I’m sorry this took so long to get out but as promised, here is a list of YouTube channels that provide
Mandela Effects (and some also talk about ME and Con. theories, FE, Aliens, Bible, spiritual and/or new
age topics). While not all channels are currently active, those that are inactive, they’re library of past
videos are still available to view.
I’m sure I’m going to miss a few, so if I missed one please post them in the comments. I have to say, I knew our community was big, but I didn’t realize just how big it was until I started
compiling this list. There’s so many great channels, some not, but it’s all personal preference. Check
them out and subscribe to the ones that interest you. If you’re new to our group and the Mandela effect
(aka you’ve just found the ME in the past year) make sure to check out the channels older content which
will help you to “catch up”. I’m also linking a few resources that I find helpful outside of YouTube.
Enjoy the channels and welcome to the group!