: Beam me up Scotti (or) Beam us up Scotti  (also) Beam me up Scotti is also removed from many versions without being replaced.
3,256) Star Trek: Chakotay dies in a mid-season episode of Star Trek Voyager, and returns, with no explanation several episodes later? (or) not died in episode
3,257) Star Trek: Dr. Spock (or) Mr. Spock
3,258) Star Trek: Episode where Spock dies is remembered by many yet fails to exist
3,259) Star Trek: Dr. Leonard  said damn it Jim (or) did NOT say Damn It Jim (swear words were not allowed on T.V. at that time)
3,260) Star Trek: La Forge (or) Georgia Laforge
3,261) Star Trek: Leonard Nimoy: Did music and publish 5 albums (or) never did music
3,262) Star Trek: Captain Picard had a crystal prop (or) did not have a crystal prop
3,263) Star Trek original enterprise: Bat'leth sword now in the movie in which was not remembered in this version.
3,264) Star Trek:  Scott has a missing finger (or) no missing finger
3,265) Star wars: C-3po's arm is red in some pictures now. This should not exist.
3,266) Star wars: C-3po's Body is gold (or) Silver
3,267) Star Wars: CP30: Gold legs (or) One leg is Silver
3,268) Star wars: C3PO Gold rim around his head (or) never had a gold rim around his head
3,269) Star Wars: C3PO silver foot (or) Gold foot
3,270) Star Wars: CP30: Top part of the arms silver (or) Gold
3,271) Star Wars: Dark Vader's eyes: Red (or) No color
3,272) Star Wars: Darth Vader has green lights on his belt waist (or) never had green lights on belt waist
3,273) Star Wars: Darth Vader silver nose (or) Black nose (or) white
3,274) Star Wars: Dark Vader's mask now has a white nose & grey checks on some mask but not all.
3,275) Star Wars:  In Revenge of the Sith: so this is how democracy dies (or) so this is how liberty dies
3,276) Star Wars logo changed "S" and "T" are shifted together. "R" and "S" are shifted together.
3,277) Star Wars: Luke, I am your father (or) No, I am Your Father (or) I am your father
3,278) Star Wars: Luke's outfit on Return of the Jedi was all black (or) black with white color in the middle.
3,279) Star Wars: Luke says to CP30: Shut down all the Trash ____ On the Detention level. Mashers (or) Compactors
3,280) Star Wars: May the Force be with you, always. (or)  The Force will be with you always (or) May the force be with you (or) Remember, the force will be with you always
3,281) Star Wars: May the Force be with you, always was said by____. Obi-wan (or)  Han Solo (or) other
3,282) Star wars movie poster: Leia was holding Luke's leg (or) a gun
3,283) Star Wars: new hope ceremony medals: Just Luke got a medal (or) Just Chewbacca got a medal (or) Just Luke and Han got a medal (or) They all got medals
3,284) Star wars: R2D2 (or) Rtoo- Deeto
3,285) Star wars: R2D2 - No Wires On Feet (or) Wires On Feet
3,286) Star Wars "Return of the Sith" You were like a brother to me (or) you were my brother
3,287) State Capital Change in Alabama: Mobile (or) Montgomery 
3,288) State Capital Change Georgia: Augusta (or) Atlanta
3,289) State Capital Change in Illinois: Lincoln (or) Springfield
3,290) State Capital change in Louisiana: Baton Rouge (or) Shreveport
3,291) State Capital change in Maryland: Annapolis (or) Baltimore 
3,292) State Capital Change in Michigan: Detroit (or) Lansing
3,293) State Capital Change in Nebraska: Omaha (or) Lincoln 
3,294) State Capital Change in North Carolina: Charlotte (or) Raleigh
3,295) State Capital Change in New Mexico: Albuquerque (or) Santa Fe
3,296) State Capital change in Tennessee: Nashville (or) Something Different?
3,297) State Capital Change in Wyoming: Casper (or) Cheyenne
3,298) State Farm: Jake is... White skin (or) Black skin (older videos seem to be disappearing.
3,299) Statue: Colossus of Rhodes straddled the harbor (or) or did not Straddle the harbor
3,000) Statue of freedom: Existed (or) never existed
3,301) Statue of liberty: 30th largest statue (or) 47th largest statue
3,302) Statue of Liberty: 1916 Black Tom Explosion Damaged the Statue of Liberty in which people claimed the top of the torch or crown was so damaged that no one had been allowed to visit that area itself (even though pictures were seen after words of people in each spot and repairs only occurred at the Statue of liberty in 1939, 1984, 1986, 2011-12. No repairs were made in 1916 or repaired in the area in question
3,303) Statue of Liberty: 1916 Black Tom Explosion Damaged: Torch (or) Crown
3,304) Statue of Liberty: Alien Abduction Monument existed inside the Statue of Liberty (or) Did not exist in the Statue of Liberty
3,305) Statue of Liberty (island) Bedloe's island is now believed to have been the location of the Statue of liberty given by residue and not Ellis or Liberty island.
3,306) Statue Of liberty: Chain around the ankle (or) no chain around the ankle
3,307) Statue of Liberty: Closer to New Jersey (or) closer to New York
3,308) Statue of Liberty Color: Copper (or) Green (or) Grey
3,309) Statue of Liberty Creation: made for America as a gift (or) made for Egypt
3,310) Statue of Liberty disappear: Was aired on T.V. in what year? 1983 (or) 1989 (or) 1990 (or) 1990-1995
3,311) Statue of Liberty: Ellis island (or) Liberty Island 
3,312) Statue Of Liberty: Memphis, Tennessee Has a statue of liberty holding a cross instead of a torch yet many do not remembered this
3,313) Statue of Liberty: Platform (or) No Platform
3,314) Statue of Liberty: Platform Square (or) Star shaped
3,315) Statue of liberty: Smaller (or) same size
3,316) Statue Of liberty: Tablet is held in the right hand (or) Tablet is held in the left hand
3,317) Statue of Liberty: Torch Left hand (or) Right Hand  
3,318) Statue of Liberty: Torch is Smooth, Rounded, symmetrical pointed, straight up (or) Sharp, Unbalanced with flames painted on the side
3,319) Stay Puff (or) Stay Puft
3,320) Steve Jobs did steal (or) did not steal the mouse idea from Xerox
3,321) Steve Jobs: Was the first to say "Good artists copy great artists steals" (or) was not the first to say this
3,322) Steven King (or) Stephen King
3,323) Stephen King: Car that hit him was: Bought by Stephen King as he destroyed himself (or) Or had his lawyer buy it, and had it destroyed at a junkyard.
3,324) Stephen King's conspiracy Theory:  Was it John Lennon that Stephen King hit as a conspiracy to murder John Lennon (or) The conspiracy is Stephen king shot John Lennon in the 1980's
3,325) Stephen King's Death: Died before (or) Never died
3,326) Stephen King's Death: Death from a car crash (both were driving) (or) Hit by a car while walking  (or) Injured By a driver hitting him (or) Injured from car crash (both driving) (also) Normal person in the van that hit him (or) Celebrity
3,327) Stephen King: Inspiration comes from: Real life events and anything (or) Dreams he has had
3,328) Steve Carolls eyes: Blue (or) Green
3,329) Steven McQueen ____: bullet (or)  bullitt
3,330) Steven Segal (or) Seagal
3,331) Stink bugs are now different colors and have different patterns.
3,332) Stockade (or) Cadence
3,333) Stock affected by Mandela Effect
3,334) Stomach where belly button is (or) bottom of rib cage
3,335) Stonehenge: Circular (or) rectangular
3,336) Stonewall Jackson death:  assassinated (or) friendly fire
3,337) Stop clock of Bologna: worked properly since the 1980 (or) stopped for 16 years in 1980
3,338) Stop signs: All are red (or) some are red, some are blue (red means stop so why blue? Why are we just now seeing this?)
3,339) Stop Sign shape: Always octagon (or) Different shape by state until 1924 when they all became octagon
3,340) Storm: Storm quakes now exist
3,341) The storming of the Bastille: Hundreds of prisoners freed (or) 7 Prisoners freed
3,342) Story night painting: On the left side what was painted that stood out? Castle (or) Mountain (or) Tower (or) Tree
3,343) Stouffer Stove top (or) Kraft Stove Top
3,344) Straight (or) Strait 
3,345) Straight Jacket (or) Strait Jacket
3,346) The Strangers: (Movie) "no more heroes" Something better change (or) Something gotta change"

3,347) Street cones: All orange (or) some all orange and others orange with white stripe3,348) Strudel (or) Streudel 3,349) Subway color logo: Sub/ White Way/ Red (or) all yellow (or) all white (or) Sub/ white Way/ Yellow3,350) Subway logo change: Had arrows (or) did not have arrows

3,351) Sugar: Makes you hipper if you have to much, Can keep you up at night, and give you a rush (or) Does not make you hipper, does not keep you up, and no rush.

3,352) Sun: has rings around it (or) does not have rings around it3,353) Sun color: Sun was always white (or) sun was always yellow (or) Many colors3,354) Sunkist: "U" and the "N" pushed together. 3,355) Superman (or) Super Man3,356) Superman: comic book with Superman fighting the Ku Klux Klan. This never existed (or) was always around3,357) Superman logo: New "S''  logos are now found as it is said now to have different logo's over the years.3,358) Superman logo: "S" logo looks like a snake3,359) Superman: Louis Lane (or)  Lois Lane3,360) Superman: Marvel (or)  DC Comics3,361) Superman: Superman moved planets in the older comics (or) did not move planets3,362) Superman: Yellow belt (or) yellow belt with red loops

3,363) Superman 2 (or) Superman 2 the adventure continues

3,364) Superman 2: Why do you say these things to me when you know I will kill you for ___. Them (or) it
3,365) Super Mario Bros (or) Super Mario Brothers (also) Super Mario Bros 2 (or) Super Mario Brothers (also) Super Mario bro 3 (or) super Mario Brothers 3
3,366) Super Mario Brothers: (Nintendo game) 1-1 Was there a plant that came out of the tunnel in this part of the game? (or) 1-1 never had a plant come out of the tunnel
3,367) Super Mario Brothers: (Nintendo game) 1-1 ending after tunnel but before the stairs to the flag, He ran into Koopa Troopa (Turtle) (or) 2 little Groomba (Mushrooms)
3,368) Super Mario Brothers logo:  (Super) "p" is broken up, "E" is broken up and different shaped, "R" is broken up,  (Mario) "R" is broken up (Brothers) "B" and "R"  is broken up, first "s" looks different. 
3,369) Super Mario Brothers (Nintendo Game): Thank you Mario! But ___ Princess is in another castle. The (or) Your (or) Our
3,370) Super Mario Brothers 2: (Nintendo game) logo "P" is broken up, "E" is broken up, "R" is broken up, "B" is broken up, first
3,371) Super Mario Brothers 2: (Nintendo Game) Princess peach hair color: Blonde (or) Brunette 
3,372) Super Mario Brother 2: Princess Peach in super Mario Brother 2 (or) not (note: remembered both ways)
3,373) Super Mario Bros 3: (Nintendo Game) Coin symbol (below in the box next to the amount of coins ) was a symbol of a coin (or) Symbol of a dollar sign
3,374) Super Mario Bros 3: 1-2 (Nintendo Game) first tunnel to receive coin (Extra guy above tunnel) The tunnels exist is on the right (or) Left
3,375) Super Mario Bros 3: (Nintendo Game) 1-5 Brown ground (or) icy ground
3,376) Superior State: (United States): This state is found on a older map of The United States, but currently is not apart of our 50 states. This means either it was a state and was removed by the Mandela Effect (or) Never was a state but now has history of a state (or) Were seeing history of a state from another parallel universe

3,377) Super missive (or)  Super massive Black Hole
3,378) Supreme court: How many members have they had (or currently have) always 9 (or) varies between 6-10 (or) 13
3,379) Surprise (or) suprise
3,380) Survivor (band) Eye of the tiger: Rise up to the challenge of our ____. Father (or) Rival
3,381) Susannah (or)  Susanna Reid 
3,382) Suzanne Summers or Suzanne Sommers
3,383) Svalbard island never existed
3,384) Sweden looks different. Is it smaller? Bigger? Different Location?
3,385) Sweet-Tarts (or) Sweetarts
3,386) Swimmer Ears Medication to heal Damage ear due to water in ears was called: Swimmers Ear (or) Swim-Ear

3,387) Swine Flu becomes a national emergency in the USA in 2009 with more than 100 million Americans vaccinated.  About 1/3 of the USA population.  The vaccine was later pulled after just 43 Americans dropped dead from it. (or) Never happen
3,388) Switzerland: A 3rd world Country (or) not a 3rd world country
3,389) The sword in the stone (or) the sword in the anvil
3,390) SYFY (T.V. Station) Reports different memory in regards to the logo and dates for logos
3,391) Sylvia Brown (or) Browne
3,392) Talisman: (Stephen King Book) Talisman (or) Talismen (or) Tailsman (or) Tailsmen
3,393) Talisman: (Stephen King Book) Author is only Stephen King (or) Stephen King and Peter Straub
3,394) Talisman: (Stephen King book) Letters larger on authors name. 
3,395) Take me out to the ball game song: Take me out to the ball game, Take me out:  to the park (or) to the crowd (or) with the crowd (also)  Buy me some peanut and cracker jack (or) Cracker jacks (also) I don't care if I ___ Come back. Ever (or) Never. (also) let me Root root for the home team _____ If they don't win (or) if they lose  It's a shame
3,396) Tales from the Topographic Ocean (or) Tales from the Topographic Oceans
3,397) Talespin (or) Tale spin (or) Tales spin (or)Talesspin
3,398) Talespin logo: Letters "E", "S" ,and the "P" Look Different
3,399) Talespin made 70 episodes (or) 70+


3,400) Tammy Baker (or) Bakker
3,401) Tape: 100 M.P.H. used by the Army to waterproof the ammo (or) 200 M.P.H. used in Nascar
3,402) Tarantula: Blue ones now exist
3,403) Target Circles logo has changed. How many circles? 1 (or) 2 (or) 3
3,404) Tartary (county): Existed (or) never existed
3,405) Tarzan: Did say "Me Tarzan, you Jane" (or) Did not say it
3,406) Tasmanian Tigers now exist
3,407) Taxi Driver: Are you talking to me (2x) I don't see anyone else around here, so you must be talking to me (or) You talking to me (3x) Than who the hell else are you talking... you talking to me? well, I'm the only one here... who the fuck do you think your talking to? oh yea OK
3,408) TBS (T.V. Network) Logo: "T" is cut off on current logo.
3,409) TBS (T.V. Network): Super TV logo no longer exists. TBS started with "TBS Superstation" Then when WGN became "WGN Superstation" TBS became TBS Super TV. Both changed their logo again when WGN became "WGN America".
3,410) Teenage (or) Teenaged (or) teenager
3,411) Teenage Mutant ninja Turtles (or) teenage Mutant Hero Turtles (or) Teenaged Mutant Ninja Turtles
3,412) Teenage Mutant Ninja turtles: "Movie line" Is it 6 feet tall turtle in a trench coat (Or)  is it big turtle in a trench coat
3,413) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Is Raphael Cool but ___. Rude (or) Crude
3,414) Telecom's hacked in 1834 (or) not hacked in 1834
3,415) Temperature change: What was a fever? When was it the worst? What was normal? Was 100.3 the worst (or) did it go up to 110.0
3,416) Terminator (or) The Terminator 
3,417) The Terminator 2: "A" letter on Terminator is now slanted
3,418) The Terminator 2: Judgement day (or) Judgment day
3,419) The Terminator 3: "A" is slanted
3,420) Terminator's Endoskeleton: Human teeth (or) metal teeth
3,421) Terry Pratchett died 2013 (or) 2015
3,422) Texas: Austin has moved location. Was Houston in the spot Austin is now?
3,423) Texas Country: It's own country at one time (or) never was its own country
3,424) Texas State: Dallas has moved location. Was it North East (or) Center (or) South West
3,425) Texas State: East Texas: (United States): This state is found on a older map of The United States, but currently is not apart of our 50 states. This means either it was a state and was removed by the Mandela Effect (or) Never was a state but now has history of a state (or) Were seeing history of a state from another parallel universe
3,426) Texas State: Houston location is different. Was it that close to the coast? (or) Where Austin is now.
3,427) Texas State: North Texas was found on a map. It was a state, and no longer is (or) never was a state, but is part of our history now
3,428) Texas State: Panhandle location changed.
3,429) Texas State: San Antonito: Location has changed.
3,430) Texas state: Shape has changed a bit. More around the upper box shape.
3,441) Texas State: South Texas (United States): This state is found on a older map of The United States, but currently is not apart of our 50 states. This means either it was a state and was removed by the Mandela Effect (or) Never was a state but now has history of a state (or) Were seeing history of a state from another parallel universe
3,442) Texas: Texlahoma (United States): This state is found on a older map of The United States, but currently is not apart of our 50 states. This means either it was a state and was removed by the Mandela Effect (or) Never was a state but now has history of a state (or) Were seeing history of a state from another parallel universe
3,443) Texas State: West Texas: (United States): This state is found on a older map of The United States, but currently is not apart of our 50 states. This means either it was a state and was removed by the Mandela Effect (or) Never was a state but now has history of a state (or) Were seeing history of a state from another parallel universe
3,444) Thanksgiving:  3rd Thursday of  November (or) 3rd Thursday until 1941,and has been on the 4th Thursday of November since.
3,445) Thanksgiving: The first Thanksgiving was peaceful (or) war battle
3,446) Thanksgiving: Who hosted the first Thanksgiving? Pilgrims (or) not the Pilgrims
3,447) That 70s show (or) That 70's show (or) That '70s Show
3,448) That '70s show: 1998 (or) 1999 (or) 2000 (or) 2002 is when it started.
3,449) That '70s show: Did they have a remake called "Days like These" (or) no remake, only a spin off that never lasted (That '80s show)
3,450) That '70s show: "Hello Wisconsin" Was said by whom? Ashton Kutcher (or) Danny Masterson (or) Robin Zander (or) Topher Grace
3,451) That '70s Show:  Laurie Actor played by 1 person (or) 2 
3,452) That '70s Show: Laurie appears in the room (2nd Actor) and someone makes a comment that she looks different (Making fun of the joke it was a different actor (or) Never was said in the series
3,453) That '70s Show: Logo "S" is different
3,454) That '70s Show Title of episode: Veterans Day BBQ (or) Jackie bags Hyde 
3,455) That '70s Show: Video game (or) No Video game
3,456) That 80s show (or) That 80's show (or) That '80s Show
3,457) Therma flu (or) Thera Flu
3,458) They Live (movie):  They Live (or) They Live!
3,459) Thinking statue: Rested head on fist (or) Rested chin on fist
3,460) Thinking statue: There is just one (or) Many around the United States, each in its own form
3,461) Thinner (Book by Stephen King) Author is Stephen King (or) Richard Bachman (Bachman being Stephen King's side name used for 4 books: Long Walk, Rage, Running man and Thinner).
3,462) Thomas the Train (or) Thomas the tank engine (or) Tomas and friends
3,463) Three dog Night (Band): One is the Loneliest Number you ever did ___. See (or) hear (or) know (or) do
3,464) Thundersnow now exist
3,465) Tiananmen Square where tank runs over kid is said to never of happen (or) tank ran him over
3,466) Tigers have patches on the back of their head that look like eyes (or) have no patches that look like eyes
3,467) Tiger Woods appeared (or) Never Appear in 1990's on a TV show called American Gladiators
3,468) Till death us do part (British TV series) (or) Till Death do us apart (as written for the American version TV series)
3,469) Tim Conway died in 2019 (or) prior death?
3,470) Tim Horton (or) Tim Horton's
3,471) Tim McGraw: "Last Dollar" The ending of the song had the kids singing "1,2,3 like a bird I sing". Did they just do a few rounds of it (or) A few rounds and one of the girls said keep going (or one more time) when they hit that part again
3,472) Tim McGraw Southern girl:  Ain't nothin in the whole wide world like a ____ girl. Southern (or) Country 
3,473) Time:  60 seconds to the minute, 60 minutes to the hour, 24 hours to a day, and 365 days to a year. (or) 61 seconds (adding a leap second for slow down time, 23 hours 56 minutes and 4 seconds to a day, 366 days a year. (note: since 1970-2020 time has been added to keep us as we are said to have more hours in a day now.)
3,474) Time: A.D and B.C is different in counting
3,475) Time count: How many hours in a day? Just 24 hours (or) 23 hours 56 minutes and 4 seconds (or) over 24 hours (Reported prior to 2012 was just 24 hours, 2012-2021 was 23 Hours, 56 Minutes and 4 seconds, 2021 is said to be over 24 hours) Some of these accounts have changed due to the Mandela Effect
3,476) Time: is running faster. (or) Slower (or) Both (or) no change
3,477) Time Magazine: April 8th 1966 title was God is dead (or) Is God Dead
3,478) Time slips: Time slips have occurred where time skips and people have no memory of that time. This can not only interfere with time, but with sound as well. This could be the cause why someone younger than you is now older.
3,479) Time Zone (U.S.A.) has changed some of it's locations
3,480) Time Square (or) Time Squares
3,481) Tinkerbell (or) Tinker bell
3,482) Tinkerbell is no longer in any openings of Disney movies.
3,483) Tinkerbell opens a Disney movie with what? Waved a wand, and sparks came out (or) waved a wand and no sparks came out (or) Did not wave wand.
3,484) TinkerBell wrote the words "Walt Disney" in the opening of a Disney movie. (or) Never wrote the words "Walt Disney" in the opening theme (with wand)
3,485) Tiny Toon (or) Tiny toons (or) Tiny toon Adventures (or) Tiny Toons Adventures 
3,486) Tiny Toons: Season 1 episode 1 they needed a hit show by what time 6am (or) 9am (now both said)
3,487) Tiny Toons theme: ( three seconds in) The letters "Tiny Toons" go outside the circle. This happens again 54 seconds into the theme song.  At 15 and 28 seconds in, the letters are in the circle.
3,488) Tiny Toons theme: Our (or) The scripts were rejected, expect the unexpected, (also) Cause (or) On Tiny Toons Adventures is about to start.....   (ending) We're tiny, we're toony We're all a little loony It's (or) on Tiny Toon Adventures Come and join the fun. And now our song is done!
3,489) Titanic: 1913 (or) 1914
3,490) Titanic: A newspaper was found published saying all the people on the Titanic were rescued and no one had died. The internet still listed over 100 deaths. Did we find a newspaper from another universe?
3,491) Titanic Champagne Bottle: Never existed (or) did exist and even dropped, bounced and did not break
3,492) Titanic: Deaths (or) No Deaths
3,493) Titanic: Sunk after hitting an iceberg (or) sunk after an unnoticed 3 week fire and then hit an iceberg that damaged that area spreading the fire
3,494) TNN (T.V. Network, Now Spike T.V.) News Station was not remembered to exist but logos suggested it did.
3,495) TNN (T.V. Network, Now Spike TV) Logo: Older logos now have the "T" Pushed into the "N" also notice to have lines in the letters and letters pushed together such as the CNN logo.
3,496) TNT (T.V. Network) Letters combined together now.
3,497) Tobasco (or) Tabasco sauce
3,498) Toby Keith "Beer for my horses' ': Take all the rope in Texas, find a ____ tree, Round up all the bad boys and hang them high in the street.  Hollow (or) tall oak
3,499) Toby Maguire (or) Tobey Maguire
3,500) Toledo War never heard of
3,501) Tom and Jerry (or) Tom and Jerry (And underlined) (also) Tom & Jerry
3,502) Tom and Jerry: never talked (or) Talked a lot (or) only in the movie or songs (or) both talked and did not talk
3,503) Tom and Jerry: Tom's eyes changed color. White (or) Yellow (or) Blue
3,504) Tom and Jerry: (Tom) Eye brows (or) No eyebrows.
3,505) Tom and Jerry: Tom's fur Blue (or) grey
3,506) Tom and Jerry: Tom's hair strips on his head (or) No hair strips 
3,507) Tom and Jerry:  Tom has a Twin cousin (or) No twin cousin (also) Tom and Jerry Kids shows a talking twin brother. (or) Never had a twin brother
3,508) Tom and Jerry: Whiskers were 2 on each side (or) 3 on each side (or) Changed randomly 
3,509) Tom and Jerry Kids (or) Tom & Jerry Kids
3,510) Tom and Jerry Kids: Logo changed. "T" is out of place. "&" symbol is stretched out. "o" and "m" are pushed together. "Jerry" letters pushed together. "Kids" The letter "D" looks like the letter "o".  Also "D" Slanted. The word "Show '  in the theme is also pushed together.
3,511) Tombstone Thunderbird: there was a 1866 photo of a huge flying creature (or) There was never a photo of a huge creature
3,512) Tommorrow (or) Tomorrow
3,513) Tommy Hillfiger (or) Hilfiger
3,514) TommyKnockers (Stephen King book) Letter "M" is pushed together with the other letter "M" (Reported on some books)
3,515) Tomato: Black tomato now exist
3,516) Tomato Sauce: invented in Italy (or) Mexico
3,517) Tonka Logo on toy cars now has the "T" connected to the "K" 
3,518) Tongue taste senses: 4 (or) 5
3,519) Tongue: taste all the flavors at once (or) each part of the tongue have different taste parts
3,520) Tony the Tiger: Black nose (or) Blue nose
3,521) Tony the tiger: Theeeyyy' rrreee Great! (or) They rrrre Great! (or) They're Grrrrrreat! 
3,522) Torn: Died in 2017 (or) alive
3,523) Tostino's (or) Totino's
3,524) Touch by an angel (or) Touched by an angel (or) Touch by a angel (or) Touched by a angel
3,525) Touched by an angel: 1994-2003 (or) 1994- cancelled before 2003 due to Della Reese's death
3,526) Touched by an angel: (Angel Of Death) How many guys played Adam (Angel of death) 1 (or) 2
3,527) Touched by angel: Della Reese (Black Angel) Die in 2003 (or) prior to 2017 (or) 2017
3,528) Touched by an angel: (Satan) Was there a person who played Satan on the show? Yes (or) no
3,529) Toy story (unknown which): Many remember during the arcade scene, Buzz saw a mortal kombat type game, and he tried to save the guy being beat up. But he couldn’t reach him because of “an invisible force field”  (or) Never happen 
3,530) Toy story 1: (2:40-2:45) Has a part where it appears that Woody is walking in the desert only to be on Andy's back with the desert being the picture. Was this in the movie? yes (or) no
3,531) Toy story 1: Aliens "the claw" Part, They also chanted "one of us” or something similar as Buzz was getting picked up. (or) never said any other line
3,532) Toy story 1: Aliens say: one of us (×2) (or) one of them (×2) (or) neither
3,533) Toy Story 1: Alter ending: Belief that Andy's Sister was given a female dinosaur in which Andy's Toy Dinosaur existed. (Maybe in another universe it was a dinosaur instead of MRS. Potato head.)
3,534) Toy Story 1: Bo asked Woody "How about we get someone else to watch the sheep tonight."  (meaning she wanted to be alone with him) Woody's reply was....  a chuckle laugh (yes he like the idea) (or) Chuckle laugh and said hell yea
3,535) Toy story: Buzz Lightyear saying "Never Give Up, Never Surrender"  (or) never said it
3,536) Toy Story 1: Rex is using an easy bake oven, after the fact that he comes to terms with not be as scary as he thought. (or) Not in any of the 4 movies.
3,537) Toy story 1: There's a snake in my____? Boot (or) Boots. {Change twice in Story 1, Not affected in Squeal's) 
3,538) Toy Story 1: Woody calls Buzz "Mr. lightbeer" instead of lightyear. We know Woody normally called him something different such as "Light snack" but when did he ever say light beer. The FCC was very strict back than and that would of not been allowed to be said in a kids cartoon. The Lion King could not even say "Fart" Back then.
3,539) Toy Story 1: Woody stuck his head in a bowl of cereal. What was the cereal?  Cheerios (or) fruit Loops
3,540) Toy Story 1: Woody stuck his head in a bowl of cereal. Where on his body was the cereal? Face (or) Head
3,541)  Toy Story 2: Jessie had a bow in her hair (or) no bow
3,542) Toy Story 2: Jessy has buttons on her shirt? yes (or) no
3,543) Toy Story 2: Run like the wind (or) Ride like the wind
3,544) Toy Story 4: Forky (or) Sporky
3,545) Trace Adkins - Honky Tonk Badonkadonk (Official Video) : Has a different tune and later in the video he says this is her favorite song and keeps saying "you know that right?" which was not in the video besides the beginning.  and "Now honey you can't blame her" is at a lesser tone
3,546) Tracers (movie) Released in the 1970's (or) 1980's
3,547) Traffic Lights first created in 1868 (or) 1908
3,548) Traffic Lights colors: Red top, Yellow Middle, Green Bottom (or) Green Top, Yellow Middle, Red Bottom
3,549) Traffic lights some sideways (or) never been sideways
3,550) Traffic lights yellow or white line around the traffic light box
3,551) Trains: Black/white photos from the 1950s show trains that look like space crafts or future trains
3,552) Trans-Oconee State: (United States): This state is found on a older map of The United States, but currently is not apart of our 50 states. This means either it was a state and was removed by the Mandela Effect (or) Never was a state but now has history of a state (or) Were seeing history of a state from another parallel universe
3,553) Transformers (or) The Transformers
3,554) Transformers: The dark side of the moon (or) Dark of the moon
3,555) Transylvania State: (United States): This state is found on a older map of The United States, but currently is not apart of our 50 states. This means either it was a state and was removed by the Mandela Effect (or) Never was a state but now has history of a state (or) Were seeing history of a state from another parallel universe
3,556) Traveling time from one place to another feels shorter
3,557) Tree: A tree now exists that grows 40 different fruits on it.
3,558) Tree: Tree growing on Top of Construction Site now which is both unexplainable and uncommon 3,517) Tree: Now found one that grew in a car and went through the roof
3,559) Triboluminescence: the emission of light from a substance caused by rubbing, scratching, or similar frictional contact. People notice as an example that ripping a folded piece of duct tape in the dark now caused a spark of light. No science explanation has been given for this phenomenon
3,560) Tru TV (T.V. Station) tru TV (or) True TV (also suggested the logo had a E and all letters were capital)
3,561) T.S.  Eliot (or) Eliott
3,562) TSB Bank: Words are now in white (or) it was already white
3,563) Tsukoyomi (Japanese God) (or) Tsukuyomi
3,564) Twister (movie): Bill says: "going green" (or) "She's going Green
3,565) Tumeric (or) Turmeric
3,566) Tunguska Meteorite Explosion: 1908 (or) 1868
3,567) Turkey: Fly (or) don't fly
3,568) Turtles: fast (or) slow
3,569) Turtles: hard shell (or) both hard and soft
3,570) Turtles: Yellow turtles now exis
3,571) Tussin (or) Tusain
3,572) TV: Digital TV came out in 2000 (or) 2007 (or) 2009 (or) other
3,573) TV's in the 1950's allowed you to put coins in your tv to unscramble the over the air programing. ( According to the law, it is against the law to unscramble your tv without cable)
3,574) T.V. Invented in 1927 (or) late 1930's (or) 1950's
3,575) Twilight zone (or) The Twilight zone
3,576) Twilight Zone: Intro had said  "Imagine if you will" (or) That was never said.
3,577) Twinings Tea (or) Twinnings Tea
3,578) Twister (Movie): Aunt Meg Died (or) No death
3,579) Twister (movie): Cow was flying by, what was on either side of the road? Water (or) Land
3,580) Twister (Movie): Ending, Parking the truck on a freeway for it to take up the Dorothy sensors then took shelter from the storm under a concrete overpass (or) Did not end like this.
3,581) Twister (Movie): The machine was named Dorothy. did it have a picture of Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz on it (or) no picture at all
3,582) Typewriter:  Known to type letters (or) Letters and music notes
3,583) Tyson bite off Holyfield's ear (or) never bit off Holyfield's ear
3,584) Tyvek House wrap (or) Twveek House wrap
3,585) U-Haul (or) Uhaul (with the slash on the "H" moved left.
3,576) Undercover brothers movie not remembered
3,587) UK national animal a Lion (or) not
3,588) UK Passport 2 Lions (or) Lion & A Unicorn
3,589) Una-bomber was not an MK Ultra Victim (or) Was a MK Ultra Victim
3,590) Uncle Ben (or) Uncle Ben's
3,591) Uncle Sam's hat Striped had (or) Just a star
3,592) Underdog Theme: "Speed of lightning" part of the song is at a different tune.
3,593) Under the dome Stephen King appeared in season 2. (or) Did not appear
3,594) United Soviet Socialist Republic  (or) Union Of Soviet Socialist Republics
3,595) United States abbreviation changed. Most would say USA which is now showing up as "US" without the A.  It was also known with periods in between the letters such as U.S. and U.S.A. which does not much anymore.
3,596) United States Capitol Building had on top: a American flag (or) Statue
3,597) United States Capital: Has always been Washington D.C. (as city, or state) (or) Created a "Capital for day" where 7 other city's got the chance before Washington D.C. to become the United States capital and was dismissed until Washington D.C. was chosen
3,598) United States Colonies: Before the United States got their states there were ____ colonies. 12 (or) 13
3,599) The United States now looks smaller (or) About the same size

3,600) United States: how many states? 50-55 (or) 55-60 (or) 60-70 (or) 70+ (or) other (Residue was found to point out on maps, that beside the 50 states we have today that there have been over 50 other states found. 
3,601) United States of ____. America (or) Mamerica (Name for United States (an old map shows Mamerica with over 53 states even though we have always been known as America. This is either something that did exist and now does not exist (or) something that never existed but does now as a history.)
3,602) United States Population keeps changing above Less than 250 Million (or) 250 Million  (or) 300-350 Million (or) Above 400 Million but less than 1 Billion (or) over 1 Billion (or) 2 Billion (note: was remembered at 2 Billion +)
3,603) United States Presidents: Different memories of when the first President started, how many we had, How many served, How many died, How they died, and memories of President who are not today. (See the "P" section for full list)
3,604) Universal Studios fire in 2008 burned down King Kong Theme Park and preserved content destroyed (or) half a million records were destroyed
3,605) Unknown song title: I am afro man running in the ____ from the Ku Klux Klan. Woods (or) Forrest (or) Jungle (also) They wear pointy hats _______ baseball bats. Beating down niggers with (or) Ak47 and (or) Ghost white sheets and
3,606) UNO (card Game) A player can only play 1 card at a time (or) Multiple cards can be played at once (if the game is 2 players and one used a skip, draw 2, wild draw 4 or reverse, you would have the opportunity to skip that player and play again. Yet the rules say you can not do more than 1 play.)
3,606) UNO (Card game): A player that does not have a playable card must keep drawing until a card can be played (no hiding wilds in hand) (or) only 1 card is drawn if you do not have a playable card the game goes on to the next person

3,607) UNO (Card game): A player who draws from the deck must either play or keep that card and may play no other card from their hand on that turn. (or) A card must always be played no matter if one was drawn from the deck or not

3,608) UNO (Card Game) Jump-In: If a player has exactly the same card (both number and color) as the top card of the discard pile, they may play it immediately, even if it is not their turn. The game then continues as if that player had just taken their turn (or) Not allowed to play outside their turn

3,609) UNO (card game): one card left you must yell UNO, if you forget to say UNO you have to do what? Draw one card (or) Draw two cards

3,610) UNO (card game): Score kept during game play (or) no score was ever required during game play

3,611) UNO (Card Game) Seven-O: Every time a "7" is played, the player who played the "7" card must trade their hand with another player of their choice. Every time a "0" is played, all players pass their hands to the next player in the current direction of play (or) not allowed.

3,612) UNO (card game): Shuffle card (a blank card) allows you to trade your cards with another player as you than received their cards (or) No shuffle cards are in the game
3,613) UNO (Card game): Stacking: One can play a draw 2 or wild draw 4 and instead of the next person drawing that many cards, They can lay down a draw 2 or wild draw 4 {if matched} causing the next person to have to draw 4 or 8, and this can keeping going until no Draw 2 or wild draw 4 is able to be played, leaving the last person to draw the amount of each card (or) one can only lay down one draw 2 card or wild draw 4 at a time, and the next person must draw that amount of cards. (or) You can stack draw 2 but not a wild draw 4. (This may not count as 1 player laying multiple draw 2 cards at once without giving the next turn)
3,614) UNO (card game): Wild card can be played at any time as well as the wild draw 4 card (or) Only the wild card can be played at any time, The wild draw 4 card made only be played when no matching cards are playable. If caught 6 cards are taken from the stack as a penalty 

3,615) UNO (card game): Wild card can choose any color except the current color (or) Wild can play any color which includes the current color.3,616) U.S. cruiser sunk killing 883 in August 1945 (or) never happen
3,617) USS Albany (or) USS Alabama
3,618) Utah State: North Utah (United States): This state is found on a older map of The United States, but currently is not apart of our 50 states. This means either it was a state and was removed by the Mandela Effect (or) Never was a state but now has history of a state (or) Were seeing history of a state from another parallel universe
3,619) Utah State: South Utah (United States): This state is found on a older map of The United States, but currently is not apart of our 50 states. This means either it was a state and was removed by the Mandela Effect (or) Never was a state but now has history of a state (or) Were seeing history of a state from another parallel universe
3,620) Utah State Capitol: Provo (or) Salt Lake City
3,621) V for vendettas mask white/black, (or) white/black with pink lips and cheeks
3,622) Vacumn (or) Vacuumn (or) Vacuum
3,623) Valentine's day (or) Valentime's day
3,624) Van Camp pork & Beans (or) Van De Camp's Pork & Beans
3,625) Van Gogh: Cut his own ear (or) Had it cut off in a fight
3,626) The Van Gogh painting "Starry Night" (or)  "The Starry Night"
3,627) Van Hallen (or) Halen
3,628) Vandalia State: (United States): This state is found on a older map of The United States, but currently is not apart of our 50 states. This means either it was a state and was removed by the Mandela Effect (or) Never was a state but now has history of a state (or) Were seeing history of a state from another parallel universe
3,629) vaporub (or) vapor rub (or) vapor-rub (also) Vick's (or) Vick (or) nothing listed with the name of the company
3,630) Vaseline (or) Vasoline 
3,631) Vegas State: (United States): (United States): This state is found on an older map of The United States, but currently is not a part of our 50 states. This means either it was a state and was removed by the Mandela Effect (or) Never was a state but now has history of a state (or) Were seeing history of a state from another parallel universe
3,632) Veiled virgin: No one remembered this statue being made
3,633) Verizon logo now has more squares than remembered
3,634) Vice President Calhoun: Served under John Q. Adams (or) Served under Andrew Jackson (or) served under both Adams and Jackson (Can a VP serve under two Presidents?)
3,635) Vice President Clinton (George): Served under Thomas Jefferson (or) Served under James Madison (or) Served under both Thomas Jefferson and James Madison (Is a VP allowed to serve under two different Presidents?)
3,636) Vicks Vapor rub (or) Vick's Vapor rub
3,637) Victoria Secret (or) Victoria's Secret
3,638) Vietnamese Dragon chickens with Dragon legs were never heard of until 2019
3,639) Vietnam war 1955-1975 (or) Just in the 1960's

3,640) Villify (or) Vilify
3,641) Vincent Price villain on batman?
3,642) Vincent Van cut off his own ear (or) got his ear cut off by someone else
3,643) Village (or) Villiage
3,644) Village people: 5 (or) 6
3,645) Village people (or) The Village people
2,646) Virgin islands was once a state in the United States
3,647) Voicemail calls coming in from the 1960's
3,648) Volvo ("L" is different)
3,649) Vodka- Absolut (or) Absolue
3,650) Wafers (or) Waffers
3,651) Wales West (or) East of England
3,652) Walgreens: Color on letters changed. Letters in green (or) not in green
3,653) The Wallflowers - Sleepwalker: God only ____ I try. Know (or) Knows
3,654) Wall Murial (or)  Wall Mural
3,655) Wall Street (1929 crash) caused hundreds of suicides (or) no suicides
3,656) Wall Street Bombing on 09/16/1920 caused143 to be injured, In which no one has ever heard of this.
3,657) Wall street: Greed is good (or) Greed is right, Greed works.
3,658) Walk of fame stars are different. Some remembered hand prints. designs were not remembered.
3,659) Walkers (potato chips) Cheese and Onions in what color of a bag?  green bag (or) blue bag
3,660) Walmart (or) Wal*Mart (or) Wal-mart
3,661) Walmart Supercenter (or) Walmart Supercentre (seen in a few states and other countries. 
3,662) Walnut whip (or) whips
3,663) Walt Disney drew Mickey mouse (or) never drew Mickey mouse
3,664) Walt Disney frozen after death (or) not frozen after death
3,665) Walter Peyton (or) Payton
3,666) War related: First country to allow black people to join the war: Confederate States of America (or) United States Of America in 1778
3,667) Warheads: (candy) All sour (or) sweat (or) outside sour, inside sweat
3,668) Warriors (Movie) warriors, come out ___ play. and (or) to
3,669) Washington D.C. declared the nation's capital in: Dec, 12, 1815 (or) July 16, 1790 (or) 1791
3,670) Washington D.C. Fire: 1812 (or) 1814
3,671) Washington D.C. Fire: Burn the white house only which than was the President's House (re named as the White house when painted white) (or) Burning of Washington D.C. even burning down the Capital as target 1 before burning the White House
3,672) Washington DC License plates: No Taxation Without Representation (or) Taxation Without Representation
3,673) Washington D.C. shaping:  Diamond shaped (or) Not Diamond shape
3,674) Washington D.C. shaping: Washington D.C.  borders one state (Maryland) and does not touched any part of Virgina. (or) Borders two states (Maryland and Virginia).
3,675) Washington D.C. state: D.C. was a state (or) D.C. was never a state (Note, prior to the 2021 vote)
3,676) Washington D.C. voting:  can vote (or) can not vote (Many remembered they could not vote in a president election and that is why they wanted to become a state, yet it was reported a voted in the 2020 rigged election)
3,677) Washington Irving: 19 century author (or) Current NBA player
3,678) Washington Monument has American flags all around it (or) does not have flags all around it
3,679) Washington State bigger?  (Or) as it is (or) Smaller (also) Washington state was a full square (or) square shape but cut off the top left
3,680) Washington state on the East Coast (or) West coast (is Found on a older map by the east coast next to ohio yet today it is located above Oregon state on the west coast.)
3,681) Water Boy (or) The Water Boy
3,682) Water bridges now exist as bridges with water on them. even though the bridge is over water already and the boats use that.
3,683) WB Logo: WB (B slanted) with space between the letters (or) WB (B slanted) with space (or) WB with space between the letters (no slanted letters)  (or) WB with no space between the letters and no slanted letters (also) W B (with space between letters) as W-B (or) W.B (dot being in the middle)
3,684) Werewolf cats now exist
3,685) logo: E is now slanted.
3,686) Weird animals: Now exist and are not explained where they came from or how they were created.
3,687) Weird Al Yankovic (or) Yankovich 
3,688) Weird al Yankovic died (or) Not dead as of 2021
3,689) Weird Al Yankovic: "Eat It" Picture falls off the wall randomly without any reason as not remembered before
3,690) Weird Al Yankovic: "Fat" (or) " I'm Fat"
3,691) Weird Al Yankovic: "I'm Fat"  I'm fat ,I'm fat (or) I'm fat, I'm Back
3,692) Weird Al Yankovic: like a virgin___ for the very first time touched (or) kissed
3,693) Wells Fargo words on sign white (or) Yellow
3,694) Wendy's: Girl had braid with red hair (or) No Braids
3,695) We're the Millers (or) Meet the Miller
3,696) Westmoreland State: is found on maps. This could be it was a state at one time and no longer is (or) never was a state but we now have a history for it.
3,697) West Virginia: Located next to Virginia (or) Louisiana (based on an older map)
3,698) West Virginia sniper attacks: were a series of sniper-style shootings that took place over the course of several days in August 2003, leaving three people dead in the U.S. state of West Virginia. The shootings were reminiscent of the Beltway sniper attacks that took place in Maryland, Virginia, and Washington, DC in the fall of 2002.  However, After the beltway Snipers no one had remembered any other serial killer that took place in that time. 
3,699) Western Sizzler (or) Sizzlin
3,700) Western Union (or) Westurn Union
3,701) Westylvania State: is found on maps. This could be it was a state at one time and no longer is (or) never was a state but we now have a history for it.
3,702) Whales: blue whales extinct (or) not extinct 
3,703) Whale: Can talk (or) can not
3,704) Whale: Killer whales now have a moustache stripe on there back
3,705) Whales: Pink whales exist (ot) Don't Exist
3,706) What a wonderful life (song) "The color of the rainbow so pretty in the sky, are also on the faces of people ____ by   Passing (or) Going
3,707) What Happen (TV show) Different spelling to the few that remembered the show
3,708) What Happen (TV show) Not heard of or remembered by many
3,709) Whatsapp (or) Wats app
3,710) Wheatabix or Weetabix
3,711) Wheel Barrow (or) Wheelbarrow
3,712) Where's Waldo (or) Where's Wally {Note searching Where's Waldo takes you to Where's Wally Wikipedia where it says it has always been where's Wally and only changed for the United States version. Of Course Waldon was the only version people knew until a few years ago. Now people from other countries now have memory of alter names)
3,713) Where's Waldo: Cane (or) no cane (also) color of cane red and white striped (or) brown
3,714) White House: Dome shaped on top of the building (or) No dome shape on top of the White House
3,715) White mark island existed (or) never existed but does now
3,716) White panda found in China for the first time
3,717) White- out (or) wite-out
3,718) White sox (or) White soxs (or) White sox's
3,719) White Sox win 2005 world series or not? Chicago cubs claimed Chicago has not been in a series since 1945,  however the White Sox went to a world series and lost in 1959, and was at a world series in 2005 and won.. most have a memory of another win
3,720) White sox wore shorts to in 1976 season (or) a few games (or) never did
3,721) White Throated Rails: Extinct 136,000 year old bird comes back from the dead. 
3,722) Whitney Bulger: Alleged Boston gangster died in 2013 (or) 2018
3,723) Who framed Roger rabbit has different ending
3,724) Wildebeast (or) wildebeest
3,725) Wilford Brimley died in 2020 (or) already died prior to 2020
3,726) Will Farrel (or) Ferrel
3,727) Will Smith: ___ Jiggy with it. get (or) Getting
3,728) Willem Dafoe (or) William Dafoe
3,729) William Daniels: Died in 2005 (or) Alive as of 2021
3,730) Willy Wonka (or) Willy Wonker
3,731) Willy Wonka and the Chocolate factory (1971 book) is now called Charlie and the chocolate factory which is the name of the 2005 squeal to the movie willy Wonka and the chocolate factory
3,732) Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory book (with a different title) not remembered. 
3,733) Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory: They taste the wall paper with fruit. was the whole wall fruit (or) some wall paper
3,734) Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory: ' You Do know What Happened To The Boy Who Got Everything He Ever Wanted, Don't You? (or) Don’t forget what happened to the Man who suddenly got everything he wanted. 
3,735) Willy Wonka's death: 2012 (or) 2016
2,736) Willy Wonka's Hat (or) Purple (or) Brown
2,737) Wikipedia now has a lager "A" at the end
2,738) Windows XP logo has changed.
3,739) Winn State (United States): This state is found on a older map of The United States, but currently is not apart of our 50 states. This means either it was a state and was removed by the Mandela Effect (or) Never was a state but now has history of a state (or) Were seeing history of a state from another parallel universe
3,740) Winnie the Pooh: Christopher Robin's shirt color: Blue (or) Yellow (or) white and blue
3,741) Winnie the Pooh: Eeyore boy (or) girl. Despite the fact the series shows a boy, people remembered the books showing him as a girl.
3,742) Winnie The Pooh: Eeyore skin color: Blue (or) Grey
3,743) Winnie the Pooh's gender: Girl (or) Boy 
3,744) Winnie the Pooh: Hundred Acre Wood (or) Woods
3,745) Winnie the Pooh: Kanga had an apron
3,746) Winnie the Pooh's name: A.A. Milne's son Christopher Robin had a teddy bear. The "Winnie" part was named after a Canada Bear while the "Pooh" part was named after a Swan at a zoo. However, people remember the teddy bear being named after something British. In the most recent movie (Christopher Robin) It was looked up on the internet of how the bear was named. People feel this is not the correct memory from what they knew, remembered, or read. 
3,747) Winnie the pooh's nose: Black (or) Black with white
3,748) Winnie the pooh: Piglet's shirt is what color? Red (or) Pink
3,749) Winnie the Pooh: Piglet had a tail? (or) no tail
3,750) Winnie the Pooh: Pooh's Grand adventure the search for Christopherobin: They're all hanging off the cliff as eeyore is biting a branch with rabbit holding his tail, piglet holding Rabbit. as Pooh holds on to Piglit while attempting to save Tigger. Eeyore mumbles something, What was said? Eeyore said you better not let go, in which Tigger asked what he said, which he let go by saying "I said you better not let go"  (or) Rabbit hurt Eeyore by pulling his tail in which Eeyore said ouch. Rabbit asked what he had said and Eeyore let go as he repeated ouch
3,751) Winnie the Pooh: Nose is all black (or) Black with a white spot
3,752) Winnie the Pooh: Rabbit skin color: Blue (or) Grey
3,753) Winnie the Pooh: Tigger's nose: Clear color (or) Black (or) pink (or) Red
3,754) Winnie the Pooh Tigger says TTFN ta ta for now (or) TTFN (note: TTFN means Ta Ta for now. But people remember his saying TTFN ta ta for now)
3,755) Winnie the Pooh: Owls eye's differently colored
3,756) Winnie the Pooh VHS Theme Songs: How many were there? Most of us knew about the "Hundred Acre Wood" song for the older versions, and "Gotta get up, Gotta get going" For the Vol 1-10,. The VHS tapes were divided between Playtime, Friendship and Learning in which only one had a separate song as the rest went with the "Gotta get up" theme. Many noticed a few years back that there were now 2 separate theme versions between the VHS tapes (Playtime/ Learning and Friendship) Now all 3 have their own theme songs!
3,757) Winona Ryder in the 1988 movie "Heathers": wore a monocle (or) did not wear a monocle
3,758) Winston State: (United States): This state is found on a older map of The United States, but currently is not apart of our 50 states. This means either it was a state and was removed by the Mandela Effect (or) Never was a state but now has history of a state (or) Were seeing history of a state from another parallel universe
3,759) Wisconsin State: Blue Wisconsin (United States): This state is found on a older map of The United States, but currently is not apart of our 50 states. This means either it was a state and was removed by the Mandela Effect (or) Never was a state but now has history of a state (or) Were seeing history of a state from another parallel universe
3,760) Wisconsin State: Red Wisconsin United States): This state is found on a older map of The United States, but currently is not apart of our 50 states. This means either it was a state and was removed by the Mandela Effect (or) Never was a state but now has history of a state (or) Were seeing history of a state from another parallel universe
3,761) Wisconsin State: lines up to the top of Minnesota (or) did not line up
3,762) Witch trials were done with: Burning witches at state (or) hanging witches
3,763) Witchcraft Trail: England had their last trail in what year? 1744 (or) 1944
3,764) Withdrawl (or) withdrawal
3,765) Wizard of Oz: Actor (wicked Witch) had disappeared with (now green smoke) she was burned so badly by the fire (or) never was born, and no fire was there. 
3,766) Wizard of Oz: a little person hung himself in the background (or) just birds they let free in the background
3,767) Wizard of Oz book series (9 books) now exist. Most people do not know of these books,  or ever heard of these books.
3,768) Wizard of Oz: Broom (wicked witch's) looks like a stripe broom (or) looks like a mop
3,769) Wizard of Oz: Color of Toto black (or) brown
3,770) Wizard of Oz: Dorothy's slippers have bows on them?
3,771) Wizard of oz: Dorothy's socks: white and blue (or) stripped
3,772) Wizard of Oz (or) The Wizard of Oz
3,773) Wizard of Oz: the fence was always broken in certain areas (or) Not broken, Why would someone paint a broken fence?
3,774) Wizard of Oz: Fly my little pretty (or) Fly Fly Fly (or) Fly Fly (or) Fly my little pretties fly
3,775) Wizard of Oz: Fountain stood behind Dorothy as she entered the kingdom (or) no fountain 
3,776) Wizard of Oz: _____ were in Kansas anymore. I don't think (or) I got a feeling
3,777) Wizard of Oz: Lion now has a bow in this head. Some remembered it as a tie on his chest while many do not remember it at all
3,778) Wizard Of Oz: Lion wiped tears with: handkerchief (or) Tail
3,779) Wizard of Oz: Man with crystal ball made a reference that the crystal ball belonged to ISIS terrorists (way before they existed?)
3,780) Wizard of Oz: "OZ" or "The Oz" was remembered to be a black acting remake of the Wizard of oz but does not exist
3,781) Wizard of Oz: "Oz the great and Powerful" is a sequel movie that people have never heard of. Did this exist?
3,782) Wizard of Oz: Pay no attention to _____ man behind the curtain. The (or) That
3,783) Wizard of oz: "Return to Oz''  is a sequel movie that people have never heard of. Did this exist?
3,784) Wizard of OZ: Scarecrow had a gun (or) Never had a gun
3,785) Wizard of Oz: Scarecrow has a walking stick (or) does not have a walking stick
3,786) Wizard of Oz: Scarecrow's nose: Black (or) Not black
3,787) Wizard of Oz: suicide was done by a dwarf and could be seen in the back ground of the movie (or) large birds was place in the trees, and no suicide
3,788) Wizard of Oz: Tin man had a hatch where is heart would be (or) did not
3,789) Wizard of Oz: Tin man sings a song with the word "balcony" in which a random voice from no one of the actors on screen says "o romeo where art thou" (who is the voice?)
3,790) Wizard Of Oz: Tin Man had a handle on the tunnel on his head (or) No handle
3,791) Wizard of Oz: Tin man: Tie (or) no tie
3,792) Wizard of Oz: Tin wan has on a tin shirt (or) no 
3,793) Wizard of Oz: tap your heels (or) click your Heels
3,794) Wizard of Oz: Tin man is Young (or) Old
3,795) Wizard of Oz: When the wicked witch left, You can see ____ smoke. Green (or) Orange
3,796) Wizard of Oz: Wicked Witch of the East: I will get you my pretties (or) I will get you my Little pretties (note she used the word "Little" every other time)
3,797) Woah (or) Whoa
3,798) Wonder Women: Marvel (or) DC comics
3,799) Woodstock: John Sabastian (or) Sebastian

3,800) Woody woodpecker movie: Reports to have different actors
3,801) Wookie (or) Wookiee
3,802) Worcester Sauce (or)  Worcestershire Sauce
3,803) World's debt (2021)  between 30- 50 trillion (OR) 244 Trillion
3,804) World's Population keeps changing (2021) Less than 6 billion (or) 6-7 Billion (or) 7 billion (or) 7.5 Billion (or) Above 7.5 Billion (note, they only cheek population every 10 years, so there is no reason it should change a few times a month.)
3,805) World Trade Center: Tower 3 was its own tower (or) a hotel (also) Known as World Trade Center 3/Tower 3 (or) Marriott Tower

3,806) World trade Center: Tower 7: Solomon (or) Salomon
3,807) World trade Center: Twin Towers, 1 tower was taller than the other by many stories (or) Near the same size with only a few feet in difference.
3,808) World trade Center: Twin towers had a stripe design (or) no striped design
3,809) World Trade Center: Twin Towers were the tallest towers (or) Sears Tower (now Willis Tower) (or) other towers in America larger
3,810) World War I/ World War II: Color of ships: Abstract color $ shapes (or) solid color like grey
3,811) World War II: 1932 (or) 1939 (start of war)
3,812) World War II German uniforms: Red ribbon was on the uniforms (or) was not on the uniforms
3,813) World War II: Japanese Attacked USA 3 times during WW2 besides Pearl Harbor (one of them hitting Canada). These attacks are: The Bombing of Ellwood Oil Field, The Bombing of Fort Stevens and the Lookout Air Raids, and the Japanese Fire Balloons (a.k.a. Balloons bombs). (also) Appears that the East side of the country has been attacked as well.
3,814) World war II: Japanese Balloons Bombs year: Despite the internet having this new information and saying it happened in 1944, there are people who remembered it happened in the 1980's.
3,815) World War II: Women pilots (or) no women pilots
3,816) Worms: Flat worms now exist
3,817) Wow signal: came from Orion (or) Sagittarius
3,818) Wraps around spiders now exist as not before. They wrap themselves around a tree limb and camouflage themselves
3,819) Wyoming state: Not remembered by some people, as others believe it is faked. . Does it really exist (or) computer simulation 
3,820) Wyoming state: on the west cost (or) East coast (older map shows east coast)
3,821) Xbox logo change: X- Box now has the slash combine with the "B"
3,822) X-men (or) X-man 
3,823) Xmen (or) Xman 
3,824) X-men: is said to have new or different ability to his powers
3,825) X-men: live action movie in the 1990's (or) No live action movie
3,826) X-Men – Some reports of alternate abilities for Professor X.
3,827) Yazoo was a state found on a map, but not remembered
3,828) Yield signs: Triangle shape (or) Equilateral Triangle shape
3,829) Yield sign was: yellow with black letters (or)  red with white letters. 
3,830) A yellow throated marten now exist
3,831) Yin and Yang (or) Ying and yang (or) Yin Yang (or) Ying Yang
3,832) Yogi Bear: Boo- Boo (or) Boo Boo
3,833) Yogi Bear: Boo Boo's Bow is what color? Blue (or) Purple
3,834) Yogi Bear's Scarf: Blue (or) Green (or) Red
3,835) Yogi Berra died prior to 2015?
3,836) Yoko Ono: Died shortly after John Lennon (or) still alive as of 2021
3,837) York Peppermint salon: Taste the Sensation (or) Get the sensation
3,838) You got mail (or) Got mail
3,839) YouTube: Founded in 2003 (or) 2005
3,840) Young ones (T.V. Show) 4 characters (or) 5 Characters

3,841) Yuta State: is found on a map that either existed and no longer does (or) never existed but now does exist because of the Mandela Effect.
3,842) Zagnut (candy bar) "A"  Is tilted and the "UT" is pushed together. 
3,843) Zapruder (movie): Originally In Black And White  Doesn't Exist (or) Did exist
3,844) Zebras: Now can be spotted (or) always was black and white striped.
3,845) Zelda: Logo changed. "z" is joined with other letters.
3,846) Zelda: Shiek (or) Sheik
3,847) Zesta Saltine Crackers: "Z" and "E" pushed together.
3,848) Zest Soap Commercial jingle: You're not fully clean until you're zestfully clean.(or) You're not fully clean unless you're zestfully clean.
3,849) Ziplock bags (or) ziploc Bags
3,850) Zombieland (Movie): Stole the car at the end (or) did not still the car at the end
3,851) Zodiac sign: 12 (or) 13
3,852) Zodiac signs are reported to be different and to stand for something different.
3,853) Zoey Deschannel (or) Zooey Deschannel
3,854) Zootopia (or) Zootropilis
3,855) Zootopia: had a Seal who was a parody of the singer seal. (Or) no parody of seal