YouTuber Channels List by Sandy DiVa

Updated on 2022-03-14

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************ Attention New AND Old Members ************

I’m sorry this took so long to get out but as promised, here is a list of YouTube channels that provide Mandela Effects (and some also talk about ME and Con. theories, FE, Aliens, Bible, spiritual and/or new age topics). While not all channels are currently active, those that are inactive, they’re library of past videos are still available to view.

I’m sure I’m going to miss a few, so if I missed one please post them in the comments. I have to say, I knew our community was big, but I didn’t realize just how big it was until I started compiling this list. There’s so many great channels, some not, but it’s all personal preference. Check them out and subscribe to the ones that interest you. If you’re new to our group and the Mandela effect (aka you’ve just found the ME in the past year) make sure to check out the channels older content which will help you to “catch up”. I’m also linking a few resources that I find helpful outside of YouTube. Enjoy the channels and welcome to the group!

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YouTube Channels
A Look into the Unknown
Affected Collective
All time
Armor Up
Artikel 7
Awake & Activate
Awakened Affected GM
Bible Truth Today
Brian Barrett
Brian MacFarlane
Brian Staveley (Multiple Channels)
Carla Redpill
Changing Matrix
Curious&Curiouser LIVE
Curiouser&Curiouser (Past MEs)
Cynthia Sue Larson
Dale DuFay: Terra’s of the Milky Way
Darkwolfs Den
Dead GPK
Digital Intel
Digital Scribe
Dominick The Frosty
Dr. Tarrin P. Lupo
Electric Tides
Eman 31
Esoteric Detective
Esoteric Divine Knowledge
Everyday Masters
Evin Powers
Flat Earth Focker
Geoffrey Pilkington
Glo 13
Guy Fauqes
Hazel Fiver
He-Bro From Eternia
Helen skygazer [the frosty]
Hidden knowledge
I am Lazlow
Jacob Israel
Jens Gems
Jynx Cat
Karen B
Leeaffected Chelle
Lone Eagle
Mandela Mile
Maybe it’s Mandela’d
Michael Musco
Michelle Platti
Need Input
Once Upon A Timeline
One Harmony
Propagate This Light
Quantum Businessman
Quantum Entanglement
Quantum of Conscience
Recall Vector
Ripon Rabbit Hole
Rob’s Mandela Effect
Salted Seeder
Sandy DiVa
Scarab's Back up - The Book of Daniel
Shawn indigo
Spaced Out Productions
System Failure (Mark Fewings)
The Black Sheep Researcher
The Four Forty Four Show
The Marlena Effect
The ME Researcher
The Real News Online
The TruthSeeker 69
Tommy TellTheTruth
Unbiased & on the Fence
Vanessa VA
Vault Team 6
World Church

Other Resources:
Nathaniel Winters-Hebert Flickr i.e. Mandela Effect Residue Database
Retconned on reddit
Mandela Effects on Reddit
Mandela Effects on Reddit 2
Mandela Effect Allfulness
I Abhor Cern Website

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